Conducting Peer Reviews

Hi my name is professor at liage university in belgium and today i’m going to talk about how to conduct peer reviews before. Starting i would like to introduce you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to the playlist on scientific publishing in this playlist. There is a lot of several videos that can form a background for today’s presentation. I invite you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to watch the videos. Subscribe if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are interested. Well who is the audience of today’s presentation. Today’s audience is mainly all researchers who are planning to publish or who are already publishing because by default when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are a scientist who is publishing you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must be associated with peer reviewing peer reviewing is part of your activities and skills that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must develop while you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are not only focused on publishing but also focusing on peer reviewing others way and in this time you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can shorten the time of the preview process overall regarding the journals you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal want to publish in now what will be the content of today’s presentation. I will talk about. What is peer review. And why is it important. How to become a peer reviewer. What should you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal do before. Starting a peer review how to evaluate an article how to write a review report and structure it well and finally some take away messages. So let’s start with this first question. What is peer reviewing peer reviewing is simply is that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal review uh and verify the work of others and if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal look at academics worldwide they are spending more than 70 million hours yearly evaluating each other so simply a peer review is a step of verification of the validity of a paper by expert before it is published and in this sense we need to have peer reviewing bits because it’s very important because it provides a service uh to the author and the scientific community that the author belong to and in this sense. It’s not only that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal accept the to play the game by publishing. Uh but also you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal accept the other ways the other side of the game that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal review others papers so that also they get published so it’s a mutual interest and it’s not only about publishing but it’s also about reviewing others in order to help and serve your community.

Also it shows that your expertise is recognized by other scientists. Once you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal get an invitation to review a paper this shows that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are an expert in this field and most probably no editor will invite you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal without making sure that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are qualified so it’s also a sign of recognition and finally it reads some of the latest scientists reading some of the latest science in your field. Well before it is in the public domain is very beneficial for yourself from for your own work because you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can keep on top of things state-of-the-art you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are knowing about it and then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can see what are the recent and latest topics that are published in your feed and in your domain well peer reviewing if we look at it from a definition point of view scholar. It says scholarly peer scholarly peer review is the process of subjecting an author’s research to the scrutiny of others who are expert in the same field before a paper describing this work is published in a journal and as a scientist you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal should have a universal approach to peer reviewing because scientists should talk the same language. It’s possible that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can review a paper maybe slightly away from your domain but it’s always recommended to review in your domain since you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are a scientist regardless of your specialization of your field. We are looking at a correct methodology. We look at a significant theme and so on and so on well what are the different types of peer reviewing you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have blind double blind or triple blind. I will explain those reviews later on in the next slides but if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal look at this graph actually scientists start with conducting their research. They have findings. They start writing an article and they submit the article to a high quality journal. There is an editor who or plays the role of a gatekeeper. This editor first of all will decide through a desk reject or a disk desk accept if the paper uh worth it to be reviewed and from there the editor will pass the paper to at least three reviewers.

Sometimes it’s two sometimes it’s five. It depends on the journal and finally those reviewers will feedback their review to the editor and depending on their collective decisions. The editor will make the final decision. And then if it’s possible if it’s positive positive the decision the paper will be accepted. Well review process takes a few months today. It takes a lot of time because there is a proliferation of different of journals and a lot of scientists are becoming acquainted with publishing in journal papers so there is a long time of review due to the difficulty to find reviewers and therefore you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must be engaged. It cost free in most cases as long the paper as long the journal is not requiring fees for publishing unless it’s an open access journal in this case still reviewers will not be paid maybe they can be compensated for a little amount of money or get a certificate of recognition very symbolic compensation. But in most of the case reviewers are not compensated so cost-free in most cases review process is very rigorous reviewers are already experts in the domain. They are very busy and they will have to dedicate some hours to review your paper so it’s very serious and your credit uh for your publication will be later on in the form of citation so the more your paper is good and a high quality paper it. This can be translated into a high citation rate. I have a video i would like to ask you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to view it that is titled selecting journal for a publication. And there i take i talk about how to select a journal paper for publishing if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are not aware uh about that but make sure always when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal review a journal you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal review always for high quality journals and to define what is a high quality journals again i invite you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to watch the video on selecting a journal for publication. Well how many papers should scientists be reviewing.

