Global Research Letters

How to Choose a Journal for Publication

Hello again so. We talked a lot on my website and on this channel about writing a scientific manuscript in how you need to go about doing that but what we don’t talk very much about or haven’t talked about yet is how to then pick where to submit your manuscript so what we’re going to cover in. This video is a couple of different tricks tips that you can use to decide which journal for paper publication, publications research to publish your scientific manuscript in. Hi i’m casey butler from butler scientific communications and welcome to our youtube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe to make sure that you get more videos like this one in the future and enjoy this video on how to choose a journal for paper publication, publications research for publishing your scientific manuscript when i wrote my first paper everything about the process was really stressful to me. Not only was writing the paper stressful figuring out what to put in each section how to organize it but also at the end trying to decide what were the best journal for paper publication, publications researchs to use to publish this paper and just like the manuscript writing process itself. This was something that i felt very thrown into without any idea of the best ways to go about choosing the best journal for paper publication, publications research for my publication. And now that i work with a lot of different graduate students across fields i see also just how stressful it is when the wrong journal for paper publication, publications research is chosen at the beginning and those rejections that come in because this journal for paper publication, publications research doesn’t fit with what you’re trying to publish or isn’t a good match for your work. Can be really heartbreaking and can really add to the stress of publishing your manuscript. So what i want to cover today then is some simple ways that you can use to try to choose the best journal for paper publication, publications research or journal for paper publication, publications researchs for submitting your work so you can try to maximize your focused efforts for your submission as well as reduce some of that added stress of unnecessary rejections from journal for paper publication, publications researchs. That didn’t quite match with your work so the way that we’re going to do this is first. I’m just going to give you a couple tips for brainstorming.

A list of possible journal for paper publication, publications researchs for your submission for these initial steps. We’re not going to worry about picking the best show right away. We’re just going to focus on populating our list of possible journal for paper publication, publications researchs then in the second step i’m going to show you how to take that list and narrow it down to the best possible options for your work. Let’s get started so the first thing that we’re going to do is choose from a list of journal for paper publication, publications researchs we cite often in our paper. And so if you’ve already written the body of the paper this becomes much easier because you should already have at least the preliminary reference section populated. Now if you haven’t written your paper yet and you’re still trying to decide your journal for paper publication, publications research. That’s perfectly fine. What i recommend you doing instead is looking at one of the last papers published from your group on this topic or papers on a similar topic. Okay what you do here. Then is you’re going to look at your reference list and you’re just going to make a note of every journal for paper publication, publications research that you cited and how many times you cited these different journal for paper publication, publications researchs. This is going to be a great starting point. That’s going to show you the similar research to what you’re doing and where that research is published so this is a great starting list for possible options for publishing your paper next point number two we’re going to look at the most common or most popular journal for paper publication, publications researchs in our field. This is actually not so hard as it seems to find and what i recommend doing is just going to google and typing list of journal for paper publication, publications researchs in and then filling in your field and so as you can see here. Uh by doing this you do get a list of some of the most popular journal for paper publication, publications researchs and most common journal for paper publication, publications researchs in your field and it’s usually a very long list. Google does a good job of getting you a large selection of possible options here. And so what you can do is just take these options. Write them down. Add it to your list of possible places for your work. Another thing to note here is when you do this.

Search the first links that pop up are actually often these extended lists of journal for paper publication, publications researchs in this field and they are going to have different the different impact factors listed for each of these different journal for paper publication, publications researchs. And so this is a good idea. A good thing to save for when we go to the next step of starting to rank the different journal for paper publication, publications researchs to decide where we’re going to submit our paper the third option for brainstorming. Your possible journal for paper publication, publications researchs is to use an online tool such as and so jane stands for the journal for paper publication, publications research author named estimator and it is an online tool that will give you possible options for journal for paper publication, publications researchs where you could submit your work and this can also help you narrow down your list. All you need to do is go to the address that i have linked here below copy in the current title or running title. You have now for your work and it’s going to populate for you. A list of possible options of where similar work is going to be found. So you can use this again as another way of finding some different journal for paper publication, publications researchs. Maybe that you didn’t think about when you looked at just ones in your very specific field as an added bonus. This jane biosemantics tool is also good for helping. You find possible referees. For your work if you have to list possible different reviewers and finally it can also help provide you with similar articles to yours that you can use for citations in your work. Okay so now. By this time you should hopefully have a usually fairly extensive list of possible places where you can publish your work and so now. What we’re going to do is work through how to narrow this list down to help find the best places for us to submit our work and so step number four here one of the first things you should try is ranking these based on impact factors i know that the impact factor is not always the most useful tool for determining the relevance of a journal for paper publication, publications research but it is a useful tool for determining how stringent they’re going to be in their selection process.

