From the Editor of IEEE Access: How to Get Published in an Open Access Journal

Introduce our first speaker professor derek abbott. Who is the editor-in-chief of ieee access. Derek is a full professor of electrical and electronic engineering at the university of adelaide in australia. His interests are in the area of multi-disciplinary electronic engineering and physics applied to complex systems. His research international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publication programs span a number of areas game theory photonics energy policy biomedical engineering computational neuroscience and he’s received a number of prestigious awards including uh from the australian research international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publication council future fellowship the david dewhurst medal for biomedical engineering. The barry inglis medical for measurement science uh and the m.a sergeant medal for eminence in engineering. So with that. I’m going to hand it off to derek. Thank you so in case people are wondering where exactly i am in the world. Uh here is the true map of the world. And i’m based in a city called adelaide in australia which is marked by that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationred arrow. Um uh and i’m also based uh at the university named after my city university of adelaide. Um it’s an old university that’s been around since 1874. As you can see in the photo the building i work in though is the one on the right the engineering building and i’m on the third floor there. Uh just a little bit about our university and its community we uh graduated the uh three nobel prize winners shown on the top row. Uh the two guys on the bottom row um were not nobel prize winners but they were pretty up there as you can see the first guy oliphant those isotopes. That international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationare very important. Today and also fisher is well known to all engineers because he devised the maximum maximum likelihood method and the fischer komograph equation and fisher information. Of course uh he uh he actually uh gave lectures here towards the end of his life. Um in the early 1960s and he’s still buried here today. Okay so that’s just a bit of a background of of where i’m from. So what is ieee access. So uh it’s a multi-disciplinary journal that’s fully open access.

It’s a proper archival journal. It’s all electronics. So there’s no print version and it basically covers original research international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publication and practical developments across all the ieee’s fields of interest. So if you’re wondering what are ieee’s fields of interest. Just um you know. Go on the ieee webpage google it and have a look at all the kind of names of societies and topics they cover. And you’ll be quite surprised though you know. We do all kinds of things uh other than just hardcore electrical engineering. There’s like biomedical engineering. Management education. Uh geoscience a whole bunch of stuff and each article is supported by article processing charge that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationthe author pays for. Okay um so. How’s this journal doing well. We’ve done some. We’ve managed some great accomplishments. Um on ieee explore we usually dominate the top 10 most popular articles listed. We’ve been ranked the number one journal in ieee explore based on monthly downloads. We’re indexed by scopus and compendex and on claravit and we received the 2015 pros award for the best new journal in stem. Um so what what’s special about ieee access. Why is it popular. Uh and what are its uh what are its key features so one feature um is that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationit’s a binary decision journal. So what what that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationmeans so if you haven’t submitted here before don’t be surprised by. This is the decision is either accept or reject. So that’s what binary decision means so what that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationmeans in practice is even if your paper has slight modifications needed asked by by the reviewers. Your paper is still rejected. However you’re invited to resubmit it so when i first encountered this way of working i. I thought that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationwas a little bit strange myself admittedly but i’ve come to realize that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationthat’s actually quite a sensible way to operate for a huge journal such as this that’s dealing with thousands of papers uh because it’s no by no means a small boutique journal. It’s it’s a very large journal and it’s the best way to um to basically process the workflow of a very large journal and so what that’s doing is it’s putting the sequence of events back into the control of the author so the author is has complete control over that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationpaper when it’s rejected.

You can decide to send it somewhere else or you can decide to send it back to access with an update and a reply to the reviewers. So it’s actually it’s a good thing it’s think of it as returning the control back to you. Um the other nice thing that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationgives you control is that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationit all authors retain copyright provided that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationyou accept the uh the creative commons by license which everyone does uh the papers are on the ieee floor platform with free access in perpetuity as is for all i triple journals and a key thing for european uh listeners here is the journal is completely plan s compliance. So it’s a great journal go to journal especially if you’re having to meet requirements of your government and your funding bodies as for all ieee journals we have online usage and citation data online also reader. Comments can be added online. Anyone can comment on any paper and as for all ieee journals. Submissions are screened for plagiarism prior to peer review so that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationis uh quite strictly done uh and that’s true of all ieee journals um what about specific features. So here’s a little strange feature that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationmight surprise some of you is. We actually have no page limits. It’s an online journal with no with no real print so why not. Now the idea of this page limit is actually to serve you as an author because i i’m an author too. I’m i’m a very active author myself and i find it frustrating as an author when i send a paper say i’ve slaved over a 20-page paper send it to a journal and the editor writes back to me and says oh you’ve got to reduce it to 15 pages or 12 pages or whatever and then you spend a whole month trying to retailer it so because we’re a fast journal. We we position ourselves as a very fast turnaround journal. We think it’s important to have no page limit because we don’t want to limit to you with that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationtime constraint of having to change your page number all the time now when we say no page limit it’s it’s not an open invitation to send us a 200 page paper.

