Benefits and Challenges of Reviewing for Academic Journals – Research Beast

So why do I have to be involved in academic peer review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia what is the what is the benefit of review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing for academic journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias this is the question that I often hear from different PhD researchers or even some young researchers that are stepping into academia value of academic peer review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia so in this video I will be taught who are editors of different journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias but they are also prolific authors as well as review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers to check what do they think of academic peer review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia what are the benefits of review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing for academic journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias what are some limitations as well some ethical considerations when it comes to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia so the video is coming up hey what’s up faizon here from research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiabeast and in this channel I have a lot of videos related to research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiamethodology and research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiamethods some tips and tricks some motivate motivational talks as well as interviews with different editors and research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiascholars about research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaskills so if you like this type of content please consider subscribing to the channel you can once again welcome to all that Indies who are from wherever they are like from whichever part of the world they are and thank you to all the panelists for agreeing to be part of this wonderful panel discussion now I just want to tell you how did this idea came through and that was I saved a couple of awards for best review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer and then after that I got questions from a few people like what do you do when you review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia a paper or how do you look at that so I thought maybe it’s a good way to start this panel discussion and actually invite some of the experienced review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers who I know that review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia probably 10 to 15 papers a month I guess and not only people who review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia but people who also added journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia so then we can ask them different questions and it may serve our discipline in a broader way so I would like to introduce the panelists very quickly we have dr. Stan he is sort of a loyal speaker words of 30 other journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias now his bio is very detailed I’m not going to go into all the details but it’s all available on the internet so you can um the second speaker we have is already great so we call her doctor in short form you also call her daughter Greta or you suit yourself which is easy for you to pronounce now dr.

Granzin is currently a senior fellow at the center of public relations at unity of Southern California and also serves as the director of research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaat net new graphical which is a market research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiacompany which I extract since eyes from online conversations now okay and then dr. grad says she has review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaed for all 50 journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias including some of the top-tier journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias and hospitality tourism services and also something related to computer human interaction the third speaker we have is dr. Matheny Kozak he serves as the professor and Dean of the raha middlee focus on faculty at Dokus university in Turkey he has published a wider range of articles in top-tier journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias and he also serves on editorial boards of 20 journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias including some of the best journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias and hospitality and tourism now dr. Matheny is also edited co-ed for Anatole is an upcoming and rising journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia in hospitality and tourism research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesialast but not least dr. Mann this Orlovsky I hope I pronounced it correct this time at least so dr. Marisa is an assistant professor at University of Central Florida which is right near us in Orlando her research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiainterests are in domain of food and beverage and she is currently working on multiple things and she is sort of jack-of-all-trades at USF on different committees and different things but what’s interesting is that she is acting as an assistant editor for international journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia of contemporary hospitality management and in that capacity we invited her to talk to us about this journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia and how did it go up and how do they select the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers and all those things so that’s all about our panelists with that we will start a discussion now I just want to quickly tell you how would this work so we have a list of questions I prepare these in consultation with some of the people who wanted to get answers for these questions so I’ll post a question or I’ll just read it out and then each of the panelists can take a couple of minutes to answer their question according to your own experiences or according to your own thinking is that okay alright okay so let’s go now one thing which always comes up and this is probably one of the most commonly asked questions for related to peer review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing or a peer academic peer review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing and that is it’s a tedious job we all know it takes a lot of time to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia papers in the right but then review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers often ask what do I get for it I mean I give my time for nothing is there any benefit for me to accept an invitation and review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia a paper so maybe we can go with dr.

