Understanding the Components of a Journal Website | Journal indexing and abstracting

So a publisher publishes a journal scopus list of journals  within a journal scopus list of journals . What is a journal scopus list of journals . Journal scopus list of journals  is exactly a collection of articles that are serving within a same scope. Okay that are serving a similar kind of scope. Okay so what is the scope. Scope is a theme. Okay so let us go and check out one of the journal scopus list of journals  okay. I have taken one journal scopus list of journals  from the alsavier publisher house. Okay so let us see what all components are there of uh in this journal scopus list of journals  page itself okay itself. Most of the times is very much self-sufficient to explain you. What this what is the scope of this journey. Okay like suppose here. It is international journal scopus list of journals  of biological macromolecules. So okay so this is the biological micro molecules and it is more focused on structure function and interaction so anything that is dealing with this structure function and interaction of these molecules may be published within this journey. So what are biological macromolecules. Anything that is dna protein. Uh high profile lipids and all those things comes under the biological macro molecules. Okay so this is the first idea you get jese journal scopus list of journals . Okay a journal scopus list of journals . It is a normal terminology that any journal scopus list of journals  can use. Many of the journal scopus list of journals s are using international. Okay so this don’t go with this international because many of the indian journal scopus list of journals s are also using international but they are not in any sense internationally. Okay so if you are going for any journal scopus list of journals  go publication to any journal scopus list of journals . Try to focus more on indexing and abstracting rather than this name. Okay this international. This may be sometimes false okay. Faulty and may misguided. Okay so don’t go with this name okay. Then a journal scopus list of journals  can be of four types either. It is a open access journal scopus list of journals  either. It is a subscription journey. It may be a hybrid or a transformative journal scopus list of journals . There are four types of journal scopus list of journals s which may exist okay so open. Access journal scopus list of journals  is a journal scopus list of journals  where a author of the article has to pay money to the publisher to get his article published. Okay once his article is accepted he has to pay to the publisher.

The author has to pay to the publisher then it is freely available to all the readers. Okay so anyone can come and get the full text of the article so that is the open access publishing okay. What is the subscription publishing where the authors doesn’t pay any money to the publisher. Okay once their article is accepted the copyright is transferred to the publisher itself then due to that copyright he has the um basically he has the copyright to sell those articles by himself so the reader has to pay to actually read the full text of the article okay those are the subscription based journal scopus list of journals s. Okay sometimes a journal scopus list of journals  may be a hybrid journal scopus list of journals  which opts for both the publishing options that is open access and subscription okay so this international journal scopus list of journals  of biological macro molecule is a hybrid channel so it supports open access publishing as well as subscription publishing as. Well okay then. There is a transformative journal scopus list of journals . So what is the transformative journal scopus list of journals . Transformative journal scopus list of journals  is which is either a subscription or a hybrid journal scopus list of journals . Right now okay either. It is a subscription journal scopus list of journals  or a hybrid journal scopus list of journals  but soon it will become an open access journal scopus list of journals  okay so those are transformative so it is transforming itself from subscription based uh journal scopus list of journals  to open access fully open accessory so these are the four types so right now it is a hybrid journal scopus list of journals  you see it supports open access as well as subscription publishing but it is also written that it is a transformative journal scopus list of journals  so soon it will remove this subscription sets from the journal scopus list of journals  webpage and support only open access so all the published all the authors have to pay money get their article published within this journal scopus list of journals . Okay this is a link where from where you can initiate your submission process of the manuscript. Then the most important thing is the impact factor which most of the students and most of the people see okay so for savior. It comes like this okay.