The idea is it’s still a normal lens paper but we’re not going to send the paper back to you because you’re a few pages longer than normal or whatever so if your page is starting to get rather long like uh over 40 to 50 pages we do recommend you take a hard look at that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationand uh and opt to put some of the contents of your paper in supplementary section because you know when a paper does get too long your citation rate goes down so you’re not serving your own best interests. Um so that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationleads me to my second point. Which is we do have a supplementary material section which is quite common for ieee journals we have a very wide scope. This is a special feature and uh this is also serving our authors in a special way. Because what this means is as an author you know you can get frustrated when you have a paper that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationcrosses maybe two discipline boundaries. And you send it to journal a or b and they both reject you because it’s not quite in their scope so the great thing about our scope is we’re broad enough that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationprovided you’re in the ieees areas of interest you won’t get rejected based on scope so that’s another frustration that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationis reduced another thing uh is because we’re such a large journal. We don’t mind uh debate articles articles that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationuh tend to be attempted to pay debate points and maybe slightly controversial usually small boutique journals. Uh don’t like to get into this area but for a big journal you know. We have a thick skin. And we we want to serve the community and so if having a debate about a particular point is important we want to. We want to support that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationso provided the debate is done in a very scholarly and professional way. Uh we will publish it. Um and a hallmark of the debate paper is probably uh half the reviewers will want to reject it so we recognize that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationand provided there is there’s balance in your paper and it’s done in a scholarly way we will.

We will definitely consider consider it. Even if some reviewers are saying to reject um so uh yeah controversy can can be used in a positive way. Uh if done nicely if you do have a a debate a debate article if you want to. If you feel you you’ve got a paper that’s going to uh crush the next paradigm if that’s what you want to do. You know. Ieee accesses a go-to place for that. Um yeah uh now uh another interesting feature uh as with most ieee journals you can disagree with a reviewer when you’re applying uh when you’re doing your reply letter to the reviewers but in ieee access i believe we’ve kind of streamlined. That international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationa bit better. We expect you to if you do disagree to clearly disagree. Give your reasons support your reasons in your reply letter and not only that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationbut to make that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationpoint transparent by actually adding it to your paper if you just keep it in your letter and don’t transparently put your counterpoint. In the paper you may be rejected but so long as you’ve maintained complete transparency. Uh you can be okay. If there is a technical disagreement. Um we have a special reply letter template to facilitate a clear reply letter and um it’s compulsory to use that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationum next point um as you can see over the years in a short space of time. We’ve grown very rapidly in the size of our journal and in that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationshort space of time we shot up to an impact factor of slightly over four which is very good for that. Short time in terms of eigenfactor which is another good uh metric. That’s on clarivet. We are the number three journal. Uh in about 300 journals in electrical engineering and uh in the telecommunications category. We’re number one for eigenfactor so now some so that’s enough about. I trickly access now. Some tips some tips. How to get published in ieee access and how to have a good author experience so first of all uh check you’re in scope so as i said.

Uh you’re it’s got a very broad scope anyway so so so long as you’re under the ieee umbrella of topics you should be. Okay uh we do get a lot of papers surprisingly an offer to just pure mechanical engineering pure civil engineering and purely mathematical only papers that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationare clearly written for a mathematics journal those all get rejected. Unfortunately because they’re not really under the ieee scope so please don’t send those to us. Um it’s surprising. How many papers i receive on blowing up rocks and crushing rocks. I don’t want to see those okay. So um the other tip tip two is to write a quality paper to start with um so you need to have uh original and innovative research international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publication as with all ieee papers we need to see kind of comparisons to show that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationwhat you have produced is actually better than something before. It’s actually gone up a level. Experimental validation is always highly valued in all ieee transactions. And it’s the same here. Make sure you’ve got these sort of elements to pass as a quality paper if you’re publishing for the first time in ieee look at quality ieee papers online from any ieee journal downloads copies of papers that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationare highly cited and kind of look at all the elements in the paper. And do your own quality. Check check those papers against yours. Have you got all the elements of those papers in yours. It’s very important for all co-authors to thoroughly proofread their papers before submitting. It’s surprising how many papers i receive and i reject straight away because clearly uh the first author may be a very junior author and there’s a bunch of senior authors after and there are just so many elementary errors right throughout the paper and the senior authors have clearly not even read it so that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationis not a good look to send us such a paper. Um and run through your own paper through plate for your own university’s plagiarism software. Before you send it to us most universities these days subscribe to uh plagiarism.

