Global Research Letters

Writing the Research Paper

So welcome to the workshop published research papers, research paper publishers. Today on writing the research published research papers, research paper publishers paper we’re going to start with another poll slide right after we talked about the course. Outline of what. You’ll walk away with today. We’re going to talk a bit about steps for writing the research published research papers, research paper publishers paper as well as best practices for academic integrity and some tools to help you with that citation management. We’d also like to include a few resources along the way so. This is a bit of a risky move with a workshop published research papers, research paper publishers but I do want to hear from you what you expect to learn from. Today’s workshop published research papers, research paper publishers based on the description. And what you were hoping to walk away with so if you could please type right into the white box. What do you most want to learn from today’s workshop published research papers, research paper publishers and then click. Submit when you’re done. Hopefully these will be things that we are addressing today but I know that sometimes the the gap between the workshop published research papers, research paper publishers description what you come in helping to find out about isn’t the same as is what you experience and so I’m hoping to keep those two as close as possible and as well the peers in your classroom today may have some information to offer as well if you have specific things that you’re looking to find out for those who are just joining us as well you’ll notice that. John has asked you to just place a check next to your name. The check mark is located in the bottom center of the screen. And then you should see a little green checkmark light up next to your name and that will just let us know that you’ve had a chance to access the student handout for the workshop published research papers, research paper publishers today. And that you’re ready. I have a few responses. Don’t worry it doesn’t have to be long just a few things of what you’re most interested in finding out about today when you signed up for writing the research published research papers, research paper publishers paper what did you have in mind. The workshop published research papers, research paper publishers description talks mostly about strategies for maintaining academic integrity. But before we get into those specifics. I do want to talk a little bit about steps for approaching that research published research papers, research paper publishers paper and highlight some some of those tools so I’ll just wait for one or two more people to respond to the poll and then we’ll publish it for the group.

Maybe some of us are just getting caught up so I’m just going to go ahead and publish it and carry on my apologizes if I’m moving too quickly for some of us that have just joined but it looks like some of us want specific information about APA style citations within the body of the research published research papers, research paper publishers paper some of us want to just talk about organizing content and best practice for how to effectively write that paper. All of it will be helpful. Another person is shared because it can be a daunting task. Yes especially this time of year when some of those big deadlines are fast approaching and you have success towards the research published research papers, research paper publishers paper avoiding inadvertent plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers. Yeah that can be a big one too and we will talk a little bit about that and some techniques and format for the research published research papers, research paper publishers paper. So that’s great. That’s a lot of what we will cover today and I just wanted to ensure that we are but we are in fact covering what you’re looking to find out so the first thing I wanted to highlight is something called the UBC library’s assignment published research papers, research paper publishers calculator. So if you may have seen this before but if you haven’t. I’m just going to ask John to put the link for this into the text chat thanks John and we are actually going to go to this link and look at it together. This is a screenshot of what you should see when you copy and paste that link into another window of your browser and just take a minute or two to explore it. You’ll notice that there’s a start date. Which which should be today and then also an end date for when that paper is due and you can even enter something hypothetical. It doesn’t have to be accurate and then click on the gray tab that says calculate assignment published research papers, research paper publishers schedule and just have a look at what this does for you. It’s kind of a handy tool because it not only does it. Break it into a timeline for you but it also has links to a number of useful resources to get you going.

So that’s something that. I did want to highlight for people. If you haven’t seen that before that can be an incredibly useful tool just to get a sense of where you should be at this point with this assignment published research papers, research paper publishers and where you can go to get help so this is also going to form a bit of the framework for today’s workshop published research papers, research paper publishers. I’m not going to talk about every single step in that assignment published research papers, research paper publishers calculator but we are going to look at some of it. So i’m going to start again with a pool. I want you to think of a specific assignment published research papers, research paper publishers coming up. This can be a small paper. It could be a major thesis and i want you to ask yourself if you know all of the assignment published research papers, research paper publishers criteria right from the picky things of format and length to the questions that you need to be addressing. So what do you know about this assignment published research papers, research paper publishers that you have in mind and again. Just think of a few things that you’d like to write down and share with the group and then click. Submit when you’re done so we’ll come back from that assignment published research papers, research paper publishers calculator. Put that away. I’ll draw you back to the blue pole. Slide in the wimba classroom. How much do you feel like you know about the assignment published research papers, research paper publishers criteria. Sometimes it’s really well detailed and and profs will tell us everything that they expect and the questions that we need to address and sometimes it’s a little more vague or it’s completely left to you so I have a few people who’ve responded. I’ll just give the red to us a chance to let us know what they know about those assignment published research papers, research paper publishers criteria and then we’ll publish it for the group. See see where people are at. I should let you know that that UBC calculator link is also on your student handout so I realize they didn’t give you a lot of time to explore it. I just wanted to show you what it was like and you can take some time to do that in depth after the workshop published research papers, research paper publishers. If you feel that this is a useful thing for you but much like that assignment published research papers, research paper publishers calculator. This is the first step as well is understanding those assignment published research papers, research paper publishers criteria.

