How to Publish a Paper in Scopus and SCI Journal -Fast Publication II CVSRP RESEARCH II TAMADA MEDIA

Hi viewers uh welcome to cvsrp research youtube channel uh the last videos we discussed about the filing and publishing of indian patents as well as some new rules for award of phd some journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals publications and all those things we discussed in the previous videos if you want you can check my youtube channel in this video i am going to explain about how to publish a research paper in scopus and sca journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals nowadays if you observe any graduate student or a busy student most probably especially the students who are doing the phd so it’s the they are facing a lot of problems while publishing their paper in scopus as well as you know sa journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals it’s very difficult to publish a paper an essay journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals some journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals it will take one year some generals it will take six months on some general they simply reject your paper it’s all depends upon how you are doing how you are developing your research paper as well as how your writing skills so this there are a lot of parameters out there while submitting your paper in especially sa journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals or scopus channels in this video i simply make it very easy yeah if you look into the scopus website first of all uh let me explain what is the scopus and what is the database of scopus so each and everything i will explain here for suppose if you choose any one journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals whether it is in scopus indexed or sca index or esa index like that you have to know so otherwise what happens lot of predatory journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals are there in the society in the market nowadays simply they will publish within two or three days it’s the lot of fake journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals also they they are not indexing in a scopus or aca journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals so they are like kind of predatory journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals so for that purpose so to clear of all in mind now i am going to explain about how to find whether it is a authentication what is the authentication of your journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals so in this case this is a website if you click in uh here or if you type in a google it will redirect it to this one in this one you can find out other search sources and if you want to create your account also you can create here as well as you know this is a website for suppose if i require a journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals this is a material journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals from mdpa publishers now i will simply check the issn number of this channel where is the iss number so here there is a ssn number that is one double line six one double one nine double four simply copy it and go through this one and here you simply click on sources so once if you click on the sources it will redirect it to this page the sources page here you can observe the subject area title publisher as well as issn number if you know the title directly simply click on the title if you know the publisher you simply click on the publisher if you know the iss number simply click on icss number now i know i simply taken the iss number for authentication because of there are a lot of multiple journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals are there but iss number is only one for one journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals that’s why for close authentication the precise authentication of your journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals most probably take isa number now one double line six f1 one nine double four while searching in uh scopus website simply remove this iphone you have to enter all the eight numbers like this then simply click on the find sourcing so find sources what happens it is given one result that is the materials the site score is 4.

2 so all details it is showing here yeah like this you see this is the open access and the scopus coverage is from 2008 to present and the icc number is whatever we entered that one one double nine six one nine double four so the year you can find out the hr ranking site score as well as uh how we are calculating the size score rankings and also the category whether it comes under which category and what is the ranking or what is the percentile and also the scopus content coverage also so every year how many papers are publishing in this channel you see for suppose in 2021 there are around seven thousand eight sixties six documents are there in 2022 still now within three months i think they published around 2095 documents and you can find out the citations also even if you want to click here the complete details it is showing here same like that i will take one more channel if go to the again website the scopus.