That’s a very interesting question. Well in average depending on your domain we would say that in the field of engineering if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal publish one paper you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must have reviewed four papers so this is in engineering in average and simply why should i review four paper for every published paper in my domain well. The peer reviewing system is under huge stress and there is very long review time today. The average review time in engineering is from 9 to 12 months and sometimes it exceeds one year just for reviewing so this long time of reviewing is actually due to the lack of sufficient volunteers who want to review others work and therefore i say always to my phd students and to my master students please. If you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal published one paper try to contribute back to the community by reviewing at least four papers for each published paper you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have also you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have to look at that. There is an increasing number of publication worldwide and there is a prolifera proliferation of open access journals and these all conditions are making it more difficult and more time consuming to have a review that goes fast and definitely. There’s a difficulty in obtaining high quality reviews in due time therefore this long review time of paper are mainly due to the fact that very little reviewers are available editors are under pressure. They have to find the three candidates. At least who accept the review most reviewers are under pressure of time they are not paid for it and this is part of the problem of peer reviewing so just give you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal the key message. Here try to review for every paper you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal publish make sure that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are having four reviewed papers uh in the same time in your community where you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are working now. What’s the objective of peer reviewing. Actually actually it will guarantee the quality of the paper avoid procedural or reasoning or logical errors in the reason death or the logic of your paper. It’s a way of verification and approval of protocols. Let’s say you’re using a methodology you’re using a protocol in your work reviewers will check it and they will inquire that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are expressed enough.

How you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal did your work and that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are complying with these protocols it’s also ensuring that the paper is original and significant we are not publishing for publishing uh publishing should come up with something new with something added that was with an added value with new findings with new insights with a better understanding of a phenomena of a problem so also those reviewers will be kind of gatekeepers keepers together with the editor to make sure that this paper worth it and it brings quality and it can be distinguished regarding what was published before in the domain. Now how does it work. The peer reviewing process when a researcher normally finishes his or her first paper they submitted to to get published and the publisher will send it to an expert and then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will start to having the peer review process for their opinion so those experts will read your paper and they will start to take some time and provide some comments and finally the expert will deliver a report outlining the point of view regarding the paper that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal published. After that the publisher will receive the feedback from the reviewers and the publisher will decide. This paper will be rejected or it will require to be reworked and resubmitted like minor modification or major modification requests and finally the paper can be accepted or directly the paper will be accepted so this is simply the review process how it works if the paper is rejected. Then it stops there but if the paper has a potential it will be further be refined either through minor or major review request or directly it will be accepted and after that it can go to production and finally will go in publication. What i want to tell you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal here that this whole preview process once you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal submit a paper is very long like i told you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal before it takes sometimes one full year especially in high quality journals so you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal need to be aware about it and your contribution to peer review makes it shorter in general for others and finally that’s the purpose to make it easier for others also to publish now.

What are the different types of peer reviewing first of all we have the closed. Peer reviewing only reviewers are aware of the author’s identities and in this sense the authors are not required to hide their identity when they are submitting the manuscript they can keep their name they can keep their affiliation and then we have the double blind peer reviewing which is the most common one and here neither the author know who is are the reviewers neither the reviewers are aware of the authors and this is the most common and the most respected peer reviewing so that there is a kind of blind wall from both sides. Nobody knows who is reviewing and nobody knows who are the authors and finally we have the third type of peer reviewing which is called open peer review and here the authors and the reviewers are aware of each other’s identity so it is open from both sides now again to repeat the most common uh peer reviewing uh process is the double blind peer review. Uh in general so make sure that when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal read the guide the author guides of your journal make sure if they are following a closed or a double or open peer. I guess it will be most probably a double blind peer reviewing so in this sense you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will need to provide your personal details as authors together on a separate document and the manuscript has to be without any identity revealing the identity of the authors and in the same time you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will almost never know who is the reviewer of your work now how to become a peer reviewer and i received this question a lot from young researchers well if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have published most probably the journal will ask you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to do it so once you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal publish in a journal the editors since they are seeking for reviewers and fresh reviewers and i told you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal there’s a shortage in in reviewers and a long delay in review time they will be always looking for new fresh reviewers so once you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal publish in a reputable journal you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will be invited most probably to review others work also if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are not um invited or you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal still in the beginning and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal do not have a big record you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are not so well known you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can ask your supervisors or other senior colleagues to recommend you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to as a substitute because your supervisor or your senior colleagues.