Mateen okay yes well I’ve been in this business almost for 20 years and I got this question from many of my colleagues asking why I am at you know review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing the papers for different journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias without getting any benefit you know financial benefits as we know there is no system yet that has been created to pay any financial benefits for anyone doing the reverse for different journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias okay there might be some benefits little amount of benefits for different purpose like you know that you are review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing two proposals and foundation tell you a little amount of money but in reality for the journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias there is no benefits you know no financial or economic benefits the only benefit that you get is the psychological object which is you know the thing that helps us to to upgrade our knowledge in the field and also to learn you know different to learn about different subjects in our field so this is what I have learned in my you know in my expanse ability for debuting papers for almost more than 30 or 40 different journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias in different fields in the world so I can summarize that is a kind of motivation for us to to to meet our professional obligations or responsibilities and also to upgrade our knowledge in the field thank you thank you dr.

Matine’s so I would I would move to much some money so what do you think why would you or what’s the benefit for you in review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing people’s I’m I would agree with a lot of that I think that you know it’s not about a monetary benefit but it’s a learning experience as a junior faculty member you know coming out of a ph.d program the papers that I saw were finished you know you only when you’re reading papers and reading articles and working for your dissertation you only see what’s done you don’t see through the work in progress so being able to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia allows me to sort of experience papers as they go through the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia the process and what I’m able to learn from that and and become better at writing myself become better at developing my own papers I find to be hugely helpful and so you know that for me is the benefit that I get from it all right thank you thank you Melissa so really what do you think what’s the benefit for you in review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing papers for academic journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias yeah that’s a question I ask myself every day well first of all has people have said you get to actually engage with the literature before anybody else whoa so so you were on top of the literature you see what other people are working on so that that benefits your own career but also you are working with editors in the journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias where you will actually be publishing your research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaas well so it’s a a great experience to really you know establish your working relationship also be known in the field as someone who actually does a lot of work has very good insights and and can help but then also I think it’s really helping me with my teaching as well I teach research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiamethods and so I see a lot of issues but also for teaching PhD students you know what are the issues with writing a literature review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia why our papers rejected why do people not understand certain issues so I think that’s really important thank you thank you very much Stan so coming to you with the same question what would be your response to it well I can probably say that the benefits on several levels first I can say that I personally receive great satisfaction that I have actually that rule participating in the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia process I contribute to the advancement of knowledge this is one things also as is the other panelists already said very correctly this review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing papers actually helps in my own research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaimproving in terms of methodology in terms of argumentation or sometimes even as simple as academic writing so I review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia many papers you know 50 70 was here they were 106 so it’s a heavyweight but this is what we all need to do for the sake of science all right thank you so if I just summarize all the responses so I think if I take it correctly from all of you it is true that there are benefits even though they are not monetary benefits but there are benefits review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing papers for academic journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias on different levels so for some of you it’s personal satisfaction for some of you is professional obligation and satisfaction it helps you to understand and advance the discipline understand the literature and also helps you with your day-to-day activities as faculty members like teaching or research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiatimes in service as well alright thank you very much okay so let’s let’s move on to the second question and say is again something which when I was working towards my PhD dissertation my professors and advisers actually asked me to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia for some of the journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias and when I asked them why they said because it can help you to write by yourself so I just want to put this question out there and ask you do you think that if you review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia for high quality Germans you can learn great high quality papers so let’s let’s let’s move to Marissa Marissa what do you think absolutely a hundred percent I think that you know whether again whether it’s a turn of phrase whether it’s a way of writing results you know in a very concise and straightforward way whether it’s a way of explaining a theory maybe you can begin to you know dr.

