Futuristic Scope of Civil Engineering | #KnowRUAS #CivilEngineering

So as i said that i’ll be speaking about. What is the scope of civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals in general and how is civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals back to us so before i go to the actual topic. I’d like to briefly. Tell about ramayana. Ramayana is a very well-known name karnataka and very popular from south india. It is a brand. It is well known in both education and healthcare. Now this ramayana actually runs several institutes and one of them. Very popular is ramayana university of applied sciences. Which is in short known as roas so ruvas is the umbrella under which different faculties are housed proudly offers more than 70 programs which run across uh 10 faculties or some of them are also called as schools but runs across several faculties and schools. So as i was telling you rowas is one brand under which all these faculties are there. So civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals department comes under faculty of engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals and technology. What you are able to see here. Okay so we have this nine to ten faculties we have faculty of management and commerce which houses the mba programs. Then we have pharmacy so all. The related courses are taught in those faculties and faculty of engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals and technology it caters to the engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals disciplines. And one of them is civil engineering. Now this is a pictorial representation of the establishment of luas. I’ll be very briefly discussing about this so till 2012 we had different uh institutes like ramayana school of advanced studies and so on so all of them they were marched and then in 2013 lewis was established. So as i told you earlier also these are the various faculties the various branches of rawas. Now coming to uh what civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals across this. What are its programs and courses so we offer one undergraduate course which is uh named as vtec in civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals so we offer a big tech degree and it spans for four years so each year is divided into two separates so totally it runs across eight semesters and the intake for this year. It is 13. We also run some postgraduate courses.

Four in fact four so we call them as master’s degree and tech in structural engineering. I’m tech in construction engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals management and tech in sanitation engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals and waste management. Now it has been renamed as environmental engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals and management and then transportation engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals again. These are the details about the pg courses. How exactly we handle them. Okay that is the coming to the actual theme of my talk. It is the scope of civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals before going to civil engineering. Let us first look into. What exactly is engineer so sumer. Can you answer this question. What exactly is engineering. Okay i shall answer it. So engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals is nothing but a profession. Where the scientific knowledge is used to develop some application now for example. We know that science tells us the property of nature or property of water. For example science tells that water flows from higher level to lower level so that is explanation of nature and its laws basically is done by science but in the engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals what we do is this law. We use it for our application for example. A simple road when you lay a road at the center we provide some cable and we use this law of nature to tell that because you have certain elevation at the center which is called camber. The water will not stand on the road but it will flow to the sides so that simple law which was explained by science. We have used it to develop our roadways where we are using this property and we are seeing that the water does not stand on the road and the road is water free otherwise the roads get damaged so engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals is the practical application where we develop some practical application so its role is to direct the resources of nature to the use of mankind so we have many disciplines of engineering. One is mechanical aerospace. Then automotive then we have computer science then artificial intelligence and of course civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals is a profession or it is a professional engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals discipline which basically deals with the design and the construction of different structures so these structures can be as simple as a house or it can be bridges or it can be canals or it can be dams and pedals but don’t think that civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals means it is only construction so it it’s not just construction.

It is beyond that so civil engineering. Basically deals with the civilians or the civil uh infrastructure or the civil life so it can be the buildings or it can be the structures or it can be building the entire city itself or towns so infrastructure is nothing but it may be the water supply or it can be transportation so if you see it. Sky is the limit in civil engineering. Because you name any project. Engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals expertise is needed. So we make them happen now. Civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals has led to green revolution. In india. Great revolution became a reality in india. Because of the expert services of civilizations for example you know that the rainfall is not even across the country. That’s why irrigation came into picture. So if you want to irrigate we need to construct some structures. We need a dam. We need a system of canals to distribute the water so vast areas of dry land. They have been successfully irrigated and this has led to the green revolution so induce vast scope for irrigation by constructing dams canals and its distributions. Or you can say branches. Also the construction of the power stations with the help of which we are able to tap on electricity or dams which lead to the construction of turbines and power generation. So all this it is possible with the help of civil engineers not only this now daily. We use water. We generate lot of waste so we have sewage treatment plants which provide us with the treatment of this used water and even treating the sewage and converting it into let us say less hazardous material which can’t be dispersed in the environment so this also requires the expertise of civil engineers also for our movement for the smooth movement of people we need lot of roadways railways and in nowhere days metros it has come up in metro rail it has come up in different cities like the bangalore.