They are most probably receiving every week. Three to five uh requests of reviews and that’s the life of anybody who is working in the scientific domain so just help them by asking them to pass any review to you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal by playing the role of substitute. Actually what will happen here is that they will recommend you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal as a reviewer and it will be up to the editor to accept uh and send you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal an invitation or not but in most of the cases it work as long you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are working with a reputable lab and reputable uh supervisor and university. Now when they receive this review invitation the young researcher they started start engaging in it. Also you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can do something else you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can directly contact the journal and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can fetch the editor try to identify the name of the editor. Look at their email and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal just write a very nice email inquiring if there is any potential for you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to review a paper and from there these are the three ways to have a key to access to the world of peer reviewing. And don’t think that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can’t do it as long you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have a master degree and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal studied enough research methodologies and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have at least one publication make sure that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have the competence to review others work and in the same time you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have to be courageous to try to do it because you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will learn a lot from it and it is always working with experience so you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must in a certain moment of your career start with that. This is an example of my record of peer reviewing. This is a website called problems. I invite you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to inscribe in this register in this website and create a profile and as you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can see i started.

My first review was in october 2011. While i was doing my phd i published in fact in 2010 a paper and a couple of months later i got a review request and since then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can see. I became a frequent frequent reviewer. I review in the beginning the early years during the phd i was reviewing five papers per year and later on i become more investing more in peer reviewing because i see it as an investment and a payback to the community. That already accept my paper and as you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can see i have. I’m trying to respect the four papers reviewed per every paper published in the balance so i invite you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to look at this website create a record and from now on try to be systematically a professional peer reviewer. Now what should i do before reviewing or what i should do when i get an invitation. Well i have to ask myself a lot of question before accepting or declining the invitation from an editor to review a paper i need to ask myself. Does the article match my area of expertise is it thematically matching my domain is it methodologically matching my domain because it’s very dangerous that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal review a paper using a specific methodology let’s say experimental methodology or a qualitative methodology or an observational methodology. And you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are not aware about this methodology. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal never use it in your own research so please try always to accept papers where methodologically you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have already contributed by publishing at least one or two papers so you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal know what are the best practices of this methodology in your domain at the same time and the same analogy goes with the themes go for themes that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal know about because it will be very difficult that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal review something out of your domain. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal should just decline the invitation in this case also avoid any conflict of interest. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must inform the editor. If you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal figure out that somebody or this review for example you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal know somebody or it’s a relevant or a colleague or a friend. We should not review for friends and for colleagues because actually the double blind system is made for increasing the quality so once there is a conflict of interest you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal know somebody try to avoid it directly and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can inform the editor and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have also to ask yourself before accepting or declining if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have really time or not because the point is to respect the delays you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will have.

Let’s say three weeks to review five weeks six weeks. It depends on the journal. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must make sure that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will deliver your review by the due date. Otherwise don’t accept the review. Don’t take the works of other and block them because actually that’s what’s happening in many cases and it’s not at all a good thing to do. So please respect deadlines and if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal cannot do it just decline the invitation now something very important to keep into account is the confidential confidentiality and the journal instruction you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must read all journal instructions before starting a review even if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are just a reviewer and all article material must be treated as confidential. No information can be shared with anyone you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal cannot use this material. This is highly confidential work this is a work of others and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal got the responsibility now to look at it so you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must be always on the level of responsibility and family familiarize yourself always with the guidelines of reviewers and authors for the junior that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are doing the review now imagine you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal accepted the invitation. How can i start. Or how can you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal start your evaluation. Well you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must have it clear. The title the abstract and the keywords so it must be easy to understand look at the title look at the abstract look at the words. The document is easy to understand. There is enough background. Information that attract the reader’s attention in the introduction. Did the title correspond really to the topic. Does the abstract summarize the whole document is there any usefulness information in the abstract that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are reading for review and are the keys the keywords represented useful regarding the topic so this is the first overlook you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal look at and then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal go.