So we’ve just got a couple more responses coming in. It seems like a very basic place to start just talking about assignment published research papers, research paper publishers criteria but it can actually be quite critical to impacting your research published research papers, research paper publishers strategy. And the way you construct your assignment published research papers, research paper publishers or your paper itself once again. I apologize if I’m if I’m rushing people and feel free to send us a message in the text chat. If you’re not ready to move on it just may be that some of us don’t want to share so. I’m going to go ahead and publish what we do have but feel free to type into the text chat at the bottom left where it says to main and then there’s a white box you can always type things in there as well if you have a comment or a question or if you wanted to catch up with the pool but when we think of this assignment published research papers, research paper publishers responses so far say no. I’ve got the assignment published research papers, research paper publishers guidelines handy but where you this person wasn’t able to answer those questions someone else is. I know what most of them are. Someone says they know what the word count should be and then it should be a persuasive essay. Someone else acknowledges they don’t have all the details but they have to do a draft first. Haven’t had a chance to read all the literature. Another student is mentioned that the format questions and requirements are something that they know and someone else says. We need to do a research published research papers, research paper publishers paper based on our reading which focuses on the oral history this semester. Okay so I would say most of us know something about it but we maybe aren’t able to answer all of those things and foremost assignment published research papers, research paper publisherss. It’s perfectly appropriate to ask those things and I’d really encourage you to do that. Because sometimes that will give you a little bit more information from from your prof. about how to construct that paper and what they’re looking for if it’s for a larger as you see. Sir dissertation obviously that’s a little bit different than it. A smaller research published research papers, research paper publishers paper but it never hurts to clarify some of those questions so step one the site.

I’m putting up is really about understanding your assignment published research papers, research paper publishers and when it comes to questions to address I know often we will be given an assignment published research papers, research paper publishers and there may be a whole list of questions that were asked to address and sometimes are properly does expect us to answer all of them and other times it’s appropriate to just focus on some or even one of them and to really explore in depth. So that’s something that’s really worth finding out because it can really affect the quality of your paper if you don’t have to answer all the questions then by all means don’t it may just water it down and make your arguments less strong and give you less opportunity to find that research published research papers, research paper publishers and evidence to back up what you’re saying so that would be something well worth finding out if you don’t know the answer to that the other thing to highlight and that the slide kind of points out is to focus on the verbs that are used so sometimes you’re sometimes you’re asked for very specific verbs like to argue an issue or to take a stance and defend it with evidence. Sometimes you’re asked to debate it. Which means you really need to be presenting. Both sides of the argument or another. Another assignment published research papers, research paper publishers might ask you to judge or evaluate something and then you really need to be discussing its significance or its value so it can be really easy to get sidetracked with your own research published research papers, research paper publishers and writing and not come back to that original assignment published research papers, research paper publishers criteria and and figure out am. I really writing or answering the question I’ve been asked to address and have I paid attention to those key verbs that are used in the assignment published research papers, research paper publishers criteria so on your handout. I also have a link that’s actually from the Queen’s University Writing Center. It’s a link to terms frequently used in writing assignment published research papers, research paper publisherss. And that was could be really handy. It might be worth exploring after the workshop published research papers, research paper publishers because it does list the verb and then it lists the kind of argument or paper that you should be writing depending on what the criteria are on that assignment published research papers, research paper publishers so for some of you that might be really useful to have a look at later but this workshop published research papers, research paper publishers today is called writing the research published research papers, research paper publishers paper so the other place we need to begin is to ask ourselves.

