Open Access Publishing

Hello friends welcome back to learn with lakshman dharmaraj today. We’re going to talk about open access publishing in open access publishing. We’re going to cover four points. The first one is open. Access publication initiatives the second is sherpa romeo that is online resource to check publisher. Copyright and self-archiving policies. Third is software tools to identify predatory publications one such is developed by sppu and fourth one is journal finder journal suggestion tools like jane elsevier journal finder and springer journal suggester etc. Let us first of all try to understand what is open access publishing there are a few definitions of open access publishing. The first such definition is made by cornell university library the definition made by cornell university library of open access publishing is open access is freely available online content according to cornell university library open access is freely available online content. It is unrestricted unlimited online access for academic articles all sorts of academic articles. It is open open means open to all you living journal, remote sensing journals can freely have an access state. According to berlin declaration open access is a free unalterable global accessible publication. What is it open. Access is a free unalterable global accessible publication see there are some benefits of open access publishing open access publishing eliminates the price and approval restrictions and assures the best possible access to the readers it eliminates the price element in most of the cases. There are prices high prices and you living journal, remote sensing journals need to have approval of the authors in cases in case of other articles but in case of open access these problems are not there therefore it is said that it eliminates the price and approval restrictions and assures the best possible access to the readers. There are a few critical components of open access publication these are online delivery further dissemination and effective archiving are the critical components of open access publishing.

The threat of being led into deception. Is always there with all kinds of journals. Be it a print journal or an open access journal. So it’s very important. For the researcher to know about the predatory publications of predatory journals. How would you living journal, remote sensing journals understand. Which of the journals are predatory that is how to find predatory publications. Okay let us try to ask some of the questions to the journals and try to have the answers of those questions. If you living journal, remote sensing journals try to find out answers with those questions you living journal, remote sensing journals will easily know whether this journal is predatory or not. Okay so the first thing the first question you living journal, remote sensing journals ask is do they charge fee for publishing. If a journal charges fee for the publication it is a predatory journal it is not a genuine journal because it is a kind of business. Okay so this is one thing you living journal, remote sensing journals got to remember. However for the purpose of archiving they may charge the fees this has to be kept in the mind if a publisher is not charging for the publication but for the archival the fees can be charged. Okay the second thing that you’ve got to understand is are they not peer reviewed because it is supposed that all the journals should be peer reviewed if they are not pure period journals they are predatory journals so they are fake journals. They lead you living journal, remote sensing journals into something that is unwanted or an unethical practice. The third question that you living journal, remote sensing journals have to ask is do. They restrict academic freedom. I mean is the academic freedom given by those journals to the writers. That is another point that may help you living journal, remote sensing journals understanding the journal whether it is predatory or not the next question that you living journal, remote sensing journals can ask is do they. Ensure that the copyright of the offer are maintained if copyright is maintained the journal is not predatory if it is not maintained it is predatory and the last point or the last question that you living journal, remote sensing journals need to ask yourself is are they typically of low quality if these journals are of low quality then remember they are the predatory journals.

Now let’s talk about shepard romeo shrepa. Romeo is an online resource to check publisher copyright and self-archiving policies. What is it it is an online resource to check publisher copyright and self-archiving policies. Sharepoi romeo is a service run by shepard. Sherpa is a company it is a service run by shefa company to show the copyright and open access self-archiving policies of academic journals. You living journal, remote sensing journals can find the information about these things there. Romeo in sherpa. Romeo is an acronym for rights metadata for open archiving try to understand. Romeo is an acronym for rights metadata for open akai wing this database of sherpa. Romeo used a color coding scheme to classify publishers. According to their self-acquiring policies colors. Coding scheme was used to classify publishers according to their self-archiving policy okay this shows authors whether the journal allows pre-print or post-print archiving in their copyright transfer agreements because authors have to make an agreement with the publisher and this color coding scheme use the offers whether the journal allowed pre-print or post-print archiving in their copyright transfer agreement sherpa review currently holds the record for 22 000 journals. It might have changed by today. Understanding predatory journals. It is very important for the researcher to realize which of the journals are predatory. It is very difficult to identify. The genuine journals and predatory journals however ericsson has given an extensive list to the points which helps the researcher to understand the predatory journals according to ericsson if the journal is not indexed by competent scientific database if the journal is not indexed by competent scientific database it is a predatory journal according to ericsson if the journal website does not contain information about the editorial boat then also it can be a predatory journal the journal website does not contain information about the editorial board their journal can be predatory if there are non-academic advertisements on the web page see.