And so this is going to help you decide which journal for paper publication, publications researchs are maybe bigger long shots than some of the others. So if you remember back to when we did that google search a couple of minutes ago looking for the different journal for paper publication, publications researchs in our field there should be a link here somewhere that is going to give you the journal for paper publication, publications researchs in your field and their impact factors and so you can use this list to help find those impact factors and then you can rank your possible brainstorm list by impact factor. So you have this rough idea of. Maybe how difficult it’s going to be to get into some of these different journal for paper publication, publications researchs the next thing that i want you to do and because this one takes a little bit more effort i do the impact factor ranking first. I want you to check the aims and scope of these different journal for paper publication, publications researchs and so hopefully now after doing the impact factor ranking. You might have an idea of some journal for paper publication, publications researchs that you’re not going to be applying to right away or some that you might might save for a later submission option and so here take some of the ones that you think are in the range that you estimate is the range of what your work will fall into and look up the aims and scope of each of these journal for paper publication, publications researchs and so this is also a fairly easy thing to do you. Just take the name of the journal for paper publication, publications research type it into google and follow it by aims and scope and google will find you the journal for paper publication, publications research’s aiming scope page. It is going to tell you exactly the type of work that this journal for paper publication, publications research is looking for exactly the type of work that it wants to publish and what you want to do is find journal for paper publication, publications researchs that have an aiming scope that match the aim and scope also of your paper. Okay you want your work to be a good fit for the journal for paper publication, publications research that you are submitting it to not just to have a journal for paper publication, publications research with a good name or with a good impact factor. Because i can promise you that there are going to be generals out there with a similar impact factor a similar relevance. Maybe not ones that you thought about but will be a better fit for your work than trying to convince an editor of a journal for paper publication, publications research.

That doesn’t quite fit. Trust me the editors have seen it. All they’re going to know when you’re going to do this and it’s just going to waste both your time. And the editors if you try to submit work or your work does not match the aims and scope of the journal for paper publication, publications research by now by doing this aims and scope exercise. You should have been narrowing down this list even more to possible journal for paper publication, publications researchs that you can submit to hopefully by crossing out some ones that are just not going to be a good fit for your work and so now what you should do is when you have this much narrower list scroll through some of the articles in that journal for paper publication, publications research and look at the types of submissions that this journal for paper publication, publications research is publishing. Okay you want to look at the work that these different labs are doing that are publishing in this journal for paper publication, publications research and see if the work that you are planning to submit matches what is being submitted there for example things. I want you to look at when you’re going through. This process is see what types of studies this journal for paper publication, publications research is trying to publish. And then see if your work and the scope of your work matches the types of studies that they want to publish the next thing that i want you to look at are the types of experiments that people do when they get their work published in these papers. Do you have the same types of experiments. Are you doing the same type and amount of work that some of these other labs are doing to get them published in this journal for paper publication, publications research the next thing to look at is the breadth of experiments that these different papers are doing what is the breadth of work that is covered by this paper. For example. Are these papers covering a very narrow field specific topic and doing very narrow field specific experiments or is this a very broad ranging paper that has a lot of different experiments from a lot of different fields or subfields. You want to make sure that what you’re trying to submit is going to match the breadth of work that this journal for paper publication, publications research is trying to publish next.

We’re going to start looking at the reach of these papers so when you’re reading these papers. How broad is the scope of the conclusions that these papers are drawing. Are the papers that this journal for paper publication, publications research publishes very focused on the field and people in field and therefore their conclusions are rather narrow and tied to the field itself or are these conclusions very broad reaching and impacting a wide range of people this is often an indicator of also impact factor of the journal for paper publication, publications research usually the higher the impact factor the broader the reach of the conclusions and the scope of the paper. So this is something to keep in mind and you want to make sure that your results and what you’re trying to publish is going to match with this breadth of scope and another way that you can look at this is by looking at. How broad of an audience. This work is targeted to is what is being published here. Generally understandable to a wide audience. Or do you need to be in field and field specific to understand the work that is being done from being published in this paper. Okay so hopefully you have now narrowed down your list pretty significantly to journal for paper publication, publications researchs that you think your work might fit in. I usually recommend at this stage to find. Maybe three to five different journal for paper publication, publications researchs that you would be happy publishing your work. The next thing i want you to do is to list those journal for paper publication, publications researchs by how difficult you think it will be to publish in those journal for paper publication, publications researchs. Okay here you are going to want to work. Towards submitting to that highest level journal for paper publication, publications research that you think your work will qualify for and in doing that. You are going to make sure that you write your paper or tailor your paper and your cover letter to that highest level journal for paper publication, publications research. The reason this is important is like i. Briefly mentioned before the higher level journal for paper publication, publications researchs are generally going to acquire a broader scope a broader range a broader. Reach of the type of audience. You would be able to attract with this paper.

And so by writing to this highest level top journal for paper publication, publications research. You’re going to make sure that you reach that higher level and that broader scope whereas if you write to a more narrow field specific journal for paper publication, publications research you already hinder your chances of getting into those higher level journal for paper publication, publications researchs whereas the opposite is not actually true. A paper that is highly accessible to a broad audience is still suitable for publication in a field specific journal for paper publication, publications research but a field specific paper that is accessible only to a field. Specific audience is not suitable for publication in a higher level broader you.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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