Engineer Bullet 01: Introduction & Setup

Today I’m going to talk about a bullet journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering. I created this is my introduction this is September 22nd 2016. What exactly is a bullet journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering. A bullet journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering is literally nothing more than just a physical journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering. As you’ll see there are a few different brands and types that make there are a few different brands and types that are ideal for a system that was created by Rider and you can find more at bullet journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering com where he sells his official journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering. I’m actually using a different journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering. I’m using the Luke term 1917. It’ll be linked below. I just the bullet journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering was unavailable and I read online the Luke term 1917 is just as good you can also use mole skiing or any of those others but what’s nice about. The bullet journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering is that it’s a system of tracking and so it’s a system of tracking your daily monthly and long-term goals appointments and habits. It’s cool because it’s analog so previously you know you just use an app or maybe a scheduler on your phone for me. I’m more visual so I thought this might be a neat way to test out just tracking a lot of different stuff. I’ve got going on so here where my wants that. I that I just simply wanted to get from the product. I wanted to be simple dude capable. I’ve seen a lot of videos on YouTube of some fantastic fantastic bullet journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineerings but honestly you know I. That’s not within my capabilities as far as artistic abilities nor my needs. I want to be efficient and I want to be able to be changeable where I’m going to start with one methodology and one and a few different features but I’m going to change over time depending on what I use or don’t use so I want to keep it really simple at first and lastly I just want to be able to track my different businesses and all the activities have got going on and and really understand what I’m doing on a weekly basis. So here’s just a little about me. 27 year old male. I’m an engineer by trade. I’ve been in the industry for five years as an engineer. I’m traditionally digitally minded but I’m very visual so I’m thinking that this could be an interesting escape from the digital world and focus in on like a more analog and visual type of tracking system for my daily life so let’s deep dive into my journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering like I said it’s the loop term 1917.

Let’s go over a few of my devices that I’ve been using to write it so the first is just a simple six inch ruler. It’s flimsy it’s got really nice sharp edge. I’ll have all this linked in the bio below a paper made clear point big fan of these also pin tell P 207 and then I use two pins on this just to see which one I liked. Better use the micron 0 3 by pigma and then the Sharpie pen and then on a few things I’m just using a regular just sharpie green fine tip and then there’s some longer straight lines. I’m using this Wescott stainless steel which is just an ultra nice rule or bendable. Alessa this deep dive into the actual journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering and see where I’m at so far so like I said September 22nd. It’s actually kind of a plus that. I’m starting to know of a month because I made out the entire month but I can. Actually you know change a few things with the next iteration for October. The first page is a contents page so first thing. I put in there is my name. I’m going to put my other information in there later. This first page was the content. So right here you put which number all the all. The pages are numbered after here so you can easily say ok. Here’s the key. Here’s my future log monthly and dailies. So it’s just a nice way to keep up with things. I actually made an error here and start on this page before I saw this page so I’m not an OCD perfectionist. So for me it was just uh oh let’s go back and correct it kind of thing the next page page number one so. GZ on here is the key. I’m going to use a simple key at first. I’ve seen some people with some really fistic ativ keys. I’m just going to start with the task. As a bullet completed it would be an X often migrated to the next week or month would be a little area so I’m just going to keep it really simple and you know I’ve got plenty of space to build from there as far as the future log does.

This is what you’ll see in the very first video from Rider. My future log is a little bit different. I chose to fit all four. There are many months in 2016 strategically on the first page. I think he shows it with three but for me. I just want to knock out 2016 and then I’ll focus in on 2017 and so on throughout the next few few months I actually saved an entire blank page if I go beyond you know an additional four eight months into the future. I wanted to give you a few tips quickly. If you do get the loop-de-loop term 1917 link down below is that from top to bottom. I actually went ahead and counted everything out. So you’ve got 48 dots going top to bottom and then you’ve got 34 dots going left to right so for me. Each one of these is ten. I actually have a little number right there so I started that so I started two dots in down 10. Took one space two ten ten ten and this left me a nice little bit of space at the bottom maybe. I can make them longer in the future if I need to add more space or put something else down there. I’m not really sure yet. This is a work in progress but start with September and then I did already out of date in here but basically I’m going to do is fill in as my activities get filled in here. Like say for instance. I booked something in November. I’m just going to write it on here and then when I go to make my next month okay I can go back and refer to fill out fill in where on the calendar things should go so this leads to my next page which like I said was a blank feature long alright. So here’s my monthly log for the month of September as you can see. I went ahead and went with ace. We’re pattern and unlike most people that often do like a portrait view like this where they can fit all seven. Today’s and actually a pretty focused on the difference between week weekdays and weekends so actually start with Monday and went through.

Had all my weekdays on one side and then on the right side had all my weekend stuff on the right. You have your tasks this is basically like where you can constantly refer back to and you’ll try to plug these into certain days throughout the whole month. I chose once again. A square pattern six dots by six dots. So you know. I went down one two. This is a third dot and I went down six and then 12 18 24 30 36. The most amount of rows you could have in a month is 6. September doesn’t necessarily use them so it’s ok I think I’m going to stick with this pattern anyway. So that’s consistent for month to month regardless of how many days are in the month or how the days are laid out down at the bottom. I have my daily log. I’m focused in on lifting cardio if I drank homework so that’s basically about his schoolwork meditation if I updated the journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering I put a mark and then if I go to my office then I put a mark what I’ll do is once again. I’ll refer back to this feature log to help you some of my dates to fill in whenever I start a new month so hopefully this future log will help fill in once. I get to October and one more week. I think that’s about it of nice few features I added. I added September monthly down here. September monthly September monthly once again. This just going to help me when I’m flipping pages quickly I can see it and won’t have to necessarily use a bookmark so this is for the last month the last week of September. Let’s head on to the daily log so here we’ve got September daily. This is the very first day. I’ve done September 22nd. I’m going to try to maximize that. Six bullet points a day. So here’s my six and you know tomorrow. September 23rd. I’ll put a line and I’ll start right there and move down the page once. I finish this page. I’ll move over this page and go down. I’m guessing it’s going to be about seven days so that’ll be kind of cool. That’s about a week and then over here. I’ve got this little tracker.

I’ve seen people with all kinds of things including like books. I’ve read music. They’re listening to movies. They watch all those are cool ideas for me personally. I’m just going to stick with my startup trackers so I’m actually I actually agree with those people that it might be valuable to track that stuff so what I’ll do is probably just make a page for it. But right now. I’m just going to focus in on tracking my startups each week and see how far I get and set my different projects. And then you know track my dailies so what will happen is today. We’ll go ahead and do a live demo so today. I did this so X today. I did this X say to this X X X and see this. I did not do but I’m getting it tomorrow so what I’ll do is add an arrow and that will move down until tomorrow and I’ll have you know five more things to choose hopefully from this page or whatever pops up on to fill in on the following day so hope. Everyone’s excited to keep up with this. This journal of electrical engineering, journals for civil engineering, journal of civil engineering please use the links below. If you’d like to get the products you’ve seen and start your own. I know I’m excited about it. You know previously out such a digital person and this seems like a nice analog alternative to help me complete my task and stay and achieve my goals so thank you so much and see you for the next video subscribe and like and we’ll see you then.

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