It has a journal scopus list of journals . Impact factor of six point. Nine five. Three okay so if a journal scopus list of journals  impact factor is around seven it was highly reputed journal scopus list of journals  and below 7 and it is an average kind of journal scopus list of journals  and below 3 or 2. It is a low standard journal scopus list of journals . Okay so that is the rating which most of the researchers have there in in their minds. Then it publishes like any journey may have publications related to different different sets okay so like in biotechnology class also you go through three or four. Different lectures okay. Suppose one is animal. Biotechnology one is plant biotechnology. So even within the biotechnology. You may have a different set. Okay so even within this journal scopus list of journals  this journal scopus list of journals  may have different different dimensions in which it is publishing any paper okay. So one of the dimension is polymer science okay so within that dimension uh all the 88 public all the 88 journal scopus list of journals s which are published under this dimension it ranks sixth okay so this shows that it is amongst the among the top journal scopus list of journals s which are published for polymer science then you see with this journal scopus list of journals  indexed in 14 international databases so any journal scopus list of journals  can be indexed in different databases. More the indexing of the journal scopus list of journals  more reachable it is to the readers and if the reader it is reachable to the readers. More readers will read it. More readers will cite it and ultimately it will improve the overall impact factor of any of the journal scopus list of journals s so everything is very much connected to each other okay then. There is editorial board of any journal scopus list of journals  so editorial board is a um is basically board of people who decides what manuscript to publish what manuscript to reject okay so the ultimate decision of rejection and acceptance is uh in the end of these uh editorial board so some of our editors in chief and another are the subordinates so editor-in-chief basically you can understand as the head of the department and all the subordinates. Are the teachers okay. So for this one these two are the editors in chief of the journal scopus list of journals .

And if you open this part so you can see these are all the editors this is a huge list of editors which which belong to this journal scopus list of journals ‘s editorial board okay then i was talking about the scope of the journal scopus list of journals  so here you will find the scope of the journal scopus list of journals . What type of articles are acceptable in this manuscript. So one first you can get an idea from this title along with that all the journal scopus list of journals s mention all this scope of scope within which if your manuscript fits in it is acceptable for submission and peer review process. Okay those things i will tell you in detail in the later stages but then they also mention about what all things you cannot publish like these. These are the criteria if these criterias are there in your manuscript you should not think of this journal scopus list of journals  for publication of your manuscript. Okay so you must see about the scope and what all things should not be there in your manuscript okay so this is the very critical decision which you have to take while deciding your journal scopus list of journals . Then this is a matrix which is provided to most of the journal scopus list of journals s so this is a site score. Impact factor readership first time to time to first decision review time publication time and article processing tragic so site score and impact factor are like you know they are telling you about the quality of the journal scopus list of journals  like okay so so higher. Reputation means higher side score and higher impact to be very frank. So what is the difference between sites for these are two different agencies. They have uh provided their own way of recognizing their their own way of deciphering the quality of of this journal scopus list of journals  okay. So impact factor is given by the web of signs. Okay side score is given by the scopus if you will say like which one to follow which one not to follow to be very frank if you are a beginner. Don’t think about these impact factors and side scores. Why because right now your focus should be more on learning things rather than getting your article published in a high impact factor.

Don’t run for this. Okay learn the basics. Well try to implement your basics. Well build a solid background. Okay once your base is ready then slowly slowly try to improve your own. Uh you know the dimensions in which you can grow okay. So don’t worry about it but if in my opinion if you will ask among these two which is better i always prefer to go with this. Impact factor why. Because you see if you click on this ie it is the information it gives you it. It is the number of citations which only published articles have received okay but the site score is any. Peer reviewed document is included in this calculation. Okay so any. Peer reviewed document which has been included may or may not give you a clear cut idea about the citations which this journal scopus list of journals  is receiving. Okay so i always prefer to go with the impact. Okay then this is a readership like which countries are basically focused on reading. Uh this journal scopus list of journals  so here you see china u.s and brazil. These are the top readership of this journal scopus list of journals . Time to first decision is the time from when you have submitted your manuscript do the first decision. Okay first decision is from the editorial board whether they want to proceed uh with the preview process with your submitted manuscript or they want to reject it okay so the first decision. I will talk about this a little bit. Uh in today in today’s lecture itself for this journal scopus list of journals  it is a three-week time. Okay then the review time is the time from the summation of the manuscript to the reviewers comments. Okay so reviewer may say you to to respond to their comments or they may directly reject it okay so that time scale is uh the review time. Okay then there is publication time so publication time is a time from terms of your manuscript to the publication of that manuscript online on this journal scopus list of journals . Web page okay. So that is 1.1 weeks for this journey. Then this is the article project processing charges. So here you see uh like if you want to publish your article as open access you have to pay 3500 usd okay so this is around 2 lakh rupees in indian rupees.

