Hi everyone. I’m Alan Sitaram assistant professor in the computer science department and the State University of New York at Binghamton in this video today. I’m going to talk to you about how to read a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science now. Reading a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science can be pretty daunting and challenging and it’s also time consuming. F endeavor so I’m going to talk to you about how to read a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science quickly and efficiently so that you can determine whether this research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science is of interest to you and whether you want to delve deeper into this research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science and if it is a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science that you would want to explore further so a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science depending on which area of computer science you work in can vary and run six to ten pages in length. Sometimes research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer sciences can be as long as twenty or twenty-five pages as well now when we are tasked with reading a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science that is so long and is filled with technical details it becomes difficult for any person to understand whether it’s a useful paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science to read and what is the main contribution of this paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science and whether it is necessary for one’s research so to understand that I’m gonna give you a few tips on how to read a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science so the first thing in a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science that you would like to do is read its abstract so here is the abstract of them of a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science. And what you both first want to do is read the abstract carefully because the abstract would tell you what is the main contribution of this research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science and whether it is of interest to you now having read the abstract carefully you can meet a decision as to whether you want to continue reading this research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science and whether it is relevant to you in this way it is a good idea to actually filter out research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer sciences that do not strictly fall into your area of interest. Now having read the abstract. Say you have decided that you want to research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science now. I just want to say that this is a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science that my students and I and my collaborator have written and I’m just going to walk you through this paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science.
As an example of how to read a research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science of course different research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer sciences have different requirements. And it’s all going to be different now once you have read the abstract and you decide to read the research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science what you should focus on is to read the introduction. Now the introduction will not have usually have any technical detail and will give you a high-level overview of what are the main contributions of this paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science and why and why solving the problem addressed in this paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science is important so I would play usually pay a lot of attention to the first few paragraphs of the introduction so the first paragraph here usually gives a motivation so you understand why the authors are solving this problem now this is the subsequent few paragraphs usually highlight the contributions so these paragraphs all will give the contributions so so once you read these sections carefully you know what are the main contributions of this work and as I mentioned the introduction usually will not have equations and will be easy enough to eat even for a paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science that is math heavy and has lots of equations in it introductions will not have those equations making it easier for you to understand the contributions now once you have read the introduction and understood what are the main contributions of this paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science what I ask my students to do is to skip through the entire paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science and then reach the conclusion now whence you reach the conclusion you read it and what it would do is it would once again point out the contributions of the paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science so you understood what the contributions are from the introduction and we’re reading the conclusion you understand whether the author’s have achieved what they claimed in the introduction and what is the main content of this paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science now having read the introduction and the conclusion usually it is clear whether you want to investigate this paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science further whether it will eat and it’s something that you are really interested in now having now if it’s a paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science that interests you so at this stage what you should do is you should then go ahead and start reading from section ‘m from the problem statement kind of section so there is usually a section called related work which follows the introduction.
I would skip this section at this stage because that’s not the main contribution of the paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science in the related work the authors try to to summarize the existing work in this area and highlight the gaps in the existing work and why and how their work differs from existing work so what I would do is I would usually read the beginning of each of these sex that follow so for example here I’ll first read what this section is about. Okay just that much not going to the table in the details and then read basically the titles of these subsections now once you read the titles of the subsections what will help you know is what are the contributions of that section. Okay so if you go back to this previous page it’ll see if. I read the first line here. It tells us what what the authors have done in this particular section. It says that in this section we discuss the water consumption prediction problem and provide an overview of the data collected to validate the performance of our model. So by just been reading this one line you know. What is the main thing that is going to be discussed in this section having done that usually use cube to the next one and then once again then get the next section in this case. It’s this section what you do is you read the first paragraph. Okay now. Let’s just read it. So it says that. In this section we provide an overview of swap a smart water prediction system that takes this input historical water consumption data and outputs future water consumption predictions. So what it says is you. It is a water consumption prediction problem and it’s based on history and it’s going to output the future it then goes on to say that figure 3 shows the different components of our system.
Okay and it describes the basic and then say that swap comprises four data pre-processing component which pre processes the water consumption data and a prediction component comprising of the proposed models that takes the pre-process to enter to generate the desired predictions. Now if we look at figure three you would understand what is basically the contribution of swap for example the raw data comes in there is some pre-processing which generates the pre processed files. Then they run their proposed models in this case there are two models. GCR of analyst TM which we at this stage don’t know I’m going to join with the predictions at this point. You move on you you then basically read these subsection high headings so you understand why they have used something called a sequence to sequence model. That’s what the authors have justified after that they have described a sparse G CRF model. They’re relating it to figure three you know that it is one of the prediction models that they have designed at this point. We don’t know any of the details so we’ll then move on to the next section you will see and then read that ok. There isn’t include something called an encoder decoder arvin an encoder decoder model and ok that must be the other lsdm based model that the authors of mentioned in that figure the stage you go ahead and then you come to the next section which is basically the performance evaluation so in performance evaluation. You understand that okay now. The authors are going to evaluate the performance we first read the first paragraph like we usually do in every section it says that we compare the performance of GCR of in deep learning models with two baselines linear regression and auto regressive integrated moving average ARIMA models the code for our models and the pre-processed data. The experiments is available in three. Just by reading this paragraph you know that the authors have compared the model with two baselines are remind linear regression and that if you want to further develop on their models the code and experiments is every available in that reference.
That is cited. So so you know that if you want to build upon their results you can easily get access to their code. Okay now at this point. I would basically move ahead as I will as we been doing and look at the different subsections so okay so here they are talking about our MSC if you don’t know what is our MSC once again first. Let’s just read the first line so it says in this subsection we discuss automatic results for our models so okay so there is the RMS it must be some kind of metric that’s what the authors are looking at okay so now we understand that. They have validated their model. With respect to some metric call our. MSC now you move on to the next subsection it’s called M EE and once again when we fill read the first line it says that there is calls the MA results. Okay so so what do you understand. By just reading these few lines the the in the performance evaluation they’ve compared them more of which to baselines and they have looked at two metrics our MSC and ma e then if you go to the next subsection which is qualitative results you understand that authors have presented some qualitative results so MA and RM s it must be quality quantitative results so they are also talking about some qualitative results here finally look at the remaining two sub sections so you say that okay now the next two sub sections you may not understand everything of course so you’re saying that okay the authors are adding temporal features and bearing sequence length this must be a couple of things that are part of the model and maybe they are looking at that at this point just by looking at this it is not possible for you to know more details so it’s not possible for you to understand the whole thing but now we have an idea of what the authors of done now you’ll also see that in this at the head of this subsection where the authors have written is discussion on swaps practicality so from this what you should take away is okay so the authors have tried to make sure that this system is implementable in the real world so something that is attractive so there also had a discussion on this so just when having this high-level overview which must take around ten minutes or so you have an idea of what the authors of tried to do in this paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science now at this point if you think that this is a paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science that is something that you’re interested in and you want to develop further you should go ahead and start diving into the details so in this video my goal is to just give you an high-level overview of how you might approach reading paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science and I hope that this video gives you an understanding of how to approach which research paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science and not get intimidated by all the details that are there in this in a paper computer science research paper, research paper on computer science, research paper computer science.
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