How to Measure the Impact of Scientific Research in Index journals


Okay so before I will start my session uh let me share my ppt with all of you so the topic on which I am going to deliver today’s talk is about process process of publishing scientific articles in index scientific journals, orthopaedic journals this is one of my favorite area favorite in the sense this is what I’m also doing at punjab university I’m helping my research scholars and faculty members and orienting them about how they can publish their scholarly article in a good quality index scientific journals, orthopaedic journals and for this also I am delivering lecture in the free psd coursework of our department you know not only in our university but also in some other university where I am telling the researchers scholar or where I am orienting them about how they can publish their articles in index scientific journals, orthopaedic journals and the second reason is if you see my scopus profile during the last 10 years I got the opportunity to publish approximate 12 research paper in a scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss which are indexed in his purpose recently I also got confirmation from for my two of my articles from the editors of some of the international scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss so soon you can also see these paper in my scopus profile so what I am trying to say is whatever I am going to discuss with you it’s all based up upon the personal experience which I have gained while publishing my research paper in these quality scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss and one more thing I just wanted to share with you like recently I have published one of the research paper on the topic near field communication and the same paper is published in a scientific journals, orthopaedic journals which is not only indexed in his purpose but it is published by american library association and the name of this scientific journals, orthopaedic journals is information technology and libraries right so so this is the outline of my today’s presentation I will discuss with you about what is basically a scientific scientific journals, orthopaedic journals and what is india’s contribution as far as scientific publications are concerned what is the process of writing and publishing an article in equality index scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss and being a reviewer of some of the prestigious scientific journals, orthopaedic journals I will also share my experience with you like when you submit your paper to any scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss so every index scientific journals, orthopaedic journals they follow the peer review process so once your paper is forwarded to the reviewer so they also evaluate your paper based on certain parameters so I will discuss with you what are these parameters on which your paper is accepted or rejected and then the next thing is sharing and promoting your research right it is not only about publishing your research paper in a quality index scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss but at the same time it is also very much important for the researcher and the faculty member that once you publish your research paper you have to make your research visible to the academic community so that maximum research scholars on the faculty member around the world they can view your research paper they can download their research paper and there are many studies in which it has been found that more you make your research visible there are always a higher chances of getting a citation for your research work so I will discuss with you what are the tools and platforms available which are very much useful for the research scholars in terms of sharing and promoting your research and I will also discuss with you in a brief like how you can measure the impact of scientific research although there is a separate lecture on this topic but I will give you a quick overview about what are the research metrics available through which you can measure the impact of your scientific publication so this is the agenda of my today’s presentation so let’s start the presentation about what is basically a scientific scientific journals, orthopaedic journals right so if you can see from this slide scientific scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss are basically a platform which is developed by a publisher which is developed by institution or any professional body and the purpose is to provide a medium through which any research scholars they can share their research finding to the academic world and you will be happy to know that the concept of this scientific scientific journals, orthopaedic journals is not new the first scientific journals, orthopaedic journals which is written in the french language and the name of the scientific journals, orthopaedic journals was scientific journals, orthopaedic journals des escavas it was first published in the year 1665 and on the same year the first english scientific journals, orthopaedic journals and the name of the scientific journals, orthopaedic journals was philosophical transaction of the royal society this was also published in the year 1665 so you just imagine how old the concept of scientific scientific journals, orthopaedic journals is and since then there is a huge number of increase we can see as far as publication of scientific scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss are concerned and being a library science professional we all know that there is only one authentic source in the world which can tell you about the total number of scientific scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss published around the world and if you see the data of old rich international periodical directory this and quoted for the year 2019 there are more than 2 lakh 46 000 scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss are available and there is very interesting study which is conducted by outsell in the year 2017 where he has estimated that the total market size of all these scientific scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss is worth of 25.7 billion so you just imagine how big this publication industry is as far as economy is concerned right and if you see the philosophy of all these scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss so what they are basically doing all these publishers they are publishing a scientific journals, orthopaedic journals where in their editorial board generally they appoint some of the well-known scientist or