Then we have chennai kochi recently in delhi so they also the paths and the roads. What do we travel. They’re all civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals projects in fact most of our structures which may be big or small large or small. They definitely require the help of a civil engineer it can be in the planning stage. It can be the designing stage or it can be managing the whole project or it can be all these things put together now. Civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals is called as the mother of michigan. In fact in the olden days the first engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals which was born was mildred. Why because those days wars were rampant. So they used to temporarily build bridges for the warfare. Move across the other area demolish the bridge and move on so that is how military engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals came into picture but after later engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals it was the civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals which was born now. Civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals is very must we have different sub disciplines. So one of them we can say this survey another we have building materials and just naming a few. We have many more. Actually another is uh structural. Engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals your technical engineering. Then we have the water resources education then we have transportation engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals neuron metal engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals and so on let us see very briefly. What exactly each one does now. Here we are seeing some instruments and they are seeing some people who are using the instruments so they are measuring they are measuring the earth’s surface. So they may measure the area or they may measure the length for example you want to lay a roadway so you need to survey before and during also so surveying is basically defined as the art of math and plant thinking because before you want to start any construction you have to survey your area then you can develop a plan all those things. We have some guidelines which we’ll be following to develop the plans map is on a huge scale for example map of a country that way or map of bangalore map of karnataka clutch area plan.

It’s relatively small. It can be for a simple building or a shopping mall so that is a flat piece so survey it started with the remote test of instruments to the most advanced so survey maps they provide the relative position of various objects both in the horizontal and the vertical directions. Now you can see the various survey instruments which we’ll be using in our survey right now. We have a very advanced instrument which is called as total station where you can not only do the survey you can also store the details about the various survey what you have carried out in a file. Okay so total station. Is the latest then. Civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals also takes the help of electronics. Like we have electronic distance measurement where they are able to measure the distance electronically without actually wherever it is inaccessible. One without going there with the help of signals which are reflected back and we can so we have advanced equipments in civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals so these are some of the equipments what we will be using level and so on now when it comes to building materials we have thousands of buildings for example. Let us say the flooring the flooring itself you have a synthetic you have let us say linoleum or it can be a marble or it can be granite so you have a lot of choices and as you are aware the basic need of mankind for the civilized society. Of course it is scheduler so we will be using lot of breeding materials and we will need to know the properties because if you want to choose a particular material for a particular structure you need to know its properties so all this will be learning not only that every day new building. Materials are being researched. Okay we have seen lot of improvement in all these materials so we have thousands of materials. Then as you are aware once cement was developed concrete came into picture.

Actually we had a line concrete earlier but the exhaustive usage started about after cement was implemented. But it’s also a tragedy with cement because we know that cement is also contributing to air pollution. So i will not go into those videos but as i told you we have thousands of building materials which are available and in this particular section or course will be studying those details then we have another field which is called construction technology. Where we’ll be going about the managerial skills. Uh how to achieve economic economy means how can we save some money and how to do it in efficient manner so all this will be dealt with construction technology so it can be the planning and the execution of the designs for different types of structures in civil engineering. We have another very important discipline in civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals which is called structural engineering. Now for example you want to build a pitch so you know that some part of the bridge will be in water so you need to know how much water pressure is acting on the part of the bridge which is in contact with water that is one aspect next. Ah because there are no structures nearby you will have enormous wind growing and the wind pressure also it has to withstand so it will be subjected to different roads. Then it will have its own weight that is another glow then. Earthquake may occur in that area so a quick load is another area so all these roads will have to arrive at them so how to arrive at these loads that will be going in structural engineering. Not only that how the structure will behave under this rule then how to design what should be the size so all this will be doing in structural engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals so construction of tall buildings bridges dance. It makes the basic knowledge of what we call structural engineering. So this is a figure about the world’s longest bridge in shanghai and these are some of the world’s tallest buildings we can say they are the signatures of civil engineers then.

