Evaluating Journal Articles

Welcome to a lesson on evaluating journal articles indian journals in ugc care list, journal general. This lesson is broken into two parts. 1) Navigating to the online record of a scholarly journal article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general and 2) examining an article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general by asking the right questions. It’s recommended that viewers follow along and replicate this process with their own research projects in future. Let’s get started. Part 1: Navigating to the online record of a scholarly journal article. Published scholarship is a conversation. Traditionally it occurs among researchers, writers, and scholars heavily involved in a particular area, discipline, or expertise. The process of sharing ideas through published articles indian journals in ugc care list, journal general in scholarly journals indian journals in ugc care list, journal general impacts the ongoing development of new thinking within a field of study. Because scholarship is founded on the expectation of effectively communicating new concepts, theories, and ideas, a journal article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general must be meticulously researched, written, submitted for review, and vetted for accuracy and quality before being accepted for publication. This peer review process is the biggest difference between articles indian journals in ugc care list, journal general published in scholarly journals indian journals in ugc care list, journal general and much of the information available on the internet. However it doesn’t matter whether a search for information takes place in a database containing scholarly journal articles indian journals in ugc care list, journal general or through a search engine like Google. All information must be evaluated no matter where it comes from. The trick is making it an automatic habit The more you practice, the more second nature it will become. With all that being said, today we are focusing on evaluating scholarly journal articles indian journals in ugc care list, journal general. we will start by looking closely at an online record of an article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general in Centenary’s Cyclone Search database. Access the Cyclone Search database from the library’s website at You can use the master search box on the home page or click directly into the database from the search drop down menu on the navigation bar running along the top of the webpage. At the time of this recording, a search for ‘social media and body image’, limited to full-text, peer-reviewed articles indian journals in ugc care list, journal general, published between 2018 and 2020 yields 490 results.

If you are following along in the database and performing your own search, the results list number may be different as current library database subscriptions are constantly in flux. Let’s take a closer look at the 12th article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general in this results list. “Me, my selfie, and I: The relations between selfie behaviors body image, self-objectification and self-esteem in young women. As a general database searching rule, remember that it’s important to look at articles indian journals in ugc care list, journal general in the results beyond the first 10 listed. The article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general preview on the results list is your first opportunity to evaluate the article. This preview displays the source type image, article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general title, publication information, tagged subjects , and options for viewing. Access the quick view of the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general to view the publication information in a different format and quickly read the abstract or summary. You can access the detailed record page at any time by clicking on the title of the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general or the detailed record option from the quick view menu. If you have an Ebscohost account set up you can also add the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general to a folder to save for later. By looking at this information before clicking into the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general record you are screening for potential relevancy to your research. A good sign is when your search terms or phrases are highlighted anywhere in the preview. In this case, ‘body image’ is highlighted in both the title and subjects and the word ‘media’ in the scholarly journal that the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general was originally published in. Looks like we’re off to a good start! Part 2: Examining an article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general and asking the right questions. Remember, when you search for information you’re going to find a lot of it. One of your jobs as a researcher is to determine whether an article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general you choose is 1) good information and 2) the right information for your research purposes. To help, there are some core questions you can always ask yourself every time you access an article.

These questions are designed to encourage you to think about currency, relevancy, authority, accuracy and original purpose of an article. A list of questions is helpful, but how can you put them into practice? Try breaking the evaluative process into two steps by reviewing the bibliographic information and performing a content analysis. I will demonstrate this process by continuing to use the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general “Me, my selfie and I”. View the full list of bibliographic information of an article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general by clicking the title of an article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general from your results list. This will take you to the online record of that article. In the case of Centenary’s Cyclone Search this is called a detailed record page. This page lists the article’s bibliographic information and additional pieces of information valuable to your evaluation process. Once again, you will find the title, the authors the source, and abstract. Additional information includes author-supplied keywords , publication history, and type , and the doi, or the digital object identifier, which is the link location of where that article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general lives on the internet. which is valuable for sharing the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general with others. It is here where you want to stop and ask yourself questions related to the authors and publisher. First, examine the authors. Do they have credibility and expertise? What is their education and career? In the case of “Me, my selfie and I”, organizational affiliation and contact information for each author is provided. Keep in mind that this won’t always be the case. This demonstrates a willingness on the author’s part to further participate in the scholarly conversation and field potential questions. Secondly ask yourself about the article’s publication history. When was the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general published? Are there multiple editions? Do you recognize the publisher? The source line tells you when the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general was published in the journal Psychology and Popular Media.

Clicking on the journal title will tell you more information about the publication if you do not know the publisher right away which is often the case for new researchers. Scrolling the detailed records page reveals the article’s publication history. Right here. This is valuable information because it tells you how long the authors have been working on the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general and how it was received by others during the peer review process. You can even check that it is peer-reviewed by looking at publication type. If you feel confident in your answers to your bibliographic information review you can move on to the content analysis. If your review ends poorly do not waste any more of your time with that article. Go back to your results list and keep searching. Perform a content analysis by evaluating purpose and relevance, scope and coverage, and objectivity and writing quality. While you were doing this ask yourself why and for who was the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general written? Is it useful to my research topic or question? Are there limitations of the information or is it comprehensive? Is it factual or does it contain bias? Begin your content analysis by clicking on pdf full text to access the pdf version of the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general in the top left of the page. Clicking on html full text allows you to read the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general displayed on a regular web page but it is sometimes easier to navigate an article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general when viewing it in a pdf reader application Note that most if not all of the bibliographic information you need to reference the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general in the body of your text or in a works cited or reference page is available on the first page of the article. This includes the title, list of authors, journal title volume number, issue number, and year of publication. The doi is even available. Scroll to skim the article, taking note of any highlighted portions or links. Skip to a particular page by typing in the page number. You can view the references listed at the end of the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general and look at any potentially that are linked for easy access.

My favorite trick to quickly find relevant key terms or phrases is to search directly within the body of the text. This allows you to see how many times your most popular keywords are used in the article. Theoretically, the more times they are used, the more useful the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general will be to your research. However this trick is not to be used as a replacement to critically and deeply read an article. It is just an evaluative tool designed to help you as the researcher decide relevancy. Instagram, for example occurs 11 times in “Me, my selfie and I”. Jumping to the word and reading a few sentences before and after gives you a better idea of the content of the article. If the majority of the answers to all these content analysis questions are positive, you can feel comfortable using the article indian journals in ugc care list, journal general for your research. Any questions or concerns? As always feel free to contact us at the library. Fill out our Ask a Librarian! form on our home page at or send us an email at

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