How You Can Start a Journal in English for Self-Care and Fluency

Hello everyone this is. Christina from speak English journals in english, english journals, journal of english with Christina and I’m here with Tricia Tricia how’s it going. I’m doing good how are you doing. I’m doing good. Yeah for those of you. Who don’t know. Tricia Tricia is one of our expert. Teachers she’s one of the leaders of the faster fluency conversation Club and she’s also specialized in written English journals in english, english journals, journal of english and as some of you may know the month of April. We have decided it’s going to be a very fun enjoyable month to help everyone to get their minds off of the the craziness that’s happening in the real world out there and so the month of April is English journals in english, english journals, journal of english fest and it’s really a chance for you and for us as well to try some fun new things in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english to stay productive to keep up your English journals in english, english journals, journal of english and just to you know keep up sort of a positive outlook in a positive mindset and with all of that in mind. I’m gonna talk a little bit with Tricia about the idea of journaling so actually keeping a written journal in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english for your fluency and for your own you know self-care your mental health and taking care of yourself so Tricia um you know why would someone who wants to become more fluent in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english. Why would they want to try. Journaling okay so I think that journaling. It’s really great. Regardless of the fluency thing to begin with it’s just really great as a means to self-care and and it just happens to be something that then you can combine with English journals in english, english journals, journal of english. Really if you think about it. Journaling is is is just thinking on paper basically and then it’s it’s you can structure it in different ways but really it’s a chance to be thinking in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english so that’s a lot of fun. This is a time. I think when self-care can be really important. I think maybe in general it’s a good idea. Yeah and it’s great to kind of look into how you’re doing as a means of you know just working on your personal development but I think that especially in a time like this it can be great to use something like journaling to kind of keep you more productive and effective and just happy right and and then if you can do that in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english.

Then you’re combining both of those at once and yeah and I use um I use personally journaling mhm you know. I like to write a lot but I yes journaling as a means of strategic thinking which might sound really random but I actually sometimes one of my things that I do in the morning is I write down strategic thinking and then journaling can be a way of making sure that you are that all the things that are on your to-do list that they should be there you know yeah like getting so busy. Yeah yeah and things are really you know things are changing and should we be going doing all these things and then also it can be a real chance to redirect your focus. Yeah the worries out of your head and then redirects to something. That’s much more positive right. Effective and happier yeah so so. Christine yeah I was wondering if you have a journaling habit at all do you. Do you do any kind of journaling. You know yeah yeah actually you know. Actually it’s it’s quite funny. I I actually have a couple of journaling habits. I don’t know if I should just stick to one but I do two different ones. Yeah so it’s kind of like you know since the beginning of the confinement here in France you know I like the first thing I thought about was like the Journal of Anne Frank you know and how when she was you know her and her family were hidden up in that attic. And you know. I have absolutely no intentions of writing the next journal of Anne Frank but I was like you know. Wow it’s like I’m you know. We’re glad that she kept that very personal record of that very strange time in history mom and so. I was like you know I kind of want that record for myself actually to be able to look back on you know years later and see like so you know what was. I what was I thinking. What was the mindset and so. I have actually started like a confinement journal. Where every day of just one full page um of kind of you know like what.

I’m thinking sort of my own reflections on you know like what’s happening the things like. I’m worried about you know like you know my parents are in the u.s. so I’m kind of worried about them or just like you know my own like how am I getting along organizing myself and my time and just reflections on all of that and I find that it’s it’s it’s really good to yeah like just to get it out and onto paper. Yeah for your own you know. I guess mental cleansing I suppose and then also to have like a record of this kind of weird time. So that’s what. I’m doing now and like normal times. I do have this thing called like the I think it’s called the five-year journal and it says very small very kind of thick books about that thick but every page has just enough space for you to write a little paragraph about what happened that day in one of the five years and the idea. Is that when you finish it on each page you will. Have you know five years worth of entries for each day of the year and in that one. I tend to write. You know like what’s one good thing that happened to me today or one thing that. I’m thankful for and it might just be something like you know what. I woke up this morning and I had breakfast and then I had lunch and I had dinner and I’m actually really fortunate to be able to have three meals a day of food that I enjoy so I think also that habit of just gratitude journaling. Yeah yeah yeah so. I think that’s what’s interesting that you mentioned several different things that you do which is which is great as you start out. Somebody’s starting out. Might want to just pick one but yeah. I think that the interesting thing about those different things that you do. There are different reasons that are really kind of deep personal reasons behind why you would do that. Is it keeping things in perspective. Is it helping you experience gratitude or getting out of some of the the worry of the time we even have some even having something to look back on and so for each person that’s going to be different and so that’s why it’s fun to kind of experiment with different with different styles of journaling to find out what works best for you and like but like before because it was a friend of mine who gave me the five year journal as a gift and before using that.