academician and as we know that the publishers they are not paying a single penny to the editorial board member and what they are also doing they are also appointing a reviewer and reviewer is also from us like elsevier violet blackwell all these publishers or any publishers when they appoint the reviewer they just see their academic credibility right and for reviewing any paper they are also not paying a single penny to the any reviewer and the most important thing the content which the publishers they are taking from the research scholar they are also not paying a single penny to all these researchers caller through which they are getting the research papers free of cost but if you wanted to read the articles which is published in these scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss they are charging a huge amount of money from the university so some of the big publishers like lzbr violet blackwell subscription of these scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss or subscription of these publishers very costly affair so that is why in this study you can and the same studies available on google also so if you are having any sort of interest where you just wanted to know the economical part of publishing a scientific scientific journals, orthopaedic journals this is one of the best study and as I just mentioned that how huge or how big this publication industry is as far as making money is concerned right now coming to the next slide if you see where india is standing as far as publishing research paper is concerned so there is a one study which is conducted by this uh uh united nations scientific foundation and the same study was published in different scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss different magi and even the press trust of india in their website they have uploaded the similar study on january 2020 and there is one separate article published in india today also about where india is standing as far as publishing scientific paper is concerned so if you can see that china is leading from the front and till now china has published more than 5 lakh 28 000 articles and china is sharing 20.67 percent of global share as far as scientific publication are concerned and this the study was conducted during 2008 to 2018 right and you can see that united states at the second position and usa has published more than 4 lakh 22 research paper india is at the third position where indian scientists they have published more than 1 lakh 35 000 research paper and india is sharing a global share of what 5.31 so in this study it was also reported for india it is a good news that quantitatively we are at the third poison but if you measure the impact of all our scientific publications we are very very far behind even with the european union country and in this study it was reported that on an average indian research papers they only got one percent of the citation which is very very less as compared to usa and other european union countries and in this study it was also reported that high impact factor scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss they accept less than 10 of the articles submitted to them that means 90 of the articles submitted in a quality scientific journals, orthopaedic journals they got rejected right so if you are really interested to read the complete study the link I have given in this ppt also where you can find the complete data about this study now I think being a library science professionals we all know what is basically impact factor but just for your you can say just a sort of reminder or just to give you a quick overview about what is basically impact factor because in my upcoming slides I’m going to use this word so it is very much necessary to understand the concept of impact factor so that we have a better understanding about this concept so this concept was given in the year 1960 by sir eugene garfield and since then it is a well-known metric for evaluating any scientific scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss because based on the impact factor we basically rank the scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss in different discipline so the calculating the impact factor of any scientific journals, orthopaedic journals is a very simple formula and you can see from also this slide also that how we can calculate the impact factor of any scientific journals, orthopaedic journals so let’s take one example like if you wanted to calculate impact factor of scientific journals, orthopaedic journals x for the year 2017 in this case what you have to do is you have to first add the total number of articles published in 2015 plus 2016. so here we are taking a window of two years and then you have so you have to also count the total number of articles published in the year 2015 and how much citations they have received in 2015 and just add the total number of citations for the year 2016. so when you divide the total number of citation of all the articles published during the last two years divided by the total number of articles published in the same scientific journals, orthopaedic journals so whatever will be the number that is basically impact factor of any particular scientific journals, orthopaedic journals right so now let’s discuss about what is a basically a process of writing a quality research manuscript the first important thing is selecting the right topic it is very much necessary to select only those topic in which you are genuinely interested right sometimes what happen is the research scholar they go to their supervisor and they ask their supervisor so can you please suggest us on what area I can do some research or I can do the psd but generally it is suggested that instead of asking your supervisor or your teacher if you can decide the area on which you are really interested that will definitely help you in terms of doing a good quality research let me give you my example during my previous day I have selected the topic radio frequency identification and why I have selected that particular topic because at that time in our university we were in the process of implementing this technology so I was the part of the committee and at that time I have read many literature about what is basically rfid even even I have visited some of the university where the system has been implemented so that I can have a better understanding about how this rfid system basically works in the library so during this process anyhow I got some interest in this topic at that time I decided that I will do my phd on this particular topic so if you select the topic