How to Use Elsevier Journals Finder | A Comprehensive Guide

Hi guys my name is nasrin and in today’s video. I want to show you what is elsevier. Journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals finder in this regard before answer this question. I prefer to tell you just a story. Uh for preparing a paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals and some tips so you know you devoted several months or maybe a year threading the paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals. Suppose that you did all the things and prepare your manuscript and did a perfect job now. It is the time to choose a journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals. That is fit enough to submit your paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals. Your article take attention you know. The publication uh process can often take several months due to this process. You would get exposed to several problems such as a slowing career progress missing opportunities and maybe losing your thesis score so these are really big issues therefore if we should know that getting a research paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals published can be challenging for authors and it’s even more challenging than a junior rejects authors authors articles. Because it is out of the score so in this time you would be worried and upset due to this rejection therefore as a researcher you should strive to choose the best. Junior for publishing your research paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals one of the famous publisher is elsevier. El severe put a tool in its website to ease this process for you publication and select. I’m in the selected Journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals so as a video finder helps you find your nose and uh finds you knows that could be best suited for publishing your research paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals so for better understanding this uh tool Elsa video Juno finder. Let’s start it by taking uh. I mean that. Uh see this website if you search in the web uh in Google and write as a video Journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals finder and then enter. You can find it in this web in this page and then by clicking you can find this. Juno finder tool okay. Journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals finder has a different sub sessions sub sections and I start with the first one. The first one is paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals title. Uh the second one is paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals abstract that you should try to put the abstract in this one. When you scroll down you can see the keywords you can put the keyboards relevant keywords of your paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals here and then field of research by scroll it down you can see different uh title uh research.

I mean that paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journalss title. And then after you can see a refine your research if you click this uh icon here you you can see. I’m in the different School different publication type Open Access and subscription. I suggest you and invite you to watch the previous video in agreements of a YouTube channel that I told all the things about Open Access and subscription you can follow this uh video and disconnect their differences next item is Juno impacts. You can see impact a factor inside score and buy a screwed left or right you can change these icons to reduce or maybe increase the impact factor and less and rest so the last item is review and publication. Time is really important for us due to our. I mean that speed and see what’s happened for our paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journalss after reviewer process and the others the first item is time to First decision and the second one time to publication. If you stop a while here you can see a good tip about time to. First decision and rest so I don’t want to clear for other things because it’s really easy to understand so I prefer to show you an example. Okay start with the first one paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals title you know for the paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals title. I copy and paste from my paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals the title of the subject of the paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals I copy and paste here then after for paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals abstract. I do I did it I copy and paste here for abstract of the paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals and for the keywords. You know it’s really. It’s really good things to know that. For example for with crop. I delete it and want to edit again with trap you know if before I uh type the rest I can see several different. Uh word that helps me to put a better keywords for my paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals it’s another. I mean that I a good option for us to find the best keywords for our paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals okay so I put this crop here and then for the next excuse me I made it. I skip it the width from again. Read huh. And then click it you can put all the keywords of your paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals in this part in this section for the field of research you know since there are lots of different subjects and as um filled for the paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journalss you can select some of them but I prefer to select none of them because maybe in some Fields my paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals would be related to some of the other areas so I don’t select any things for field of research you can select it but but in my site.

I didn’t. I never select anything anyhow for refine your search also as I told you before you can. Define and disconnect some of the things but I also omit this one. I don’t want to put some criterias for my um I mean the items anyhow then after I can click find journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journalss. You need some times to find several page journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journalss in elsevier and journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals finder did a very fantastic job for you and in a very short time for example junor of Earth environments should not hydrology Agriculture and price. Metrology and blah blah blah. To end. You can see a a very good list that you can pick up some of them as a good journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals for you but if you want to know that what are the characterization of each journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals and you can see several things. The first things is related to top matching keywords for example for my selected keywords. It’s really good match with this. One side. Score impact factor you can see acceptance rate is really important. If you are in rush it would be better to pick up some highest one for example in it is it has 20 percent rate but it has 27 percent and also you should make decision. You should make this a decision that do have. I’m in that rush or some. You need to speed up your process so you should select the first decision at least Rex so in this uh Journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals you can see that the time to First decision six weeks and time to publication three weeks. What does it mean it. Means that the process that reviewers send back the ideas to the editors of their journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals and after all the things were would be finalized. It is the time to publish your paper journals elsevier, journal elsevier, elsevier journals okay. I think you can at this time.

You understand all the things about Juno finder so what the other Publishers. If we want to know these questions uh Springer I Triple E Wiley and different other Publishers. If you want to good knowledge about this icons. I suggest you watch the next video. Okay at the end please subscribe to our Channel. Please don’t forget to share it and to give these videos thumbs up. Put your comments and questions below below the video. Uh would help us to better understand your uh ideas about other videos. Thank you so much have a nice time bye bye.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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