Luiz point it’s if it’s something that’s any more field it may be someone’s using a similar theory but they’re explaining in a way that you didn’t understand or now you can look at it in a way yeah seeing high quality work a hundred absolutely can help you produce high quality work thank you very much medicine so dr. Martin what is your take on this well actually I think this might be a challenging question that may change for different cultural persons so for myself for example I started publishing high quality journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias and then I started having papers for high quality journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias so it start from the other side okay absurd pencil side town took me I think it depends on the person okay if he or she has any capability of you know writing good code papers and depends on you know their career okay in it depends on their you know position in the career it may add them to to write food quality John couldcould papers for good quality journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias if they have ground from the right side of your academic career okay so this total depends on the potential all potential and the background alright thank you dr. Mateen Stan what is your take on this I completely agree with material that it all depends on the person because most researchers will actually benefit from review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing high quality papers for high quality journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias but there are also other people for whom there will be a little benefit but I think in general justice okay thank you and only what what is your take on this question well actually every Journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia has a different language so it’s it’s almost like you know you need to learn that language of and you know can you hear me yes yes yeah I just said you know you can read the papers in a journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia to learn about the trail but review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing also keeps you honest because you know there’s a deadline it keeps you on track it exposes you to a lot more paper and this as Marisa has said it exposes you to papers that are awesome not good right do you see also which papers are rejected so you you see what is not acceptable all right thank you so again if I summarize it I would say that according to your collective wisdom it is it really depends on the person on the type of paper or the type of journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia it can be beneficial not always but it gives you a good overview of what is a good paper versus what is a bad paper and give you different perspectives of looking at things all right okay thank you very much with the hey guys if you like the video that you’re watching right now and if you think that there’s some value of this video for you please consider liking the video as well as subscribing to the channel I would also appreciate if you can support me by sharing the links with your friends or colleagues or people that you think may like this type of videos thank you going back to the video this answers alright so let’s go back to the third question and this question is related to what Stan just said Stan said he review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaed 106 papers last year now that’s amazing so Stan I would start with you and the question would be how much is enough you know I at times I get review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia invitations specially if editors are your friends and you do have a lot of them in your inbox which are not completed yet now is there a limit can I say no to people what do you think about this well what I personally do is that I do queue management so I I don’t set the limit about how many papers I can review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia per year but how many I can get him in the queue so I tried to get not more than 5 6 waiting what I do what I say no to really but I do say no and this is only in few occasions when the paper is not in my research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaprofile or when is a new submission and and the time allowed for the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia is something like 1 or 2 weeks which is too little too short to show it’s too short time for review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia but I’m also an editor and I’m also on the other side and I know how hard it is to find review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers and to persuade review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers to complete the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia so that I tried I tried also true to give to give back to the community by review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing articles but yes sometimes we need to say no it’s sometimes it’s better to say no rather than accept an invitation and then write Thank You Stan so Melissa what is your take on this I would I’m kind of on the same page first of all I’ve certainly not been asked to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia nearly as many articles and I think that again I think it’s about time management and accepting what you know that you can finish rather than stay as to something and then getting to a month down the road and you hit the deadline and then saying oh wait I can’t do that or oh I need another month because that upsets the entire queue and the entire process of the journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia itself and I know that for me you know the only time that I have said no to something is when the topic I felt was something was so out of the scope for me that I didn’t feel comfortable review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing it you know I felt that I wasn’t the appropriate person I was honored to be asked but didn’t feel that I would be able to give an appropriate review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia and that was my response back was it wasn’t a timing thing it was a I don’t think I could do the routine justice okay okay yeah it makes sense Thank You Melissa so only what what is your take on this question yeah pretty much the same I mean it’s just impossible so if it’s not my topic I just can also if it’s a journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia that I have never published in I’m less inclined and I would also say that journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias allow you to set times when you’re not available so sometimes I know you know I’m going to have surgery or I’m going to get married or whatever and I I do block out time so that the editors know I’m not available so that I don’t you know yes the invitations and have to say no because that’s all work for editors I’m I’m on the other side as well but in in general I think it’s those formulas that I have heard about you know three review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias for every published paper that’s just nonsense I I think you cannot quantify that it depends on whether this is a stream of research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiato which you want to contribute then you should you know feel inclined to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia but sometimes there are limits all right thank you thank you only dr.

