Case Study Session: Electric Car

Here at grandeur design. I have the pleasure of introducing class. Fredrickson hello everybody and class and I will be running a webinar on electric cars. Sustainability and eco design so over to class yes. Thank You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles Hana and hello. Welcome to this case study session which is based on another one of our advanced industrial case studies for CES edupack. My name is. Klaus as you’ve heard and I’m responsible for the online training here at the education division of Granta and I also run the workshops and short courses that we arrange all over the world. This is our fourth in a series of the quarterly online training sessions for a g-pack users and today’s topic as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles heard is a very interesting one. I think sustainability and eco design of electric cars. The philosophy is that these case studies should inspire for example engineering educators and facilitate the materials related teaching that might occur in your universities for this case study session. You’ve already heard hon. Emilia and she’s the product manager for CS AG packet printer design so. She’s very good contact. If you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have suggestions for improvements in the software for example ok so what’s today’s agenda good so today we are going to start with an introduction of the case study give some background on electric cars in general and also on CES edupack. And then we’ll be showing you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles how you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can use the LG pad to compare different powertrains in the Eco audit tool before moving on to visualizing data and the NJPAC that’s pertinent batteries and looking at their critical materials used in batteries and power trains in electric vehicles will also have a look at the sustainability database and the in Meishan that we’ve got on regulations and the nations of the world and finally we’ll look at the performance of electric motors and why rare earth elements are important. Very good. Ok so let me introduce the subject a little bit more. The background here is of course that we think that the development of electric and hybrid vehicles is a very interesting one that that will engage in interest our students and as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles may be aware of there’s a huge growth currently in the number of vehicles both in the UK and globally and we have a diagram here showing the increase in the number of vehicles in the UK but the development is the same.

I think in in most European country at the moment it seems that the hybrid electric gasoline vehicles is the most popular one that they’re also a great number of electric vehicles being sold so with the electric vehicles of course comes the need for batteries and traditionally many battery types have been problematic in that they contain toxic or otherwise environmentally unfriendly elements so in most car batteries. Today we have led for example and there’s also nickel cadmium based batteries and old type of batteries that contain mercury and all of those are problematic for health or environmental reasons so they’re being phased out more. Modern batteries are typically based on lithium-ion technology and they also quite often contain cobalt in the cathodes so that is considered a critical element. So we’ll talk a little bit more about that and most electric motors also have magnets now. The early models of Tesla for example they had a technology based on induction so they were more or less magnet free but even Tesla has more recent models started to to use kind of very strong type of permanent magnet to increase efficiency in the electric motor. Now these very strong magnets do contain rare earth elements and they’re typically based on neodymium and may also have samarium for example and dysprosium which are all examples of the critical elements. So we’ll mention that towards the end also and have a look at why they are needed in the electric motors good so we are going to first have a look at different powertrains for electric vehicles and do a eco audit of those so the Eco audit tool you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles might already know is at all in the anti pack that is there to help students to look at and the environmental impacts of a product over its whole life cycle so from the material production right through to manufacture product use and end-of-life and it looks at the energy used over that life cycle and also the carbon footprint and it thinks about the feedstocks.

What’s an energy used in production and also how the product is transported as well and luckily in the the options already available in the Eco audit. You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can choose a family car or an electric family car within the mobile mode when you’re thinking about the use phase of the product and that’s lucky because we will. We will try to use that in in today’s demonstration. Let me go through the workflow. So you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles understand what what the different steps are. And hopefully you’ll be able to reproduce these at home now if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles want to find about details numbers that we put in and so on these will all be available. In the case study paper that will be made available next week after we have broadcaster the re-run of this this session the next slide after the work flow. I will look at the the result of the Eco audit and show the main features on that and then I will actually go into a do pack and show you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles how how you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can achieve the results like that. We will study four different scenarios from gasoline engine which is an internal combustion engine. I seee all the way to a fully electric vehicle and we will have four sonars and in the case study paper. I mentioned this will be called number. One two three and four and in order to to make these eco audit projects. We will use a little shortcut because in nature pack we have embedded some project files already and family car is one of those so. I will show you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles how to retrieve a family car. Bill of materials that we’ll work with and then we’ll use that to modify and study the different powertrains. We will use gasoline as the reference car and then we will add on the other options in the comparison so on the screen at the moment.