It is around 2 lakhs so as a scholar as a like indian researcher. It is very much difficult to go for this kind of publication open access so always prefer try to go with subscription publications rather than open access publications. Okay then this is the dashboard which uh most of the journal scopus list of journals s have where they highlight their recent publications the publications which are most downloaded. These are the publications which are most cited. Okay so you can just click on it and you will get a complete list of the uh the publications which are highly cited and published in this journal scopus list of journals . Itself okay then it is the indexing and abstracting so you just click here so in initiation i i just told you. It is indexed in 14 different databases. So these are the 14 different databases in which this journal scopus list of journals  is abstracted and indexed so indexing in these databases make it more reachable to the readers. This thing i have already told you and the most important databases which our indian education system is actually willing to accept is the sign citation index. The science citation index expanded web of science scopus. Okay so these. Three databases are the most recommended or accepted databases. So if you are going for any institutional job like a assistant professor job or anything they are not going to see any of your article if they are not scopus index or science citation index. Then if let’s uh talk about if you are applying for any positions in abroad okay. This pubmed uh indexing is very much necessary so if you are going for a post doctoral position or anything so you are the paper which in which the journal scopus list of journals  in which your paper is published should be at least pubmed indexed. If it is there your work is done okay. But in india they give more preference to this signed citation index and scopus. These two they give the most preference. Okay pubmed is an additional advantage in indian context apart from this.

They have another dashboard where they highlight any kind of special issues. Okay their matrix okay. Open access article. They have a complete list of open access. Articles and here is a bar graph which shows how many subscription-based journal scopus list of journals s and open sorry substituent-based articles and open access articles have been published by this manuscript within this year. Okay so this is all about the journal scopus list of journals . Another important thing which you must know. Is this guide to authors. All the journal scopus list of journals s have their own guide to authors. This is a complete set of guidelines which the journal scopus list of journals  itself doesn’t most of the time it is provided by the publisher but it may be modified in accordance with the journal scopus list of journals  requirements so our journal scopus list of journals  these guidelines have all the things which you need starting from the aim in scope all the type of articles which this journal scopus list of journals  may publish okay then ethics in publishing along with the preparation guidelines. Okay so if you click on this so they will tell you how you have to prepare starting from word processing software. What is the rta. What should be the article structure. Okay so these are the informations which are provided for article structure and then the type. There should be a title page. All these things i will discuss with you. Uh in the last lecture highlights abstract keywords and everything all the things even how your artwork should look like what should be the dimensions. How what should be the font font and the color and everything all these things are provided in this guide to authors so once you have decided that i want to publish my paper in this journal scopus list of journals . I you have to go to this author’s guidelines to finally you know rearrange and organize your data so that your manuscript is completely aligned with these guidelines if these are not uh very much aligned there are the technical team may raise some issues and they may revert back to you and say you do redo all the corrections so that these are the manuscripts are the submitted manuscript is more uh aligned to this these guidelines okay so instead of wasting time uh during the review process take this during the manuscript preparation itself take these guidelines very seriously and read it and align your organize your complete manuscript according to these guidelines so this is all about the journal scopus list of journals  website so this is el xiv publisher.

There are many other publishers nine publishers which i have told you you can go to different different publisher websites and try to check out all those things which i have told you in this website whether they are present there or how they are different you.

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