Martin what is your take on this well it is very difficult job for myself for that the editor and also the very well usually if the person is review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer I never want to you know you might any person for the paper review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia but I am do I am the editor I received from an indication from different journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias I think I could I didn’t count but there might be at least 10 papers now my desktop to finish well you know you I usually review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia that you know five or six papers papers on average every month plus conference papers two proposals and some of the things like teas and so on so this is this is very difficult you know the the clear needs that like in a stand I also follow him on Facebook we need more people to you know review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia papers to you know improve the quality of our research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaand also the journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias know that is by my responsibilities for my field for my rotation alright thank you so to summarize the responses I would say that it’s mainly about how do you manage the whole thing and not only manage it after you get the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia invitations but rather before you actually get them to see how much you can do and it’s completely fine to say no as far as you have a properly and you say no which can be that the topic is not related to what you are doing either the journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias are not exactly where you publish all related to your field and ignore the formulas and stuff but you can review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia as much as you can contribute discipline right also if you say no usually the journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias and I allow you to make suggestions the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers so you can also help the editor by doing that alright thank you very much Woodley all right so let’s see now this is also another interesting topic considering that this pleasure is an issue is getting really you know high and many many people are getting involved in plagiarism so let’s say if you get an invitation you accept it and you will be viewing the paper and then you realize that you have seen that X somewhere or if the text is sort of pleasure eyes is it your responsibility to actually write it in your review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia or is it editors responsibility to check it before sending it out so only what do you think about this I think it’s both I mean the editors now try and they have different tools usually at their disposal but those are not foolproof so if if you have a doubt even if it’s just a doubt and you are not sure and you should alarm the editor and table okay all right thank you Spain what do you think because I see on your Facebook you are like really well I can show you this one do see okay this is this is cow disputes on plagiarism should be soft okay words plagiarism is successful Cara kiri you can do it only once so this is my opinion in European Journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia of tourism research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaI check every single paper before being sent out for review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia so if a paper I sent for you it is definitely checked for plagiarism and I found not nothing serious however as a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer I also check so if so if I am some way in the woop is an agent or review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia definitely the paper will be checked okay I think I agree with doctorally that it needs to be on both sides because we rely on systems but sometimes you know sometimes the text is just translation from another language with which Turnitin all identical cannot catch but but we as we all speak different languages and we can catch right durations that are not quite native in English right Thank You Stan so dr.

Mateen what do you think about this as my life is short I didn’t expected to take a note for the author’s and also inform the editor about station all right that paper can be rejected all right right modesta what is your take on this agree I mean and when you submit the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia there’s always that confidential comments to editor box you are not necessarily comfortable or not positive it’s an issue you don’t want to put it in the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia itself you can always put a note there that says I think this is a concern and then you’ve alerted the editor and if the editor wants to want it you know at that point go to one of the tools that they might have but there are lots of different ways as a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia at your disposal to at least raise your concerns right thank you so I think it’s sort of a unanimous response and that is as a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer you should look for it and you should alarm editor at least to tell him that you know if you did not least go into the system and check the plagiarism all right thank you so in total I have a list of 13 questions we have gone through four so I think it will go through another two and then there are a few questions on Facebook and you know zoom from the attendee so we can take a couple of questions from there all right so something similar related to ethical issues and that is let’s say if you get people to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia and then you feel that you know that I mean you’re not sure but you just feel that you know the author in that case what should you do should you tell the editor that you are not able to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia it because you feel you know or what’s the best you know strategy in that case so Stan what is your take on this well I was thinking about Oh on this question and I think that there are fifty shades of gray this question because it all depends on the level of certainty so if I know that if I’m certain about Geo about the author definitely I would acquaint to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia and how informed and as was previously recommended I will probably suggest another review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia to help the editor but if it is just an idea I can give many ideas or probably I will accept the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia but thank you haven’t been in such situation alright so only what is your take on this question oh it happens to me all the time but I think our fielder’s is small and then if you are just building like tourism and technology how can you not know and it says you know the research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiawas done at a university and in Florida and so you know that limits the options but I think it’s not the issues not knowing the issue is whether you have a conflict of interest do you you have a very close friendship with that person or is that someone who you absolutely hate or where you may be involved in the research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaat some point so those are different levels of potential conflict and it’s only when I have a conflict of interest that I will inform the editor and they do stand up to the editor to tell me go ahead I trust you or okay I will look for someone else but I think also as as scholars in general when we grade students we also have to kind of like put the personal stuff at the sides so I think it’s also a way of learning to not let that influence your judgment so have I rejected papers of my friends yes I have because it doesn’t matter okay well I thank dr.

