Episode 19 Google Science Journal

Hi everybody and welcome to episode 19 of. May Google be with you in this exciting episode. We’re going to be looking at the completely free and awesome app called. Google science journal web of science journal search so what better place to take our episode then into nature so this evening. I’m in my backyard. The bees are buzzing. The greenhouse is growing wind is blowing sun is shining nature is just such an awesome place and we can tear down our classroom walls and get our kids outside and be able to record their observations. Google science journal web of science journal search is a completely free app that you can put on any of your iOS devices or of course the students are able to put it right on their mobile phones just to be able to connect with being able to take observations being able to use built-in sensors such as accelerometers compass you name it light meters and being able to record notes and take pictures and put it all in one handy notebook because you sign into the app with your Google account regardless of the device. You’re on as long as you’re signed in to it you have access to all of your science notebooks all the time so you’re not just stuck on one particular device especially if you have those shared devices but just make sure just like our previous episode with iPads if you’re having students use the app on shared devices make sure they’re signing in and out of the app before they go ahead and share with another student so today we’re going to take a look at how we can use the science journal web of science journal search just to be able to tear down those classroom walls and record everyday observations. I’m gonna show you how to use yep and then I think the ropey kids want to do a bit of a backyard experiment so let me show you what this looks like. You need to grab your device and open up google science journal web of science journal search so I’m going to go ahead. I’m going to open up Google science journal web of science journal search now. The first time you use science journal web of science journal search it is going to ask you to sign in with your Google accounts you’d want to sign in with your Emmons and catholic schools account if I look in the pancake stack.

I can see that I’m signed in at the bottom and of course this is also how it would be able to manage the account and be able to remove it off of here or to have another user now as soon as you come into science journal. The first thing you’re gonna see is a welcome to science journal. My journal web of science journal search already started for you. It wants to be able to give you some prompts of being able to use this and know what you want to be able to do to record your observations. This is an iPad so the view is a little bit different than a phone. If you were looking at this on of you would see this whole side panel just be at the bottom. As opposed to on the right-hand side. Now it’s really great is we’re going to be able to use this to be able to make some notes record some observations and take some pictures so we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna get started with one here because you think my kids want to be able to do one something to do with. Mentos so now what I’m gonna do first is. I’m gonna make sure that I go ahead and I’m going to start a new notebook as I start my new book. I have the opportunity to be able to give it a name and of course I could include a photo if I wanted to not a soda experiment. A soda experiment. Yeah now what’s really great about this. As the students are going to be able to now record their observations. They don’t have to do this all at once though they could be able to come back to it and add the recordings at a later time so now what I can do is the first thing is I could add some notes so I can add an observation as soon as I click on that little. What looks like a comment box. I have the ability to be able to add that observation. What we know is really fantastic about being able to do this on an iOS device is students can of course type the sub servation but of course we know that we do have the built in microphone to be able to dictate the observation so perhaps the kids can make a hypothesis.

I wonder what will happen if we put Mentos into diet pop now we can see that it’s recorded my observation as soon as I hit the little airplane button it basically flies it over and attaches it as a note right there in my science journal web of science journal search each note that Stach doesn’t allow me to continue to edit it or of course delete it now of course what I can also use is I can use these sensors. The sensor buttons really allow us to be able to take a look at different types of sensors. So in here you can see. I’ve added another one if I click the little Settings gear. It’s actually going to tell me how many different in the different types of internal sensors that are available so you find that there’s just too many sensors for your students. You can also uncheck some of them so that they don’t show up but it is nice just to be able to see the different type of sensors that we can use as part of our science journal web of science journal search things that we’re measuring these sensors are actually live and so we can see that as I’m sitting here if I move my iPad and I’m moving it up and down and I’m moving it around it’s actually recording that live of course I can change this and I can do some brightness. I’m sitting in the shade right now and as soon as I get up and I start putting it in the Sun. I may be somewhere a little bit darker so I can have all these different sensors happening at different times. These are live readings just using the data from inside this device. If you notice on the bottom right hand corner one of them looks like a little picture when I hit the picture button it basically just takes a picture of what I recorded that where it was at that moment that I took the picture of those levels and now I can also take a note and add a description and talk about what I was doing right there of that snapshot the other thing that I can do is as I’m moving my iPad. I’m looking at these different levels. I can see things changing as I go here. Another option that I have to be able to do is use the recording feature.

