WECP M L2 What is a Research Paper

Good morning warm. Welcome to all of you. Professor fatigue has really set this stage up very well for starting the technical sessions of this workshop so this is session 2 and before we begin the actual session. Let’s briefly look at the goals of this workshop. Let’s say the practical goal of this workshop is to improve the chances of getting your conference paper accepted. It’s a very material practical goal. However this practical goal actually serves a much deeper goal and it goes. The deeper goal is something which a number of people have said that writing improves thinking. Writing improves research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published. This should mean that if you write well if you learn how to write well you will learn how to think better. You will learn how to do better. Research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published and as teachers and faculty members in educational institutions. These are very important goals for us and for our students so learning how to write effective research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published papers is a skill that goes much beyond simply getting a paper accepted however it also gives you the additional benefit that you will be able to convey your ideas more effectively to your colleagues and other people in the scientific community so what we will begin by is by looking at what is a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper and all that we have to say whether a me and my colleagues at this point holds equally. Well for research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published papers that you might think of sending to a journal or to a conference for the most part of this workshop. What we say is common to all kinds of research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published. Papers the brief differences we will discuss in one of the later sessions. So let’s begin by examining what is a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper and we will make you may have make full views of full use of a view and the interactive software that we have to try to answer this question so here. There’s a short abstract of a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper what I’d like all of you to do first is simply read it and then I’ll say what to do so all of you. Please read this okay and participants in the remote centers if you could please raise your hand and vote whether you think this is a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper or not.

Just raise your hand within and coordinators if you could please convey the majority answer through the chat window we will be able to get feedback here on what the majority of the participants think so. I’m going to switch over to the chat window but I’d like everybody in their centers to just take a guess. It’s okay if you’re not sure. Okay we are getting some answers number of answers excellent so. I’ve got at least ten answers so far and most people say that no this is not a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper. This is not an abstract for a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper most of the majority says that and the reason is that a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper is not simply compilation of existing solutions or existing technologies. If you go back to the abstract back here you will see that. This resembles lecture notes. It’s a summary of what exists. It’s not at all clear here as to what contribution what key idea has the authors have your authors try to convey so the first point we learn here is that compilation of existing technologies is not a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper and a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published. Paper should not look like lecture notes or a summary of a book or several books at your brain. Let’s look at one more such example and we’ll do the same thing here is another abstract and I’d like you to vote participants. Please vote if you think this. This is an abstract of a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper and coordinators please convey through chat okay so a large number of answers are coming in from the chat window and here again. I would say the majority very seriously say that. No this is not the abstract for a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper either even though here it looks like the authors have done something and have tried to convey the idea. You are right again. The reason this is not a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper is that what we just saw is looks like a report of your work. A straightforward reporting of your work again is not a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper so that leads us to ask the question if research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper is not simply a report and it’s not simply a compilation of what exists.

So what is a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper. So what we’ll do at this point is look at some key aspects that must be present in a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper we are not saying that this is the exact order or this is the section in which you must write your paper but we are looking at the key features key aspects that you all need to have in a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper and if you note here. I’ve underlined the word research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published so which means you have to start with an inquiry a problem so a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper has to very clearly state. What is the problem that you are addressing. However it’s not sufficient to simply address this problem. Say that this is the problem. I am addressing because you have to explain to the reader why this problem is important. Why is it interesting. Why is it relevant for the reader. Who would be the target audience. That might be interested in this problem so uh along with stating the problem. You also have to clearly articulate why the problem is important again. It’s research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published you can’t talk in vacuum. You have to situate your work in the context of the knowledge that exists. So you have to talk about. What have others done to solve this problem. You also have to talk about how you went about solving this problem so you have asked your question here you have said why is your question important what others have done and now what is your answer and then you also have to convince your reader that you can. Your solution is believable. Why is your solution valid. What we’re saying through the slide is these are the bare minimum points that research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper must have and throughout this workshop. We will add few more points here and we will also expand on many of these points however a paper that doesn’t have any of these will not be considered as a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper by scientific community. And it’s not going to help you improve your research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published skills. There is a role for a competing a paper which is a compilation of existing solutions.

You’ve done very rigorously and very thoroughly. It can become a good survey paper but for this workshop will only be concentrating on research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published papers for conferences. Where you have to talk about some work some that you have done okay. So let’s now look at the main purpose of a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper that you know what you want to put in it but you know where we are asking. Why are you writing this research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper. So let’s do the same thing if all of you could please vote in your respective remote centers. Here we have more number of choices and all of these could be true so. I did not put on all of the above right here but I would like you to think about. What is the primary goal of writing the paper. I see a large number of answer ones coming in and a few tools. So let’s actually discuss these two and I am quite happy that I don’t see a three or four yet. Even though for a lot of us it is important. But you’re right that we should not be writing a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper only to serve purposes three and four so our claim is that the main purpose of a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper is to convey your idea in the process of doing it. You will need to describe either the technology you have implement or some new strategy that you have tried with your students or a proof of a theorem that you have discovered and so on however the reader may not be interested in this technology the reader may not even know what this technology is. They may not have access to this technology. So what you need to do what you need to keep in your mind while writing your paper. Is that convert conveying your. Your ideas are the key thing you need to do once you remember this then the clarity. There’s a much greater chance that you’ll be able to convey your ideas more clearly professor. Park also mentioned this in his session just before that when we are reading somebody else’s writing we don’t have them in front of us to guess to ask what they are saying. We have to guess what they are thinking.