You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see a couple of things that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can do with a d-pad you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can start with the embedded bill of materials and you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can make small modifications very easily to fit your specific needs in this case for example. I have modified the Bill of Materials with the weight of aluminium here or aluminum so I’ve reduced the aluminum to make it more similar to a mid-size car that we’ll use in in today’s comparison. Other things that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles could do to your build materials is is that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can put in different options for transport for example and in this case we will look at a case of an electric car or a hybrid car produced and delivered in Europe. So we’ll put the country of use to Europe and just as an example here we are put in a transport of a thousand kilometers from the factory altitude to the different retailers. So that’s one step and then we’re gonna use the compare with option in record it to make copies of this below material and to add on much materials for batteries and make the adjustments necessary to be able to make this comparison so hopefully you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can follow that and see how how easy and and good it is right so the result that we expect to get is something like this one now you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles may have a different set of colors in in your version here but basically we have the four different scenarios here that I described the first one to the left in number one is the the gasoline reference car and we are looking at the energy use here over the different phases of the life cycle plus the transport and I have included here some other information we have all the the different options for the mobile mode here and they contain gasoline family cars as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see here and they also have the options for electric cars here and even the hybrid hybrid gasoline-electric car there which then represents the sort of average or typical energy consumption per kilometer and per kilo of the use of the car. Now if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles take that into account and you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles try to mimic the different types of course you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles will get this result.

So the fully gasoline example reference car will have a low material consumption in production very little energy is spent on the manufacture of the car and the transport but the main energy will come in the use phase we see here that this is the dominant dominant component in the echo audit if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles put in a hybrid car such as the early. Toyota Prius for example you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles will have an increased energy cost in the material phase here because they contain a larger battery for example and they have electric and gasoline options in the in the powertrain and therefore this one is a little bit larger however they are more efficient in the use phase so we can see a reduction reduction of the energy in the use phase here. The third one is a plug-in hybrid which is a more modern way. It means that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have an increased battery capacity so you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can actually top-up or charge your your car and then you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can. You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can run a certain distance on pure electricity and then let the gasoline port kick in when needed. And even if you’re using gasoline it will have an increased efficiency like the hybrid example so the overall result here as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see is that increased battery will need more material energy but it will reduce the use phase a little bit and finally. I will show you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles how to put in an example of a fully electric car which reduces the need for a gasoline engine obviously but requires much more battery so the energy use in the material phase here is greater but at the end it will take less energy in the use phase so I’ll show you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles how to to make all of these entries into the record it and then you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can use this as a base of discussion in your classroom now the data that we need for batteries and energy needs and so on and I have got from Volkswagen Golf which provides a good good starting point because they have the full range of vehicles they have petrol and diesel vehicles and they also have a fully electric vehicle which is the e-golf mentioned here and they have a plug-in hybrid version.

Which is the golf. GTE here so some of the data that I will be using is taken from from this as an example but of course as usual you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can put in any data that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have found or that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles think is is relevant in our case the hybrid plug-in hybrid has a battery weight of 120 kilos whereas the fully electric golf has much more lithium-ion batteries and total mass of 318 kilos which. I will be putting ok so I will leave. Leave the slides and start up AG pack and hopefully shows show. You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles exactly how you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles do you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can achieve this this kind of result so. I’m starting up now 2018 a version of edge apart and I will be using the level 3 as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see here. I have access to all the different editions of edgy. Pack and you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles may not have that but I will be using today for the maximum maximum number of data and tools I will be using the level 3 sustainability database so to get the sample file I will click on the collet and from within decode it. I will then open open project files so on your local disk you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles go to the Program Files x86 and you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles find the folder where the CSA geo pack is installed and in this one you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have a number of important folders one is called samples and in there you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles will find the Eco audit project files in English and French and we will use the English version so here you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles see all the embedded project files you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can use in your teaching very easily. Now we’ll be looking since we are in level 3 we’ll be looking to use the family core here for level 3 so. I will open up this one. And it’ll give me a warning because this this file exists both for the eco-design edition and the sustainability sustainable development edition they are basically the same they both have the enhanced eco audit so I can just click OK that one and then I promised that we would tailor this below material a little bit to fit our need and what we need to do is to adjust the total weight of this one because this one is an older model of car and it has a large large gasoline engine so what I will do to make it simpler and more realistic for a midsize car like the Volkswagen wolf that we will be contemplating.