in which you are genuinely interest that will you know help you in terms of writing a good quality research paper so first thing is selecting the right topic for your phd or for your any sort of research work in which you have some genuine interest and you are truly passionate about that particular topic the next thing is researching the literature now again we know there is some difference between search and research and what is basically research research is basically a careful and detailed study into a specific problem or concern related to that particular area using the scientific method right so why we are doing literature search because while doing the literature search you come to know what other articles are available on that particular topic and while going through these articles you will have some understanding about that particular area or that particular concept and with the help of literature review also you can identify the research gap so once you identify the research gap it will help you in terms of justifying your research right and in your research paper or in your psd thesis there is a one portion where we have to write the significance of our research or justification of our research so if you are doing the literature search properly you can identify the gap and once you identify the gap that will help you in terms of justifying the topic for your research work which you have selected now again the one more thing here I just wanted to share with you like sometime it is our duty to orient our student or research scholar about what is basically a search strategy because white is very much necessary because once you have selected the topic or one any once any research scholar is student we select the topic the next thing is about searching the literature but if you don’t know how to formulate a good search strategy you know you will not find a relevant article related to your subject area now with this slide I just give you a quick understanding about what is basically a search strategy and how to formulate a search strategy now let’s take one example like for example if any student has assigned a topic and the name of the topic is to what extent has means and theory being applied to affect consumer health behavior.

Suppose this is the topic on which you wanted to find some literature now if you will put the complete title as it is in google or any other search engine or any library database you will find all irrelevant article which database will give you because the reason is you have not formulated the proper search strategy so the first step of formulating a search strategy is to identify the significant keywords from your given topic and if you carefully read this topic there are only two significant keywords and these are means and theory and consumer health behavior right so first thing is identifying the significant keywords from your topic and the next step is write down all the possible synonyms of the significant keywords which you have identified like if you consult any standard source like rogers international thesaurus so or any other standard source you will find that there are some other synonyms for these two significant keywords and these are means and theory mean and analysis health behavior health behavior health behavior here you can see there is a spelling variation nutrition and dye so the first thing is identifying the significant keyword the next step is write down all the possible synonyms related to that particular keyword and then we can use the boolean operator and we all know the concept of boolean operator these are and or not so we know like when we have to broaden our query in that case we can combine the keyword using with or and when you wanted to narrow down your query we need to connect the keywords with the and operator and not where we wanted to eliminate something from our keyword so once you will arrange all your keywords and you will leave you will use the proper connector that particular string is basically your search strategy and when you put this string in any search engine or any library subscribe database or any open access database you will find a quality literature or the articles which is most relevant to your topic now the next thing is what are the tools available for literature searching and like in university generally university they are having access of web of science some of the universities they are having of scopus access of scopus so if your university is subscribing to these two database I think these are one of the best tools to do the literature search because they are these are not only the citation database these are also indexing database where you can find millions of articles on any particular topic which is published in the scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss which are indexed by scopus or web of science but if your university or institutions does not have access of web of science and scopus in that case you can use google scholar instead of using a google you can use google scholar there is open access database it’s called wester this is the screen sort so using this database you will find a quality literature and most of the content you will find available in an open access domain right if you are working in the field of medical sciences then pubmed is one of the best indexing database and similarly there is a again a scholarly search engine it’s called base or microsoft academy similar to google scholar microsoft they have also developed a search engine and the name is microsoft academy so the thing is if you use these quality database for your searching your literature you will find the relevant articles related to your topic now once you are done with doing the literature review part the next thing is writing the introduction of your research paper now again it is very much important to know that whenever we have to write the introduction of our research paper it should not look like your history lesson where you are writing the introduction part in two pages or three pages there is no need because if you see the structure of any good research paper generally the introduction part is written maximum and half page or one page and why there is a need to write the introduction because while writing the introduction you are basically introducing the topic to your potential reader and for this you can take help of some standard sources you can take help of some definitions notion and some other important information which is required to introduce or to understand the topic on which you have conducted the research so you just