How to use and find Research Papers on Google Scholar? 10 Tips for Mastering Google Scholar

Hello everybody my name is faizan ali from school of hospitality and tourism management at the moma college of business university of south florida. I’m also research google publishing, google scholar research paper coordinator for the m3 center. Which is housed in the school of hospitality and tourism management. Welcome to today’s video. So what is google scholar google publishing, google scholar research paper. We we see that um pretty much all the time. People factor out google scholar as a search engine google publishing, google scholar research paper or as something that is very credible in today’s video. I’ll give you some tips on how you can master google scholar as a search engine as well as something that can be beneficial for you as research google publishing, google scholar research paperers so. Hey what’s up. Uh faizan here from research google publishing, google scholar research paper beast um on this channel. I share different tips and tricks for research google publishing, google scholar research paperers different motivational talks. And i also talked to experts about the research google publishing, google scholar research paper methods or anything related to research google publishing, google scholar research paper. So if you are interested in content like this please consider subscribing to the channel now when people go to google scholar to search things oftentimes. It’s not looked at something very interesting or many people criticize google scholar as a search engine google publishing, google scholar research paper. Or if you as a research google publishing, google scholar research paperer are going and searching google publishing, google scholar research paper something on google scholar google publishing, google scholar research paper many times your supervisors do not recommend this many times reviewers do have concerns about it google publishing, google scholar research paper and the fact is most of the times they’re right and why they’re right is because we normally go ahead and use google scholar as google search which are two completely different things google publishing, google scholar research paper. So if let’s say you want to use google scholar for scholarly research google publishing, google scholar research paper or to find some scholarly articles or written pieces or something like this. You need to make sure that you are optimizing your search google publishing, google scholar research paper or you are using different tips that i’m going to give you today in order to make sure that your search bears better results as well as you can be an effective and efficient research google publishing, google scholar research paperer using google scholar. So hang in there google publishing, google scholar research paper. I’ll give you 10 tips coming up so tip number one is um always to use google scholar in incognito mode because most of us these days are using google chrome google publishing, google scholar research paper as the preferred browser.

What happens is that when you are using google chrome google publishing, google scholar research paper it normally saves some cookies or caches or stuff like that and many times when you search something it’s somehow saved into your browsing history or something google publishing, google scholar research paper so the first step that i’ll give you is whenever you want to search and if you want to search up to date things like things that even if you’re using the same query google publishing, google scholar research paper let’s say my research google publishing, google scholar research paper areas consumer behavior and technology adoption and hospitality and tourism. So let’s say if i search something today google publishing, google scholar research paper and i get a lot of results i do click on them and then i save some stuff. I do not save some stuff. I browse some stuff. Whatever google publishing, google scholar research paper let’s say a month later i want to find something. I go back to google scholar in normal mode and when i search for it oftentimes it prioritizes the things that are somehow saved as my browsing history on my computer google publishing, google scholar research paper. And that’s why you may have seen something on your screen that shows last visited google publishing, google scholar research paper. This page was on this date or on that time over google publishing, google scholar research paper. I’ve opened up all these different type of links and whatever what not uh but a month later i’m gonna go back and search the same thing in normal google scholar in a normal window google publishing, google scholar research paper. It might prioritize the things that i’ve already searched. Uh today but if you go with incognito mode it would take it like a completely new fresh search because in incognito mode google publishing, google scholar research paper. It doesn’t save anything so um if you want to come if you want google scholar to give you a updated results on new things make sure that you search in incognito mode that would be tip number one um tip number two google publishing, google scholar research paper let’s move to tip number two and tip number two is think very carefully about your keywords. That’s very important because remember one thing google scholar google publishing, google scholar research paper. It’s not indexing. I mean it is indexing but it works like a search engine so when you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper something. It’s not that the google scholar is going to present it to you.

