Into to Research Methodology

Greetings fellow research meaning of research methodology in hindiers. This is a brief video. That will outline the essentials of the research meaning of research methodology in hindi process first and most generally there are simply three steps in the research meaning of research methodology in hindi process. The first is to pose some kind of question meaning of research methodology in hindi that’s of interest to you. Collect some data that will answer that question meaning of research methodology in hindi and then present the answers of that question meaning of research methodology in hindi to an audience who is concerned to find the answer to the question meaning of research methodology in hindi that you research meaning of research methodology in hindied. I will be referring often to this slide. That gives you a broad overview of all the steps in the research meaning of research methodology in hindi process everything from identifying the research meaning of research methodology in hindi problem reviewing the literature related to that topic specifying a purpose further research meaning of research methodology in hindi effort collecting data analyzing and interpreting that data and then reporting and evaluating the research meaning of research methodology in hindi that first step identifying. The research meaning of research methodology in hindi problem involves first discovering some issue. A problem that needs to be solved. Obviously there are a lot of issues in the world that are worthy of interest or that are interesting and worthy of some consideration but important first step is for the research meaning of research methodology in hindier to identify for him or herself. What that issue is and why it needs to be solved when we go ahead and start writing your paper you need to state this up upfront. So that the person who is might be interested knows right from the beginning. What the problem is why you are interested in studying about it studying it so for us right now in this class. It’s important at the very beginning to start thinking about that topic and what it is that you’ll be studying for the rest of this semester. Now the next step is to conduct the literature review and literature review basically helps you just discover what has been studied about this problem before. And what are the people who’ve studied to think and this is a crucial first step in the process for an individual to become literally immersed in the literature of that particular topic of interest to them. This does a couple things one it gives you a broad view of what has been thought about this topic but also exposes you to not only the solutions that some people have come up to that problem but also helps you look at a situation with greater clarity.

If you have a better idea of what other people thought there might be some things that you never even considered before that when you finally do see what other people have thought about it opens up a whole new level of perspective and insight into the issue that you’re talking about in the situation in which you work. What are the sources for for a lit review. Well you can find a summary statements and books but most of all you find the answers or you find them information for these in journals and index publications. We often call these peer-reviewed journal articles. And here’s where most of the information resides when we write a little review. What you do is you. Don’t cite everything that you’ve read. But you selectively. Choose the literature that you’re going to include and you summarize that literature and a written in a written document in this case you summarize it in the lit review section of your research meaning of research methodology in hindi project. The next step is to then state the purpose for doing this particular research meaning of research methodology in hindi. Once you’ve done the lit review you may discover. AHA you know really. There’s no more need for a study. The study has already been conducted. I’m just going to use. What already is out there to address the problem that I face or they may find. There’s a gap and the information and that’s really what you need to do. Is you need to be able to find out what is missing and fill that missing intellectual hole or apply it in a unique situation that that you face and that’s what you’re saying. Is you intend to you. Intend to state what you intend to do with the findings once you discover them next thing you do is you. Collect the data you identify individuals for study. This is often called sampling. The population group the individuals from the entire population.

That you wish to single out for study or to talk to about gaining more information you obtain permission from the site that you’re working in from the individuals that you’re going to be working with and oftentimes you gather that information by asking question meaning of research methodology in hindis or observing behavior. The next step is to analyze and interpret that data. This is where you draw conclusions from whatever data that you’ve drawn and then you represent that finding in charts or graphs if you’re doing a quantitative analysis pictures other kinds of descriptions if you’re doing qualitative and then you’ve explained what you found. The next step is to go ahead and report this information. You decided the audience. You struck the report structure the report for for their viewing. You present the report and then you submit it to to some substandard evaluation. This could be a self standard that you look at and you say meet all the criteria did or you can submit it to an independent body. We call this the peer review process. Where you actually go ahead and have others who are experts in the field. Make a judgments about the quality of your work now. There are basic to basically two different kinds of research meaning of research methodology in hindi. That’s that we conduct in educational research meaning of research methodology in hindi quantitative and qualitative approaches the quantitative approaches. For the number folks where you convert your observations into some kind of data to be able to manipulate the some way t-test or ANOVA correlation or regression some way to reduce the observations into a number. The second way is to do of conducted research meaning of research methodology in hindi is to do a qualitative study. Which is basically where you go about doing interviews and or observations. You don’t reduce things number but you organize and find themes common to the people that you are interviewing or the situations that you observe you. Present it in some form of a narrative a little more about quantitative research meaning of research methodology in hindi methodology basically. It’s the approach of scientific method to the to the social sciences.