Martin what would you say about this alright this is I think it depends on how certain I am about the you know the portney the name of the person if I am sure one that percent then I can turn paper to the editor so I did a couple of times in the past okay all right okay so Marisa what is your take on this I haven’t run into this yet but I’ll be honest I think we’ve really touched on all the points that I was going to raise about you know level of level of potential conflict and even the point I was gonna say the same thing about students and we do the same thing with students so yeah right so so I get and III do exactly the same I get papers to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia where I feel I know the people but it’s fine III think if I summarize it’s mainly about conflict of interest if you are involved in the research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaor not if not it also comes to you as a person are you an ethical person are you going to do a good job or not so all right okay thank you very much so let’s see and this happened to me a few times so I just wanted to bring it up here so let’s do review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia people you reject a paper or let’s say you suggest a major revision with detailed suggestions or whatever and a month later you get the same paper from another journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia without any changes time to the paper so as a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer what would you do in that case dr.

Mateen sorry well your question is about my question is let’s say you receive a paper to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia and you review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia it quite in detail either reject or give major revision to the paper and then after a month or maybe 15 days you get the same paper from another journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia but there are no changes made in the paper it’s just what we do sometimes you know for our own paper so what I can do is it’s exactly the same paper and there is no you know improvement in terms of revisions so it might be better for myself who suggest the authors to take into consideration my previous comments and then into a submission by time failure inform the editor about the distillation or paper okay all right thank you very much dr. Martin Stan or do you I will do all sort of the same okay oh that’s the same thing thank you Huli what is your take on this yeah definitely inform the editor that yeah this was review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaed before and here here the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia comments and it still hasn’t changed but I would I would just say whatever I had to say again to the office but I would in those comments to the editor I thank you and Madison what is your name Sam I would basically provide the same review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia and then let the editor know that this is I’ve actually already review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaed this paper this is my recommendation before this is and this is my recommendation again sure thank you very much so it’s it’s pretty unanimous that human and this is what I did so I thought it’s a copy-paste so I copy pasted my comments as well and I don’t know that you know this is what happened alright so for for all the attendees I’ll put forward another question and after that I’ll take your questions I see there are a few persons if you have any more questions just post them up on the room or on Facebook all right so now let’s go with the fifth one if let’s say as an editor let’s let’s put your editor cap on and you want to send out a paper to a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer and you have to select a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer so what are the things you are looking for in a particular viewer before sending the invitation only expertise domain expertise but then I think dr.

