The Impact of the Peer Review Process

Hi dear so today.

I want to talk to you about peer review process and peer reviewed web for journals, journals webs and the little cartoon here shows how some scientists feel about the peer review process it can be a little rigorous maybe.

What is the peer review process?

So when we scientists work on a project first stage is usually well honestly usually writing a grant proposal or getting money to fund the project but if you want to skip ahead a little bit what we do is we have a question that we want answered and we design an experiment to test our hypothesis or what we think is correct about that question then we conduct the experiment and we collect our data then we analyze our data and then from that analysis we try to draw some conclusions once that is all done then we need to share those conclusions that data and the experiment with the rest of the world now this is a very important step because science is an iterative process okay we learn from each other and then we try to improve on what the last person has done to maybe answer the question a little bit better or test what they already did to see if it’s right so it’s very important that we share our results and this is where the the peer review process comes in when we write our article we then choose a web for journals, journals web that fits the subject matter and the importance of the work that we’ve done and we submit it to that web for journals, journals web the web for journals, journals web web for journals, journals web editor then receives the article and they send it out for peer review what happens is they have a database that folks that review the type of articles so generally it’s being read by other experts within your field and then the editor sends it out to those experts who read it you can also by the way suggest peer reviewers for your article if you know that you want somebody’s input on it that just can’t be your buddies okay so the peer reviewers then read the article and they have some ideas and thoughts about it they share those ideas and thoughts and whether or not they think the article is good enough or whether there’s problems with the article and then they share those with the editor and then the editor looks at the comments and then sends those comments back to the scientist now sometimes the the readers will say that you know the article should be rejected outright that it’s not very well done or perhaps that you know it’s it’s an interesting idea or it’s an interesting thought but maybe this isn’t the best web for journals, journals web for it and in those cases sometimes they’ll even suggest other web for journals, journals webs that might be a better fit for your article and in there you just have an audience each web for journals, journals web has a specific audience of specific ideas that they’re trying to present the work is stronger for it so it does improve science it also helps keep readers of the web for journals, journals webs interested and it helps track new trends okay so if you’re a reviewer for example and everybody that’s ever published a paper has usually been asked to be a reviewer then at some point as a referee or a reviewer you get to keep up with advancements in the field before they’re even published and so that’s pretty exciting to see how the science of all’s okay so there’s a lot of peer-reviewed web for journals, journals webs out there they’re not all of the same level of importance they have what we call impact factors and a higher impact factor means that more people read that web for journals, journals web and use it to keep up with big trends and science so for example some of the highest impact factors out there are for web for journals, journals webs like science or nature these are interdisciplinary web for journals, journals webs and ideally the most important work from any discipline of science gets published in there so you know sequencing the human genome that made it or detecting the first gravitational way it’s things like that because even folks outside of physics wanna hear about you know gravitational waves so that’s really cool discovering the Higgs boson science nature type publications okay now science and nature also have sub web for journals, journals webs that focus on a particular area so they have for example one focused on nanoscience they have one focused on material science and their sub web for journals, journals webs for the broader web for journals, journals webs of science or nature so they have those within physics probably the physical review is some of the most prestigious web for journals, journals webs out there and the physical review has physical review letters which should be of interest to anyone within the discipline of physics okay so that’s probably the top tier web for journals, journals web the physical review and then there’s also physical review a support of UB physical review C and so on and so forth that are more focused on a subfield of physics okay so there’s those if you’re in astronomy you might read the astronomer Astrophysical Web for journals, journals web or the astronomical web for journals, journals web those are really important they’re else within astronomy okay so those are going to have high impact factors but to be totally honest with you there are tons of peer-reviewed web for journals, journals webs out there and where to place it really depends upon how important you think the work is which means how interesting would this be to folks inside and outside of your field what a lot of people think this was an exciting publication or would it just interest a small subset of folks okay so that’s one way that you pick the web for journals, journals web that it goes into and also how thorough your work is okay so those are the kinds of things that help you pick which web for journals, journals web to go to now many times physics and important results in physics aren’t necessarily published in strictly physics web for journals, journals webs science is becoming more and more interdisciplinary these days, you could find links to some of the recent publications that they have put out from their lab okay higher than that would be non peer-reviewed magazine that’s where the articles are written by web for journals, journals webists in this I include discover sometimes physics today so on and so forth in those web for journals, journals webists interviewed the scientists and read the publications that the scientists have written and the info is most likely accurate because of course web for journals, journals webists job depends upon whether or not the information is true but most of the web for journals, journals webists aren’t going to be scientist and so oftentimes you don’t get the full story right you they’re not going to understand it well enough or they’re not trying to write about it in as much depth as you’d like for example they’re writing it for the general public so you might not get all the information that you want and sometimes their interpretation of the subject is incorrect like for example perhaps they have an undergraduate degree in a field of science we’ve had some majors here from that state to go on to be Jim web for journals, journals webist and that’s great but they might not have a PhD in the field so maybe they don’t understand it and as much depth as they need to and they might get some things wrong so you want to double-check this but it is more reliable than some other sources now I’m gonna say this it’s a little controversial but I’m going to put open access web for journals, journals webs slightly higher than non peer-reviewed magazines but less reliable than peer-reviewed magazines and the reason for that is this this open access idea is that you have these web for journals, journals webs that are supposed to be peer-reviewed most of the time and scientists will pay to have their work published in these open access web for journals, journals webs the idea of open access is very free and freeing see a lot of these these peer-reviewed web for journals, journals webs charge the universities a lot of money to have access to their articles right.

