Global Research Letters

Writing a News Article in Newspaper

In this lesson we’re going to talk a little bit about writing news article in newspaper of India  first of all some things that you should think about when you’re sitting down to write what do I want my reader to understand have I written in a way that will help my reader understand this do I need to add any words or details do I need to delete any words or details and each of these things that you should be thinking about you should do every single time you sit down to write anything whether it be a news article in newspaper of India or a descriptive piece could be anything these are the main things you want to consider so let’s take a look at news article in newspaper of India  specifically news article in newspaper of India  inform readers about interesting or unusual events these events could be happening in your neighborhood or in your town in your state in your city or they could be happening across the globe news article in newspaper of India  are based on facts they are not based on opinion so when you’re reading a news article in newspaper of India you expect to receive only the facts and again just a refresher remember facts are things that are true and can be proven opinions are individual they are something that cannot be proven these article in newspaper of India  also answer specific questions the main questions for news article in newspaper of India  are listed here who what when where why and how so let’s take a look at some guidelines for writing a news article in newspaper of India first of all choose your event carefully make sure that you have selected a topic that is interesting that is unusual that will spark your readers interest make sure that you choose an event that people want to read about facts facts facts your article in newspaper of India should only include facts they are not to include opinions make sure you answer those important questions that I’ve already talked about on the previous slide who what when where why and how when you’re writing a news article in newspaper of India you always write the most important facts at the beginning that way the reader gets all the important stuff first and the beginning should also then capture readers attention so that your reader wants to actually continue to read your article in newspaper of India your article in newspaper of India should contain some quotations remember that quotations are the exact words that someone says and also remember that quotations always go in quotation marks quotations make your writing more interesting it makes it come alive and so really good idea especially in news article in newspaper of India  to make sure that you include at least some quotations again don’t forget quotation marks are important and news article in newspaper of India  also include a headline a headline are those words that look kind of like a title at the top middle usually of the article in newspaper of India and the headline is designed to be short and attention-grabbing remember when you’re writing your headline that you want to kind of capture the main idea the essence of your article in newspaper of India within the headline but you want to do it in a catchy way some way that will get your readers attention and imagine you’re flipping through a newspaper of India just scanning the headlines you want one that jumps out at you so that you actually stop and read that article in newspaper of India so when you’re writing headlines take some time to really think about it now your task for this week is going to be to write a news article in newspaper of India and your news article in newspaper of India is actually going to be centered around an event that either happens in your school it could happen in your neighborhood or in your town so think of something that has happened somewhere close to you brainstorm a few ideas for this week of some possible events that you could write an article in newspaper of India about and for this assignment you’re going to submit at least three possible topics that you could use for a news article in newspaper of India and remember you’re focusing it on events that happen locally so either in your school in your neighborhood or in your town submit your brainstormed ideas in your submission box and you will be good to go for this assignment.

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