Well what is a research published research papers, research paper publishers paper and for some some of us we need a reminder just to know that the goal of a research published research papers, research paper publishers paper is not to inform your reader of what everyone else has said about the topic and take a survey of all the other papers out there but really to draw on what others have said and engage those sources but offer your own unique perspective on it on an issue at hand and usually this takes two forms either an argumentative research published research papers, research paper publishers paper or an analytical one and someone mentioned I think in the pulled a persuasive paper. And i would. I would put that under an argumentative research published research papers, research paper publishers paper and that’s really where you’re asked to take that stance and then persuade the audience with with your evidence and with your arguments. So in this case you’d have a very specific and powerful thesis statement that you’re trying to backup and a really good topic. Might be one that’s debatable or highly controversial and that will make your paper even more persuasive and then the other version can be the analytical research published research papers, research paper publishers paper which is really more about asking a question a research published research papers, research paper publishers question it doesn’t necessarily take a stance and this could be more of an exploration or an evaluation of the evidence that’s out there and it’s really to offer more of a critical interpretation of some of the the resources they can be primary and secondary resources and present more of an analysis so those are usually the two different kinds there are exceptions. But most of the time. That’s what you’re you’re going to be asked to do. And the one thing that we risk doing sometimes is turning in a paper. That’s somewhere in between so. I’d really encourage you to have a look at that assignment published research papers, research paper publishers again.

Decide what am I asked to do. Is this an argumentative research published research papers, research paper publishers paper or an analytical. One do i need a thesis statement that i’m defending. Is it a persuasive paper or am i trying to explore a question. So where does the literature review fit in. Holly is asking. Yes and the literature review that is more of a survey of the of the evidence out there to date so for four major ccs or dissertation you may be asked to begin with a literature review and that really is a survey of. What else is out there on your topic but that the overall paper that you’re presenting is still your stance or your question that you’re trying to answer so so that’s a good point. Yeah the literature review is definitely an exception to those. It may be forms a part or an intro to a larger research published research papers, research paper publishers paper or sometimes we’re asked just to do the literature review itself as an assignment published research papers, research paper publishers so I’ve just put up another poll for the next step step in approaching that research published research papers, research paper publishers paper. Which is your initial research published research papers, research paper publishers process. Where do you look for your information. What types of sources are you going to consult first when you start your assignment published research papers, research paper publishers so again. Your names aren’t attached to this. Be honest just tell us. Where do you look. How do you approach an assignment published research papers, research paper publishers. How do you get started. It looks like I’ve still got a funny symbol at the end. There that a you can ignore that but you can once again. Go ahead and type in your response. If you’re going to sit down and start that assignment published research papers, research paper publishers today where do you begin. What is preliminary research published research papers, research paper publishers. Look like for you so again. This doesn’t have to be a detailed in depth response. I’m just waiting for one or two more people to respond. And then we’ll continue so some of us start right away with an academic database like cinahl or medline or psycinfo some of us use. PubMed the library google scholar and Wikipedia for an overview of the topic or look at the reference list of journal articles. That you know already someone else agrees that pubmed and medline or the dental journals you know that our peer reviewed is where they start if some it depends on the electric electronic journals on the library site but admit they’re not terribly adept at this search process someone else usually searches web of science for some specific keywords often.

A review paper on the topic is a good start. Someone else uses an internet search and looks for lit reviews on the topic and important articles. Get to know who. The important authors are and compile your own bibliography and another student mentions that you can look for information on the UBC library website so yeah these are all options and again. This is going to be really dependent on your faculty in field of study and also whether you are writing you know a smaller assignment published research papers, research paper publishers. In your undergrad. Or whether you’re focused on a major thesis but for your preliminary research published research papers, research paper publishers yes you do often just start with looking at background information and a more general look even an encyclopedia or general reference tool can be a good place to start just to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary for your topic. So if you’re not already an expert in this field that’s a really great place to start. Sometimes we overlook that but just to get to know the keywords that you’ll need when you’re searching in those more specific databases can be important and it can also help you focus your topic and refine it a little bit more but what we do need to be aware of is that these initial sources are not usually ultimately. What will be citing for your final assignment published research papers, research paper publishers. So sometimes it’s easy to just stop here and decide that what you found first off is good enough so this is once again. Just the preliminary stage getting familiar as someone mentioned with the key research published research papers, research paper publishersers or authors in the field and then you want to look at the body of literature that they’ve contributed in the field and that might be a stepping stone to looking further so even things like Google Scholar can be a good start at this stage.

