How to Choose a GOOD Research Topic: Research Papers for Beginners

All right so you’ve been assigned to write a research topic research, topics to research paper and right now you’re at ground zero meaning the first step which is choosing a good research topic research, topics to researching topic if you’ve been with me for a while you’ll know that i’m so passionate about the proper preparation before you do anything because your starting position determines how successful you’ll be later on and so that’s exactly what i’m going to teach you right now. An effective method. It’s going to give you some parameters to choosing good effective research topic research, topics to researching topics sound good. Let’s do this alright. So first things first. What is a research topic research, topics to research topic. Well it’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s the topic that you want to center your research topic research, topics to research around now. The real question is what is an effective research topic research, topics to research topic aka a good research topic research, topics to researching topic well. An effective research topic research, topics to research topic is going to be a specific area within a general broad topic. And so why do you want to find a specific area within a general topic in the first place. It gives you focus rather than research topic research, topics to researching aimlessly with no direction. A specific topic is going to give you a specific focus area for you to conduct your research topic research, topics to research for you to say find a problem within this topic or find that gap. Maybe a common misconception or perhaps ask a question aka your research topic research, topics to research question it simply gives you direction for the rest of your research topic research, topics to research makes sense right so now. Let’s shift our focus from the what a research topic research, topics to research topic is and how to choose that effective research topic research, topics to research topic the process that i like to teach students. It’s all about narrowing by expanding and now that sounds contradictory. So let me explain what i mean by this. Is you want to take your general given topic. You want to expand it all the way out so that you can pick a specific area within that general topic and that’s exactly what we’re gonna do now as i explain how to do this correctly i’m gonna work through a real life example so step number one is well. What is your general topic for our example. Let’s say our given topic is time management.

Say we’re in an undergraduate program getting our bachelor’s in business we’re in a critical thinking course. We’re given time management great. This is what we’re going to expand so we can find that specific area that we want to study within time management. Now the next thing we’re going to do is what i like to call play matchmaker. Basically we’re going to take our given topic and we’re going to match it to a few potential general topics. So why would we do this. Well let’s think about this in terms of dating. You have two people who are matched together. They’ve never met. They don’t know much about each other but there’s a possibility of a relationship a connection being drawn between the two. This is essentially what we’re doing as our starting point for choosing our effective research topic research, topics to researching topic because it’s going to start to give you direction of the different areas that might be suitable for your given topic. So what i want you to do is quite literally. Take your given topic of time management in this case and brainstorm a few specific areas that fall under that umbrella so in this example. This might look something like time. Management and college students time management in entrepreneurship perhaps time management and job success. If you’ll notice i’m keeping it relevant to our degree to what class we’re in so it wouldn’t really make sense for me to say time management and say a mental health problem like adhd or time management and life satisfaction. That wouldn’t make sense for critical thinking in a business program so you always want to keep your topics fairly relevant to what you’re studying now. The next thing you want to do is take those working topics and we want to come up with some variations of them so time management. That’s going to be your independent variable in this case that’s not going to change. We’re studying time management but college students entrepreneurship job success. These are variable. They’re the dependent variables here for this example.

I’m going to focus in on one of those examples rather than work through all three just so. We’re really clear on what i’m doing. So let’s say in this case i choose that i want to study time. Management and college students. Great some variables for college students might be things like graduate students. Undergraduate students online college students perhaps bachelors of science majors or business majors. These are all working parameters for college students so now with all these variable keywords. Let’s start to build some working relationships aka working topics and my cheat sheet for this. Is that you want to keep things mutual at least in the beginning because we still haven’t done any preliminary research topic research, topics to research so we don’t know anything about how these topics fit together so we want to keep it mutual. And so what i recommend doing is using the word impact or effect and linking the two together so for example. Your working topics might look something like the impact. Time management has on undergraduate students or perhaps the impact time management has on students enrolled in online classes or even the effect time management has on students enrolled in business programs. So do you see how now we’re starting to try on these different areas within time management to see which relationships we like and so why do i suggest keeping it mutual right now because now we can take these and do our preliminary research topic research, topics to research and if you’ve not heard that term before it’s simply the initial research topic research, topics to research done on your potential topics kind of to scope them out. You want to study what the current state of information is on these topics for a few reasons so for example a huge mistake i see a lot of students make when choosing a topic is they’ll sit down and they’ll think about what they want to research topic research, topics to research. What’s interesting to them. What would be a good time research topic research, topics to researching and that’s all and they don’t really do any research topic research, topics to research until they’ve landed on that topic.