I’m actually going to record it and it’s going to talk about the front-facing camera. Oh we can’t record the background. That’s okay so it’s recording and you can see it turned red from where it’s doing the recording so as I move my iPad. I’m going to be able to change some of these different sensors and now we can see I can hit. Stop what it does is it completely. Oh not now. We’ll read it after this episode. What it did was it allows me to completely be able to put in those different recordings and be able to have it stay inside my science journal web of science journal search once again. I can look at the different details of this and I can see what this look like. It was a duration of 20 seconds. I can see the different features that are part of this so that’s really nice to be able to do another thing. I can do is. I can use my camera so I’m in my backyard maybe I want to snap a picture of my bees. It’ll take that it’ll put it right there in my science journal web of science journal search of what I just did and now of course again I can add a comment and a description and I can of course dictate that description right here inside of my science journal web of science journal search and of course you have access to any photos that are already existing on your device so we can see just how easy it is to be able to use the science journal web of science journal search and put all of these different features in it and just be able to continue to have that go. What’s really great is we. Don’t just have to do the experiments that we’re trying to make up. If we want to learn how to use these different sensors like getting started with light or getting started with sound which we know are a great fit in our science program of studies there’s activities that have already been created for us and so we can find those just right in the pancake stack so by looking here. I’ll get out of my soda experiment and I can go to the pancake stack and what I’m gonna see is a whole list of activities. It’ll basically open up the internet and will take you to the website made by Google where now I can look at all of the different activities of what I can do to use science journal web of science journal search 70 of them all ready to go for me now if I wanted to.

I could also browse it by level. These are mean you can see. I’ve got them filtered right now but these science journal web of science journal search is actually made for K to 12 so there’s really all different grade levels that we can use with these and what I can do is now. I can go ahead and I can find the different one I want to be able to use like if I want to do some sound experiments or some great getting started ones. I want to look at some timing distance. Gravity magnets all types of things. Alright so we decided what better way to show science journal web of science journal search then put it in action. I’ve got a couple of the roofie kids here today. That basically want an excuse to put mints into some pop so their question was what’s going to happen when we put Mentos into diet soda. I think we know that answer. I feel like you guys just want to make a mess. Yep okay well. This is what we’re gonna do so I’m gonna be doing is we’re gonna be recording the process here on science journal web of science journal search okay so Simon’s gonna go ahead and he wants to put in an observation a hypothesis about what he thinks gonna happen. I’m gonna let him just record his voice. I think that is gonna stay intact but everything else is gonna explode great so now. I can go ahead and I could let Mary be able to record her observation. I think that the carbonation will somewhere somehow come into play. We’re like the Mentos will react with the diet coke and it’s making Madison. Yes all right now we can. Of course we can go ahead and edit those different features. Don’t forget what we’re gonna do is we can also turn on some of our different accelerometers and some of those different things if there was a particular sensor that we wanted to be able to use for this just remember if you forget what the different sensors are or what’s going to be able to happen just go ahead and and you can look for those there and of course there’s the built-in info button for each one of the sensors to tell you exactly what’s going to happen so we’re gonna do is we’re gonna use our camera.

I’m gonna take a picture of my experimenters over in my yard please go far away from my computer and I’ll take your pictures to get started and then we’re going to record this experiment happening all right in we go. We’re going to do phase one of the experiment okay. They’re going well don’t cover it let’s see what happens put in more. I’m not gonna say I and I’m happy I’m happy about the mess well. I have some yard clean-up to do but hopefully you enjoyed this interactive episode of made. Google be with you now one last thing we have our August. Google summit is coming on August 26 and we are offering you to win to get in. We sell out every year but we’re offering people to enter to win guaranteed spots to our August Google summit so if this is something that fits in your schedule and you want to be part of fill out the form below this video enter to win. I’m gonna be drawing tomorrow and the next day in the next day for our last three episodes until we get lots of lucky people into that summit so for now. Enjoy the rest of your sunny day.

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