It’s just recognizing that yes. We do want to go further and access those databases and specific journal for our later research published research papers, research paper publishers another one that I wanted to highlight is the UBC research published research papers, research paper publishers subject guides and here again. It will really depend on your field of study for some of us. The information here won’t be relevant at all and for others. You might find. It’s a wealth of information on your field or your topic of study so the one. I’ve pulled up is a subject guide to do with african studies and it just lists the major databases that you’re going to want to search but it also lists things like government and stat sources or maps or even primary sources. So it’s worth having a look at some of these subject guides. John has just put a link to the library’s subject guides. So if that’s something that could be useful for you to get started because sometimes we don’t even know which database to look in if you’re just starting out and you’re not familiar with the field of study so this can be a useful stepping when you’re refining that topic the other thing. I do want to point out for the graduate students in the group. I did put in a couple of links on your handout for finding information for literate literature review. Sorry hard to get that one out. There is a link link for that as well as faq zhan dissertations and theses. That might be useful to you as well. So that’s something to explore later on when it when it comes to selecting and focusing your topic and looking at that literature review so step three. Involves that thesis statement. What is your thesis statement. So even if you haven’t completely nailed it. I’d like you to just try it now and submit to the group have you defined it. We’re happy to find it somewhat and can you share it with us today. What is the question. You’re trying to answer. Or what is that thesis statement that you’re going to defend so see if you can share what that will be with us today when you think of one of your upcoming research published research papers, research paper publishers paper assignment published research papers, research paper publisherss and don’t worry your name is not attached to it and we won’t hold you to it but it can be a good exercise just to force yourself to articulate what it is you are trying to write about.

Sometimes that’s the toughest step for some people so we’re just waiting on a few more responses but again if you can frame it as a question or a thesis statement what would it be. This can be a short paper that says term paper or your ear major thesis. We’ve just got one or two responses coming in and then. I’ll publish with the group. You can have a sense of what. Your peers are research published research papers, research paper publishersing. I always find really fascinating in these workshop published research papers, research paper publisherss so we’re going to go ahead and publish what we have and if I missed you feel free to enter it into the chat. Someone admits they haven’t decided and someone’s doing a literature review so for you that link that’s in the handout for sources on the right information sources for a lit review might be a really useful starting place for you. Another student is writing on. International students in vancouver requiring greater health literacy through multimedia simple english video interactive and interactive information sources. Great someone else is about new technology benefiting oral history and someone else’s thesis statement is the interfacing between linear planning and building information modeling for construction strategies changes. Wow someone else admits. I only have a broad idea at this point. I’m hoping to be able to define it soon. And another student is looking at behavioral inhibition as the primary deficit fueling secondary deficits in executive functioning and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Well that one is highly specific as well and Langley housing contributes to urban sustainability through residential density fantastic. John admits he wants the laneway house fabulous topics and thank you for sharing that with us today. So part of the reason we asked you to do that is just because it can be a good exercise to have someone really forced you to articulate what it is that you’re looking to study.

I did just visit with a grad student. The other day who is actually nearing the end and about to give her defense of her thesis but she talks about how even in the middle of her dissertation her doctoral dissertation her supervisor said to her what is the question. You’re trying to answer so even at that stage it can be so important to come back to that because you get so lost in the data and research published research papers, research paper publishers that when she was constructing her writing it was important to head back to that step three of the research published research papers, research paper publishers paper and the UBC Writing Center actually has some great resources as well. That’s another link in your hand. They give it an example on their site then. I’m just going to read to you even though it isn’t maybe as complex or as specific as some of the topics that you share today but the sample topic that they give as a thesis statement is should zoos first established in the 19th century be abolished. So that’s the sample that are. That’s the sample assignment published research papers, research paper publishers. And then the student is supposed to give a well-supported argument in defense of it so the sample they initially give is. Zoos are cruel to animals and therefore should be abolished. That’s the thesis statement that the student started with and they’re pointing out that this really although it is a thesis statement it doesn’t take any sort of strong position or doesn’t really lead the reader in one direction or another in terms of the supporting evidence that will follow so the alternative thesis that they’ve presented reads like this while some views have genuinely attempted to improve the living conditions and treatment of animals in captivity most still offer a squalid craft condition not much improved over their 19th century counterparts with the proliferation of large animal friendly game farms and wildlife preserve changes in social attitudes and advances in technology.

