E-Paper (e-Ink) Display epapers

Hi in my last video I looped out an O LED display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper as a way of display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epapering status information epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper from an artery node in this video I want to look at another slightly different type of display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper and this is an e-ink or ePaper epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper like this one here now these are the kind of display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epapers that you’ll find in an e-book epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper reader like a Kindle or something like that and what’s nice about them is that they are not backlit at all so they don’t have kind of like a harsh glare to them they look quite diffuse like they reflect like just like you know a normal book epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper page hood or something like that which is why they use the nee book epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper readers and I wanted to use one of these in an escape room prop to create a sort of magical book epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper basically what I wanted is that rather than having you know an out of place harsh LCD display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper I wanted to create something that looked like the pages of a book epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper but that would display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper text which I could send to a microprocessor so those are kind of a clue delivery mechanism now if I’m totally honest it didn’t really end up working out but I thought I’d share the technology with you anyway because you might find a different use for it so this particular display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper this is a 4.2 inch display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper it’s 400 pixels across and 300 pixels high and I’m just running a sort of a sample program epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper at the moment the cycling through like you can see in display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper images on it and you can display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper text and barcodes and things like that and it’s a pretty good resolution and you know it looks quite good but it doesn’t really look like normal paper epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper it doesn’t look like a computer screen either but it’s not gonna fool anyone into thinking that they’re reading paper epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epapers so it didn’t really work from the immersive point of view and the other thing you’ll notice and if you’ve ever used a Kindle particularly an early generation one you’ll notice that as the screen refreshes you actually get this quite harsh flickering it all of the pixels turn black and then white before you get the new image and that’s just how the technology works for the screen to display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper a new image it has to completely cleared from the old on first and it does that by cycling all the all the pixels to to black and then white and then to the new picture so even if I had convinced people that they were kind of looking at a surface that wasn’t a display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper screen you kind of lose the effect when that happens anyway and also the refresh itself takes a couple of seconds to actually get new text on the screen so you have this flashing then you have the new text but there’s no way you can do animations or on it which is something I’ve maybe wanted to explore and the screens themselves are actually pretty expensive as well so a screen only one this size you’re looking at maybe $30 $40 maybe even for one this size you can get small ones you can also get much larger ones but compared to the cost of an LED display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper or just a regular display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper they’re really quite expensive I’d say they’ve got some other downsides on the plus side and they’re very low current consumption so they don’t use very much power at all and they also have a kind of a slightly weird feature the nature of how they work so I’ve got this plugged in about if I pull out the USB cable from the back there I’ve now got this completely under our and yet the image is display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epapering and this image will stay there for weeks or months maybe even so it’s basically a completely static display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper unless you’re updating the display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper it requires no power at all I don’t know if that’s a particularly useful feature for an escape room prop but it’s kind of an interesting thing to be aware of the other thing I should point out is that this is a 3.

3 volt display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper so if you’re pairing it from an Arduino you’ll need to go via a logic level converter on the way here I’m powering it via an ESP 30 which is already running at 3.3 volt logic so I can plug this directly in and you know I’ve mostly on this channel I talk about Arduino as kind of like a generic term but so this isn’t technically an Arduino it’s an ESP 32 but you program epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper it using the Arduino IDE still you upload it still in the same way it’s a more capable chip it’s significantly faster and like I say it runs at 3.

3 volts so it’s ideal for interfacing with components like this so if you want to use a 5 volt device like an Arduino Uno you’re gonna have to have a bit of a mess of a wiring because like I say you need to have this logic level converter here so just to explain what’s going on and the device itself is powered by the 3.3 volt line now that’s easy enough an Arduino has a 3.3 output so you could just wire that straight into VCC but you’ve also got all these other data connections here so there’s an SPI interface and I’ve mentioned this in some of my other projects as well is that these lines here when a high signal is written from the Arduino these are taking five volts as well relative to ground and the e Inc device itself is particularly sensitive to high voltage on those pins some devices are 3.3 volt but what they call 5 volt tolerant which means that you can actually provide 5 volts and they’ll just step it down to 3.3 but these are not so not only you’re going to have to provide 3.3 onto the VCC line but all of these signal lines and there’s quite a few of them will have to be step-down 23.3 as well so in the middle here this is what this logic level converter does what happens is it’s got two sides of it basically the low side here this is the AE pins and we provide a signal into VA to say what level that’s going to be so VA comes to 3.3 on the Arduino and all of these other pins here connect to the pins from the ePaper epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper so these are all running at VA which is 3.3 volts and then on the high side here all the B pins or these are running up whatever voltage is provided to VB and this is going to the 5 volt on the so all of the pins on this side go to the 5 volt outputs and the GPIO pins here and then you’ll see I’ve sort of connected them in pairs so the the b1 line here so pin 7 when that’s used as an output from the Arduino a 5 volt signal comes here arrives on b1 and we know it’s 5 volts because VB is at 5 volts and then on this side of the board the same signal is sent out via a yuan but that is at VA which is 3.

