Understanding the components of a Research article | How to write a research paper

Hello guys welcome to our channel. Today we are going to talk about the components of research paper png. So what i am going to explain is what are the things that needs to go in each section of the research paper png when you are new to research or when you are masters or phd student and going to write your first research article paper png you might have a lot of conclusion on what to write and what not to write so by the end of this video you will be able to understand. What are the things that you need to write in each section of the research paper png so what i am going to do is i am going to take this. Example research article paper png which was published in international journal of infectious disease and the topic is uh covet 19 vaccine acceptance in south asia a multi-country study so i will go through each section of this research paper png and will explain to you what needs to go in each of those sections all right. Let’s begin so the first section of this research paper png is obviously topic author and the affiliation of the author. The topic as you can see here is kobit 19 vaccine acceptance in south asia or multicountry. Study so the important thing about topic is it should be short and sweet. It should not be unnecessarily long if it is too long. Readers might already be bored while reading your topic which is not good so it should be short and sweet and just below the topic. You can see author’s name and surname as you can see here there are a lot of authors. Um it obviously depends on how you did your research. There might be two authors three authors or more than 10 authors as well but the most important thing about authorship is the first author is the main author who is going to mostly write this research article paper png and the last author is usually the principal investigator for example. When you are a phd student you are going to be first author of your research and your professor is going to be the last author and all the middle authors will be those who provide some sort of intellectual contribution to your paper png and after the author’s name as you can see here uh there are the affiliations of these authors.

Um some others are from bangladesh some from pakistan some from nepal. So this is the first section guys in this research paper png so after this first section uh the second section is about abstract as you can see here which starts from here and ends here. Abstract is about the summary of your research paper png where you are going to mention objective method result and conclusion so these are the four things again objective methods result and conclusion. So that are the four things you are going to mention in your research paper png as you can see here in this abstract they have given proper heading to this abstract the first heading objective second method third result and fourth conclusion whereas in this other abstract you may not see those headings but first few lines are objective. Next few lines are methods next. Few lines are results and next few lines are conclusion. So that’s how you are going to summarize your research paper png. In in abstract and after the abstract the next section of this research paper png is keywords. As you can see here there are six keywords and the important thing about keyword is in the future somebody is going to use those keywords to find your research article paper png so if you do not select keywords properly your article paper png will not appear in the source result in those search engine so you have to select those keywords very very carefully. The next section is introduction as you can see here introduction in this research paper png starts here and ends here. There are five paragraphs in introduction section and each of the paragraph have different things uh written by the authors. So when you are writing introduction what you need to understand is you need to understand three things. What is known about your topic. What is unknown about your topic and what are the objectives of your topic objectives and rationale of your topic or research topic so what is known is also called literature review what is unknown is rational and then objective as you can see here first.

Three paragraphs are about what is known which is obviously a sort of literature review and then next paragraph is about what is unknown which is rational which explain why you are doing this research and then the last paragraph is about objective and hypothesis of your study so in summary. The introduction is about a little bit of literature review rationale and objective of your study. So this is how you are going to write your introduction and if you remember these three things you are going to write a very good introduction so after introduction what is the next section of your research paper png the next section is materials and methods. You can also call it as methodology so in this research paper png in this example research paper png methodology starts from here and ends here. So what are you going to do in methods in methods you are going to talk about your research design. What was the design of your study whether it was survey or experiment or whether it was completely randomized design or latin square design. Or something like that. Then you are going to explain about. What is your sampling technique. Or what are your samples and then you are going to talk about. What are the things you measured. What are the measures you have taken or how you collected your data and after you collected your data how you analyzed your data so if you look at this particular research paper png they have mentioned their research design and sampling technique in this paragraph and they have mentioned their number of samples and sampling approach in this sentence and they have also mentioned in this paragraph. What are the things they measured and in this particular section which is statistical analysis section. They have mentioned how they have analyzed the data they connected so these are the four things you need to remember while you are writing uh methods so what i.

What is your research design. What are your sampling technique. What are your samples. What are the things you measured. And how you analyzed your data so after methods section what is the next section next section is about result as you can see here in this paper png which starts from here and ends here so what is the result about result is all about the key findings of your research paper png so how you can write your results. You can either write your results in sentences using text you can also provide table to report your results and findings you can also use a graph for example bar graph or stacked graph or line graph. You can also use pie charts or you can also use pictures depending on the need and depending on the journal as you can see here in this example research article paper png. They have written several sentences about their results. They have also reported their results in table as you can see here and they have also used this stacked bar graph to report their findings so if you have tables you need to give heading to that table and if you have let’s say two tables then you need to give heading as table one and table two and while you are reporting your results you need to refer them as table one and table two and same goes for picture one or picture two or figure one or figure two or something like that so while you are writing your results do not report unnecessary result only report the results which are relevant to your study and be concise and use simple language and also while writing results always write results in past sentences as you can see here in this sentence. They have reported the result in past sentence. For example it was found that or we found fifty percent increase in something we found fifty percent decrease in something and something like that. Do not report result in present tense or future tense. So after result what is the next section. The next section is called discussion as you can see here in this example research paper png starting from here and ending here.

So what is the discussion about. Discussion is about the interpretation of your result how you are going to interpret your reason. What is the implication of your result. So you need to remember four things while writing discussion. So what is the interpretation of your result. How do you interpret your result. What are the implications of your result. That means the importance of your result. And what are the recommendation. You are going to come up with after your result which might help future research. And what are the limitations of your research for example if you could not do research in certain way or if you could not do this or that that could be the limitations so those are the things that need to go go in the discussion section and also what you are going to do in the discussion section is you are going to compare your result to the previous study whether previous study have found similar result or different result if similar why they have found similar and is different why they have found different results. And you are going to explain that. So this is all about the discussion. And this is obviously the most important one of the most important section of your research paper png where you are going to use your critical thinking skills to interpret your result and after the discussion section. What is the next section. Next section is conclusion conclusion is the section where you are going to write only two three sentences where you are going to give key message key finding and key recommendation so basically it is about giving the key message from your research paper png so if you uh know the key message and you can present that in two three sentence that is going to give you a very good conclusion and after conclusion the next section is about funding so you are going to report as you can see here. They have given funding section here. Whether you got funding from government or private organization you are going to give the name of that organization and then after that there are authors contribution conflict of interest acknowledgement and supplementary material so in the supplementary material section.

You are going to give raw data or picture or whatever you can’t report in your research paper png so these are the sections that are going to be in the research paper png as well and the last section after all this is the reference so in the reference section. What you are going to do you are going to provide reference of all the paper pngs that you cited in your research paper png as you can see here. This is the apa style reference because this is the paper png based on science they have used api style. However if the if you are in different field then you can use mla style or harvard style or chicago style as well it obviously depends on the journal and the requirement of your field. I have made a lot of videos on referencing style. I’m going to provide them in the description section and you can go through them as well if you want so guys. These are the things that goes. In each section of the research paper png so in summary a good research paper png includes topic authors and their affiliation then abstract and keywords then introduction then materials and methods then results then discussion then conclusion and then references. If you remember that i’m sure you are going to write a good research paper png so guys. Good luck in your study and i’ll see you again in next video. Please do not forget to subscribe to our channel until then bye watch inspire and keep inspiring.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.




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