It no longer seems necessary to maintain this outdated establishment known as the zoo in order to save the animals or learn from them. Obviously the second one is much longer and more in-depth but what. I like about this example. Is it right aways. Lets the reader know what’s going to be followed following it in that paper and the kinds of evidence you’ll expect to see and the kind of research published research papers, research paper publishers this student will do to back up that statement so that’s just one example that they give of a thesis that does really take a strong position and then we can be well supported so at this point before we continue. Just want to put up a slide just asking if you have other questions or comments so far before we continue with our search strategy after we’ve refined our topic than preliminary research published research papers, research paper publishers. We have a thesis. Do you have any questions that you want to ask or comments that you want to contribute. Please do that in the text chat. And then we’ll head to step 4 for our research published research papers, research paper publishers strategy so Henry says with that. Writing Center thesis be considered Oh argumentative or analytical so this one would be argumentative because it’s more of a thesis statement. That’s trying to persuade the audience that the zoo is no longer relevant. And then they’re supporting it whereas the analytical would ask more of a question and then seek some data to answer that question does that make sense. Henry okay great yeah. Are there any other comments from the group before we continue feel free to chat away and I’m just going to put up the next slide but that doesn’t doesn’t mean you can’t continue to enter comments as we go so step. Four is about designing that research published research papers, research paper publishers strategy. So good writing skills are certainly important when you’re writing a paper but actually the quality of information that you’re using to support your argument can actually be what contributes significantly to the work itself so. I want you to think of an assignment published research papers, research paper publishers that you’ve done in the past and where you went to look for that research published research papers, research paper publishers evidence and then think about what you might want to be doing in the future so some of us have already mentioned that we’re familiar with library resources.

Other people have mentioned this is something they find challenging and navigating those databases can be really difficult so. I’m going to remind you that again with the preliminary research published research papers, research paper publishers part of what you’re doing is trying to find those keywords that are used in your field or in your topic of study that are going to generate the kind of results. You’re really looking for because that can be that can be. The first difficult step is just getting familiar with that vocabulary. That’s really used in your field but this is also the step that it’s really important not to rush through and to take your time and also to get the help you need if it is something that you find challenging and there are all kinds of resources available in the library both in person and online. If that’s something that you you want help with but um you may have noticed that the library homepage has just changed lately and it’s a new tool that has just been implemented called summon which is going to make your. You’re searching that much easier. That’s the goal and someone is really like a discovery type tool like Google but what it does is search within all of the UBC catalog including ebooks right down to the chapter level as well as the databases and a journal and our information repository circle which has all of the recently published pcs and dissertations. So it does all of that just with one search so if you see the slide that. I’ve pulled up in front of you where there’s a little red arrow that says start here if you’re typing your keywords right into that box and pressing search it does search all of those things simultaneously which. I didn’t used to do in the past. You had to search them all separately. You had to search the catalog separate from the from the databases and so on and there is also the option for a more advanced search.

You should see right under where it says. Search there’s a link to click on advanced search. So yeah basically it’s all of our. UBC owned and licensed material and it is supposed to replicate that Google like experience and I’m just going to put up now. What the results page looks like so if you did enter a search this one was on going the distance this is the results page and the little red arrow on the left hand side is pointing to the format. That that it’s pulling up for the first record is filled up as a journal article and then the next one’s down our ebooks and ebooks is a bit of a tricky. One is interesting to note that it will take you right down to the chapter level of any book which is really useful. It wasn’t we were able to do in the past and then the arrows on the right-hand side point two links for the author so someone pointed out earlier in a poll that they like to get familiar with the major research published research papers, research paper publishersers in the field. So this is a handy link because if you find that this is someone who is a real expert on your topic then you may want to click on the offer link to see all of the works that they have written and it will pull up all of those the other thing. That unfortunately doesn’t show up on this slide but that will be in the summon results if you mouse over the records in the top right hand corner. There is a little folder that shows up and when you click on that folder it will save that record into the folder and then will allow you to get the citation for that record in whatever format you want it can be a PA as someone mentioned that they were wanting to find out about or can be other formats as well or you can export it to refworks or endnote or email it to yourself. There’s a lot of options so it’s really handy. The one thing you should be aware of is that unlike refworks or other databases that you might be familiar with. You can’t log in and save it for later so as you do that. Search you’ll want to make sure you email your email it to yourself or export it to refworks or copy and paste it into a word doc.