I just had kind of a notebook that I would write basically the same things but I was talking about it with my friends like. Yeah but sometimes. I’m kind of lazy and I you know I don’t want to write like half a page before I go to bed and I guess she thought she thought of the this five year journal would be really good for me. She’s like you just write a paragraph. You can’t write more because there’s only a very limited amount of space and actually. That’s the reason why you know in the confinement. I switched from the five-year journal to a bigger notebook. Cuz I wanted more space to write more things but after this is over I’ll just go back to the short version. I think but I think yeah it’s you know. I think maybe sometimes people feel like they have to write like these entire pages but whatever works for you yeah I think sometimes you might feel like you want to write more but I know a lot of people that I work with will just in order to avoid that kind of feeling of fear will just say something like. I’m going to sit down to write for 10 minutes and then if I want I could write more but 10 minutes is enough and and really. That’s a really great way to kind of check in and I was thinking to of you know since you speak more than one language. Have you ever journal in another language. Have you ever tried have my journal. You know it’s it’s kind of. I think I’m mostly Journal in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english but I do notice that sometimes I like I might kind of navigate between the two and I’ll throw in a like a French expression or a French word when I feel like it expresses more the idea than the English journals in english, english journals, journal of english that I will use or you know sometimes like whenever there’s like you know maybe thing happened and it’s very it’s very French.

Whatever that means but there’s more of a connection in French to that experience it might be in French in that case but it does it does tend to be in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english and I actually now that you asked the question. I’m not sure why because I could do it in French. I think without feeling it’s just limited but I think it’s just by default I went I went to to English journals in english, english journals, journal of english. Yeah yeah so it’s it’s something to consider too and then what might be fun for you if you ever feel like it it’s Friday journaling in front and see if you might find a different perspective because sometimes people think oh. I’m gonna give something up if I switch to journaling in this other language but in fact you know you might okay. You might be fishing for a word but all of us that have more than one language will have that just like you have it in your native language you might use a French expression. I’m writing in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english but then I throw in each word and exactly which that yeah. Yeah and so when you’re journaling in another language like it’s kind of as a goal you know it’s something that you’re trying to say well. I’m going to start thinking in this language. It’s perfectly okay for words to kind of randomly show up or in parentheses okay. I thought of a word in this language just put it there but I’d be curious to find you know some people think they’re going to feel limited and it can be true that you’re you know as you’re getting used to thinking in a different way you can feel like okay. It was a little harder but at the same time you might find that it opens up a new perspective. Because you’re not used to thinking of your problem in this language alright and so that could be that might change the way that you’re thinking about things which can actually add a new dimension so it’s a lot of fun yeah and then you know they all they also say that you know you. You’ll have a different personality or different perspective. Depending on which language you’re speaking okay.