They’re married to that topic and they run into issues later on so when i teach students to do preliminary research topic research, topics to research i recommend looking for two things number one the amount of information available on that topic and number two how closely it aligns with your assignment criteria because at the end of the day. It doesn’t matter how interested you are in a topic if there’s not enough information available and it doesn’t fit your assignment you’re not going to have a good time writing that paper and also it’s safe to say if you’re choosing these keywords. You’re going to have some interest in these topics so don’t worry about getting cornered into a topic that you have no interest in whatsoever but you do want to do preliminary research topic research, topics to research at this stage just some basic searches where you’re going to be doing the majority of your research topic research, topics to research. So let’s say we hop on google and google scholar because that’s where we’re going to do our research topic research, topics to research we’re research topic research, topics to researching these topics just skimming the basic layers of what’s out there. And here’s our thought process so when it comes to the time management the effect time management has on business majors. We’re saying that’s a little too specific. There’s not a lot of information available on that topic so we decide right there. We’re not going to write about that because that’s going to be really hard to research topic research, topics to research if there’s not enough research topic research, topics to research for us to actually use so now we’re looking at time management in undergraduate students or time management and online classes. We like both of these. But we’re leaning towards undergraduate students. We’re an undergraduate student getting our bachelors. And we really want to see what the impact of time management has on undergraduate students. Great now we’re focusing in on a specific area to conduct our research topic research, topics to research. The next thing we’re going to do is continue to ride that wave. We’re going to get more specific because the impact time management has on undergraduate students while it’s more specific than time management.

There’s still a lot of area to do research topic research, topics to research in it. That could go a lot of ways. So what you’re going to do to focus in or narrow down shall i say is ask questions. We’re going to refine by continuing to ask questions and picking apart what we mean by the impact. Time management has on undergraduate students so for example impact. What impact are we talking about. How is time management impacting undergraduate students. Or how is it affecting these students or perhaps what type of time management i know. That’s our independent variable. But is there a specific time management that we want to study in regards to college students or perhaps college students or undergraduate students part of me. What type of student. Who are they is it a certain ethnicity and age range. There’s a lot that can go into this. And so let’s say this is what we come up with first. Impact time management has on the success of undergraduate students. So we want to. We want to research topic research, topics to research this from a positive perspective. So how time management. Positively affects the success of undergraduate students. That’s still fairly broad we can. We can narrow down further for example. What do we mean by success. How are they successful. Or how are we going to measure success so that leads us to thinking something along. The lines of the impact. Time management has on the likelihood of undergraduate students graduating cool. That’s our marker for what we’re research topic research, topics to researching undergraduate students graduating and so at this point we’ve done our preliminary research topic research, topics to research which we would have done on a few working topics. We only showed one for this the sake of this example but we’ve narrowed it down to this final working topic. The last thing you want to do is take that working topic and finalize it into an effective research topic research, topics to researching topic essentially you just want to look at the wording in and make sure everything sounds right so right now we have the impact. Time management has on the likelihood of undergraduate students graduating okay.

I know where we’re going with this topic but we can do a little better. So after fine-tuning it our final research topic research, topics to researching topic would be something like this impact. Proper time. Management skills have on the graduation rate of undergraduate students. That’s a strong solid research topic research, topics to research topic that provides parameters to our research topic research, topics to research so now in next week’s video i’m going to show you how to take this finalized topic and turn it into a research topic research, topics to research question to guide your research topic research, topics to research. Remember topic is point. A point b is after doing your research topic research, topics to research so your thesis statement. Your research topic research, topics to researching question is the direction to get you to that thesis statement so next week we’re gonna do the research topic research, topics to research question and then the week after we’re gonna do the thesis statement so be sure to check back for those videos and in the meantime go enjoy the rest of your week. Let me know any questions. You have down below that correlate with this video and as always it’s been fun hanging out. I’ll see you guys next week.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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