Software to check on your students use that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationsame software to check your own papers. You might think there’s no plagiarism. In your paper but you might surprise yourself. There can be some unconscious reuse of passages. It’s important to nip those in the bud yourself tip three format mathematics properly so uh for that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationcheck the ieee guidelines on formatting math. There’s nothing worse than receiving a paper as an editor where the math just looks like a mess and it’s hardly readable. Um now there’s no uh ieee policy about which package you use whether you use word or latex or whatever but as an editor my tip to you to you is to use latex because it’s the best package for formatting math correctly so some common mistakes people make is at itali italicizing multiple letter variables and labels only single letter items are in italics and physical units and functions are not in italics. Another mistake many papers do is they use the e notation for exponents. Use the proper scientific notation. You know 10 to the power of something and don’t use asterisks to mean multiply use the the correct symbols. Or if you’ve got two italics variables together you don’t need a symbol between them. Things like e-notation and asterisk are really designed for computer code not for journals. It doesn’t look good in a journal. Okay develop clear. Figures tip four label. Your axes clearly use long descriptive captions. Uh i say for long captions i i like a caption to basically talk the reader through. What’s going on in that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationdiagram so i can understand that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationdiagram carefully. Don’t use fancy shading or backgrounds in your graphs. Use plain white backgrounds. Don’t have more figures than text. I’ve seen some papers where they’re just overloaded with figures and the the figures is actually overruns the whole paper and then there’s like 80 figures at the end of the paper. Um if you’re in that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationsituation you need to consider using the supplementary materials section for those extra figures.

Don’t don’t try and overcram your paper and look at good ieee papers and see how figures are sized approp are sized appropriately to fill into the two column format. Make sure you do that. Nicely next tip. Check your references. Use proper ieee format. A common mistake is to not say art number. When there’s an article number many also just put a p there uh check for missing bibliographic details uh like totally missing page numbers and stuff like that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationis a no no and when you get the bibliographic details go to the actual paper itself. Download the paper. Don’t take the details of the database because quite often there are mistakes on those databases a very common mistake. Is i see papers. Where half the half the references in conferences all begin on page one. It’s impossible to have 20 references from conferences all beginning on page one. Obviously something is wrong there. It’s because it was copied off a database. You need to actually look at the real reference and see what the real page number is and if it doesn’t have one use the doi number minimize use of tables don’t overuse tables try to use graphics and charts and graphs in preference if you really have to have large table very large tables or lots of them. Consider the supplementary section. There’s no it’s very. It’s a turn off to see a paper which is just totally overloaded with tables be self-critical about your own paper before the conclusions consider having a section called limitations of the study and add your own critique. Get in there before your reviewers beat you to it. That’s a good good trick. A good tip for for most papers have open questions like any good exciting work should stimulate new questions so put forward facing open questions in your conclusions. If you’ve got a lot of open questions even consider having a section called open questions towards the end near to the conclusion tip nine thoroughly proof. Read your paper. It’s remember. This is a fast uh journal with a a very fast turnaround time um and there is uh very little copy editing because of that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationso think of this your paper as an almost camera ready manuscript take care with your details um a colleague of mine.

A number of years ago visited cambridge university and saw this notice uh at cambridge it said because of the impracticability of an examiner’s establishing the details of the conduct of the research international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publication the care with which the thesis is prepared will be taken as prima facie evidence of the care with which the research international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publication has been carried out. So treat your paper in the same manner thank you. Oh one more last tip. I forgot tip 10 be visible as an author. It’s a good idea for you and your co-authors to be on google scholar and to be on publons to how will have publon’s profiles if you’re on problems the added bonus is our database of reviewers comes from is connected to publon so you’re more likely to be selected as a reviewer for ieee access if you’re on publons and it’s now compulsory it’s now uh ieee policy that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationall papers uh all authors should have walk ids linked to their ieee paper. It’s not universally universally enforced in ieee but it is an igp policy that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationyou should do that international research journal of engineering and technology, journal paper publicationand we are stepping up. Uh our our enforcement of this so though try to be ahead of the game and have all your court authors. Put your orc ids in right from the beginning.

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