It could be also interesting just to see like if your feelings they seem to be a bit different depending on which or I have people tell me that alive so you know they might say well. I don’t in in my native language. I never write poetry but in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english I do or yeah I have the permission to express myself in this language or some people will. Have you know feel more ready to express emotions or it just completely depends so yeah kind of fun to play in another language that way and then it’s just such a great way to. I don’t know for you how it was becoming bilingual in French. But for me it was an exhausting process. Yeah it involves so much talking yeah and I can only talk so much yeah yeah and for French and even I did an intensive language study in Spanish and at some point like after a whole day of classes and hanging out with you know people and I just can’t have people anymore. Yeah yeah and so. It’s better to just take a few minutes and write in a journal and that could be true if people are really busy too because a lot of people that we work with are extremely busy right exactly. I scheduled in one more meeting. But you can. You know you know just kind of de-stress with your journal and it’s an extra chance to think in. English journals in english, english journals, journal of english right yeah now. That’s yeah that’s a good point and also. I think is um yeah like you like you said cuz I remember when I was learning French and I first came to France. And with all of my other you know non French friends we would sort of compare like how was your day and and by it like by the end of the day. We’re like wow. It’s so like tiring to just be in a different language and thinking because your brain really has to work really hard and. I think it’s a good I. That is a good idea. Like if you just need some quiet time you know just get your journal and take ten minutes to write in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english. And that’s gonna help. I think maybe also you know a lot of the students they say. I want to stop thinking in my native language and translating into English journals in english, english journals, journal of english and I think that luckily it happens.

Could help a lot as well. Yeah yeah and. I’ve heard a lot. I know for myself with learning a couple of other languages and you know talking to lots of people who have learned several languages. There’s always that step when you say okay now. I’m thinking in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english are dreaming and the language. Someone was saying fluency club and yeah and when that happens is kind of when you begin to be more fluent and and I think that there’s sort of just a boost of confidence that happens when that occurs right. Yeah doesn’t have to be perfect. You know but to focus on the fluency in your journal can be really really useful really helpful and so like if you know for someone who you know maybe wants to get started journaling in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english because they you know they they want that quiet time and they want to work on you know thinking and dreaming in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english like how would they go about journaling in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english. If they’re just getting started okay. Yeah so um so. I have a couple of tips on that. Based on like you know years of experience yes often working with other people and I think that one thing that’s really important is to really focus on fluency even to the point where you might kick away the concern about you know did I spell that right. Is that exactly how I would say that. I know that it matters. But it doesn’t matter in your fluency journal if you’re trying to and especially also if you’re combining that with how do I feel today and I add in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english as a way of expressing myself or as you know you know doing something that is for me. Avoid worrying about mistakes because that’s gonna give you trouble for your fluency so I would say focus on the fluency first and I sometimes call that fast and furious right. Yeah yes sit down and write for 10 minutes for that reason. I suggest using a notebook and not a computer because the computer Canon will underline you when you make a mistake.

It’s just great for other situations but right once you just get out of that and we were talking about if there if a word comes up and it doesn’t come in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english or if you just can’t think of it don’t stop and obsess over that one word that you didn’t know because it happens to all of us. It will keep happening to you. No matter how bilingual or multilingual you write so just put a parenthesis with the word in whatever language it came to you in or sometimes. I’ve had people have a lot of success putting a doodle and don’t have to be good at but you know sometimes all you know maybe I’m trying to brainstorm something in Spanish because I’d like to create a poem or something all right. I realize I want to talk about flowers and I have no idea how to say these flowers so I make a doodle. Nobody has to know what that is except for you as Lori. You have you know it’s sort of like it’s like you don’t need to share that. Yeah it doesn’t have to be not good. You know maliki angry or anything. Yeah exactly you just have to know and so what’s cool about that too is that you don’t have to know while you’re practicing being fluent but when you get to the end of that you can go back. You can try to find those words right and associating the word that you looked up with an image or something that mattered to you. It will help you remember. Yes you can develop your vocabulary that way to just. Don’t do it in your fastest kind of like go through like state like fast and furious making the doodles and then coming back later. Come back and check if you want to and then just another thing that we’ve touched on a little bit is so important is to remember that you know when you start writing and thinking in a second language there are going to be times when you feel like it would have been easier in another language right. Might feel like it’s a little bit harder but that you shouldn’t stick get stuck on that idea that this is a limitation but you’re focusing on are there on other doors that this open and is there a way a new perspective that I can find or something I never would have expressed right something.