Based on what they’ve written we don’t have their body language to guess at what is going on in their heads so the only means only vehicle of communication between you and the reader is the writing and that should be all that you are focusing on. So let’s look at why you should write a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper you know in a slightly different angle and I did mention this. At the beginning of this talk that several people several wise thinkers around the world have said the following things that when we start writing it forces us to think clearly and I think most of us also have had this experience when we start. Let’s say when we start planning a paper or maybe even when you start planning your lecture for the next morning the moment we put pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard we realize that well there is something that we don’t understand and we have to go back and learn it. Writing helps us learn how to learn unknown things. Learn how to clearly think through known things and if you’re in the game of doing research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published writing is an integral part of research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published it’s how you share your ideas. It’s how you refine your own ideas so when you think of writing a conference paper you have to. It goes much beyond simply writing it for a given conference. There are several models as to how you should begin writing and when you should begin writing and a traditional model is that you first do the research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published and then you write the paper which is which has a lot of truth to it however there have been some people who have said that well you start writing the paper and in the process of writing the paper you will realize what research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published you need to do what you still need to learn so even if you have an idea of what you would like to do. I’d like to encourage all of you to start planning your paper and I’d like you to take these two days to in fact just put into practice all the skills and the guidelines that you will learn in order to translate that plan into an actual draft so let’s spend the next few minutes looking at what constitutes effective research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published papers because that’s the title of this workshop again.

There are a number of questions so the first question is and we’ll use the chat window as you did earlier it seems to be working quite well. I received more than 20 submissions for each of the questions. Close to 30 for the initial ones. So the first question is when you are writing a paper you can you have to make claims you can make different kinds of claims so here are two possible claims what. I’d like you to evaluate is which of these two claims helps the reader. Focus better so if you are the reader which would help you read the rest of the paper better. Which do you think is more effective. Okay the answers are coming in and even though I see a mix of a and B’s I would see that most people have chosen B however. There is a huge problem when you write me. Let’s first look at the advantages of B it looks like the people the authors who have written claim. B seem to have done a lot. They seem to have done more than what people have done with a however if you write a claim like B the reader or the referee of your paper does not know whether she should focus on the novelty or the cost-effectiveness or the fact that it’s better or the fact that it’s efficient or the fact that you have open source tools and please remember. Every claim has to be justified and validated. This is a very important aspect so the reader is left to wonder how you have managed to validate each one of these if you have not validated some of these. The claims are quite useless and your paper is not perceived in a good light by the reader or the referee so good piece of advice that referees of important conferences give and people with a large number of years of research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published. Experience give is that. Keep one key focus in your paper. It’s a little counterintuitive because two does seem like there’s a lot going on maybe you can have two focuses. Two foresight don’t spread your readers attention across multiple properties multiple characteristics that they have to keep track throughout your paper.

It’s also difficult for the author to write a paper where he is able to address each one of these describe each one of these with figures and diagrams write results for each one validate each one. Write a sound methodology for each one. Prove each one. It’s very difficult for an author to do all of it. And also you also have a paper length constraint for the number of words that you write so rather than spread your efforts all over the place thereby reducing the readers attention keep one key focus and throughout the paper. Keep hammering at it. All sections of your paper must keep talking must keep validating and talking up and explaining about the new standard what are the different features and while it’s a good standard. I hope that makes things clearer. Let’s look at one more question so what. I will do here is give you two statements or two sentences and I would like you to judge which you should put first in the paper both might be there but which should come first A or B. Okay this time most of you seem to have the right idea here indeed we should come first because V is talking about the overall idea and more importantly B is talking about an illustrative example the illustrative example and the overall idea. Give an intuitive sense to the reader. Of what you are thinking. Once the reader has an intuitive sense. She is able to follow what is written in the details. Moreover if the reader cannot follow what’s written in the details it doesn’t matter too much so long as they get an intuitive idea of what you’re trying to say so even though. I see a look. I see a unanimous choice of B. You’d be surprised. At how many research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published papers that get submitted to conferences actually begin with a so. When you’re writing your own paper make sure that right in the beginning give your overall idea and use an example right at the beginning you can give a definition but I would say give your example and then give your definition.