3 volts so by the time it gets to the reader it’s at the correct voltage level for that so you’ve kind of got to repeat that with all the pins and here are all the corresponding pin mappings that you need to do at the final pin this o is this is output enable so to actually enable these to be passed through you have to send a high signal to the output enable pin and it’s the high of VA so that’s also sent a 3.3 volts signal as well so it’s a little bit of a mess to wire a 5 volt invoice to this to be honest much easier to use a 3.3 volt device so if you have a something like an Arduino Pro micro or like I say I’m using an ESP 32 and that makes the wiring much more straightforward because you can just wire each of the SPI pins to the corresponding pin directly here these are when you write a high signal on a board like this you’re sending a 3.3 volt high signal not a 5 volt signal so there’s no conversion necessary now in terms of the code I’m not going to speak much about the code to be honest because I didn’t really get much further than just running the demo code that came with the device itself and so there’s not much point me we’re going over that again you can see it yourself but there’s sort of functions providers that you can draw basic shapes like rectangles and circles lines and you can also write lines of text and you can also like say display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper four scales of gray image and when you do that what you’re doing is you’ve got an array of values here which represent the pixels on the screen now I will just mention one way to create this array though so there’s various websites you can go to that would enable you to upload an image and download a byte array like this but most of.

Those won’t work with the display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper like this and the reason is because generally speaking these are byte values so FF this is a value between norson 255 and generally that’s when you convert either a hardly B value so if I get a regular color picture each of these bytes will represent a red green or blue component of the picture or perhaps if you have a grayscale picture each of these bytes will represent a single value between naught and 255 to show how black or white the images but like I say in this case what we’re actually plotting is each pixel can have a value one of four values four shades of gray and so this is packed into this data in quite a clever way so each one of these can actually contain four pixels worth of information epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper packed into a single byte value because they only have to have the values not one two or three to represent the the four different shades of gray scale so there’s a special program epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper you can use to create arrays like this and it’s free to use it’s called image to LCD and it looks like this so you can click the Open button to open a BMP or a pin file or something like that on the left hand side here and it will show you a preview of what it looks like on the right hand side and you can use this not just for these paper epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epapers but for actually different sorts of LCD display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epapers as well the things you need to do is have the settings on this side correctly so for my ePaper epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper I need a vertical scan mode and like I said we’re going to do a four color image that’s what’s going to pack the image into that of bytes correctly if you wanted to just have a monochrome LCD display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper then you can set it to monochrome instead like you see a preview of how it looks you can actually adjust how it’s going to be reflected like that but we’re going to be fork full color values like that you set the maximum width and height of the array that you’re going to generate be aware that if you are using a microprocessor like an artery no you’re not gonna.

Have a lot of memory available so you don’t want to be creating sort of huge images because you just won’t have the storage space to store them so generally keep them keeping quite small this is about the largest that I would probably comfortably want to use to be honest and yeah I think that’s the said yeah you don’t want to include the data and then when you save this file here what you’ll get is an output that gives you this array of values here so you can just copy and paste them it’s just a text file you can copy and paste it into the relevant section of your code here so that’s kind of an easy way that you can use to get image data into an Arduino code or FP code to upload onto either an ePaper epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper display epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper or a different sort of LCD I’ll provide a link to the program epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper I’m using here as well so like say E paper epaper rising kashmir, rising kashmir epaper you know it was meant to be kind of a useful addition to a project it didn’t really work for me but and perhaps you can find a use for it in your project somewhere else.

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