Types of Variables in Research

Hi welcome to our channel talks on management and research variables definition, definition of variables in research in today’s session we are going to cover an important topic in research variables definition, definition of variables in research called types of variable now we are going to discuss about five different types of variables which is predominantly used in our research variables definition, definition of variables in research independent variable dependent variable mediating variable moderating visible and extraneous variable let us discuss these variables one by one now if suppose if I take a scenario where you are designing a questionnaire where you ask the respondent do important things like their salary and their job satisfaction now just think about which could be an independent variable and which could be the dependent really yes obviously you want to say that salary is of course an independent variable research variables definition, definition of variables in research and job satisfaction is the dependent variable why is that so because it is only based on your logic common-sense experience and your previous literature review research variables definition, definition of variables in research so the point I’m a noted when you are choosing which is an independent variable and which is a dependent variable is actually mainly dependent on the research variables definition, definition of variables in researcher not dependent on the tool that you are being using you might use any fancy tools like SPSS ammos smart pls or a simple like excel but it all comes in the later stage it is you as the research variables definition, definition of variables in researcher who is going to decide which is going to be the independent variable which is going to be the dependent variable right so in this scenario we can easily categorize salary as an independent variable and job satisfaction as the dependent variable the reason being salary is the one which affects job satisfaction that means high on the salary hire result of satisfaction lower the salary is the job satisfaction I can also define this independent variable and dependent variable through this Association what is an depend very dependent variable is a kind of variable which is being affected by n number of other variables research variables definition, definition of variables in research it could be a independent variable mediating variable or moderating belief when it comes to the independent variable it is that variable which affects the job satisfaction that effects the dependent variable so with this understanding let us get into the another topic of our discussion research variables definition, definition of variables in research let’s say that if I’m asking you a simple question what makes you think that there is a relationship between salary and job satisfaction you can come up with your own answers but one of the most important reason could be on the lifestyle let’s suppose that if I’m earning fifty thousand rupees in India I might be happy with my salary but the same 50 thousand rupees if I’m earning in Middle East or in u.

  1. do you think so I might be happy with the job may not be true the reason being the mirror salary alone doesn’t decide the job satisfaction it is the salary which is linked with a better life strength is the reason for the job satisfaction because if the cost of living is higher in other countries in Middle East or in u.s. or any other European countries so naturally I may require a higher salary than what I’m drawing in the country so now the reason for the relationship between salary and job satisfaction is the better lifestyle and this better lifestyle is what we call it as mediating variable so now how do i define a mediating variable a mediating variable is the kind of variable which decides the reason for the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable we can also take one more example let’s say that what if I say that I give you two variables like grades and happiness yeah you all will say that grades could be considered as an independent variable and happiness could be considered as a dependent variable now what could be in this case probably I can take a steal the students asking now you can see that the students are what higher grades they might be having higher self-esteem because of that reason they are much happier than the other students so in this scenario self-esteem could be considered as the mediating variable research variables definition, definition of variables in research so like this though you might.

Have categorized independent variable and dependent variable for your research variables definition, definition of variables in research you can take a diary think for a while and jot it down which could be a possible reading variable for your research variables definition, definition of variables in research and what has immediate evil evil that I have told you just now that the one which mediates the one which gives a reason for the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable so if you had a questionnaire just start putting what is the independent variable what is the dependent variable research variables definition, definition of variables in research what could be the mediating variable so that it might be useful for your analysis now another type of variable research variables definition, definition of variables in research which will go to today’s session is moderating variable what does might be moderating variable let’s say that the same example about salary and job satisfaction you would come across some of the maybe experienced people telling that who don’t believe on salary affecting the job satisfaction they see that the job the company where they have been working for 10 years four years they do have a very loyal towards the organization the reason being they are consider it as a second one so I would say that the salary and job satisfaction this relationship holds true mainly for a fresher or mainly for someone who is at the middle level it may not be applicable for someone who’s at the top level or someone who is having a higher tenure in the organization so this is what we call it as moderating variable so what does moderating variable it is that variable which affects the strength of the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable in this case independent variable and dependent variable is job satisfaction though there is a strong association between salary and job satisfaction there is a third variable called moderating variable which affects the strength that means it either weakens the strength of the relationship or it might increase the strength of the relationship so this is what we call it as moderating variable you can think your own examples.

You can think what could be the possible moderating variable in your case let’s say let me take another example let’s say that I am going to zoom regularly to gain the muscle mass now what could be the independent variable we’re going to Jim could be an independent variable and what could be the dependent variable gaining muscle mass could be the dependent variable now what could be the possible moderating variable we don’t know let us think about it let’s say that this is this relationship holds true across all ages may not be true because I can’t expect that 80 you men going to gym regularly trying to get a muscle mass that means the going to gym might be effective for a very old man how it is effective for an youngster so age could be moderating variable so like this you can jot it down several moderating variables for your study and try closing different type of analysis you can use different type of software for us you can use a most smart pls or maybe you can use a simple light SPSS and you can use a technique called regression that we’ll discuss it in another session and if you are quite smart enough there is a process macro in SPSS which you can download it so easily which can be added as an add-in you existing SPSS now the third type of variable they will discuss this extraneous video what is extraneous video make it very simple extreme is variable is nothing but noise probably a noise that means it does not affect either the strength of the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable nor it is the reason for the relationship between independent and dependent variable it is just purely and noise say for example in this example that I have mentioned where salary and job satisfaction or related with each other in terms of independent variable and dependent variable I do consider number of employees as the dependent variable I can’t say that just because number of employees or more or more employees are less it’s going to affects.

The relationship between independent variable and dependent variable so now this is what we call it as extreme is variable or I can also call it as foreign variable or I can consider it as these are like these are like noise so now you as a research variables definition, definition of variables in researcher you have to control the noise so that you can find out the effect of one variable on another variable hope you won’t find this lecture very useful thank you.

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