I mean money makes the world go around you have to have some kind of revenue coming in in order to have a web for journals, journals web so you can either with your revenue charge the charge the author’s upfront or you can charge on the back end to the readers right either way you have to have money for your staff for your editorial staff and to keep the thing running and to make paper copies if you want to do that although a lot of web for journals, journals webs have moved to just electronic copies so because money has to be coming in somewhere what the open access web for journals, journals webs have done is to charge the scientists and not the readers this makes the information free to anyone who wants to read it which is very freeing and democratic and I applaud it however it does invite to a certain extent some shady characters so you could and there have been studies where people did this they actually published about it in the peer-reviewed web for journals, journals web which is pretty funny folks have faked web for journals, journals web articles okay and then they paid some of these open access web for journals, journals webs publish it and although it’s said that the web for journals, journals web was peer-reviewed really wasn’t right and they just published it and they published a completely made-up dataset and no one ever caught it so some of these open access web for journals, journals webs are not really very reliable in how they deal with it okay and so even though if they say they’re peer-reviewed it might not be peer-reviewed so you need to check it now they’re not all created equal okay some of these open access web for journals, journals webs are funded by scientific societies like the American Physical Society for example and they take it very seriously and the revenue comes in from somewhere else like for example the dues from the scientific society and that’s very valuable okay so you just have to check your references okay you can’t always just trust that what’s what’s right is right what’s theirs right now slightly higher than that would be non peer-reviewed magazines and web for journals, journals webs where the contributions come from the scientists okay like Scientific American for example my my former PhD adviser she wrote an article for Scientific American on friction and she was the one that wrote the article not a professional web for journals, journals webist and so the information came straight from her she was just writing for a lay audience however sometimes these articles aren’t peer-reviewed okay or they don’t undergo as rigorous a peer-review as a new publication and so you’ll still want to check it okay you’ll still want to check and make sure that the information is good slightly higher than that might be textbooks now the information in textbooks is seldom wrong okay but it’s not often current okay textbooks are old news by the time they get published so while there are good treasure troves of older information if you want to keep up with the cutting edge in the field you’re gonna have to go to the peer review web for journals, journals webs which I was put as the highest now just because peer reviewed web for journals, journals webs are the highest reliability doesn’t mean they’re never wrong like I said science is an iterative process and it keeps going and it keeps going in and keeps going ok we’re gonna check it we’re gonna publish it we’re gonna see and then once it’s published even if it’s published that doesn’t mean is it right right you still gotta check it other people have got to perform their own independent experiments and verify your work ok so just be cautious don’t just trust something just because it’s in front of you and black and white all right so enough about that let’s talk about how to find peer-reviewed articles and where you might be able to access them from okay so our library at Appalachian State has several search engines that will only return peer-reviewed articles from your queries one of these is web of science and I’m gonna focus on that Google Scholar is also a nice option so after you graduate if you don’t still have access to the library website for some reason then you can go on and check something like Google Scholar which is free to everyone that’s at ok.