Structurally to the following item the introduction. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal look at the introduction. This part is very decisive. Because you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can directly decide to reject it if it’s not well written so the reader decides if they will read further or not because sometimes you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal get very poor quality papers you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will not go invest reading. Uh three four. Uh five hours a paper if it’s from the beginning not well written so the introduction is very important make sure that has a specialized background. It’s attractive it’s defining the problem it’s defining the research question it’s defining a significance of the work and from there. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can decide if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will continue the review or not and ask yourself does the abstract summarize the whole document is there a clear research question and objective like i said and the added value now then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal move to the methodology and the methodology should be simply written in a way that it allows you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to have a replicability or to be repeated and thus save time and maintain quality materials and method. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal should be seeing it like a way of sharing the recipe. How this work was done. If the recipe is not clear enough if it’s not documented enough if it’s not transparent enough it will not allow anybody to repeat the research and once the research cannot be reproduced. This means that this is a very dangerous problem. Then this means that there is a validity issue with the work you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal should reject the paper so always you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal look as a reviewer. In the methodology section if the authors described what they did in a systematic way in a transparent way and that anybody who follows their step can redo the work to make sure that they are transparent with their recipe so always the methodology is not a secret recipe. It’s an open access recipe and the paper has to communicate that and make sure when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal look also to the method that allowed to judge the overall quality of the paper in the sense of how is this information allowing to repeat this experiment or the observation or the analysis so it is clearly explained how the results are obtained.

Ask yourself is it. Sound are the finding validated. Did they follow the scheme of describing how they collected the data. Do they have a study conceptual framework. There’s a video for that if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal don’t know what is that just google. My channel are the materials and instrument used cited and described enough and for sure there must be a data collection description. How did they process the data. How did they develop their new analysis or observation statistical analysis or experimentation or their new tool and finally. How did they validate what they did. So these are a very important point of view when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are looking at the methodology section also. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must look at ethical concerns if they are working with anything related to data or human beings or animals always check for ethical concern. What about the data ownership the data protection. Did they respect all these measures. Is it open signs. Make sure that there is no plagiarism. They are citing enough also make sure that there is anonymity and informed consent if they recruit any participants in surveys for example for observational research. And so on there is no doing harm if there is any experimental approach with animal with human being also avoiding the bias conflict of interest and for sure also look at any legal protection for example the european union general data protection regulation. Did they adhere to this regulation. Did they respect the declaration of helsinki on human experimentation when they conducted the work did they convey this message or share this information in their methodology or not and based on that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can approve the paper or not and for sure. If you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal don’t find these items or these elements in the methodology section you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal should depending on the case. Either you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal reject the paper or you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal require major modification and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal require the authors to complement or elaborate on these items so there is a video called ethical concern i developed.

I wish that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have a look if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are more interested about these topics now we move. From the methodology to the results and figures it is necessary that all figures and tables are provided and describing the result in a good way are the titles and captions detailed enough for the reader to simply understand are all graphical charts clear. Enough are the findings. Evidence-based are the findings novel. Original is there. There should be also no interpretation of the result in this section so a lot of young researchers um when they write a paper they are failing to distinguish the discussion section from the results. Results should be a pure descriptor descriptive factual actually section while the discussion is more analytical and interpretive so you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal as a reviewer you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must make sure that they distinguish both and once you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal find a paper having this title or subtitle results and discussions. That’s not wrong that’s wrong. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must ask them to respect the imrad structure of introduction methodology results discussion and conclusion those are the five major subsections that must be in every paper and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must distinguish the results section from the discussion section. So that’s one of the roles of reviewers when it move when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal move finally to discussion and the conclusion must you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can look at overall interpretation of the results in a larger context. How did they place and position. The findings in the community they are describing. Does the discussion fit with the aims of the study. Do they touch back the introduction and try to touch the questions that they posed and answer them have the authors compare their findings with the findings of other studies very important here do the authors mention how the studies result might influence future research very important to look at the future and finally what are the limitations of the study and this is also a very important aspect that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must look that the authors described in their discussion section so that they have a self-critical look for their own work and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can even ask them to add additional items or discussion elaborate on some elements of the discussion.