Even just to keep track of things as you go but it is handy to know that you can get those citations right aways so speaking of citations. I’m going to put up another poll and I’d like you to share with the group. What citation management tool you use. Are you someone who does use your refworks account at UBC or maybe you like some of the other ones listed here like endnote or Zotero or mentally auto babe. Some of the free ones other people have a paid citation tool that they like to use or some of us. Don’t use them at all or maybe a combination so just click on what best applies to you and we’ll see what most folks out there doing okay and I’ll just publish what everyone has said. So that most of us or three of us anyways are using refworks a couple people are using. EndNote some have listed other for the tool they like to use and they notice how he has put down utilized noodletools at the bottom. So maybe that’s one of the others out there in two of us have acknowledged that we don’t use them at all so documenting your research published research papers, research paper publishers. This can be a huge time saver if you do get familiar with some of these tools and I have to say. I don’t think it really matters a great deal which tool you use just that I would highly recommend you do use one. It takes a bit of an investment initially just to figure it out but i would say literally maybe a couple of hours playing around with it. Most of them are so well designed now that it really doesn’t take a lot but you will find it. Saves you a phenomenal amount of time in the long run. Especially if you are someone working on a more major paper and you have to. You have to keep track of a lot of different resources and references that you’re using so. I highly recommend investing the time to do that. I know there’s all kinds of workshop published research papers, research paper publisherss on refworks that are offered on campus and and I think on some of the other citation tools as well now.

So it’s definitely worth investing some time. It’s really also tempting in this in this day and age to just copy and paste all kinds of great information along the way and just forget to keep track of those sources and wasting all kinds of time trying to refine them when you’re looking to cite them towards the end of your paper so if you’re in the earlier stages of your studies at the. University this is the kind of habits that you want to be starting now already to save yourself a lot in the long run and just making sure that you keep track of all of those sources along the way the other side of that and that someone mentioned earlier on is that you you when a risk unintentionally plagiarizing or emitting to reading to reference something that you’ve paraphrase because you didn’t keep track of things along the way so. I really can’t emphasize enough how important it is to make use of at least one of these tools. There’s another resource that. I just wanted to highlight here. That it’s actually put together by one of the UBC library and steen justini and I think John will maybe put the link to it for you. He’s put together a really in-depth comparison at least have three of them of refworks and of the Tarot and of mendeley great thanks John. He’s just put the link there. So it’s a comparison of the three some of the pros and cons and the different features. And how to’s and that kind of thing so the very least that might be something useful for some of you to have a look at and that brings us to this idea of plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers. So what is it so you most of us know. You must cite your source whenever you’re quoting something but also when you’re paraphrasing or summarizing anything it’s really about giving credit to other people’s words and really to their ideas because that’s really what what we’re all about at. The university is contributing to the research published research papers, research paper publishers and offering a fresh and new perspective. But also being sure that we’re giving credit for the ideas that have come before us so we know that direct quotes need to be cited.

I think that one’s pretty obvious. And that you can’t be copying and pasting as easy as that is to do but i think it’s the sort of accidental or unintentional plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers. Where things start to get a bit murky and that’s where we need to practice really great habits and and just to just to put it out there that even the accidental or unintentional plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers is is subject to discipline at UBC so I did put a link in your hand out to the policies on that just just if you wanted to know. It’s there and you can have a look at it but just to examine some of it because I think this is the area that gets tough for people sometimes putting up a sly it or a little case study that you can just respond to in the text chat so this one asks is it. Plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers if you read an interesting idea in an article and you incorporate it into your paper in your own words but you haven’t cited it is that considered plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers. So holly has responded yes just wait for other people to maybe read that over and digest it event. Yeah so most of us acknowledge that that is plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers. And and in fact it is so. It’s not enough just to put it in your own words because as we mentioned it’s someone else’s ideas so even something paraphrased or something that you summarize you still need to fight it so put up the next case study and this one reads you copy and paste a few sentences from an e-book chapter and you change a few words to make it different from the original source so you don’t need to use quotes and then you carefully cite the source is this plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers. So that you may be digest to read that again and again in the text chat just let us know what you think of that one so some of us think know some of us think yes however aren’t sure yeah so this this is a tough one and I think it’s where people sometimes get caught especially when it is so easy to just copy and paste and then you haven’t maybe kept track of things really well along the way and we read one more good piece and add it to our list of sources and we’ve kept track of the citation but we forget what’s a direct quote and what’s our own note and this is another thing where we have to practice some really good habits because technically this is again plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers.