Com there is a one more journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals is there if you want to look into there is a computer journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals the computer journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals simply click on sources again the iss number is double 0 1 0 four six two zero this is the another journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals you see the computer journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals which is the most uh famous journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals for the computer science people like it is uh the coverage is from 1967 to present okay the publisher is oxford university press and you can you simply click there is option called you know source home page the authentication of your journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals also you can simply click here there are a lot of proxy websites are developing nowadays so for that one don’t go believe that journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals so simply click on the source home page it will redirect it to your home page like this you believe this one only here you can see that what is the impact factor whose editor and what is the volumes are there each and everything it will show you clearly this is the most important thing while knowing this one as well as we can find out the other search also in the website only for suppose if i simply click one author name okay simply i click here one author name i given last day last name as well as first name it will simply redirect to one author name so engineering college here you simply clicking here it is showing the orc id number as well as how many citations are there everything it is showing you see here seven documents are there and the citations also it is seen seven documents and nine citations also is there the h index this is a completely scopus not like uh combining all other sonos coppers it will simply show you complete details of the papers recently how many papers are published how it looks like such and everything the author contributions and everything it will show here next coming to the web of science indexing so in this also the web of science indexing that it is also one of the indexing tool you must know here for suppose i told 1 9 this one the material journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals if you want to know whether it is a sci or a scienci journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals simply click here one double nine six one nine double frick here you can keep iphone also no problem simply click on the search it will show you the general name that is the materials the publisher is mtpa the iss number the web of science core collection is the sign citation index expanded so even you can see the profile page and all other things from the web of signs so like this for suppose if you enter the name if it is not there in this list that means your paper is not in the scope of web of science indexing journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals okay now let me move into the another aspect that is nothing but how to know for suppose now your paper is ready or for suppose your title is ready or your object is ready so how to find whether i want to publish which journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals is suitable for you for that purpose we have two things are there especially especially for the general finder elsewhere dot com as well as the general suggester. so if you look into here the general final dot elsewhere for suppose i published recently one paper here in this materials the title is assessment of soft computing techniques for the prediction of the compressive strength of concrete suppose simply i taken only that one here there is a paper title paper abstract keywords and field of research and even if you want to refine your research also you can do that one also i simply i copy and paste here and as well as it is describes paper abstract also here simply i click on the abstract you can simply whatever you wrote you can simply click on that one copy and paste here as well as if you want to give the keywords you can give and if you want a field of research for suppose if you are from engineering or agriculture background or environment science so whatever it may be there are few things are there engineering material science mathematics arts and humanities lot of things are there you simply click on that one or if you don’t know if don’t want to know the field of research directly you simply click on the find journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals option so in this find generous option what happens based on your abstract as well as a title it will show you which is the best match for your paper for suppose it is showing the alexandria journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals here as well as information processing measurement journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals computer on electronics agriculture operate soft computing tech journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals like advanced engineering information like lot of journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals are there but thing is that how to choose for suppose sometimes if it is a funded project if there is a funding is there you can go for the open access journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals that means you have to pay some article processing charges or if you if you need only subscription based that means we don’t pay any of any watch we have to do it will go for the proper review even that open access also it will go for the proper peer-reviewed but the thing is that you will see how much acceptance rate is there what is the impact factor and what is the time to fast decision for suppose while if you send your paper to any channel how many day how many days it will take or how many weeks it will take how many months it will take for the first decision as well as how many days or how many weeks or how many months or how many years it will take to publish so for suppose if you see information processing agriculture it takes around 53 weeks but acceptance htop is 13.

If you see the another journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals computers and electronics in agriculture it takes only six weeks and the time to publish is three weeks so like that you have to check which is the acceptance it is more and also the publishing process the review process and all other things which is the less one you have to check and how to find out this is the elsewhere journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals how to do that the same thing how we will go for the springer for supposing uh if you click on the general suggested. so same thing you have to enter your manuscript title or manuscript text and subject area then how to click the suggest journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals same thing i will copy and paste here the abstract it is there i’m simply copy abstract as well as the title here the same thing title is there simply i will copy the title okay and i paste here and simply click on the suggest journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals so it will give you the suggesting journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals like you know you see you observe here if you want to give the subject area also it can be give like you know architectural design biomedicine business management chemistry engineering environment finance finance law life sciences what things are there here it is showing arabian journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals of geoscience modeling at systems and environment environmental science and pollution research the acceptance ratio here you see modeling at systems and environment 45 percentage so like that how to check on how many days it will requisite will take around 1 30 73 days after computing but impact factor is good so like that there are a lot of journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals are suggesting from the screen here so you can simply go through the this website journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals suggest general suggested dot where you can find out your personalized recommendation as well as it is having more or 2500 journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals and even there is author choice option also is very easily compare 11 journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals to find the best place for the publications so this is the one more method uh find out this one so before why i explained these two means before uh start anywhere in your paper first you have to know with the title as well as the object whatever you write so based on that only how to check which journal care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals is suitable for research then how to write the scopus paper sa paper that must hand it but suppose if you write only two or three pages it’s very difficult to publish in sa paper now if recently i published this channel in uh mdpa i will show you that website also here it is showing the impact factor is 3.