introduce your topic you can create some context and background and you can tell your reader about the research you have planned and you can state your rational you can explain why research is important and then you can write the objective and hypothesis of your research paper so why there is a need to write objective of your research paper because objective basically give you a direction which through which you can avoid any diversion from your topic and if you see the structure of any good quality research paper generally there is one main objective and underlying one main objective there are four or five sub objectives right so it is very much necessary it is very much required to write down the objective clear-cut objective of your research paper so that while reading the objective of your research paper your reader will able to know on which area you have done your research for and this is the screenshot of one of the scopus index research paper here you can see that this researcher has written down the objectives in the form of questions so again this is a new trend where you can start your research paper while asking some of the question right to ourselves and these are not basically a questions these are also the objectives of your research paper the next thing is writing your literature review it is very much necessary to select some of the articles which is already published by someone else on that particular topic and so that you can tell your reader what existing literature is saying about that particular topic but you should be always very careful that whenever you are writing the literature review of your research paper or your thesis you do not just copy the word as it is generally what researchers call it they do instead of write reading the complete paper they just refer the abstract part of any literature any article and in literature review they are just simply copying the abstract part and writing in their literature review part right but here you just try to write down in your own voice that is called paraphrasing so what is paraphrasing is when you write something in your own word and whenever you are doing paraphrasing always give in-text citation to the original article right and you can use the quotation if you are taking something as it is in your literature review part for example if you just wanted to highlight the findings of any research paper in that case you can write down the findings in a quotation mark so quotation while writing any sentence and quotation what we are doing we are telling our reader that this portion of our work is not mine this I have taken from some other word right and you can also give you know footnote or in-text citation whenever you are doing any sort of paraphrasing or whenever you are do writing anything in a quotation mark but the most important thing is always be selective while selecting the articles for your literature review part let me give you one more example when I published I think my fourth or fifth paper so and when I submitted to any scientific journals, orthopaedic journals so I got the comment from the reviewer and reviewer has told me that you have only incorporated the articles which is published from india there are few articles on the same topic which is published from some other part of the country so why you have not incorporated those articles in the literature review part so at that time I have just you know I got understanding that whenever you are selecting the article yes you just try to pick those article which is published from you know different part of the world so that in your findings you can correlate these articles which you have written in the literature review with your findings right so in that particular way you can give a comparison window to your reader that what existing literature is saying about that particular topic and what your research is saying in that particular talk right so it is very important to write a literature review and for this you have to very selective while selecting the articles for your literature review part next thing is your research methodology uh sir I am audible yes you are audible very much thank you sir thank you now the next part of your research paper is your research methodology so in social sciences generally we called as a research methodology and sciences we termed as a methods and material so what is research methodology is basically science of studying how research is done scientifically and in methods and materials we are just telling our readers what sort of methods and materials we have used while conducting our research so why research methodology is very much important it is important because if you are writing your research methodology part clearly you are writing the research methodology part in a detail in a way we are where you are explaining like what type of statistical test you have applied which statistical software you have used for your quantitative result right so it is very much important to write down research methodology in a very clear-cut manner so that if any research scholar he or she wanted to do similar type of research you can give her give him or her a sort of road map like this type of methodology I have adopted for my research if you are interested in doing the similar type of study in some other area you can apply the same research methodology right so this is again example of you know some of the papers where you can just see how clearly and how detailed this research methodology part was explained by this research scholar now the next thing of your research paper is your result part and again there is a difference between a result and the discussion so what is basically your result is result is totally based on the data and here there is no need to put your own criticism so you can explain all your quantitative data in the form of tables and figures and in this part what you have to do is you simply have to write down the interpretation of your data here don’t try to put your own you know views or your own criticism like for example if I have asked one question to the respondent like how frequently you are visiting the university library so if seventy percent of the respondent they are saying that on daily basis they are coming to the library and suppose some fifteen percent they are saying that weekly basis they are coming on the library and fifteen percent of respondents they are saying that on you know after fifteen days or after fortnightly they are visiting to the library so in the result part you just have to explain this thing only that 75 percent of the respondents