If there are non-academic advertisement to the web page the journal can be predatory if the website of the journal does not contain information on the address and contact details of the editorial board then also it can be a predatory journal in some of the journals the editorial board and the members of peer review are not mentioned. Clearly if this is the case then you’ve got to believe that these are the kinds of predatory journals if the website of the journal does not contain information on the address and contact details of the editorial board. Then if the scientific work of the editor-in-chief the editorial board and the columnists cannot be critically monitored. Then also you living journal, remote sensing journals can consider that this is a predatory journal. What is it. If the scientific work of the editor-in-chief the editorial board and the columnist cannot be credibly monitored. Then there is a chance that this can be a predatory journal next is if there is no transparent description of the publishing process given by the journal or journal website. Then there is a chance that it can be a predatory journal so there should be the transparent description of the publishing process. The next is if the journal claims an alternative that is fake. Remember if general claims an alternative impact factor score impact factor score is considered very important in case of journals if the journal claims an alternative that is fake. Impact factor score. Then you living journal, remote sensing journals be hundred percent. Sure that this is a predatory journal. This is not a genuine journal. And the last one that you living journal, remote sensing journals have to keep in mind is if the scientific work of the editor-in-chief editor-in-chief of the journal if the scientific work of the editor-in-chief of the journal the editorial team members of the journal cannot be tracked in the scientific database. If this information cannot be tracked in scientific database then consider that this is a predatory journal and keep yourself away from these kinds of journals to be a good researcher.

Let us talk about software tools to identify predatory journals in india. There is a body called ugc and there is also a body called cpe uh it is center for publication ethics and it was established in savitri by fully university. Pune university pune is generally written as sppu. This center for publication ethics of savitri by fully pune university pune keeps watch on journals without quality. I mean it has a mandate to keep watch on journals without quality there is another body called ugc ugcc’s university grants commission. It is a sovereign body that keeps watch on affairs related to higher education and research it keeps on publishing the list of quality journals from time to time it might have published some three four five lists by now to maintain high quality research standard among indian academia. Under its purview university. Grants commission has a quality mandate it has established ugc consortium for academic and research ethics that is written as ugc care to ensure this among other initiatives it has created and now maintains a ugc care. Reference list of quality journals called ugc care list for academic purposes it has created two groups list group 1 and list group 2. ugc careless group 1 include all indian journals mainly from social sciences humanities culture and indian knowledge systems languages and arts that meet the quality criteria ugc careless group 2 includes journals from across the disciplines listed with web of science that is social science citation index source publication arts and humanities citation index shows publication science citation index expanded source publication and scopus that is corpus list. Now let’s try to understand about journal finder or general suggestion tools. The first is j j’s journal author name estimator. Its full form is journal author name estimator it can be attract at the website given here on the on the slide. You living journal, remote sensing journals can check it.

The next is elsevier journal finder. You living journal, remote sensing journals can just type and save your general finder in google. And you living journal, remote sensing journals will get the web page wherein you living journal, remote sensing journals are supposed to write some information and redirect it to the journal directly and then last one is springer journal suggester sprinkle journal suggester also suggest you living journal, remote sensing journals the list of journals that you living journal, remote sensing journals want to publish your papers in now. Let’s try to understand meaning of certain terms which you living journal, remote sensing journals may not have come across okay first. Such term is corpus what is corpus scopus is a bibliographic database containing abstracts and citations for academic journal articles. What is corpus. Scopus is a bibliographic database containing abstracts and citations for academic journal articles. Then what is citation index a citation index is a kind of bibliographic index an index of citations between publications. What does it do. It allows the user to easily establish which letter documents cite which earlier document citation index is a kind of bibliographic index and index of citations between publications. What does it do. It allows the user to easily establish establish which later documents cite which earlier documents. Then there is something called impact factor that is written as if or there is it is also written as journal impact factor that is jief the impact factor if or journal impact factor. Jif of an academic journal is a scientometric index calculated by clary weight that reflects the yearly mean number of citations of article published in last two years in a given journal as indexed by clary waits webb science. Try to understand clary. Weight is the name of our company so the impact factor of an academic journal is a cytometric index calculated by clary weight wait is the name of a company that reflects the yearly mean number of citations of article published in the last two years in a given journal and it is as per the indexation by clariwade’s web science. These were some of the terms you living journal, remote sensing journals needed to know. That’s all i had to tell you living journal, remote sensing journals about open access publishing.

I hope you living journal, remote sensing journals have understood certain concepts and if you living journal, remote sensing journals have understood them and if you living journal, remote sensing journals liked this video please press the like button share this video with your friends and if you living journal, remote sensing journals have not subscribed to the channel yet please do subscribe. Thank you living journal, remote sensing journals very much for watching.

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