Kozak has already said it if you you know if you know that that person is an editor I will probably be very reluctant so I mean you you kind of you know who’s doing what and whether they have just moved into a new position but if I’m not certain I also might just contact the person and sent them a letter upfront before I sent the invitation and but yes if someone has done a bad job review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing for me before I will be very reluctant to send them okay all right so thank you thank you really Stan what is your take on this usually what I’m looking at review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer is the expertise the field but also the quality of the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias that the person has previously prepared and of course time management okay so how how timely are the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias and everything else exactly so it’s necessary the author’s do not want to wait for for five months right right right Madison what is your take on this I know that with IG chmg’s they’ve seen others the Managing Editors look for a combination of expertise in the topic as well as again timeliness if they’re if they’re if they’ve review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaed the digital before are they submitting review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias on time are they showing a willingness to accept review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias those are really the main mean things all right okay and dr. Martin what do you think about this well I also agree with all the speakers but one there’s one more thing to add which is I can also look at the debate you know you know the journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias that they publish their first importance for them being for Anatolia okay all right so content okay so if I summarize it it’s mainly the expertise of the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer your past experience with the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer in terms of how timely was the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia submitted where did they submit their papers their quality timeliness and all those type of things thank you very much okay so let’s let’s move on to some of the questions so there’s a question by one of the attendees and it says that with all your experience do you have any tips about the length or depth of the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias you write I often feel that mine are too short or too long is there a general rule of thumb so Willie what do you think about this it depends on the field a little bit like in consumer research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiafor example the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias might be like 40 pages 50 pages from my perspective that’s too long because you’re actually writing a paper um but I also see very short review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias that are just not useful at all so I think the golden middle is that you have to say whatever you need to say you don’t need to write an essay you don’t need to write beautiful prose but there’s deaf and to short if if ever you is one sentence it’s just not fair that’s not good for feedback if you say things like I don’t like this that’s not enough you need to justify it that requires more than one sense all right thank you okay so stand what do you think well there’s no golden rule it is but it of course each half of pages to short it needs to be justified so the decision needs to be justified sometimes half a page may probably be enough if it is a pure rejection also for methodology or plagiarism but if well I can’t say I can’t definitely see my review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias are usually within between one and two pages maximum which probably someone considers to short somewhere consulates too long and written also shortened to honor about something within this range all right okay Melissa what do you think well I don’t know if there’s an exact page count that I would say is too much or too little I think it’s more about how you write it um you know and how useful it can be to the authors that it’s going back to I think when review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias are to the point sometimes literally bullet pointed or numbered here if it’s a major major revision here are the specific things that need to be addressed so you know one of my point by point so that an author can navigate their way through that and make those revisions and and in an editor managing editor you know can look at review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias in tandem and understand what holistically needs to be done to a paper to make a decision those are when the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias are useful and that might be a page that might be two pages it sort of like you know it’s a head might be a half a page and might be free cages that all depends on what needs to be done to the specific paper right thank you medicine dr.

Martin do you have to say anything about this I think it this also depends on the quality of submissions you know sometimes I the pencil also it depends also you know the type of journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias the paper is coming from I usually validly start in writing my reports beginning on let’s say be it normal you know let’s not less than three or four hundred words which is about almost one page but it can go up to two or three page depending on the quality mm-hmm thank you dr. Mateen okay so there’s another question and there is on Facebook so very interesting and that is for those who are actually review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing more than hundred papers so it’s it’s waiting so many papers I wonder how to keep the balance in your work life work and family life balance and locating so much time to extra work versus your duties and responsibilities was your organization do you think about this so Stan since you were the leader in that Club I will just go to you if you consider this is a work it will be a burden if you consider this as something that gives you that gives you pleasure that you have contributed somehow to the research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiacommunity then it’s not work you know this to our rector I got it thank you very much then only you are the second one right since you said the numbers I’ll just come to you then between Canada and Australia so that involves very long flights and nothing else to do so instead of watching a movie I was review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing papers but I think it’s also a question of how fast can you read how fast can you process I it’s a challenge because you don’t want to do it in I’ve actually working on your research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaso I do it when I’m kind of in the middle of things in between things when I can slot in something that’s one when it happens all right thank you dr.