they are visiting library daily 15 weekly and 15 fortnightly here don’t try to explain why they are visiting library daily that you can do always in the discussion part so again you should be very much careful that when to use table and when you can present your data in a figure form so it is always recommended that whenever you wanted to show some trend whenever you wanted to show some pattern whenever you wanted to show some relationship of your data in that case you can take the help of figures instead of putting your data in a table or format right and this table will also give you a clear-cut idea where we can use data in a tabular format and when we can use the data in a figure the next thing is the researchers they also need to know about some of the data visualization tools now generally what we do we enter all our quantitative data in excel format and then whatever excel is now whatever graphs and figures are available in excel generally we just present our data in that particular format only but let me tell you now the research scholar instead of you know entering their data in a tabular format they are taking the help of some of the very good data visualizing tools and let me tell you these data visualizing tools they are based on very strong ai based algorithm where once you enter the data in these two based on your data they will suggest you what is right figure which can represent your data what are the others other options available through which you can you know present your data to your reader for example if you just enter the data in a two column this is what I did just to explain you this concept so once you enter the data so based on this your data which you have entered into column you can see there are four or five ways through which you can present your data in your research paper so sometime you know the editor they also see how beautifully the data you have presented using different tables and different figures so there are many data visualization tools are available if you simply google the data visualization tool you will get you know the list of top 10 data visualization tool so you just explore any data visualization tool and try to use these data visualization tool in terms of presenting your data in some attractive and some you know beautiful format the next thing is your discussion and conclusion so discussion is a part of your research paper where you can put your own thought in describing the result and here you can also relate the result of your research with the literature review and show the relationship or impact you need to address in your research right so you know from reviewer point of view also it is not only about writing the your result and discussion part they also wanted to see how your research is different or how your research is similar with already published literature so that is why I have just mentioned during my talk is whenever you are selecting literature review always select those articles where you can show some relationship with your research findings right and then the conclusion is basically summary of your research which is expected to be critically extracted from the result and discussion section so here you can also write down what is the limitation of your research what is the further area of your research right so if you see the structure of any good quality research paper this is about writing your research paper in a good structured manner the next thing is writing down the title and abstract of your research paper generally what the researchers call it they do they first write the title of their research paper then they write the abstract and then they start writing their full paper but what I personally feel is first you write your research paper and then you start to think about the title and you always select or write the title in a manner through which you can summarize the main theme of your article and you can reflect the contribution of your research and then the next important thing is your abstract part let me tell you abstract is a very important component of your research paper and based on your abstract generally the editors they forward your research paper for peer review process and from users point of view also like for example if we are searching any article in scopus or any other database instead of reading the full text article we generally select the article based on the abstract and once we read the abstract and we thought that this is the article which is going to be relevant for my research paper based on the abstract generally we download the full text so the same thing apply when you are writing your research paper and this is I think the best way if you are you know if you have published your research paper with emerald publisher so now this publishers they have a very structured way of writing the abstract part of your research work and if you are following the same structure in any of your research paper which you wanted to publish with any publisher the best way to write the abstract is your abstech should be comprised of these sub topics like first you write what is the main purpose of your research what type of design and methodology you have followed what are the key findings of your research is there any research limitations or is there any implication of your research what is the practical implication and what is the originality of your research right so if you write the abstract in such a manner that will always make a very good impression not only to the editor but also the reader of your research paper right so this is about how to structure a quality research paper when you wanted to publish with any top publishers now once you written down your paper the next thing is how we can publish our research paper with good good quality index scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss right and for this selecting the right scientific journals, orthopaedic journals is a very important process now generally there are traditional method of selecting the right scientific journals, orthopaedic journals for your research paper but let me tell you now the publishers and if you wanted to publish you know your research paper in index scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss the first thing which you can see which you can explore is like whatever scientific journals, orthopaedic journals you have decided you just try to see whether that scientific journals, orthopaedic journals is indexed by scopus web of science or ugc care because now ugc care for psd scholar it is very much necessary even for the faculty member and