623 that means it’s not easy to publish in this paper okay it takes a proper review and also proper time and reason everything the quality also is good now i am showing that paper the assessment of soft computing techniques for the prediction of compressive strength of bacterial concrete you know the first and foremost thing abstract is very very important while writing the abstract you must clearly explain what your research is showcasing to the people and what exact outcomes you got so like exactly or precisely how to write in this abstract try how to write a little bit introduction then what you got outcomes of your research so each and everything you must precisely enter not only research which which outcomes you are going to explain in this paper the same things you have to enter here so how to write properly abstract the same like that so next thing is the keyword in this keyword option also very very important thing the keywords are very properly how to enter and next introduction part you see there is a introduction part here if you look into the citations see one comma two three comma four five six to eight so that means where if you take any data from any researcher or any uh any published paper you have to give a proper citation uh from where you are the data or you are writing in your own so like that you have to write and as well as most of the essay journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals there is no separate part of introduction as well as a literature review the both things are combined combinedly how to write introduction as well as literature review and moreover while writing literature review how to take the contemporary research related to our paper or your research work not like you know for suppose if you are in 2022 so in 2022 means you have to take from last five years data is most.

Precisely not like 1970 1965 or 1985 like that how you must take from last five to six years data and you have to what are the innovations are coming how it will related to the literature review how to mention each and everything in the literature review portion then the second important thing is the research significance it is a most important thing while writing a paper or especially in the standard papers you must write the research significance what is the exactly uh researchers previously done in the previous papers the previous journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals what you are going to do what is the innovation in your paper what what the speciality of your research paper you are going to showcase your to the societies to the people so the same thing you have to mention in the research significance that means what is innovation exactly speaks to the people so the same thing how to write in the research significance and next review of regression and soft computing images in this portion like what are the methods you are going to use so each and every method you have precisely how to write how many methods you are going to do or what are the objectives you are going to find out in your research paper you must write and materials and methodology which method what are the materials if it is in programming level which type of programmings you are doing so each and everything you have to write clearly and you have to do the proper citations also each and everything you must write here the next portion is results and discussions whatever you mentioned in the abstract the outcomes and whatever you mentioned in the significance or whatever you mentioned in the methodology all the methodology related the results should be presented over here in the results and discussion portion for suppose you see uh we explained each and everything not like uh simply pasting the results like you know like in a photograph in a figure format or any graphical representation or in a tables it’s very difficult.

To find out only by seeing the table array graph you must write each and everything there is explanation of each and every table there is there must be a proper explanation of each table each graph then only reader will understand clearly the standard of your paper will be increase otherwise is very difficult you see you are observing here whatever in this uh whatever i am showing the paper there are lot of graphs are there tables are there but each and every under the graph we are simply mentioned the complete data how we got that one what is the use of the tables and how we comparing with other results so each and everything you have to mention here so same like that if you look into the uh conclusions the conclusion parts are precisely how to write exactly how many confidence are there uh what you mentioned in the abstract the same thing you have to do here the same next one is other contribution funding whether you got funding from any university for this one we got funded by university of riyala as the university of technology and also there is a concert and institutional review board statement data availability so are those things you have to mention and last one is the references so these references you have to properly cite how many papers you referred the same thing you have to mention here the same thing you have to write here so like this you have to write your paper not like simply one or two pages writing it’s very difficult to publish your research paper so thank you so much for watching this paper watching this video and if you find any difficulty to publish purpose and say journals care list journals, what is scopus indexed journals you can message us in comment box as well as if you like my video simply click on like button and share with your friends thank you for watching this video thank you so much.

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