This is nearly one kilometer in the vertical direction. These are the other tall structures which are very famous then. These are the tallest statues in the world. India 182 meters tallest statue statue of unity. So all this needs the expertise of civil engineers now coming through another important branch in civil engineering. It is called as geotechnical engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals so geotechnical engineers. They basically are more into the study of the rock and the soil properties to determine whether it is suitable to support the loads coming on the soil. So if we want the structure to be safe we need the expertise of geotechnical engineers to ensure the safe and secure structures so not only that all the every structure it rests on soil. It can be the pavement or it can be a tunnel or it can be an earthen dam or earth retaining structure so the soil is very important we need to know whether it can sustain the load coming from the structure so we also have what is called as water resources and education engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals which is again where we will be studying about the principally in civil engineering. It will be only water. So we’ll be studying about water the canal system. Then the conveyance of the fluids the stability of the structures and so on then transportation engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals so this involves the construction of air force in boards harbours and roadways in suburban and urban road networks. Parking lots and very important traffic control signal systems so it involves. It’s also a huge field which involves the design and analysis of all this highways railways airports and so on and environmental engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals which is making a lot of noise nowadays. It deals with the supply of pure water then treatment and disposal of wastewater and solid waste and also we have a lot of air pollution problems. They also need to be resolved with the help of neuron metal engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals so environmental engineers. They’ll be dealing with all this and another is very important if you want to build wonderful cities and towns.

We need to have some technical knowledge where we’ll be learning in architecture and town plan so that we can have aesthetically designed structures now before going further. I just want to introduce how exactly civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals design was so i. I’d like to tell you about some of the laboratory festivities which are available in our lowest campus. We have a concrete timeline temporarily when we have basic material testing laboratory where we test the materials then survey laboratory. I showed you the instruments here. Then the geology computer alien laboratory geotechnical engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals laboratory and so on. So these are uh in brief some of the laboratories we are having then we also have some special equipments. These are some very rare equipments which are not available everywhere they are used to perform fatigue tests and also i would like to proudly tell you some of our mtech students. They have done some group projects where they have developed some equipments. So this is one such. It’s a semi-automatic plastic machine which is developed by our own mtech students then. This is also impact testing machine which is developed by our students for testing the slabs. This is another device. Activating system for dynamic analysis. And this is a smart based segregator which is developed by our students as a part of the project not only that we have also developed some low cost us to treat the grey water so and another. This is another instrument which is internet of things enabled or iot enabled data acquisition and warning system related to earthquake. It is then this is an equipment again fabricated by our own students to study the potholes on the roads so we have done some wonderful projects so this is a wind. Turbine which has been developed by our students. It is basically installed on the highway and we can find out it can generate power and this battery what we had used. It can light that 20 watts day can for 48 minutes because on the highways enormous wind pressure will be there so that uh energy we can tap the wind energy we can convert it as electric energy so this instrument has been developed that context then we also learned some uh student and staff exchange programs with other countries like russia so saint petersburg university of civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals and architecture.

We have and these are some of the exchange programs when they came to india. These are the picnic as well as the study tours. What we had arranged the various site visions demonstrated our facilities here. They attended our classes and they were also taken to different industrial visits so these are some photographs of the sale. Also our tech and tech students. They visited russia on the same context regarding the staff exchange and student exchange program. So they are we were exposed. To how technology is there at russia so that is one thing not only that we arrange lot of guest talks. I just added one a guest talk by dr. Chandra modi is speaking about retrofitting. Then we have done some consultancy works so this is for investigation of black spots at berlin district. Then we have arranged some site visits. This is to the energy and resource institute which is in bangalore and this is our students visit to russia. So now these are the placement details of our civil students at ruas so these are few of the companies where they are working something like bentley systems amd projects righteous my captain in forces eagle river and kmc projects and just naming a few civilian and prestige mind tech solutions then even in bangalore baptist hospital. They are working where the environmental engineers are working placed in atkins which is a very prestigious company atkins global as well as against india. So these are some of the companies where our both for the fiji and the ug students have been placed so these are few more companies where our students are working so then these are two more companies like multiplex in dubai then sober developers also.