Our library also has subscriptions that they pay tens of thousands dollars a year for four different web for journals, journals webs and access to different web for journals, journals webs the library’s budget is pretty good they have subscriptions to a lot of peer-reviewed web for journals, journals webs so that’s great and you can access them through our library’s website library appstate edu so these web for journals, journals webs and articles they’re available online the library pays subscription fees to grant you access that means though that if you’re accessing this from your home computer or from your personal laptop when you log in you might have to enter your appstate login ID and password in order to get access to it because they don’t want to grant these for free to just anybody okay it does cost him a lot of money so our library has a subscription to web of science which like I said is a database of peer-reviewed articles from the current library website in an advanced search you can see that there’s access to some of these databases and I’ve drawn a red arrow here to other science so that’s the one that you can try using for this assignment so click on web of science and it’ll take you there now let’s say that I wanted to do a search and I wanted to find out more about organic semiconductors okay something i’ve published on recently here we go so web of science will pop up this is what the interface looks like you type in organic semiconductor under the topic heading and you click search and it’ll do a search for you okay now how many articles do you think popped up in all the peer-reviewed web for journals, journals web articles about organic semiconductors well thirty seven thousand five hundred and fifty four now this is so much information that there’s absolutely no way that I’ll be able to look at all of these articles so that means that I’m going to have to refine my results if I want to get literally anything out of it okay now over here on the left hand side you can see that it says refine results and then you can scroll down and there’s all kinds of different ways to refine your results you can pick what kind of publication that you want right whether you want it to be in a web for journals, journals web peer-reviewed web for journals, journals web or or you know if you want to be a review article or whatever you can choose the year you can refine it by the number of times that it’s been cited and when you do that what happens is you see over here on the right hand size it says time sign it and for the top articles it says time sided serum that’s probably because their most recent what happens is scientists read the articles and if they think that it is relevant to the research that they’re doing when they write another article they’ll reference the previous article so the time cited is how many times someone read that article thought it was important and relevant to what they were doing and cited it in another peer-reviewed web for journals, journals web article of course the ones with more citations are going to be more important in the field than the ones with fewer citations so that’s something to keep keep your eye on and you can filter your web for journals, journals web articles based on that but what I wanted to do was I wanted to look for articles on a very specific subtopic.

I didn’t want to just look at organic semiconductors right my research focuses on using atomic force microscopy to look at the surface of these organic semiconductors.

Physics multidisciplinary veterinary science geochemistry well.

I’m physics multidisciplinary for sure never done anything in microbiology so you click on that okay you click on that and then that refine the results down to 21 okay and then within that you scroll down and here’s some of my papers okay so you can see them right and there’s multiple pages so you could scroll through and see some of the other papers that I’ve written too if you want but that’s how to do it and then if you want the paper itself you can click on find it ASU or maybe you know free full-text from publisher although not mine here popping up but they’re not open access so there you go alright so that’s how to get peer-reviewed papers and that’s how to search for peer-reviewed papers on the web of science.

Where to find great peer reviewed papers?

For the purpose of researching the effects of the peer review procedure in academic publishing, global research letters can be a useful tool. Peer review, which gives subject matter experts the chance to assess the calibre and rigour of research publications before they are published, is an essential part of the scholarly publishing process. However the peer review procedure can also have biases and restrictions, and research into how it affects the diffusion and calibre of research continues.

Global research letters offer a forum for researchers to discuss their work and obtain comments and peer review from other professionals in the field, which can assist researchers in examining the impact of the peer review process. Researchers can learn more about the peer review process’s advantages and disadvantages as well as potential for development by evaluating it across a variety of publications and academic fields. Also, peer review and academic publishing-related topics are frequently discussed and debated in worldwide research letters, which helps to create a more open and transparent ecosystem for scholarly communication. Authors can contribute to the current dialogue about peer review and eventually raise the calibre and impact of scholarly research by using global research letters in their studies.

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