You have to find the right thing so that google scholar can present that right thing to you. How can you do that. You can definitely do it if you can find the right keywords so you you need to make sure that you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper the right keywords in order for you to come up with the better results and you know what i actually recently did one video about. How can you come up with research google publishing, google scholar research paper ideas or identifying ideas. And how do you shortlist the ideas or whatever. I did talk about boolean operators in there so remember that boolean operators can be something very interesting for you when you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper something on google scholar so let. Let’s move back to the screen. Um and let me show you. How do i search something. So let’s say i’m going to open this in cognito mode again. Let’s go here and all right. Let me see all right so this one. Let’s i want to search something here google publishing, google scholar research paper. Um hospitality marketing technology. So i search something here and what i get is a lot of results related to lecture hospitality marketing management hospitality marketing management google publishing, google scholar research paper. What not all these different results. Which is 926 000 results. But let’s say if the same thing i wanted to do something like this obviously when i put and now the results are 903 thousand results. But this is not how you do it because when you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper like this here hospitality marketing are two different words. So what you need to do is just make sure that you are putting two commas around them and now what it means is that you are asking google scholar to search articles that have hospitality marketing as one word and technology as another word. So let’s say i search google publishing, google scholar research paper this and all of a sudden you see that your results are really shortlisted and you have like 13 300 results instead of 93 000 or 930 000 or what whatever it was so google publishing, google scholar research paper. Please make sure that you are using boolean operators in order to have the best search terms now um like i said i’m gonna link to the video somewhere up here there wherever.

Make sure that you check out that video. I talked in detail about. How can you come up with the right search terms so that is tip number two. Make sure that you are using the right. Search keywords in order for you to search the best results on google scholar number three tip number three is. How can you expand on your research google publishing, google scholar research paper. So let’s say you search something on google scholar google publishing, google scholar research paper. Now you get the results now. How do you build up on that so again. Uh what you need to do is make sure that um because when we are doing literature we are finding certain things google publishing, google scholar research paper. It’s very important that we are finding or we are reading the relevant research google publishing, google scholar research paper so things that are relevant to our initial search right. So let’s i’m going to go here and instead of all this i want to search something about let’s say robots and hotels so i want to find something about robots and hotels and now what do i have is google publishing, google scholar research paper. I have around 15 900 results. Young russian adults attitude towards potential use of robots and hotels google publishing, google scholar research paper. My very good friend stan. Stan is the author and then service robots and hotels understanding the service quality perception. So you see that you get a lot of robots and hotels and this is what your search is all about right now. Let’s say i want to go with this. Um uh first one which is obviously um you know it’s it’s a citation it’s a research google publishing, google scholar research paper about robots and hotels so what i can do now is instead of searching google publishing, google scholar research paper again and again i’ll just simply go here down here which is related articles. So i can go to this related articles i can click on this and then based on artificial intelligence google brings up some results that are relevant or related to the ones that i am interested in and here again google publishing, google scholar research paper. I’ll see that all these other papers would be somewhat related to robots and hotels so this is another power tip for you to make sure that you’re finding relevant research google publishing, google scholar research paper on google scholar things that you can use uh to write up your literature review so that would be tip number.

Three related to this is tip number google publishing, google scholar research paper. Four and tip number four is basically using the citations to conduct backward search google publishing, google scholar research paper. And how you can do that. It’s very simple so um like i if i wanted to look at this robots and hotels. It’s a new topic and obviously if you look here google publishing, google scholar research paper. This paper from stan is published in 2018. But it has got 53 citations now. Obviously when i’m doing my literature review now in 2020 i want to have the latest literature related to this topic google publishing, google scholar research paper. So what i can do is i can go with this paper. This is in 2018. But it’s not necessary for you to go with 2018. You can definitely find the paper that was done the first time on google publishing, google scholar research paper. You know all this stuff but what you can do is click on this cited by and once you click on cited by. It’s going to give you all the papers that have cited this particular paper that you’re looking at and if you look at these papers. These are somewhere in 2019. Obviously there will be papers from 2020 and these papers would also be related to robots and hotels. So you get much more recent literature related to the paper that you find in your first search which is going to help you a lot when you are writing your literature review. Now one thing that i would say is that like i said. Sometimes it’s important for you to have the latest research google publishing, google scholar research paper right so when you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper something make sure that you go here in this every time you search something like robots and hotels. You’ll have this time here right. So let’s say if i’m interested in a particular time frame or if i’m interested in really the latest paper so i can just simply click on since 2020 and now i have all these papers that are published in 2020. If the topic doesn’t have a lot of literature then you can obviously go since 2019 or since 2016 or you can develop a custom brain. So let’s say i’m interested in 2014 to 2015 right so if i do that i can search it and then my papers would be 2015 to 2014 and then now my papers are between 2014 and 2015. The search that is returned to me so this is another tip that can streamline your search process and go earlier i told you that you can definitely search from the cited results right so when we look at cited results what we can what we have is.