Martin what do you say about this well I agree with this person this is a challenging issue so it is not easy to keep you in a balance between your work and life right life what I’m doing is I usually do review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias almost after midnight before I could quote sleep or at weekends when I was preparing a presentation last year I recognized that the people in medicine United States usually completely review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias new paper for the papers from from from Friday to Sunday which is the you know the end of the week and the weekend so this is you know it was difficult to keep the balance but they opinion medicine people so they have to work big time and they can do it in extra work during the weekend otherwise it cannot fit really going on in the industry started thank you dr. Martin Melissa what what do you say if you go and join that club trying to find any type of work-life balance it is about fitting things in where you can you know and attempting to create some sort of schedule and it’s tempting to stick to stick to it but you know fitting things in and you know when you figure out roughly how long it might take you to with you an article looking at your day and saying when you know when can I do this I know where the pockets in my day are you know I do plan out you know when I’d accept a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia you know I don’t know when exactly I’m going to do it but I can look at a week and go okay I’m gonna do it this week this is what I’ve got going on this is where it fits in and so as I continue to accept more that’s how it works thank you very much so let’s let’s move along the list of the questions that I have and then we will see if there are some more questions to us the end because of the time constraint so okay this is interesting so let’s say if you get a people from somebody and we already established that sometimes you know who the authors are you get a people from someone who is your colleague at the same College where you are working what are you gonna do in that case or someone who is from a college way and to apply very soon for job in these both cases what are you going to do so I’ll go with stand stand what do you think well I think for the first case to receive a pig to receive a manuscript for review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia that comes from the same University I think this is a mistake of the editor okay most year it must have never said sent this paper first so definitely yeah there is a conflict of interest in this case and definitely I would want to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia it regarding the second case I don’t well probably this well then this this probably is definitely probably is a conflict of interest but I’m not sure I will how I will do in this case because I’m not sure this will actually influence the way if I thank you Stan so Marisa what what is your take on this for the first scenario I would only bring the issue up to the editor if I absolutely 100% knew for sure and I’ll be honest we have a lot of faculty at Rose in college so there’s pretty good odds I might not I wouldn’t know that it was one of my colleagues in particular and so only if it was only if I absolutely could say for certain that it was one of my colleagues but I take it back otherwise I’d move forward with the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia in the second scenario again I’m not sure how if I would no I’m not again I would really have to absolutely no and even been well I’m not in the market so you know I don’t I don’t know that I would I’m just trying to having a hard time imagining how that scenario would play out but I know for certain but I’m review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing a paper for a place that I’m applying at that’s there’s a lot of variables there so again unless I knew a hundred percent absolutely that I thought it was a conflict of interest somehow mm-hmm but really the conflict of interest to me would come on the other side because it would somehow potentially like if I give the paper a bad review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia and somehow I don’t get the job that would mean they would know that I review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaed the paper and that’s more on the other side of it but it really affected me so Thank You Melissa so dr.

Mateen what is your take on this question well as a person who has published you know a couple of papers from bargaining I think the first thing that I can do is start bargaining you know if I am going to be accepted into the job so I can you know accept education so this is in well I’m not sure if you know I I don’t know how about knives that EPA is coming from the you know the person or institution that I know for I’m applying for a position you know so I’m not sure about this situation but for the person who might be my year you know same a department or college so I did I did I did I well I didn’t turn the paper I’d mix that all right thank you thank you so come into you I would just give you the first scenario because second one is not realistic so I’ll just review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia from someone from your own college department what would be a strategy to deal with it yeah right back to the editor must have been a mistake but for the second one I mean it only is a plausible scenario if you know that it’s from that college and if you tell them right and I think that’s an ethical question as a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer you don’t tell you might you might tell when the paper is published and say okay you know it was good I was a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer but during the process it’s just that’s I think a given that you don’t talk about the papers you review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia cotton thank you very much for all the responses ok so there’s another very interesting question and I have heard a lot of stories related to this and that is as a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer especially if you are a professor or associate professor is it acceptable to get somebody else to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia the paper most of your students or someone and claim credit for it okay so stand absolutely no absolutely no it’s personal job okay it’s okay all right dr.

