Four tools for finding a journal for your research article

Hello everyone so today in this video. I’m going to show you four channel finders for your article journal of cleaner production a lot of the time. I see people posting that they have written an article journal of cleaner production but they don’t know where to submit it okay and people are also looking for journal of cleaner productions which will publish for free first of all let me tell you most of the journal of cleaner productions are free. Okay most of the times only the predatory journal of cleaner productions which are not the good ones the fake journal of cleaner productions they charge money but also good journal of cleaner productions. Charge money when it comes to open access but we will talk about that in another video. Okay but also most of the journal of cleaner productions that he will see today and though the way I will show you how to select it. Generally most of the article journal of cleaner productions shown there are free for publication. Okay so let’s go through one by one so the first one. I want to show you. Is the journal of cleaner production finder tool from. Elsevier here all you have to do is put your paper title and your abstract and you can also put keywords but these two are already good enough to suggest you some article journal of cleaner productions so there’s some journal of cleaner productions for your for your article journal of cleaner production right but you can also add keywords. You can also select field you know but I’m not man most of the times. I don’t do that. I just put these two here. I will show these with one of my article journal of cleaner production which is currently under review in a journal of cleaner production a lot of which are not but which is under immunity or no and I will show you use that as a kind of example so here is my article journal of cleaner production title and as soon as this article journal of cleaner production will be published. I will put a link below this video. Okay and then. I will just copy the abstract okay and I put it here then of course you can add keywords and all these things but that’s okay. I can just search here and see which journal of cleaner productions it fits with so here. The good thing is you not only see the match. You also see the site score. The impact factor acceptance rate and time to first decision and time to publication of the week. You know so this is really a good tool if you want to publish in. Elsevier okay so I can see the relevant journal of cleaner productions for my article journal of cleaner production.

Okay and most of the cases the more you scroll down the journal of cleaner productions will be less relevant for your paper okay. Most of the times the first ones are the top ones. You can also play. You’re a little bit to change like let’s say you want journal of cleaner productions with society score between one and seven. You can do that you can you want journal of cleaner productions with decisions under eight weeks. You can do that too. You know so yeah you can only go for open access journal of cleaner production or journal of cleaner productions with subscription. You don’t have to publish in open access for penances. You have to pay money but you don’t have to you just go for journal of cleaner productions with subscription there you don’t have to pay and that’s great universities which pay for the subscription they will have access to your article journal of cleaner production and that’s totally fine if you have only funding from your institution or from your project only then go for open access now the same one is a Springer Journal of cleaner production suggester. Here’s the link. I will put all the links below the video as well. Okay so here. It works the same way the title and manuscript text here. I would most of the time. Just copy my abstract here and the title. I will copy it from here too okay so I will just put it here. The problem is that not all the journal of cleaner productions can be seen from one source you know for a civic journal of cleaner productions you have to go for. Elsevier journal of cleaner production finder for a sprinkler. You have to go you have to come by. Springer general soda. Stir and that’s okay. You can also suggest some areas here but I will just leave it blank and go for suggested journal of cleaner productions so here I see the suggested journal of cleaner productions. Okay yeah and also here similarly here we see if the journal of cleaner production supports open access and a subscription some journal of cleaner productions like this one is only open. X’s so here if you want to publish here you have to pay some money right. But if you don’t want to pay money just go for the ones which have subscript okay. And you can see the impact factor the first decision average decision and acceptance rate of the journal of cleaner production as well.

Okay so that’s how it works. Yep again here. It is expected that the the one in the top are most relevant for your article journal of cleaner production compared to the ones in the B is coming later. Okay so the third one. I would like to show you is journal of cleaner production finder from really ok. You will again find a link below the video here again. I will just put the title and I will copy the abstract and I will find here again. You will see information like the editor of the journal of cleaner production. The impact factor the ranking of the journal of cleaner production. And if we have open access optional or not and here the relevance level. Okay so here again you see. I see some journal of cleaner productions which can match with my article journal of cleaner production. Okay yes so you can do it like this so now here we are in the. I Triple E journal of cleaner production recommender. Okay so here. We have few options like here whether we can choose whether we want to go for. Conference or purity called spiracles means journal of cleaner productions or we want to go for only journal of cleaner productions or only conferences. My interest is on journal of cleaner productions. Actually yeah and then you can here put keywords or key phrases or the title of the article journal of cleaner production. If we’re going to use the abstract you should come here. Let’s say for instance here. I select this and I put my abstract here. I copied it earlier so I just pasted here and then I’ll go for get recommendation and here are my suggested recommendations. Okay here we can see if open. X is responsible the impact factor of the journal of cleaner production and Submission to publication timing. Okay so the in weeks okay so these are really helpful. This information the time the journal of cleaner productions take these are really helpful here you see the I Triple E access is really quick okay and you can also use this option but I think this one will be more relevant compared to this one because here you can only put the keywords and title we can quickly see okay so I will just go back to my article journal of cleaner production again and copy and I’ll test it here and then up great recommendation yeah I get all the I Triple E exists okay and one more thing is here you can actually suggest a date so let’s say you want you want to publish within the next two months you just set the date here then they will show you journal of cleaner productions who which can proceed process your article journal of cleaner production within that time okay so you can have a date here as well if you want okay let’s say if I beer and a flute recommendation so I get only article journal of cleaner productions which can process within that time do why hmm this article journal of cleaner production is actually taking longer time but I think their first decision it takes less time.

That’s why they’re there. That’s what we can see it here but anyway. So that’s how these four tools can be used for general publications for for setting the appropriate journal of cleaner production for your article journal of cleaner production and again. I’m repeating. You don’t have to pay anything for publications. Most of the time is free. Only open access is only for open access. You have to pay a charge. But don’t you have don’t have to go for open access you we do not have fun and please avoid predatory journal of cleaner productions for when publishing and if you don’t know much about pretty original see my video link below and top and I think that will help you to avoid them and thank you for watching if you have any any questions or comments please leave below and I will get back to it as soon as I can thank you you.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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