Because changing just a few words isn’t really writing your own words and your own ideas. This is something that people call patch writing. And it’s passing it off as your own work. But it isn’t in fact your own and this is where our habits really come into play. How do we avoid plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers. Starting early of course but taking careful notes. Maybe this one is emphasized enough. I think this is the piece where we need to just practice over and over again. Rewriting things in our own words along the way rather than copying and paste even though it’s possible and it’s so easy to do it can really make things a lot more difficult to keep track of along the way and to properly right and source so there’s a couple questions there to just always ask yourself is the idea or argument mine and are the words mine and can my work be distinguished from that of others so someone. I’m just noticing. Holly has a comment about clarifying of this previous example because it did indicate that the source was cited and and yes. I think that’s where I gets murky. It was cited but it didn’t have quotes around it so what the person had done was just changed a few words and then felt like they didn’t need to call it a direct quote. And that’s where it’s tempting to just pass that off as your own writing in your own work so in these ask yourself questions. It’s not just is the idea mine but are the words mine as well and if they’re not my words. I need to make sure that their quote have quotes around them. Yeah so just to just to clarify that. Because i do think especially sometimes when we’re coming from other schools or even other parts of the world. There are different expectations around.

What policies are for academic integrity. So we may not want to wade through the policy at UBC but it is something that we need to be aware of so. I’m going to move on now to step live for finding and reviewing and evaluating those resources because as I pointed out before this really can affect the quality of your work a great deal knowing that you have the best sources or ones that are considered highly authoritative and reputable and someone mentioned web of science and some of us are looking at citation data tools to to contribute to that knowledge and I think this is another case where it’s really really worth your while to talk to the experts in to go see someone at the library and learn to navigate those databases and become familiar with some of the journals in your field. That really are the best source of information on your topic. I’m just going to pull up a slide here and I did give you a link to this as well in your handout for a library. Resource help so the help page on the on the library site is actually quite useful and I’ve just pulled up the menu for finding library resources and then there’s links for one’s to do with journal articles or video or government or all kinds of different formats. John has just put the link in there for you as well and this can be a great starting place the other thing. I’m going to point out. Is that little orange button in the top right hand corner that says ask us and the next slide shows you the many ways that you can get that help it can be in person but also phone or email or live chat. There’s certain hours for ask away that you can live chat with a librarian the other thing. I’m going to highlight is on the first one where it says specialized help there’s a link for subject librarians and these are the folks that will be most familiar with your particular faculty in field and they need maybe put together those subject guides that. I showed you earlier that that’ll show you those top three databases in your field that you’re going to want to become really familiar with and get to know the vocabulary.

Maybe even some controlled vocabulary. That’s used to to search those databases really effectively and certainly worth investing some time in because it will affect the quality of resources that you find and as a result the quality of your paper so. I’m going to leave it at that and go to the step 6 about creating an outline. So you’ve got your thesis say you have a ton of really great quality information. How do you get started on this writing process and this is where your you’re going to have to become familiar with your own personal style and what works for you. This is really just about brainstorming. All of those ideas and that information and really forming your arguments or your thesis and then trying to find a way to organize it and for some of us. We may like that really traditional outline that’s highly structured for others. We might like to do webbing or mind maps as a way to brainstorm all of what we’re thinking put it all in front of us and then start to make connections and links between ideas and to start ordering it so there are a few resources again on your handout that I wanted to highlight one is an online mind map tool. If that’s something that you really like to use and then the other one is you may be familiar with this already as the owl. Purdue resources and they have a page on how to create a useful outline. That’s quite good so there again. That might be something you want to have a look at later after the workshop published research papers, research paper publishers. In your handout. If that’s the step in the research published research papers, research paper publishers paper that you find the most challenging and step 7 and the last parts. I’m actually going to just fly through. We may feel like this is usually the most important part but I wanted to focus on the early the early part of the process. Because that’s really what affects the quality of your writing and then by this point when you have a really great thesis and you have your supporting evidence and arguments so that then sometimes the draft and writing really comes easily and it’s just a matter of refining and working on your writing style and this is also the part where.