Let’s say this paper google publishing, google scholar research paper. That is cited by 53. So i click on this and now what i can do is if i am interested in finding something within these cited articles and why is that important is because let me go back to the previous page so here when i search robots and hotels this gives me 15 900 articles or publish research google publishing, google scholar research paper or whatever right because it picks up every single thing. Now maybe a lot of these things are not even related to hotels and robots somewhere somebody just mentioned robots google publishing, google scholar research paper. Somebody might have mentioned hotels in a paper but it’s not related so there’s a chance that a lot of these things that it shows is not relevant to what you are doing so what you can do is pick up the paper that is most relevant and most cited in this area right. So let’s say i’m going to pick up this one google publishing, google scholar research paper. Which is cited by 53 papers or maybe another paper by um you know uh stan which is again. Robots um by travel tourism hospitality companies cited by 96 people so or you know 76 whatever let me go with 96 so i come here and there are 96 papers that have cited this particular paper here. Now what i have a chance in google scholar is that i can search something within the search results. And here’s a box here. If i click on this now i can search something. Let’s say if i am particularly interested in service robots only so i can search that and now i have 41 results. These are papers that have cited the top paper in the previous search. And now you have these 41 papers that have mentioned service robots within them so you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper within the search results that is going to give you the most relevant research google publishing, google scholar research paper to whatever you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper so tip number five is very important and tip number five is uh while you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper. Sometimes it happens to me i search.

I search a lot of things i open a lot of tabs google publishing, google scholar research paper and then i’m forgetting like what did i search. What did i not search whatever so when we say how. Do you use google scholar efficiently and effectively. What you need to do is you need to make sure that you are building libraries. So that is my tip number five build libraries in google scholar. And how can you do that google publishing, google scholar research paper. It’s very easy. Let me show you how you can do that. So let’s say i have these 41 papers and i really like these 41 papers so out of this 41. Let’s say obviously 41 is too much but let’s i’m just interested in the top five so i’m just gonna go and click on this star as soon as i click on this star google publishing, google scholar research paper. Um then i’m gonna go back and click on this star and let’s say this star and this star this so these are the five things that i wanted so i click on them and now what i need to do is click on these three lines and once i click google publishing, google scholar research paper. It shows here my library so i go to my library now. I have all these five papers that i’ve clicked on the star in my library. Now what i can do is very interesting so this is different papers that i have now google publishing, google scholar research paper. This is readily available for my library right. So now what happens is that maybe i want to make sure that i’m tagging these articles so that later when i want to search i can search easily so what i can do is click here and then on top here google publishing, google scholar research paper. There’s tag so. Let’s i click on this tag and i create a new tag called restaurants because this paper is related to restaurants right so i click on tag and restaurant. Then let’s say this one is an accommodation so hotel so i am going to click on this. This one is also hotel. So i’m just going to click on this and then i go here and create a new label called hotels so i create this one this one. I didn’t do that. So let me go. So i create and then uh let’s say this one and this one um i just want to create something called miscellaneous so i just create it and here i am so now. What happens is that. Let’s say in your article.

There are 400 papers or 300 papers or whatever so you want to shortlist them so again you what you need to do is simple. You come to my library once you get into my library you just need to click on one of those tags here on the site so if you look at this one. Let’s say i’m just going to click on restaurants. Then that paper that i tagged for restaurant comes here for hotels. Whatever so now. Let’s say if i use these papers simple and i want to get the citations for this paper so i click here once i click here. All the articles in that tag are going to be selected. I click on export and then you can export it in any of the reference manager. Whatever you’re using endnote or whatever you can even clear. Download it in a csv format. So let’s say i download it in a csv format. Open it up here and here you go so you have um your reference for those articles that you have in that particular library so that’s another tip that you can use in order to work with google scholar really efficiently and effectively. A good tip for you to follow is to create alerts now. How do you create alerts. So obviously you have a lot of people in your field. There are certain people who are really famous and who are really trailblazers. So if you want to know when somebody like that publishes a paper. Let’s say in my area. There are a few people who work in technology. Uh these are some doctor dimitrov. These are some people who really publish a lot in technology within hospitality and tourism. So what i’ve done is how would i know when they publish something so i have created some alerts so every time somebody from these scholars publish something i get an email in my gmail saying that this paper is published which keeps a good track. Right so i know what these people are publishing. I can read their work and it can really help me to stay up to date and how you can do that again. Um just like my library here it says alerts so if i go to alerts again you will see that these are different alerts that i have created right so what you can do is um again you can simply go here to create alert and here.