I will reduce simply reduce the amount of aluminum in the engine here so I will take away 200 kilos and put a more realistic weight in there. Which which leaves the total weight here somewhere just about 1500 kilos and that should be good for our purposes now. We need to put in a few more details. We need to tell it. What kind of transports are involved and as I mentioned I will add something to cover the transport form the factory. Volkswagens are made in Germany so we can put the transport from Germany to somewhere in Europe now. I’m not sure exactly. What kind of vehicle is used here. But as as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles will see that this does not matter greatly. I will choose this example the three-axle truck 26-ton and i will put in a distance of a thousand kilometers just as an example and thinking about Germany. You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can reach large parts of the European market from from Germany within the radius of a thousand kilometers. We also need to put in some details about how how it is used so I will keep the default values for the product life ten years but I will since we produce and deliver this to Europe I will put the European energy mix in here. We will use the mobile mode as we mentioned before – to mimic the transport with a car the mass dependent transport car and as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see it’s already set for a gasoline family car there with some as a small but typical sort of usage here 250 days per year and a moderate use of 100 kilometers. And this. Of course you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can change as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles want. Now if we click the summary chart there we will see the the energy that is being used over the product life. Like like that and you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see here that the material is the second largest energy consumption but the manufacture and transport here or very low in comparison to the use phase so ten years of use phase will consume quite a lot of energy and that can be seen there now.

I want to add the three other powertrain options so I will do that by by using the function which is at the top top of the product definition here I will use compared with which base basis the the next entry on the existing bill of materials and the transport that I put in so I will ask for a copy of the current product which gives me here in the summary chart as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see an exact copy of the gasoline car and all I need to do now in order to put in a hybrid example is to put in a little note here that this is the hybrid hybrid gasoline-electric vehicle and this is of the Toyota Prius early to other priors type which means that it is still a gasoline car but that it has an electric part in the powertrain so it is more efficient but you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles cannot charge this with electricity from the grid so this is a hybrid option now we need a little bit of battery added to the mass here so I will go directly into the bill of material and keep keep all the the car data there and then put in a hybrid battery and I will show you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles now something that’s quite interesting so we don’t have to put in the lithium component here because we have components we have electrical components as an option for the eco wallet and if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles open up the folder for electrical components you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles see here that we have a folder of different types of batteries that we have put in now in this case and the early total hybrid hybrid vehicles had nickel metal hydride batteries so I will take ad 42 kilos of this one which matches the priors and that’s what we need in order to make the below material more realistic. Let’s keep the the delivery here the same just for comparison sake but of course if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have your own data you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can put that in and in the use phase. It’s no longer a pure gasoline car but we can use the data. We have for a hybrid gasoline-electric family car and that will take into account the greater efficiency that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have in the powertrain of a hybrid car okay.

So when you’ve done that we have here. The first part of the comparison we have an increased material use because of the increased battery and we have a reduction in the need for energy in the use phase so overall we can see here that we have a considerable energy reduction and we can continue now to try to put in data that mimics a plug-in hybrid now we don’t have plug-in hybrids here as an option so we will have to design our own input. I will use the golf GTE as as an example and I will create another comparison based on the hybrid vehicle. So let’s let’s see if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles make another copy of that one and we we will have to rename this one to a plug-in plug-in hybrid and the golf here has a different kind of batteries and it has more of it. It still has the same engine or a similar engine to the gasoline one. But it has significantly more of a lithium-ion battery and the best match in our database for this option. Is this one here the lithium-ion rechargeable battery so. I will put that one in and I will use the the actual mass from a golf GTE which is about 120 kilos. We also need to take into account here that the range of a plug-in hybrid golf is not fully a hundred kilometers so we need to reduce this to 50 kilometers. Which is I think quite close to the the actual range they say in the integral advertisements we can keep the gasoline hybrid because the efficiency of the powertrain will be similar but we need to add a component here mimicking the energy losses. When you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles charge the car so the electric 50 kilometers here will be run on a European energy mix and I will put in here a typical data to charge the plug-in hybrid car so it can reach about 50 kilometers here. We have options and to cover the energy conversion and as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see here we have an option for electric to chemical when it comes to advanced battery so that that would be the one. That’s most accurate from your household grid. Electricity is difficult too unless you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have three-phase equipment to take more than 2 kilowatts so I will go to 2 kilowatts and if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles remember the data I showed you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles for the golf GTE it has just over 8 kilowatt hours of capacity in the battery 8.

