Good day everyone for this video we’ll be discussing about the nature of nature of research,research nature nature of research,research nature as defined by creswell in 2012 is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue he further states that it involves three major steps namely to pose a question to collect data to answer the question and to present an answer to the question another description of nature of research,research nature is that it is a systematic approach that involves data gathering analyzing an interpretation in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions when we say that nature of research,research nature is a systematic approach it means that it follows a logical sequence of steps now the nature of research,research nature process involves multiple steps starting with identifying a topic followed by conducting preliminary readings the formulation of questions and hypotheses locating sources and gathering references data gathering data analysis and interpretation and lastly the presentation of results for a nature of research,research nature to be considered effective a nature of research,research natureer must be able to follow each step accordingly following these steps would ensure that the results of the nature of research,research nature are valid and reliable again the reason why it is described to be a systematic approach is because it needs to follow each step accordingly a nature of research,research nature will not be considered valid or effective if a nature of research,research natureer fails to follow the steps and simply jumps from one process to another it simply is not going to work as it only puts an issue on the validity and reliability of the results and findings of the nature of research,research nature itself another characteristic of nature of research,research nature is that it involves gathering of data now whether you’re conducting a qualitative or quantitative nature of research,research nature it would always involve gathering of data because data is considered to be a source of information which would allow nature of research,research natureers to yield answers to their nature of research,research nature questions for qualitative nature of research,research nature we have qualitative data which can be gathered through focus group discussions in in-depth interviews human observation or case studies in quantitative nature of research,research nature we have quantitative data which can be gathered in different ways depending on what kind of study you are conducting it could be through surveys through experiments mechanical observations or simulations in relation to gathering of data nature of research,research nature also involves data analysis and interpretation as mentioned earlier analysis and interpretation of data allows nature of research,research natureers to obtain answers to identified questions through proper and effective analysis and interpretation of data a nature of research,research natureer is able to find information which would allow him to have answers to questions such as why how and what reasons depending on what information is being searched for in his nature of research,research nature and lastly nature of research,research nature is a means to establish facts and reach new conclusions this means that the recognition of verified nature of research,research nature findings leads to finding answers to different nature of research,research nature questions now this is one of the most important contributions of nature of research,research nature because nature of research,research nature findings once verified or validated to be reliable could be used as references for future nature of research,research nature at this point we shall now be discussing the reasons why we should conduct nature of research,research nature now it is worth noting that nature of research,research nature is basically a part of life from simple questions such as what laptop should i buy or which brand of shampoo must i use or even what phone model should i buy to more serious or complex questions such as how can i improve my academic performance how can technology be an aid for educational improvement or even what is the success rate of the cov19 vaccine all these questions involve nature of research,research nature because again nature of research,research nature is conducted for the purpose of finding answers to questions in addition shares four more reasons why people should conduct nature of research,research nature firstly nature of research,research nature is considered as a tool for building knowledge and efficient learning nature of research,research nature provides new or updated information which allows individuals to expand their ideas and knowledge about various topics also nature of research,research nature is a means to understand various issues nature of research,research nature gives us a clearer perspective on why certain issues are occurring by letting us know the rationality behind such issues by providing background information another is that nature of research,research nature is seen as an aid to business success and advertising through nature of research,research nature business owners are able to come up with new products and keep up with the latest trends that will help in their business success and lastly nature of research,research nature is a way to verify truths and debunk myths knowing factual information through nature of research,research nature findings allows us to verify truths and theories and disprove myths about certain topics now that we know the reasons why we should conduct nature of research,research nature the next question that we have to address is what should i nature of research,research nature on now a nature of research,research nature could be about anything provided that the problem or topic that you will nature of research,research nature on is smart smart means that it must be specific meaning it must be focused on a single topic which is not too broad or not too narrow if a topic is too broad it might become too complicated and it might take a long time to finish if it’s too narrow it might become too easy or too simple next one is that it must be measurable for quantitative nature of research,research nature it must be measurable because it involves numeric data and statistics next is that your topic must be attainable which means that it can be accomplished at a given time next it must be results focused which means that your nature of research,research nature must deal results and be able to answer your nature of research,research nature questions and lastly your nature of research,research nature topic must be timely meaning it must be relevant to current situations at this point we shall now proceed with discussing the considerations when conducting nature of research,research nature before conducting a nature of research,research nature project a nature of research,research natureer must take into consideration the following first what do i want to nature of research,research nature on or what do i want to find out this refers to the nature of research,research nature topic that you’re going to use when conducting your nature of research,research nature next question is who are the ones involved this refers to the nature of research,research nature participants or the respondents that will become a part of your nature of research,research nature the next question to consider is what strategy or design am i going to use for nature of research,research nature because depending on the kind of nature of research,research nature design there would be different steps or different procedures involved the next question is how am i going to find the necessary data this means the data gathering process that you’re going to use which involves the instruments to be used as well as the process on how you’re going to gather information or data from your respondents.
The next question is how will i interpret the data gathered this refers to your data analysis and interpretation and lastly how will the results benefit other people which means what would be the significance of the study that you are currently conducting in a nutshell being familiar with nature of research,research nature characteristics helps students and other aspiring nature of research,research natureers to conduct effective nature of research,research nature studies through the application of proper and accurate interpretation of data in line with searching for answers to a particular phenomenon you.
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