The last part in your review you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must be strictly serious with references. Make sure pay attention that authors are using the references correctly they are citing correctly they are respecting the citation style of the journal. Whether it’s a apa apa or a harvard or whatever does the background include all relevant information or references are the references missing at certain places are the references recent enough are the references respecting the citation style. All these questions you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can use them when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are checking the list of references at the end of the paper now once you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are done with this review you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can start now writing your review report. The review report needs to be structured. And i’m going to talk about what should be in. The main objective of the review report is to help the authors to improve uh this and future their manuscript and future manuscript and simply. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can use a checklist simply all what i described in the last slides. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can turn it into checklist and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal start to check what was done. What was not done. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must structure your review provide a recommendation and be very clear and very you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must be assertive. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must either say i recommend the rejection of the paper. I recommend accepting the paper. I recommend accepting the paper with minor or with major modifications and for sure. It’s not you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will make the final decision some reviewers they got a bit confused. They think they are the decider at the end. No you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are one of the reviewers. There will be two others at least and collectively based on the outcome. The editor will decide so be modest in this sense. And don’t think that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are the only reviewer and when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal say something it is it will be what you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal think.

There is different perspectives for reality and with the review of the other two colleagues who will do the review. The editor will make a decision. So always try to have these uh ideas in mind and for sure. Save your reviews on your computer maybe later on you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal lose them sometimes their problem with the systems and sometimes it happens that editors will contact you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal later on and tell you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal we missed your input. There’s a problem with the system. Can you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal reshare the review. So just write start writing for example a word file and document your review and finally you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are tracing what you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are doing also another important. Uh advice. Don’t be a prick a prague is simply a self rightlessly moralistic person who behaves as if they are superior to others. Don’t be arrogant when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal do reviewers a lot of reviewers especially when they are. I don’t want to say young or or not or old because we find prince with all ages they think they are the guardian of the galaxy. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are a reviewer reviewing a work you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are doing a constructive work. We are not here to teach people what they should do and what they should not. Do you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal just be objective and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have to try to make sure that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal avoid any negative wording or any personal comments point out to the main strengths of the work always start with the positive always say. This work has a good merit in this area in this area. Even if it’s a paper that is going to be rejected start with something positive and then list in an objective way all the negative comments or the weaknesses that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal found in the paper suggest specific ways to fix the problem in a constructive way. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal don’t just come up and say this is a poor paper. This is not a good paper. This is not a well-written paper. No that that’s not helpful. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must translate your feedback into a constructive feedback and it. Then it will be up to the editor to reject the paper or even to the authors to take these comments and apply the modification or even stop the process and the paper will not get published.

Just try to be gentle in this sense and professional avoid comments that could make your identity obvious or revealed it’s very important and the editor might send your review back if it is only a negative review and not professional so don’t forget that the editor is the responsible and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are paying a service to the community by providing a constructive objective as possible for sure all reviews are subjective but we try to objectify them we try to avoid the bias we try to be professional and talk correct language. We don’t try to be judgmental. So in this slide. It’s very important to avoid being the guardian of the galaxy thinking that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal know everything and your opinion is so important and what you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal think here is important. Everybody must respect it. No you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are one of three reviewers and just express what you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal think in a modest way in a professional way now some comments only for the editor you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will find in your review option that tell you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal what are the comments that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal want only to share with the editor. In this sense you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can describe uh any uh information or share any information you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal want to share with the editor. If it’s a very poor paper here it is the place that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can say. The paper is so far away from a good or this. The language here needs to be revised strongly. I had difficulty. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can here express your personal opinion because this will be only between you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal and with the editor and then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have comments that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can share with uh authors so if the numbers seen seem manipulated it should be indicated in this section. If you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal find that uh there’s something with plagiarism. There’s a problem with originality authenticity you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal feel. There’s something wrong raising the alarm. This is the chance to raise the alarm. And tell the editor you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal feel something fishy in this sense and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are sure that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must be making. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must be assured that the comments that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal share with editor will not be shared with the author and then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have a section on the comments that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will share with the editor and the author at the same time and here you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will write your detailed report.