7 so I will say that we are charging this car by 2 kilowatt hours of power and every day that we need the car so for 250 days per year and to fully charge the battery we will need something like four hours and then again this is a rough approximation so if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have accurate data please put that in. I am making this comparison just as a platform for discussion so I’m putting in some typical and rough values and I don’t expect the values to be the complete accurate ones but as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see here with this combination of data we achieve a summary chart that shows you. The trend. More lithium battery requires more energy in the product and the production of the material so the material phase is increasing here and the efficiency is a little bit higher so it means that the total energy use will be lower with this combination of data that we have here now for the fully electric one it is a little bit tricky so we have two options. I will again add the number four in the comparison as a copy of the plug-in hybrid version. And you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see here that it adds on a fourth fourth contribution to the accordant as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles could see looking at the golf. It has a much higher capacity of the batteries and a much larger range so I will put in the actual mass or the lithium-ion batteries that they they declare in their product specification which is 318 kilos. And this time we have gotten rid of the the nd we now no longer need. The engine and the engine block in a golf can weigh as little as 100 kilos of aluminium so in one of their versions we can remove 100 kilos of aluminium there for simplicity so I replaced the 238 with 138 to mimic that. And then we need to modify the use mode here because the electric fully electric car has a range that can cover the full full distance of a hundred kilometers here.

If we do that. We need to of course adjust this one to a fully electric car as well electric family car. Yeah so now. We see that. The the total gain in energy we have is a little bit higher than in the plug-in hybrid version. And we should call this the fully fully electric one for the comparison. So let’s call this fully electric now. This data here takes an average use per kilometer and per kilo for an electric car however if we want to compare it with the plug-in hybrid case here we might want to to see what happens if we take the energy losses associated with the charging of the batteries. So we have that possibility here we can. Instead of using the the average data there we can switch over and only consider the the energy used as the energy acquired through the charging now to reach a range of 100 kilometers. I’m simply going to double double the charging here. So that’s a very rough estimate but thinking that we have a two kilowatt of facility at at home should be able to reach a hundred kilometers of range by by protein an eight-hour charge there. And we see in this case that the energy consumption goes up a little bit compared to the using the mobile mode here and that’s because it includes the the energy losses here in the in the charging procedure now. Of course if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have more accurate data if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles know exactly how much you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles charge your car then you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can put that in here. The purpose is to to discuss the result here and see that the fully electric car doing it and eco audit and looking at the energy used over the lifetime of the battery. We see that. The lithium-ion battery does require a lot of energy in the production. But that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can reduce the energy need in the use face considerably and in our case here. The reduction is very similar in all these three three cases. Now you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles may think and. I know we have some Norwegian customers on the line here. Norway’s of course pioneering the use of electric cars for them.

This is a area of great interest now. The energy mix in. Norway is way superior to the energy mix you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have as an average in Europe so let’s let’s look at the carbon emissions instead of looking at just the energy use here and that’s another thing you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can do in your classroom very easily so with the the final version here the electric car say that we we want to study instead of the energy use here we want to see at the carbon carbon dioxide emissions in the Eco audit. There is a relationship between the energy used and a rough estimate of the carbon emissions. And as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see the pattern is exactly the same using fossil energy from from the European energy mix now if we go and look at the case of a country with much more renewable energy in the case of Norway. Of course they have lots of hydropower to generate their electricity. Norway is indeed represented here in the list of countries so if we put in Norway there you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles see that the the energy use is still still the same but the the carbon emissions have gone down to a minimum and it leads to a much much lower total energy consumption then if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles charge it on it on a different energy mix and this is of course the greatest benefit with electric vehicles if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have an electric vehicle you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles should make sure that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles run it on renewable energy to maximize the environment benefits so they should all move to Norway. I think so. It’s a great country it’s a great country so just to finish off. I have I have shown you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles these two things what happens if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles look at instead of the energy use the carbon footprint for the European mix and what happens if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles want to study different kinds of energy mix the effect of for example being in a renewable situation like Norway. Great so moving on to thinking about those batteries so the batteries need to be light enough that we can transport them around and also to be small enough so that we can fit them into the car without making the car. Much bigger. We’re going to look at in this slide on specific power and specific energy.