the library science professionals if you are applying for promotion or you know some open post also they will only give the weightage if your paper fall under the category of category 1 or category 2 ugc careless scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss right so finding the right scientific journals, orthopaedic journals for your research paper is very important and for this what you can do is instead of following the traditional method of selecting the right scientific journals, orthopaedic journals you can take help of some of the tools which is developed by top most publishers and these tools are freely accessible for researcher and faculty member now for example if you wanted to publish your research paper with severe publisher in that case what you can do is you simply go to google and just type lcvr scientific journals, orthopaedic journals finder so when you enter this keyword on the google it will take you to the home page of this severe scientific journals, orthopaedic journals finder and here what you have to do is you just type or copy and paste the title of your research paper and then abstract of your research paper six or seven significant keyword and just select the area of your research like for example in this manner so once you will type or copy and paste all these things this system will tell you what are the scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss available which is published by elsevier in which in where you can publish your research work like for example the elsewhere has suggested only three scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss for my this research paper and you can see these are scientific journals, orthopaedic journals of informatics scientific journals, orthopaedic journals of academic librarianship and information processing and management and here you can see what are the chances of acceptance how much time it will take to give the first decision and how much time it will take to publish my research paper in this particular scientific journals, orthopaedic journals so while using this system it will give you some sort of idea like what are the scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss available what is their impact factor and how much time generally they will take while publishing your research paper right similarly if you wanted to publish your research with while a publisher so while they have also developed the wiley scientific journals, orthopaedic journals finder almost all the top publishers they have developed their platform where they are helping the research scholar in terms of selecting the right scientific journals, orthopaedic journals for their research paper so these are very useful tools they are very good tools which can help you or when which can suggest you what are the scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss available on your research area in which you can publish your research paper springer they have also developed their general suggester and the same thing you can do and they will give you a list of scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss and there is again a very good tool that’s called a danger like if you are not publisher specific you just wanted to see like what are the scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss available on this particular area so you just start type title and the abstract and this tool will give you list of all the possible scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss where you can publish your research paper right and then and note generally we use for managing our references but this tool also give you there’s a feature is called endnote match and it will give you a list of all the possible scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss where you can publish your research now once you identified the scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss the next thing is preparing your research paper according to that particular scientific journals, orthopaedic journals for example if you wanted to publish your research paper with any ieee scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss so you have to arrange your research paper according to ieee template right if you simply send your word file to the editor straight away you will get the rejection because they will clearly write that you have not arranged you have not you know written the paper according to our template and that is why it is very much necessary to prepare your paper according to publishers template and let me tell you there is a very good software available it’s called latex and this software is beautiful in the sense that once you write your research paper using this template so uh using this software there are hundreds of templates are available through which you can arrange your paper according to any publisher’s template style and I think in your program schedule also sir has arranged a specific lecture on that particular topic so that resource person will tell you how to use this software and once you will have a feel of using this software I’m 100 sure that whenever you will write your next research paper instead of simply writing your research paper in word you will definitely use this software so the next thing is preparing your research paper according to publisher’s template right like for example I’m also using this software and this is one example I have simply written this article in using the latex and now if I wanted to select the springer template style or ieee template style automatically the software will arrange my paper in that particular style now the next thing is there is another study where it was reported that 50 percent of the articles submitted in elsevier publisher they got rejected due to poor english language again there are some good sophisticated tools are available like grammarly hemingway data there are after the deadline so these are some of the tools which will help you in terms of making your research paper you know good as far as grammar is concerned but no tool is 100 percent accurate no tool is 100 reliable so I always suggest my research scholar that if you know someone who is having good command over english language there is no harm of taking their help before sending your research paper to any editor some of the publishers they have you know started helping the research scholar where they are having tie up with some professional you know organization and once your you know content is selected once your research paper is selected for the paper that third party will do all sort of work but generally