Global Research Letters


Multimodal Journal Publishing

Hi nursing journals, pharmaceutical journals my name is alex fletcher and i’m the associate director of development for the public knowledge project i’m going to give a presentation on multimodal journal publishing this was first given at the first international symposium on multimodal publishing hosted by the university of victoria i nursing journals, pharmaceutical journals …

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Open Access Publishing

Hello friends welcome back to learn with lakshman dharmaraj today. We’re going to talk about open access publishing in open access publishing. We’re going to cover four points. The first one is open. Access publication initiatives the second is sherpa romeo that is online resource to check publisher. Copyright and self-archiving policies. Third is software …

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[Part 1] Introduction to Operations Research – History, OR Today, Models, Structure, & Phases of OR

Hello welcome to the part 1 of our introduction to operations research operations research uses, operations research history lecture in this lecture we will be talking about the history of operations research operations research uses, operations research history operations research operations research uses, operations research history today modeling and operations research operations research uses, operations …

[Part 1] Introduction to Operations Research – History, OR Today, Models, Structure, & Phases of OR Read More »

Writing the Results Section for Research Papers

The results section of scientific research research paper for free, research papers free paper reports the findings of your study derived from the methods you applied to gather and analyze information it states the findings of the study or research research paper for free, research papers free and presents them in a logical sequence without …

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