We have they’re also somewhat placed than in amazon then captain and so on so these are few of the companies even in bbmp then karnataka. Power transmission then akshaya so these are some of the placement buildings now. Um i just brief. What is the role of a civil engineer earlier. What i showed was what are the various disciplines in symmetry. Now i’ll be just telling you. What is the role of a civil engineer. So he has to do the planning. He has to involve in designing then construction of houses apartments office buildings commercial establishments and after surveying he has to also prepare the estimates then the planks okay and he has to imagine different types of structures and we have to build them so don’t think civil engineers means only feed. Well not necessarily nowadays. We are also depending on lot of software so we have another session the afternoon. Where uh dr sheena’s kadala will be briefing you about. What is the role of software in civil engineering. So don’t think that civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals means only the failures. You need to have the same knowledge as well as you can work in the offices as well so civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals will be in the planning and design of transportation facilities like highway strategies. So all these things already have told you about this. So we’ll not only be designing will also be involved in the maintenance of the structures so he’ll be ignored in the construction of dams and canals. He’ll be involved in severe statement lines then for construction of pollutant the structures which can control the pollutants then tanks and banks and river navigation and flood control projects then for structures which are related to purification and supply of water. So all this will be involved. Okay so this is the role of possible pitching. Now i’d like to conclude and talk with the. What are the career options for simulations. Basically we have three paths one is we can do three jobs.

In field jobs. You can either opt for a private sector or a public sector or government sector government sector is purely done neither by the state government or the central government public sector sector. They have the participation of both. Then you can do research. Uh you can go into the research field as a scientist maybe in isro or bar or drd or you can go into management field because civil engineers can also act like managers another option which is available self-employment. Okay that is the best option. So the jobs are available in private sector public sector and comic center so private jobs it can be building design construction and real estate and it can be infrastructure related. It can be highways airports then water resources in bands hydraulic structures and in private sector also for construction planning and management then in public sectors. We have a huge players like airport authority of india india then uh system aeronautics limited nal then we have nppc and so on even oil and natural gas mission so we have so many opportunities then in government sector it can be the central government sector or it can be the state government in central government. Also you have what is called as the central pwd that is public works department. They have the railways you have proportionately in water resources even in madrid and so on in the state government sector so these are the government jobs which are available for civil engineers in india so this is called as indian engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals services in the next slide. I will show you. What are the possible. Recruitment opportunities so we have the public sector undertaking based on the great school. You can enter these fields without gate score. You can enter into these fields. Then the jobs directly which are related to our degree. We can be a cad technician or we can become a consulting civil engineer or you can be called as a design engineer or you can be called as estimator or nuclear engineer.

A site engineer or structural engineer based on what is your role or job so again in indian engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals services we have this. This is the scope so it can be central water engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals or survey of india service and so on so this is about ies indian engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals services again in government sector following the other absorption of capacities. You can say so we have municipal confirmations whereas few civil engineers are needed gel boards or gel negum or it can be delhi development authority when it comes to bangalore it is valuable development authority so something like it or it can be new deliverance. Bill corporation there. Also we have scope metro rail and indian oil corporation public rules. Uh department airport authority of india. Already i show this. So these are the various fields in dominant sector which can offer jobs for civil engineers and our own business is always there and for b-tech and m-tech these please assistant professor or you can become a senior civil engineer or a project manager or a construction manager or a consultant or a researcher so we have scope in educational institutions. We have an infrastructure engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals program. We also have scoping project management because managing projects is not a joke or we have in real estate or we also have in building construction. So these are some of the top-notch companies which absorb the civil engineers so it can be lnd champagne apology or bunch lloyd or infosys limited or coastal projects alternate cement and so on so i just named a few of the companies which absorb civil engineers so these are some of the upcoming infrastructure projects which have been defined by our honorable prime minister where there is again scope for civil engineers like it is the sagar mala project or bharat mala project statute project definitely in civil engineering. So this is what i just wanted to convey so in case of any doubts you are welcome.

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