And you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see we’ve created this chart here using the energy storage data table in the sustainable development database and you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see that the lead acid battery is here. Nickel cadmium is here and lithium ion batteries perform very well on both of these criteria so specific power the power per mass is what we need to make sure that we can accelerate and the specific energy is what we need to make sure that we’ve got a car that can get to the next charging point as a teacher of mechanical engineers. I find find it quite interesting in our database here we have not only electrochemical energy storage but we do have a few mechanical ones as well and other types so super capacitors you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see. They’re fly wheels and springs and even compressed air. Is there for comparison. So that’s that’s quite good for for a classroom situation. I think as well great good so and if we go on to another criteria so we’re interested in the volume of the battery and if we look at the energy density so the stored energy per volume then again lithium iron back batteries. Come out on top. You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see that. Lithium-ion batteries come out on top but we have to think about it in terms of its criticality so lithium is a a critical element on the u.s. critical elements list and lithium batteries usually also contain cobalt and cobalt is a critical material for both the EU and the US. Yes and if we want to elaborate on that and sort of have a reality check here I’ve listed some of the actual cathode materials that are used in in current battery systems so I’ve listed a few of them here with the their references. So you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can. You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can have a look the most popular or important one might be this one which is a lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide battery and what is interesting in this in this sort of display is that the amount of lithium is actually quite small. So it’s only about one percent or a little bit above one percent of this battery type that is the lithium er of course let you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles miss the charge carrier here so and it you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles miss one of the smallest and lightest of the elements.

That’s the reason for that but we can see here that the amount of cobalt is is considerable so it’s eight or nine percent of cobalt in this particular type of battery which makes it a little bit problematic as we will see soon so although it’s only one one percent of lithium here we can see that the battery industry presently has a share of around 50 percent of the demand for lithium and also for cobalt in the world so the batteries are already putting a lot of pressure on the the resources. Here we have another another clarification of the popularity of that type of battery here. Why is that the most interesting or popular version. Well one reason is that it has very good overall performance so here we can see a summary of kind of performance that we can see both in terms of specific energy and specific power that we looked at before but also the the other kind of performances the cost cost performance and safety and so on so this this type of battery is a very good option in the real real products and make on good and as who is speaking before about the critical materials of lithium and cobalt. We can explore these really easily using the sustainable development database in CES edupack it has information not only on materials and processes as usual also on the elements on energy storage and on legislation and regulation and also on the nations of the world and. I’m going to do a demo to show you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles that. So we were interested in lithium ion batteries. The first thing that we could do is to simply search for batteries. Yep and there are legislation related to that and we’ll look at the battery directive and this is a very basic summary in a link to the actual directive. So that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can get more information and at the bottom of the record here you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see links to the elements and materials and nations of the world and an energy storage which is related to it so if we decided to go in to for example the materials universe and have a look at the lithium so we’ll yeah we’ll just type in lithium.

I’m gonna have a look at commercially pure lithium so I’m gonna scroll down to that and here’s the record for commercially pure lithium and we can scroll down and see the usual physical mechanical thermal electrical etc properties. But also down here. We’ve got section on restricted substances and risk indicators and also critical materials risk. And if we scroll down we can also see the main mining areas for this material and you’ll see that. United States has relatively little lithium compared to China for example and we can also think about the element itself. So if we scroll down and click on elements so in the elements data table you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have all of the properties that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles would expect in terms of the atomic structure and crystal structure. And and so on. But you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles also have this geo-economic data so you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see the abundance in the Earth’s crust the main mining areas and the critical materials information and here you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see but it is not on the EU critical list but it is on the US critical list indeed what we can also do within the elements database is go to cobalt as well as that was a another element that was important in our batteries. And if we click on Cobalt again you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have the basic information about the element and then the geo economic data and you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see where most of the cobalt comes from in the world which is the Democratic Republic of Congo. And you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see that it’s on the critical materials list for both the EU and the US so let’s go and explore the Congo and figure out why it might be on those critical lists so we can go to the nations of the world that – element need to click on the Democratic Republic of Congo and again for each nation we’ve got some basic information about the area of the country where it is all of that kind of stuff information on people education and then there’s an area on human rights and good governance and you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see here that there’s an ongoing conflict in this country that the rule of law index is very low.