You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can copy it already from word and paste it in the window of the review interface and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can have a short summary in the beginning for the manuscript writing. What is this about. And then make the comments section by section you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can go for example um introduction or title abstract and then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal comment on the introduction then the methodology and then the results then the discussion and so on and divide the list into sections and always you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can say you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal other people can say major comments minor comments. These are options. Keep in mind that the author may not be native english speakers so you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal also can check the english even if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are not a native speaker if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal think it is not good english you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can ask for language proof or editing to make sure that the document will be well written in a new version that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can request so these are the general comments that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can share with the author and the editor. I finished the presentation. I just want to share with you. Some take away message. My advice is when it comes to how to peer review create a public account to track you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal and document your reviews. Try to do it because you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal should contribute back to the community as i told you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal publish one paper already at least three people or four read your work so as a way to recognize this work and pay back you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must review others work. Build your review record because it is important to have a review record as important as you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal have a publication record both are going hand in hand so it’s very important to build your review record learn from peer reviewing you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will learn a lot because as long as peer review in your field. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will stay always up to date. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will get insights on the latest topics. Uh for every paper you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal publish. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal should review at least four like we said before and this is the only way to review the short shorten the review time for the whole community and make sure that your journal your favorite journal can have a short review time.

Use your network to start peer reviewing don’t hesitate to contact editors or your seniors or your supervisor and ask them to engage you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal read the reviews of other viewers very important many reviewers tell me that especially young ones they tell me i was not sure if my review was good or not did i point to the really problems of the paper or was i only focusing on secondary problems. Actually when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal submit your review any editor. When they make the final decision they will share with you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal the other reviewers decision and comments and this is very insightful. So once you’re done with the review and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal submitted wait to the final decision and then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can start to measure. How far was your review valid or professional. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can see what did others for example you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal suggested a rejection and then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal find two other reviewers they said it’s an excellent paper then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal should revise what you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal did and then you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal learn from that and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal say then most probably i. I didn’t do a good job here. But if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal find that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal rejected the paper and the two other reviewers also rejected the paper. That’s a good one that means that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal are on the same wavelength and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal understand enough what should be focusing on and that the parameters of the criteria that you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal used are shared with others so always use these others reviewers to kind of calibrate or validate or verify that your review was right and in the right direction in general and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will learn a lot from others reading others reviews in general when young one young reviewers review papers they can get inspired always about any paper you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal say. Ah it’s a very nice paper i like this paper. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can get emotionally connected to the paper but in reality when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal get older and experienced you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can easier make judgment. I personally had always difficulty to reject papers or say it’s a good or bad.

I was always trying to hide and taking middle decisions so i was always saying major modifications but in reality with age and with experience i am now able to say with more confidence. And with a more subjective and cold head this is not a good paper i rejected or this is a good paper and it should be accepted or have minor modification so with age you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will have this more and more and you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will get you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will be less passionate when you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal read every time and less excited you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal will start to really be able to judge the papers and say this is good or not good. And that’s the purpose also of the review and don’t forget your problems account like i told you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal before and for sure ethics and confidentiality are very important. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal must respect all and i also invite you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal and recommend you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal strongly to attend trainings about peer reviewing whether they are online training or physical training together with this video this video as an introduction go attend training invest in that. It’s worth it and from there. You what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal can be a good reviewer by that. I say i finished my presentation. I invite you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal to subscribe to my channel and like the video if you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal find it. Share it with other. There is a full playlist on scientific publishing where peer reviewing is part of it and finally i would like to thank you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal for your attention. Today’s presentation was about how to conduct a peer review. Thank you what is peer review journal, what is a peer reviewed journal very much.

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