The method same methods that you would use in a lab. We’re going to be using in the lab of personal experience. It has somewhat of a modernistic philosophical foundation by that means for that we mean that the world is orderly and understandable and that would perform tests on it and from those tests. Understand something about about reality especially in terms of predicting what is or what can happen in the future and just as atoms and molecules are subject to predictable laws and axioms so as human behavior also subject to similar kinds of laws that we can understand and used to predict what is going to happen in the future so people who believe in quantitative research meaning of research methodology in hindi methodology. Believe that the world’s objective and reality is understandable standing somewhat on the other side of that. I’m sorry the emphasis of quantitative research meaning of research methodology in hindi is collecting information and and we end reducing it to some kind of of a number or some kind of object expression of it and so we collect scores and we measure attributes and then we take those numbers and attributes and then we compare either group to group or factor to factor or variable two variable. So we want to find the relationship between the groups of numbers on one side and the groups of numbers on the other side so we assume in quantitative research meaning of research methodology in hindi that the future can breathe. Dict can be predicted by the past that people are part of the natural order of things and we have we can. Our behavior can be understood and from that we can make assumptions about how people act and one of the most controversial parts of quantitative research meaning of research methodology in hindi methodology. Is that behavior is normally distributed. That means that you can find an average an average person and know that there are people that will be above average and people that will be below average and there could be a norm that you could use to predict generally what a group of people will be able to do the qualitative research meaning of research methodology in hindi. Methodologist is more of a postmodernist philosophical foundation and believes that ultimately that knowledge is personally constructed.

You construct a view of the world. That is different than anybody else. Who constructs that view of the world and drew that view of the world. You look at your world and surroundings you have a lens you have a bias that is inescapable and because of that there is no such thing as a as a objective reality that can be understood by all people equally in this methodology. The research meaning of research methodology in hindier is more passive. They need to listen to the view of the participants. Get their story. Get their perspective of things. We need to ask these kind of question meaning of research methodology in hindis. The people that we interview and let them talk not bias their response or frame their response too much in advance and that we go into the reporting of our research meaning of research methodology in hindi with the understanding that we have bias and that bias will will affect how we how we view things it will affect how we report things and if as long as we’re up fronts we’re okay because we’re not pretending that things will be otherwise a qualitative research meaning of research methodology in hindi assumes that life is not neat and orderly as I mentioned there’s no such thing as objectivity although we can try to be as objective as we as we can but we want to ultimately be able to achieve that and that at once we have come to terms with our own understanding we construct a reality for ourselves and we submit our views to a larger body and then as a group we reconstruct our understanding of a field and what I add to it is is is necessary but also what’s necessary is what others would add to it as well. I’ll find me for this brief introduction. We’re going to talk again. So what briefly about ethics the important parts of the research meaning of research methodology in hindi process involves all the things that you would just intuitively. Think we need to be honest about what we find what we discover and what report we need to understand that we have biases but be as objective as we can. We need to do the work we need to be going to interview.

We interview enough people. It makes you interviews last as long. They need to last. If we do a survey we need to do it honestly and not try and bias the responses. We need to be careful and conscientious in what we do. We find what other people think and say we need to reference that we report other people’s observations. We’re not going to steal other people’s ideas. We need to be confidential in what we what we find out. Sometimes we can discover things that could get somebody in trouble so when we report things we need to make sure that we protect people’s confidentiality and guard. That make sure that we don’t report things that could lead to serious repercussions for other folks and we need to have respect for other human beings and the processes that we’re putting them through. I’ve listed two two videos on them that we play in class. And you can access either one of those through. YouTube once the Milgram’s of the Milgram obedience experiment the other is the Stanford prisoner studies. I’d suggest that you go on YouTube and Google either or a search for either of those and take the 10 or 15 minutes necessary to watch one or the other basically what it does is shows what happens when research meaning of research methodology in hindiers aren’t concerned for what might happen to the subjects of a study in both cases. Good information was gathered from the study but at a significant cost to the participants and both cases some damage that was done and because of that we have what’s now called. Dean’s what’s now called institutional review boards which review studies and make sure that any study doesn’t harm the human subjects that will be participants in the study and again I would suggest that you go take a look at either those that are on YouTube has nice little love documentaries on both of those so then that’s it for as a brief introduction to the research meaning of research methodology in hindi to research meaning of research methodology in hindi methodology. We’ll be talking about all these topics much more detail throughout the course but this will help you get a broad overview of how we’re going to proceed.

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