I am less of an expert and where I would refer you to the UBC Writing Center where they have a lot of great tools even courses that you can take on academic writing or professional writing skills and they also have an online tool called the writers toolbox. John’s just put in the link as well for the Writing Center and for the toolbox on many steps within the writing process. If you feel that that’s something that you want a little bit more information on so I would refer you to them. They also have tutoring in person at the barber center of the ubc. Learning Commons and again John has put that link into the text. Chat for you and it’s also on your handout. So and he’s also highlighted. That that tutoring is free. So if it’s something that you feel you’d really like from support with. I’d highly recommend I’m just trying it out and taking your draft and seeing what kind of support you can get the site. I’m pulling up. Now is the UBC Learning Commons website. And it lists well the page that I pulled up is the study tool kits page which includes tool kits on all kinds of things research published research papers, research paper publishers and writing which are participating in today but others as well like online procrastination if you need help with that or note-taking skills I’ve also highlighted the drop down menu for some of the tutoring and learning support there. But there’s all kinds of resources that you can get support with if that’s something that you feel you need so. I’m going to put up one final tool for you today just to lift the three things. You think that we’re most valuable or that you feel you can walk away with and really apply to your research published research papers, research paper publishers and writing skills. They can be small things or maybe a tool or a resource. You found out about or bigger picture ideas but if you can just take a minute now to reflect on everything we’ve talked about and then share with us the things you feel that our most valuable to you and that you can apply to your own research published research papers, research paper publishers and writing.

I’m just going to mention too that I know that the UBC Learning Commons the site. I just pulled up. Some of their online tutoring as well as has them folks who are really useful with some of the technical questions that you may have like even pieces formatting and that sort of thing. I know there’s a lot of folks there that feel those kind of questions on a regular basis so it’s just nice to know that that’s available to you both in person and online when you all of a sudden get to that stage and can’t figure out how to get that table or page number to work the way that you want it to and the way that you required when you submit your thesis that sort of thing. We just have a couple more people who are going to share their their learning outcome responses and then i’ll publish it with the group and while we’re waiting for that there’s another link that i thought i would share for some folks who are looking to publish some of their research published research papers, research paper publishers. There is another directory for publishing opportunities that you may want to have a look at if you’re at that stage with your thesis or with your writing and you’re looking to put together an article. This can be a useful resource at the library as well so just go ahead and publish what we have. If i if i somehow missed you feel free to type it into the text chat again. Someone has mentioned they realize how important citation is yes. Absolutely both the fact that it’s done properly so we’re not unintentionally plagiarizing but also just how incredibly useful and efficient. It can be if you get to know those tools. Someone else mentioned summon and the links in the handout will be useful. Another person wanted to highlight the thesis statement and the different kinds of research published research papers, research paper publishers paper and what plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers is another student also mentioned plagiarism published research papers, research paper publishers and the outline and the right Center as a good resource.

Yes absolutely. I’d really recommend talking to folks serif. That’s if that’s an area you’d like to see more of someone talked about the assignment published research papers, research paper publishers calculator in the Writing Center and workflow the terminologies of argumentative verses in analytical paper. Good thanks to research published research papers, research paper publishers in the big picture the UBC assignment published research papers, research paper publishers calculator again. Yes that’s a very useful one and I should. I should mention them. John has said before to that it can be useful to to fill in the UBC assignment published research papers, research paper publishers calculator but then also enter those dates. You know into your own calendar or your phone or whatever tool you use to remind yourself that fate doesn’t all of a sudden arrive and you realize you haven’t accomplished that part of the assignment published research papers, research paper publishers yet. And then the last person also talks about the assignment published research papers, research paper publishers calculator and the subject guides yeah. I’m becoming familiar with that. Vocabulary and terminology that can be the tough part twos is knowing which keywords to use and the lango lingo have your field so that you are getting the kind of search results you’d like the clarification of a lit review and the wealth of student support so great. Thank you for sharing that with us today. I really encourage you to ask any more questions that you have now or any comments. I’m actually going to put in my email as well in case something just comes up later and you wanted to ask another question and then before you go we actually have just a two-minute quick poll survey that we’d love for you to fill out. Jones just put the link there where it says survey if you could fill that out to let us know about the wimba classroom experience itself or any other comments. That would be fantastic. I’m just for the planning of workshop published research papers, research paper publisherss for the future and Thank You. Holly thank you for coming today and for your contribution. I’m going to stay online but I’m going to stop the archiving now.

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