Let’s say i want to know if well this alert already exists. But let’s say i have a friend called kisang. I just created this alert which is new article and i just create this alert so here now if kisangru publishes anything um as a new article um i’m just gonna have that one you can also do it for different type of research google publishing, google scholar research paper topics. So let’s say like i said my area is uh hospitality and tourism technology. So i do have some alerts for that. Um my name create these alerts to stay on top of whatever is happening in your field in terms of topics or in terms of leading scholars or whatnot right. So that’s another way of being using google scholar effectively. Um here you go with your tip number seven and eight uh seven was to create alerts. It was to keep track of the leading scholars in your field but both of them can go hand in hand. So how do you follow the main scholars in your field by really tracking. Uh their work through alerts. Hey guys if you think if you think you are getting some value out of this video please do not forget to hit the like button and also subscribe to the channel. I would also appreciate if you can share this video within your within your social networks or within your networks or people that may need this video going back to the tip. Number nine is to make sure that you are using advanced search not only just the search but advanced search now again. This many people get it wrong. Google scholar is a search engine right. So it’s uh it’s not like you know where google scholar have to find something and send it to you. Uh it’s a search engine so you have to be smart with what you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper and there’s obviously a detailed advanced search tab where you can go and search something. I’ve not seen many people using it. Many people just go to google scholar and just like i said just like google they put something and try to search for it so let me show you how you can use advanced search on google scholar so again i’m gonna go to google scholar um on these three lines and here.

There’s something called advanced search so i go to advanced search and then i can use these different things here now. Of course there are multiple things and you have to be very smart with what you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper. Uh with all of the words with the exact phrase with at least one of the words with without the words or whatever. So let’s say um i just want to do this service for robots in hotels. Okay um and then i want to search within the title of the article um and then i just want to search it so now i have this one. It’s called service. Robots and hotels service robots and hotels service robots at hotels and somewhat similar hotel service robots now again and the reason why we so um this is how i can search some articles using advanced search but if i go back to advances you will see that it becomes very very strong and very powerful because you can search exact phrases at least one word all the words in the title throughout the article you can search into a particular publication like i j hm or cornell or you can probably you can search it according to a particular author or something like this so make sure when you are using google scholar to search something make sure you are using advanced search instead of normal search now normal search can help you but just to explore the idea but when you want to dig deeper and when you want to really write your literature review make sure that you are using advanced search instead of uh just a normal search or whatever now the last step is let’s move to the last step and the last step is. How can you make sure that you are searching google publishing, google scholar research paper within the top publishing outlets in your field so again remember that when you want to target the top tier journals it matters. Which articles are you citing. Or where is your literature review coming from. Is it coming from good articles or is it just like you know doesn’t matter whatever so in google scholar it can also help you to find articles within the top journals in your field and how you can do that again.

It’s simple so you come here. And here’s something called metrics so when you click on metrics uh it gives you the top articles um the top journals in a particular category so i want to go down and narrow it into business economics and management which is going to give me all the top 20 journals within business economics and management. Now i want to go down here. And let’s say click on tourism in the hospitality. So once i click on here now i’ve got the top 20 journals in hospitality and tourism in terms of their h index and h5 median. So let’s say i’m interested in i. J c h m. So i just go either. Click on igchm copy it. I go to google scholar and advanced search and then here return articles published in so and search so now i am gonna get all the articles that are published in ijchm and you can look them so this is how you can go and find into the top journals. But let’s say if you want to see what are the most cited papers in the top journals in that particular area so what you can do is uh instead of searching google publishing, google scholar research paper that way here is i international zone of contemporary hospitality management. I just go and click on this 67. So now what happened is when i look at this 67. It’s going to give me the articles. Um this 67 is going to give you all the articles that are the highly cited articles within the last four years in igcham and you can see them here so that would give you an idea of what type of papers are the more cited papers within ij chm. So you can follow the highly published articles and the top tier journals within your field and you can limit your search to them in order to justify your research google publishing, google scholar research paper gaps or whatever but much more so so in my opinion. These are the 10 tips that you can use in order to make your search much more fruitful on google scholar and also make your google scholar searching google publishing, google scholar research paper experience much more effective and efficient.

If you have any other ideas if you have any other tips that you use and you think that i have missed them. Please put them down in the comments below and so that you know i can know about them and also other viewers on this video can know about them in the end. Uh please support the channel by liking the video if you like it of course and sharing it with people that you think might need something like this other research google publishing, google scholar research paperers your students your colleagues your supervisors. You know anybody you think who might like this video. Just share it with them and thank you see you in the next video.

Where to find great research papers?

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You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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