Global Research Letters


Futuristic Scope of Civil Engineering | #KnowRUAS #CivilEngineering | #Webinar 1

So as i said that i’ll be speaking about. What is the scope of civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals in general and how is civil engineering journals civil engineering, civil engineering journals back to us so before i go to the actual topic. I’d like to briefly. Tell about ramayana. Ramayana is …

Futuristic Scope of Civil Engineering | #KnowRUAS #CivilEngineering | #Webinar 1 Read More »

Avoiding Plagiarism and Self Plagiarism

Okay well good morning and welcome to avoiding plagiarism checker research paper free, free plagiarism checker research paper insult plagiarism checker research paper free, free plagiarism checker research paper. It’s the latest webinar. From the department of scientific publications. My name is joe munch. I’m an editor in the department and with me today is …

Avoiding Plagiarism and Self Plagiarism Read More »

Variables in Research: Definition and Types

Variables research variable definition are important concepts in research contexts. Research students need to have a basic understanding regarding the meaning of variables research variable definition in research and the types of research variables research variable definition so in this presentation. We will discuss the general meaning of research variables research variable definition in its …

Variables in Research: Definition and Types Read More »

Intro to the Publishing Process

This video introduces the publishing publishers journals, journal publisher process. Thinking about how you want to publish and being more strategic with your choices can increase the chance of your paper being accepted. This session will go through the process of publishing publishers journals, journal publisher in a journal publishers journals, journal publisher with tips …

Intro to the Publishing Process Read More »

LPC Webinar Series / OA Journal Publishing: DOAJ Indexing and Best Practice

And I’d like to just make sure Courtney are used that to start recording so we’re good okay. Wonderful well hello. Everyone welcome to the first library publishing coalition webinar of the fall 2016 season. The title of today’s session is open. Access journal publishing co aj indexing and best practice getting your open access …

LPC Webinar Series / OA Journal Publishing: DOAJ Indexing and Best Practice Read More »