Martin what is your take on this so what kind of student if you have a PhD student or a graduate student and you ask them to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia the paper because I can I can if they publish you know good papers in with journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias even then you know as a PhD student I can invite them and my first position as a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer was what was management in 2000 at the end of my PhD I didn’t my PhD so it was the time that my paper was accepted for to the management I received attention almost six months later from Chris Eyre to event first experience okay no question yet yeah yeah so the question is if and and this is okay in my opinion if you ask a PhD student to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia a paper but do you think if your PhD student review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias a paper and then you submit that review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia to the journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia is that something acceptable yes okay so do you think we should also notify the editor that a student has review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaed the paper or are you in on behalf of your yourself yes the main river yes that depends you know no I know I for Anatolia I count only money on women they chase I don’t remember how long it was but one of the lures invited is tht soon was informed that it was not his own review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia the pros sleepers I accepted it you know there was no problem but I don’t know that from the person okay all right only wait what is your take on this question it’s it’s actually very common in the sciences where people run big labs and some of the computer science conferences for example I review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia for they actually have a slot there where you can indicate I have appointed a SUP review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia and and so that it depends on the field so it’s not necessarily uncommon but it’s usually indicated but also how are PhD students supposed to learn how to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia if your advisor doesn’t work with you and I have a policy that I jointly with you with my PhD students sometimes if I think it’s in the area but I would never just submit their review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia I write my own review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia I compared with their review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia maybe they made a good point that put that into my review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia and then it’s going to be a Troy submission all right Thank You Lee so Madison what is your take on the distinction right it’s one thing to work with a PhD student side by side as a teaching moment and you review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia the paper together or if there’s a mechanism in place to indicate that you have used a sub review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer or that you had you know done something along those lines it’s another situation completely that I think crosses the lines of ethics to accept a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia in your name farm the work out to someone else to a grad student will have them do it independent and then you just take it and pass it off as your own work I think the first scenario team teaching moments those those things are fine the second scenario is not okay alright thank you so it brings me to two related questions based on the responses one is do you think it’s the right way with hospitality and tourism or hospitality tourism technology as a discipline should push towards some changes in the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia process where actually advisors can work with their PhD students and then PhD students can claim some credit for it because right now some of journal composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias they don’t actually take PhD students as review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers and then let’s say if a PhD student work with an advisor who this as as fully said or as Marisa said there’s no way for the PhD student to claim something for that work he has put in you know he can’t put it on CV he can’t do anything of this except for the personal gain he is getting from that whole experience so Stan what do you think we are probably may discuss in this direction I haven’t thought about this scenario because I I perceive the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia process is quite personal because the editor selected invited the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer on the basis of his or her expertise mm-hmm for in invite someone else fine I will invite that person if I know him or her okay I can’t make a definite decision right Willy what is your take on this since you said that it’s it’s a good way to work I think it would definitely help I think if if the student could get credit for it mm-hmm okay now because the time is limited so I’ll go with Marisa and dr.

Martine with another question and that is if you get something to review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia and you are not sure about some of the parts of the paper let’s say your expertise is in a particular topic like destination image or food and beverage but you are not an expert about the methodology which is used in the paper right and this is also similar question is their own face Stone is okay if you try to reach out to somebody who you think is good at that particular method and use their suggestion in your review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia what do you think Marisa I would I mean I don’t know about that I would focus on the areas in which my strengths were I would read the whole paper I focus on the areas that I’m the strongest in I would obviously month maybe I’m not as strong in certain areas of methodology or some of the specifics of systems it doesn’t mean I don’t read that but that’s maybe not where I focus my review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia I think that’s also why we have multiple review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias multiple review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers four papers I think you know I think that when editors are looking for review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers if the papers on destination marketing you know there’s also there’s also they’re also looking potentially for a review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaer who’s strong and the methodology that the authors have used so I’m now I’m hoping that there’s someone else who’s review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaing that maybe is strong in what methodology and is going to cover that it may not be as strong in the content the literature area and so the review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesias are gonna balance each other out and ports that I take rather than trying to bring in a third party who wasn’t asked to be part of it’ll be a process because there are gonna be two or three review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesiaers that are looking at the paper and the thoughts you or three of us together should be able to cover all those bases thank you thank you melissa dr.

Matt in what do you think about this well this might be the case that usually when the person may not have any you know practice personal purpose or knowledge about research composite materials journals, journals of anesthesianetworks but this is my personal experience so in that case it can be acceptable you ask for somebody who is more knowledgeable about such matters like 36 years sometimes it might give you for myself so I know everything about a system destination image you know you know let’s say branding and so on but no idea about how we can use different types of methods you know to to you know to test our results it may happen well but yeah I can also suggest for the future is I think and think about collaboration you know I kind of collaboration for review composite materials journals, journals of anesthesia among different people and to write a single report like Sciences we can be same in social sciences did he improve the quality of the some machines was adequate of your reports thank you dr. Maddy.

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