This makes the reader happy. This makes the author happy because the author’s ideas are immediately clear to the readers. Next we look at two ways of stating your contribution and let us say you are now the referee of a paper and you are looking at two papers with contributions written in two different ways. What I’d like you to say is which to you as a reader so now I want you to put on your readers hat which is clearer as a reader A or B. Okay again most of the answers from the remote centers say that a states the contributions clearly this is supremely important. When you write a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper that the reader should be able to find your key contributions easily. You don’t make it hard on the reader to figure out to identify what exactly you have done. You may have done all of two. However it’s not here by reading this what exactly is the contribution of the actual paper so state your key. Contributions clearly state them early on will come to this especially in the practical session. Make sure that the reader is not left wondering what the paper is about so in this session so far we’ve just looked at a few key aspects that must be present in a conference paper and we’ve also looked at a few tips on how to write effective conference papers so what I’d like you to like to do is just walk you through the rest of the day and the rest of tomorrow rest of the workshop where we will be expanding on all these points we did talk about so here. Are the various points of well-written conference papers. Well-written research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published papers whether they’re for conferences or journals. We talked about a key focus. We talked about the clearly stated contribution. We’ll come back to that in the practical session. A well-written research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published paper also has a logical flow. The problem must be set up. Well the importance of the problem must be explained. That’s the why you must say who is the target audience for the problem.

Who would be interested in reading the solution. You have to describe or explain what your solution is all about and then you also have to defend it you have to explain it before you can defend it because unless the reader understands what you’re trying to do they won’t be interested in your proof of it so again these things my colleagues professors gaitán den Canyon. We’ll talk about it in session. Three parts of it we will bring come back to it in the practical session number five and in tomorrow session number seven which. I will be conducting again. We will look at how to set up a logical slope when you are describing your results or your method. Graphics are a very powerful tool so professor cathode named session three will explain how you should use the most powerful most relevant graphics when you are explaining your methodology or when you are explaining your results most referees after they read the first two or three lines of the introduction will flip through the pages and look for the graphics so it’s in your best interest to make sure that you have accurate and relevant graphics and well presented graphics in your paper. We already talked a little. Bit about illustrative examples in the general case. And we’ll be looking at more examples. How exactly to do this in today. Afternoon’s practical session. There are some practices you have to follow regarding good writing style language and formatting and tomorrow session eight on writing style by dr. McNutt rave would cover these aspects and you may be doing an excellent job in all of these different aspects however even if you are accidentally or unintentionally borrowed that’s the strongest word. I will use right now. Borrowed words from somebody else. You will be your paper will be treated as if it were play erased. You may not have meant it because you may just have borrowed somebody else’s words to report what somebody else has done. Unfortunately that is not sufficient.

So what we learn in session six. The first session tomorrow morning is how do rephrase how to paraphrase other people’s work because by now. We know that we have to discuss what other people have done. In addition to these we have another very important session on scientific presentation skills it doesn’t appear on the slide because here we are talking about writing skills but presentation skills are very are complimentary to writing skills most of the times. When you write a conference paper you would also be making a presentation on it. Professor suno will talk about effective scientific presentations at. I believe 12:45 today so to conclude this session what I’d like all of you to notice. Is that most of these points here. Do not talk about English. They do not talk about writing. There is a little bit here but I would say 90% of the aspects of characteristics of well-written research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published papers are not about the English and professor partek mentioned his beautiful experiments. He also gave you a challenge. You all spoke a great length about how it’s not exactly the language that matters the English but it’s about the ideas and the flow of the ideas and the coherence so that will be the focus of this workshop over both of these days in all sessions. I’d like you to be paying more attention to the structure. What should come first. Should you remove something. Have you stated your contributions clearly enough. Should you add something. So let’s focus a lot on the structure the English or the language is the vehicle to implement this structure. That’s the first point. I’d like to make the second point. I have already made a little bit. That all these characteristics of well-written research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published papers are hold true for conference as well as journal papers and I would say that. To a large extent they would hold true to most disciplines so far we haven’t made any distinction between how papers and engineering should be written. How papers and computer science should be written or math.

Should be written or education should be written but these are common aspects that should be present in most research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published papers. And that brings us to one uniting characteristic of all of you you may think that all of you are from different engineering disciplines so how can a workshop benefit everybody but there is one common theme that or one common characteristic that all of you share and that is that all of your teachers so what we would do what. I’d like to do is have you or I would like to suggest to all of you. That set a personal goal for this workshop. Where you take some teaching practice and learn how to convert that teaching practice or how to convert the idea that you have of either a new teaching practice or a new tool that you have developed into a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published article we will spend a few sessions explicitly doing it but since all of your teachers that’s the common platform that all of you have and that’s also perhaps a passion that all of you share. Plus most teachers that I know have all have all developed some interesting innovative teaching and learning practice teaching and learning strategy or a tool. So why not take that idea that you have that is your idea and convert it to a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published article exactly how to do this. We’ll begin in session five this afternoon session. There will be a short homework assigned on this and then we will carry we. We can even decide to carry on this theme of taking a taking an innovative idea and teaching and learning and helping you refine the draft. In fact we do have a conference coming up. It’s called technology for education where the theme of the conference is to discuss either technological tools or pedagogical strategies for teaching and learning. So if you decide to take your idea and convert it into a research research paper publisher, research paper published, research papers published article based on all these rigorous characteristics you can even consider submitting your article to the conference. I will give you more details about the conference in one of the later sessions so I think I’d like to conclude the session for now.

Thank you you.

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