I control a corruption is very low. So if you’re sourcing a very important element for your product mainly from this country then you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles might want to think again good so. I think at that point we go back to our presentation. Yep let’s see we are almost out of time. I’m gonna go very quickly through the the magnetic performance stuff that we have here in the database and if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles want to to see the details that we have used today and more information about background and so on I recommend that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have a look at the case study paper that will be published on our website very briefly if you’re if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles want to look at the magnetic performance and of course that is a key key aspect of the performance of the electric vehicle itself the electric there are two two factors. That are important. It’s a combination of intrinsic coercive force which represents how difficult it is to demagnetize a certain magnet. And then you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have the remanent induction or the remanence which sort of represents the strength of the magnet. And you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles want both of these values to be as high as as possible as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see in this chart here that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can easily make from within the magnetic data table of the database of label three. We can see here that we have a few magnetic polymers in here. They don’t perform terribly well but they may have other strengths. I have highlighted in yellow here. The ceramic magnetic materials they’re also very medium performant we have samarium cobalt based magnets which are a bit better here. And we have the top here the this this group of of magnets are all neodymium based magnets and they are the best-performing and therefore they are most widely used for for high performance applications. Now in edgy pack you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can look at not only the intrinsic coercive force and remanent induction at room temperature but you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles could also go into the temperature dependent properties and I think I will open up and and quickly show that to you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles but the conclusion is that at high temperature and of course we’re talking about automotive applications here so then the temperature especially in plug-in hybrid cars and in hybrid cars might be quite high so at 100 degrees for example.

We no longer have polymer or ceramic options. Here but it will be the neodymium magnets that that dominate for example this neodymium here n4. TSH is is a good one has both good values for the remanence and for the coercive force I wanted to open and you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles pack very quickly just to show you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles where to find this data so if we go into the sustainability database and we look at magnetic materials we have hard magnets which are high performing and soft Magnus. Let’s look at the hard magnets. We have polymer metal and ceramic. Let’s go into the metal once. You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have different types here. And we have folder level records for the information about the neodymium-iron-boron type magnets and as you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see here. It has a lot of explanations about this type of magnets its limitations and so on and a key to the the names of these magnets which basically reflects the the temperature that they can endure so the SH one we were looking at is good for up to 150 degrees. You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see. Also the composition here of a typical neodymium magnet so neodymium is not the the the largest part of the material it is actually still an iron based material and to endure the high temperatures you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles have added dysprosium here for example and Presidium there and there’s also some cobalt in these alright so if you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles want to get in and see the details of this magnet. Let’s look at that one. For example the 40s age you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can see here that it contains the composition a lot of thermal magnetic data here are the temperature dependent properties that I mentioned that is embedded in the plot and you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can set the parameter here to reflect room temperature.

You research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can change this value to 100 degrees for example to to mimic the situation in an electric car. Here you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can also see the BH curves which are important when you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles look at the performance of of the magnet and then other important information about the critical material risks if we want to look at the criticality of these rare earth metals we can see that the geopolitical risk level and so on the price volatility is very high and the one reason for that is that it’s predominantly produced in in in one country and it’s is China as we can see here they they dominate the main mining areas for these materials and that may be one of the reasons also that they are considered critical both in the EU and in the US okay. I think let’s let’s finish off here. Yeah so running out of time. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this case study and that you’ve seen you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles know that this really relevant topic of electric cars can be tackled using the energy pack with the Eco audit tool and the sustainable development database. That’s got lots of good information on here. I want to thank you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles for attending this meeting. Well thank you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles very much class. It’s a brilliant case study as class said so we’ll be making the actual paper a very detailed paper available next week. We’ll also work on cleaning up this video into a really nice recording for you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles so that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can watch it at your own pace and other people can you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles can share it with other people that you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles think might find it interesting and also classes slides will be available so have a look for an email coming your way that gives you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles details on how to access that great thank you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles very much for attending bye for now thank you research paper on electric vehicle, research paper on electric vehicles very much. We’ll try to answer your questions afterwards in private. Okay bye bye.

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