How to write your research paper? | Simple steps to publication

Hi in this video. I’m gonna talk about how to write a journal research publication, paper publish journal paper research publication, paper publish journal and submit it and perhaps hopefully how to publish it. There are a few important principles that we need to take into consideration but I think what I’m gonna share with. You is not new and you already know about that but I think it’s always good to remember and review what we know. I also should say that. I’m shooting this from home this video from home and you might hear some background noise out of my control really. I’m sorry about that if you hear anything. So the first thing that we need to take into consideration is the development of a theoretical framework a theoretical framework that justifies the research questions that we actually pose and investigating in the paper research publication, paper publish journal. A theoretical framework should have a laser beam. Focus on one specific topic that we’re investigating for example if you are investigating the effect of using test methods for example like multiple-choice questions or open-ended questions on the measurement of reading comprehension or other other types of language skills try to zoom in onto these variables or these concepts. Only that’s the effect of that’s the multiple choice questions versus open-ended questions within the context of reading comprehension assessment so it’s not a good idea to define your theoretical framework very broadly to include a lot of different variables which may or may not necessarily be related to what you’re investigating. That’s point one point two is. It’s a very useful idea to use a database. A database of course. Google Scholar provides you with a very good coverage of the paper research publication, paper publish journals that have been published but you can also use databases like the web of science or my favorite which is Scopus because it has a very broad coverage and you can find a lot of paper research publication, paper publish journals and books and book chapters even conference proceedings and so on and so forth that would be relevant to the topic that you’re investigating and actually you can keep narrowing it down further to identify you know and a good amount of research that has been published on the field that you’re investigating.

We have created about five videos on how to use database. And of course sign to me tricks but maybe the first two videos which are about how to use the web of science can be helpful if you haven’t watched them. I suggest that you take a look. And they are available within the same channel. The other thing that you would need to do is to identify a research gap a research gap is like you know something that has not been investigated before or if it has been investigated. There is not enough convincing evidence or convincing data to show that for example certain variable can be changed as a result of the change in another variable and so on and so forth that research gap is important for you because based on the gap. You’re going to formulate your research questions now that let’s say you have identified the research gap and you have written down a very good research question. The next step will be to write the methodology section. Now one of the important sections under methodology is the the definition and description of your sample for example the sample size the gender distribution maybe the age the average age the standard deviation and so on and so forth. But it’s also very important to consider discussing why you chose that sample you know. I happen to review quite a few paper research publication, paper publish journals for different journal research publication, paper publish journals. Maybe every month something that. I often see miss missing in some of some of these paper research publication, paper publish journals. Not all is the fact that some authors forget to mention why they chose that sample was it because it was really convenient to collect the data from the sample or did they have a different reason for choosing that sample over other possible samples within a population. You need to extrapolate from your sample to a population. Therefore you need to discuss how that sample is probably representative of a broader population. That’s something that. I would recommend that you should take into consideration because the results that you get from the analysis of the data coming from your small sample is not just interesting because it was related to and relevant to your sample but it has to be actually relatable to a broader sample.

That’s the population. So try to create that link between the sample and the population that you have in mind. The next step is actually procedures. That’s you’re supposed to explain how the data was collected. What kind of instruments were used by instruments here. I am specifically referring to measurement instruments if you are doing a quantitative kind of study for measurement instruments. I suggest that you discuss their reliability. Actually it’s is perhaps more precise to say that you should discuss the reliability of the data that was collected by using that instrument. Let’s say you are using an instrument that has been developed in a different context. Yeah you should say that you adapted it from another another context but also you should provide evidence that data that were collected using that instrument in your context are also reliable which means that if the instrument had a high reliability index or statistic in the previous con. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it would be a reliable for your context as well therefore you should provide evidence that this instrument that he used for example a test or a survey or some kind of observation form was equally or similarly reliable in the context of your study. Well when it is done then you could also perhaps discuss whether it’s psychometrically valid but I recommend that you just spend maybe a very small part of your paper research publication, paper publish journal on discussing the sacrament evaluation or psychometric validity of the instrument because the main aim is not that. That’s actually just something to you know. Show that the instrument you are using are actually reliable and valid for the purposes that they have been developed for now following that. You need to start writing your data analysis section and also the results section now.

These sections are quite related to each other and I’m often asked whether it’s a good idea to use sophisticated quantitative techniques that are used in in. Let’s say language assessment or is some research in language learning a second language acquisition. Examples are and it’s not exclusive but you know things like rush measurement or different types of cognitive diagnostic models or structural equation modeling and and you know factor analysis and so on and so forth and my answer is not necessarily. You don’t have to use these techniques in order to be able to publish your paper research publication, paper publish journals. Actually there are many good and well-written paper research publication, paper publish journals with solid theoretical justifications that have not used these techniques which means that using these techniques does not necessarily mean that your paper research publication, paper publish journal is gonna be published. That’s one thing. It’s very important to remember that when you are doing research that there should be a consistency between the research question and the choice of the quantitative technique you might be able to use like simple methods simple in quotations because that’s just really a perception simple methods to to answer your research questions pretty well and draw very good and and justifiable conclusions and also make a significant contribution to that field so I would recommend that whatever technique you use you investigate it and research it properly. Because a lot of statistical methods that we use especially the parametric ones or even the psychometric methods like rush measurement or cognitive diagnostic models. Do have assumptions. Make sure that you provide evidence that the assumptions were met now. We have made quite a few videos about the assumptions and different statistical methods. And actually you can go through the channel browse through those videos in and find different assumptions of different statistical methods finally after writing the results section.

You need to start to to discuss to discuss what your conclusions and findings exactly mean and what are the implications and how they actually make a contribution to the field. You’re investigating that takes a little bit of time because I think in my opinion as a reviewer of paper research publication, paper publish journals that’s the section that I zoom in on quite carefully and read it very carefully when I am reviewing a paper research publication, paper publish journal or dissertation or thesis. Because that means how you have put together the findings of your study and contextualize it and synthesized it with the available research that you have already reviewed under the to review of the paper research publication, paper publish journal therefore you should be able to address the gap again and tell the reader how your study closed the gap or how you this study at least address the gap or started to address the gap and what kind of contributions it made to the field. What did you learn that we didn’t know before. And what is the utility was the use of the thing that we have learnt. Is it good for this theory building which is a good thing or is it good for both theory building and also for useful for practitioners. In other words practitioners like language testers or language. Teachers can also use these results in their classrooms or in the development of the assessments that the development of the assessment that are supposed to you know develop so finally a conclusion which which is actually a relatively short part of your essay or your paper research publication, paper publish journal which pulls together everything that you have done provides a very brief overview of the study and investigation. And sometimes you can actually discuss the limitations of your study under conclusion. Some authors prefer to have a separate section for the limitations of the study to me either will do as long as the argument reads well and smoothly. So let’s recap number one. We should have a good theoretical framework and then we should identify the gap number two. We should craft or formulate good research questions. Then number three will be the methodology under which you’re gonna have the sample plus the instruments procedures data data analysis and number four will be your results section.

Where you’re supposed to present what you have found in your data analysis number five is gonna be your discussion and number six conclusion or conclusion and limitations. Don’t forget to have a section to present all the references or citations that you have made in your text. That’s the references section that brings me to the end of this video in the future. I will make more videos and I will be more specific for example how to write a good a good paper research publication, paper publish journal where you’re using the rush measurement or how to write a publishable paper research publication, paper publish journal where you have used for example structural equation modeling and so on you.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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