there are few publishers which are providing this facility free of cost so that is why it is always recommended that before submitting your research paper either you can use these tools or you can take help of someone who is having good command over english language now very much important thing which I am sharing with you with my personal experiences submitting a proper cover letter along with your manuscript now the paper which I have discussed which which I have just discussed with you when I’m starting my presentation now that paper I have written on the field of near field communication and when I have submitted that paper to american library association scientific journals, orthopaedic journals editor I got rejection within two days and editor has written in his email that your paper does not fulfill the objectives of our research paper but I have done all sort of homework before selecting that particular scientific journals, orthopaedic journals so even after getting the rejection from the editor I have again written down a good email where I have just tried to convince that editor why I wanted to publish my research paper in that particular scientific journals, orthopaedic journals and based on that particular email or you can say that cover note cover note this is the reply I got this from the same editor and he first of all he apologized and then after reading the article he has just forwarded my research paper to the reviewer and after that the same paper was published although I got the rejection within a two days for the same paper so that is why I’m telling to you as well as I am also suggesting the research scholar that simply just uploading your research paper will not fulfill the purpose you have to also work hard in writing the good cover note so that you can convince the editor why you wanted to publish your research paper in that particular scientific journals, orthopaedic journals right and then now most of the publishers they have also uh started taking the research data along with your manuscript so this is generally this practice is being followed in the field of medical sciences because there are few cases where it was reported that some of the medical scientists or doctors or some other scientists they have done sort of data manipulation or data fabrication so that just to make their research findings more authenticate now the research scholars they are also uploading their raw research data along with their manuscript right so this research data you can upload with the help of supplementary files you know most of the publishers they are allowing they are providing this facility where you can upload the research data now this is I think again very important to manage your references so that you can avoid plagiarism this is I’m not going to cover here because I’m sure that there is a specific top on that particular topic right now I’m going to discuss with you once you submit your research paper and once your scientific journals, orthopaedic journals the editor of that particular scientific journals, orthopaedic journals has provisionally accepted your paper and when he refer your paper to the reviewer what criteria generally reviewer they follow for evaluation of your article right and again I think you are you will be knowing about what is the peer review and there are different type of peer review system right so these are some of the common criteria generally reviewer they follow while accepting or rejecting any research paper so the first thing which reviewer they see in your research paper is what is the originality of your research paper does the paper contain new and significant information which is adequate to justify publication so if you are writing your abstract where you are mentioning the originality that will immediately give a sort of you know hint to the editor or to the reviewer that this is the originality of your research paper right and then the relationship to the literature that is why I already discussed with you the importance of writing the literature review so they see does the paper demonstrate or having the adequate understanding of the relevant literature in that particular field and whether he or she has related his or her research findings with the literature review or not the next thing they see whether you have clearly explained the research methodology part then are the results you have presented in a beautiful manner what the what are the implications of your research does it having any practical implication or social implications what is the quality of your communication so these are some of the common criteria on which reviewers they generally accept or reject your research paper so that is why it is very much important to write your research paper in a standard format so that when the reviewer they will go with your research paper they have clear understanding about your research methodology they have clear understanding about the literature review and other part of your research paper so based on these common criteria generally they accept generally they give minor revision major revision or reject your paper now next important thing is addressing the comments of the reviewer very carefully again let me give you my experience or my example now the paper which I have published recently you can see that within this single paragraph the reviewer has asked me six or seven questions so now whatever I have written in this paragraph I have to read the comment of the reviewer and then I have to justify I have to reply to each and every comment right so that you can tell to the reader why this thing you have mentioned in your paragraph and it is also not you know advisable to always you know accept whatever reviewer they are commenting on your research paper if you have a proper justification without changing the sentence of your paragraph you can tell the reviewer that this is the reason why I have written this paragraph and there is no need to make any modification or any changes but wherever it is possible you try to reply to the address reviewer comment carefully and if possible you can modify or you can make some changes in your research paper now again so once you once your paper is accepted for the publications then the next thing is we have to read the copyright policies you know of the publisher before signing the copyright agreement right uh so how much time I have left so that I can finish my presentation within time I have still 35 minutes okay I still have 25 minutes right so now the very interesting thing which I wanted to share with you is there is a one good tool which