I never would have tried you know and I in one of my other languages that I’m already using mm just kind of like yeah. It’s using it as an opportunity to explore different paths. I suppose right. Yeah right and and one last suggestion I have is that if you’re totally new if you’re used to journaling just go ahead and switch into doing it anyway in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english. Yeah yeah but if you’re not used to journaling and you’re like what will I write you know and do I have to begin with dear diary yeah. I think like a lot of people are like really. I don’t see myself but you know you can. You can do a number of things with your journal whether it’s a strategic thinking question or you know playing around with poetry or gratitude um but I’ve I’ve included one example to start with the PDF thirst you know. I think you can link that in the video. Yeah we’ll put the link to them. Yeah yeah so it’s it’s one kind of there are a couple of different ways to approach a similar topic. It’s nice to just start with one thing and I think that even for people who’ve been journaling for a while that they might not be used to doing it this way so it’s got a a fun way to get a new technique and so that might be a place to start. Okay yeah I might. I think I like I’m curious to actually try out your invitation to travel though the props and just you know as a fun way of you know seaweed seeing where yeah new yeah right so that yeah well thanks for putting that together for us. Yeah yeah and I invite all the all the other teachers if they want to know everybody else so you and anyone else. Yeah yeah and. I’m looking forward to seeing what people come up with. Yeah exactly yeah so yeah so so so yeah. Trish’s created this very lovely PDF journaling. Prompt called invitation to travel. And I’ll put a link to that PDF below this video in the show notes and then probably also on the blog so that you guys if you want to try journaling in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english to you know increase your fluency and also to like take care of your mental health through English journals in english, english journals, journal of english yeah.

I’ll put the link to that so you guys can download that for free from from Trisha and also just for you guys a little update on English journals in english, english journals, journal of english fast English journals in english, english journals, journal of english Festival over on our pop up Facebook group so we’ve created a sort of temporary Facebook group for the English journals in english, english journals, journal of english fest. Where we’re going to be doing lots of you know fun and exciting things and one of the things that we’ll do with the journaling practice in the pop up face group. Facebook group is to have some threads so some discussions where you guys can share if you would like to. There’s no obligation but if like to share some of the things that you’ve written or if you just have questions about anything maybe you you want you know some input on a grammar question or a vocabulary question that came up in your journaling process. We can do that and then also we’re. Tricia is going to actually host Trish. I believe it’s to writing out chops. Is that correct. I’ll be doing two writing workshops and yeah okay the more if not everybody can get in but sure yes a limited limited number of places but the same thing out will put you know all of the details like the dates and the times and how to join those sessions. I’ll put that below this video as well and of course we’ll share that in the in the Facebook group as well. Let’s see situation. Is there anything else that you would like to share with us. Any final words or anything. Yeah well and just chiming in on the idea of sharing when we do share in a group anytime. We’re sharing journaling typewriting. You don’t have to share exactly what you wrote in your journal but yes this particular topic is kind of fun and light-hearted it focuses on traveling into your past experiences or an enjoyable experience or a future place. You’d like to go right so you can put a snapshot or you can say a topic that you came up with and it’s really not something where you have to put out your you know all your whole heart and write.

Yeah like you know if you don’t want to yeah if you’re comfortable strain you can but really it’s just about giving yourself permission to take risks and think in the language and have fun and maybe start a new a new habit in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english that you might keep with you for years to come and that might change your English journals in english, english journals, journal of english and maybe just your way of looking at things. Yeah exactly no great thank you all right Tricia well thank you. Thank you very much for sharing all of those tips and your experience and then like. I said we’ll put all of the links for you guys below this video so you can take part you can join us and yeah we’ll be just looking forward to kind of keeping you company all through through the month of April the English journals in english, english journals, journal of english fest and helping you guys to become more confident more fluent in English journals in english, english journals, journal of english and also to take care of yourself as well because that’s important right now all right thanks a lot Tricia. Who’s good talking to you thanks so much. Christine assign the group yeah.

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