Global Research Letters

Can you publish research papers out of your PhD area while doing PhD

Dear friends welcome to my next research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are video today. Let us discuss. Can you publish out of your phd area. Uh number one or can you publish a part of your phd thesis as a paper third thing. What is the actual requirement of the universities in india. See first thing can you publish out of your phd. Area means in general. Yes but at the same time. Please make sure that when you what you call diverse your focus from one area to different areas probably will not get the depth knowledge on your particular research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are work so i would definitely advise you if you can publish in the area which are beyond your phd research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are work which comes naturally means. That’s fine but do not spend some ex especially some time quality time on the particular work which no way it is going to help your phd means. It’s a waste of time because you have to concentrate on your phd work and whatever you do during the phd time. It should help your phd thesis. Not something else see i. I agree that you can expand your knowledge when you do in different field but that turned all you can do only after completing your phd but when you are into the phd absolutely make sure that you are publishing only in your area. That’s number one next thing. Can we publish a part of this is such a research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are paper because here i would say yes and no how it is yes i will know. Let me tell you first thing absolutely you should publish part of your research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are work. Not exactly how you have done in our original phd research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are. You need to change. For example you did a holistic work. Probably a part of work can be taken and that can be published. Don’t try to give the entire thing in the research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are paper because you may not have something to add in your original thesis so i would advise you instead of going for 100. What you have done in our research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are work publishing that a part of that work can be published but if you take universities in uk and other parts of the western countries they accept our cities. Even you can publish a part of pst work that can be added as one of the chapters you know phd also biggest thesis.

It is accepted there but in case if you take in indian context they may not accept exactly to add that as a chapter probably some iii’s they accept to know add as a chapters but not in normal universities so better. You have only the portion of your work to be published in a paper but make sure that all your publications during the pst. Uh what you call relies on rely on only your phd area. Don’t try to do something which is beyond your biggest area because your focus you will be out of focus so if you want to change your field you want to do interdisciplinary trans disciplinary. And all you can do it. After your phd in case your phd itself is a transdisciplinary research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are or interdisciplinary basis. Then fine you can go ahead publishing it but whatever the thing you have to for make sure that your focus is only with your actual objectives of the phd research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are. Not beyond that thing okay. And what else if i publish something which is beyond from my phd. Will it be counted. Definitely i would say that it will not be counted. Why see when you go on summit thesis. The university may ask you to have a two publications that true publication must be from your research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are field not from somewhere else see and there are people they take some random publication. They’ll go and tell the university that i got two publications. Shall i summit no because the research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are office will verify whether your papers are on your research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are area. So that’s very important. Don’t try to do something which is entirely somewhat different from your field. Let me tell you an example see in english if you think we have a two broad categories of research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are one is literature again in literature there are so many fields or some fields are there but in broadly speaking literature and elt english language teaching. See assume you are doing phd in english language teaching but you have publication good publication in literature then how it will be related to your research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are so definitely they may not take so.

Make sure that if you are doing a research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are on literature you need to have a publications only in literature especially with the subfield of your literature because again literature again. It’s a very very big vast area and el3 again within elt. You have to make sure that which particular subfield you are working on. You have to publish only in the particular thing so kindly make a note of it. One thing is you can publish even nothing wrong publishing beyond your phd area but still publishing within your biggest area is always advisable the publication. Which are there in your biggest area only will be counted. When you go for pst thesis submission if it is something completely irrelevant papers. You got even a very high impact factor wonderful journal peer reviewed superb journal. But it may not be taken into account the reason because your research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are is something different but your paper. Publication is different that will become issue and third and final thing. Because when you try to publish beyond your research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are area you are unnecessarily going beyond the scope of your research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are. Then you will not be able to really master your area. Then you are taking risk unnecessarily so up to the ps3 time better you restrict just to fence yourself within only phd research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are area and try to go depth into the paper and try to publish from your area only and one more thing do not publish the original exact essence into the research publish paper in journal, article published in research journal are paper. You publish only a portion of the paper in case you have got some questions exactly you have some different rules you please comment it in the comment box. Let me address you in the. I’ll answer you in the comment. In case you want some other video also you can tell me. Let me post in the next time and till then bye from raj shaker and i’ll catch you in the next wonderful video bye.

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