is known as scholarly copyright addendum engine this is publicly accessible tool and using this tool like for example what what is the advantage of using this tool is suppose once you publish your research paper with any publisher and once you sign the copyright form then what you are doing you are giving the copyright of your research paper to that particular scientific journals, orthopaedic journals now before signing the copyright you want that you wanted to have access of reuse reuse in the sense like whenever you will write next paper and you wanted to take some portion or some content from this paper you have to write to reuse your content in that case there is no need to give citation to your previous paper similarly there are other type of rights available like for example you wanted to upload your research paper immediately after publishing in your institutional repository or research gate or any other open access platform in that case you have to select the self archiving right so if you select the agreement type and you if you can tell this portal that what type of right you wanted to retain before publishing your research paper to that particular scientific journals, orthopaedic journals you select the right and the terms and condition depending on your right this portal will make for you and the same terms and condition you can email to the editor and you can tell them that you wanted to include these clause in the copyright agreement so if the publisher they don’t have any problem they will incorporate these terms and condition so that you will have the right where you can self-archive where you can reuse right why I’m explaining this thing to you because we are not comfortable in writing the legal term of the copyright agreement form so this is this tool is very much helpful in terms of writing the legal wording depending upon the right which you wanted to have even after publishing your research paper now next thing is okay now due to this api and all sort of things there’s a mushrooming of you know predatory scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss and there are many articles even the nature has published about four or five articles based on this predatory publication and we all know this this list of predatory publishing they have also you know listed some of the scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss which falls into the category of british scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss even if you see this website even they have developed some sort of template on which you can also see whether any scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss falls in the category of predatory publisher predatory scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss or not so these are the criteria so before selecting any scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss if you have any doubt about you know publishers reputation or general reputation in that case you can evaluate that particular scientific journals, orthopaedic journals based on these criterias right think check and submitters again very important tool which is helpful for the research scholar where they can see what type of things they should remember before submitting their research paper to any good scientific journals, orthopaedic journalss right so this is again a very useful website for the research scholar and whenever you have time you just try to explore this website next thing is promoting and sharing your research book right and I think we all know the importance of sherpa and romeo website so this website basically tell you what type of rights publishers has given you if you wanted to upload your research paper in any open access repository for example if you have published your research paper in a nature scientific journals, orthopaedic journals nature never allowed researcher to archive the author version or the publisher’s version of pdf to any repository for example if you will download your research paper which you have published in a nature scientific journals, orthopaedic journals and the same pdf if you will upload on or researchgate that will be a total vibration of the copyright act so before making your research accessible in any any open access domain you always take help of this website for romeo which basically tells you which type of rights publisher is given you if you wanted to make your research paper visible to the academic community using different platform right and again the creative commons licenses we all know so we should be very much careful uh about you know putting our research work also under various creative common licenses right so you can create your research gate profile where you can upload your research paper you know but before uploading you always double check with sharepoint review whether they are allowing you or not the next thing is once you publish your research paper once you you know made your research paper visible to the academic community then the thing is how to measure the impact of scientific research and we all know there are four broad category of research metrics through which you can measure the impact of any scientific publications and these are general metrics author matrix article matrix and alt matrix so I’m not going to explain you in details because there is a you know separate talk for this particular topic where you will have a clear cut understanding about how we can apply these four metrics in terms of evaluating our research paper right so again okay I’m just skipping this slide okay because most of the things I think the resource person will discuss with you uh on the topic of measuring the impact of scientific research but alto matrix is a very good concept I think and this basically helps the research scholars in terms of knowing what is the impact of your research paper on social media and there is only website it’s called dimension which will give you a sort of data where you can see how much people how much you know citation or what is the impact of your research on social media so this website will tell you like after publishing your research paper how many they have posted your research paper on facebook how much they have shared your research paper using twitter or any social media account right so dimension is a very good website which is very much helpful in terms of knowing the impact of your research on social media platform so that’s it for my today’s presentation.

Where to find great impactful journals?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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