Tips for Publishing

SUSAN LUNTE: My top tip, actually there would be two top tips for publishing for someone that’s really early in their career. One would be make sure that you research paper publisher, sites for research paper know all the background to what you research paper publisher, sites for research paper’re writing about. Make sure you research paper publisher, sites for research paper reference all the previous work that’s been done and that you research paper publisher, sites for research paper put it in the context of what’s been done. Sometimes you research paper publisher, sites for research paper have to go back beyond 2005. I know a lot of the you research paper publisher, sites for research papernger people don’t always go back past 2005 on the lit search because they think that’s far enough but really there’s a lot of good chemistry that was done in the 1800s, 1900s that’s relevant. And then the other thing would be choice of reviewers. When you research paper publisher, sites for research paper submit an article, make sure that you research paper publisher, sites for research paper point down some referees that you research paper publisher, sites for research paper would recommend could do a good review of you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr article but make sure those people are experts in the field and not necessarily someone that you research paper publisher, sites for research paper had a beer with at a meeting or a friend or something like that. Make sure it’s someone that can really do a good review as that will ultimately help you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr paper in the end because you research paper publisher, sites for research paper’ll get good feedback which will make it a better paper in the journal. HONGZHE SUN: People get tempted to copy and follow in the footsteps of people who have gone through before but I’d like to suggest that the best way to stand out as a scientist is to focus on new things and on novelty of you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr research. So try to focus on why you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr work is different from others. BEN FERINGA: Think carefully about what the impact is of you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr discovery or invention or the advance you research paper publisher, sites for research paper have made. Make absolutely clear even if it is a very tiny advance why this is important, why the community should read this and why it should be published in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal of high standards. JONATHAN STEED: I think it is really important for authors to tell a story in their paper. They don’t just need to report a particular piece of data or a particular method but actually to have a narrative with a beginning, middle and end. It sounds obvious but they need to set up the problem that they are trying to address.

Authors need to explain the work that they have done, the experiments that they’ve done, but also then conclude with how that addresses the fundamental problem they’ve set up. In a sense there needs to be: this is what we thought was the problem, this is how we addressed it and this is what it means. That meaning is often lost when people get too close to the data but it’s the meaning that people will take away from the paper, and the meaning that they’ll cite. BEN ZHONG TANG: To write a good paper, you research paper publisher, sites for research paper should put a context there very clearer so people can follow the flow of you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr story. And of course, the structure, the data organisation is very important. All these things are very important. DAVID SMITH: I mean my top tip would obviously be to write the best paper you research paper publisher, sites for research paper can, that goes without saying, and to make sure that you research paper publisher, sites for research paper’ve worked very hard with you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr co-authors to get it as good as it can be. But particularly focus on the abstract. Sometimes they get a bit forgotten. They can be written as the last thing in the paper and put together in a bit of a rush. It is always worth remembering that it is probably the bit that people will really read from you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr paper, the bit that they’ll find in the online database. It’s got to cover the key points and also draw them in, make them want to go and look at the article, see how you research paper publisher, sites for research paper’ve done things and read the underlying science. So a good abstract can really go a long way in publishing good articles. JACK RUMBLE: My top tip for publishing is to ensure that the title and the abstract of the article contain keywords that explain what’s in the article. This is especially important when it comes to search engines since they’re going to pick up these terms and they’re going to build up an index of those terms. They’re going to deliver that content based on what’s within that title. POLLY ARNOLD: If I was to advise a new author, I would suggest that they try to write a concise cover letter.

I find that really helps me work out that I’ve chosen the correct journal, and also I find that often, in phrasing the cover letter on why it’s important, I often end up going back to my own manuscript and rewriting the introduction. RAHUL BANERJEE: Write a good cover letter highlighting the novelty of you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr work. That is something that is really important and many times, as an associate editor, I do not see it. That is definitely something that all editors across the board in different journals and different publishing houses want to see. They would like to see a cover letter that’s crisp, bullet-pointed, what exactly is the novelty of someone’s work. SETH MARDER: When you research paper publisher, sites for research paper think about submitting a paper, I think it’s critically important to think about that paper in the context of what the reader will want to read. If you research paper publisher, sites for research paper think that as a reader, you research paper publisher, sites for research paper’d be really happy with that paper in a given journal, then go ahead and submit it. If you research paper publisher, sites for research paper scratch you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr head and say ‘I don’t know but I’ll try anyway’ odds are that you research paper publisher, sites for research paper may not be putting the paper in the right journal. ZIJIAN GUO: I always tell my students to wait another day, another week and come back again to proof read it. They will find many mistakes and typos so this is very important for the quality of the manuscript. CAROLINE BURLEY: We’re often asked by authors how important formatting is when they submit their paper to us because each publisher has their own house style. So my top tip is that actually it’s not that important to do that on you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr first submission. If you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr paper is accepted then we’ll make sure it is formatted to RSC requirements. As long as in you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr submission you research paper publisher, sites for research paperr paper is clear and understandable for the referees and the editors, that’s the most important thing. RAHUL BANERJEE: Do not let the rejections dishearten you research paper publisher, sites for research paper, depress you research paper publisher, sites for research paper. It happens, it happens to everybody, it happened to everybody. Yes, everybody feels bad when a paper gets rejected, whichever the journal it is, but do not take it personally.

Take it very seriously, learn from it, but do not take it personally and do not let it frustrate you research paper publisher, sites for research paper from doing good work. Continuously evolve, learn from the mistakes and make you research paper publisher, sites for research paperrself better. HONGZHE SUN: My advice is that as one of the best organisations for the chemical sciences, Royal Society of Chemistry has one of the best journals in every branch of chemistry so I strongly encourage someone to submit their best work to Royal Society of Chemistry.

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