Open Access Journals Best Practices

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, bonjour to everybody and thank you for this opportunity to talk to you about open access directory of open access journals, carbon journalss best practices um this today so this series of webinars is hosted by agel um in collaboration with assaf deo aj eiffel lipscenes and uct and for african directory of open access journals, carbon journals editors and publishers um let me just find my mouse um i have a new computer so please excuse me i’m just need to um find my button where it goes so um as indicated this is the fourth webinar in the series previously we had a look at what the director of open access directory of open access journals, carbon journalss is about and an overview was provided the second webinar looked at editorial processes and business models and the third one looked into index into copyright and licensing and i’ve also provided the links where you can access those video recordings should you have missed out on it today we’re looking at um the best practices and i just want to recap and start with what is an open access directory of open access journals, carbon journals exactly how does it differ from subscription directory of open access journals, carbon journals so actually the main difference is that an open access directory of open access journals, carbon journals is open for readers they do not have to pay a subscription fee other than that everything is exactly the same there are also all articles submitted to an open access general a good quality open access directory of open access journals, carbon journals are also subject subjected to peer review and all the stringent principles and um practices that apply so a scholarly directory of open access journals, carbon journals follows an open access publishing model research information is made available to readers at no cost in other words free as opposed to the traditional subscription model a paid for printed version is allowed when we look out the requirements or the criteria the drij criteria so um and what we’ve seen is that um the abcs of article processing charges are um have to be paid in in case of open access articles have to be paid by the author themselves or sometimes the funder pays for it or the society and to which a member belongs so um with different approaches to paying the apc’s the diij defines an open access directory of open access journals, carbon journals as a general directory of open access journals, carbon journals with a copyright holder of a scholarly work grants usage rights to others using an open license and the creative commons is a common license that’s um applied by many open access directory of open access journals, carbon journalss allowing for immediate free access to the work and permitting any user to read download copy distribute print search or link to the full text of articles crawl them for indexing pause them as data to software or use them for any other lawful purpose and of course citation applies if you use an open access directory of open access journals, carbon journals an article from such a directory of open access journals, carbon journals always cite it just like you would do with a subscription directory of open access journals, carbon journals it’s just a free version open access directory of open access journals, carbon journalss furthermore demonstrates high levels of transparency um by report in a transparent way the finances are transparent literally even big policies are transparent everything is transparent um all articles like i’ve said or articles submitted for possible publication are subjected to peer review so now that we know what open access directory of open access journals, carbon journalss are what is an open access channels let’s look at the principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing as compiled by the committee on publication effects with the oij of aspar and the world association of medical editors first of all in today’s time if you do not have a website you do not exist and the same applies to directory of open access journals, carbon journalss a directory of open access journals, carbon journals can only be open access if it has a website um a printed directory of open access journals, carbon journals cannot be open access at all so to be open access you have to have a website for your directory of open access journals, carbon journals um that website needs to get to the criteria for a professional website it should be easy to navigate user friendly um simple um remember list is more and also the information on it should be up to date um outdated information on a website creates a bad impression the url where web address should be preferably be secure starting with an https protocol um every all the information around this website should be centralized on this website it doesn’t help some of the info is on the society which publishes the directory of open access journals, carbon journalss website and the rest is on the directory of open access journals, carbon journalss website all everything that has to do with the directory of open access journals, carbon journals should be centrally published on the directory of open access journals, carbon journals website language use should be consistent um so if your website is both in english and french then all pages in this website should be in both languages um good use of spelling and grammar um often when we review directory of open access journals, carbon journalss and when i see us um a typo or a mistake in the grammar um you know it immediately raises red flags for me it’s not to say it’s about directory of open access journals, carbon journals it’s just um but you want to adhere to a high quality um website and putting the information out there and you want to create a good impression hyperlink should all resolve um there’s nothing as frustrating as when you go to a website and you click on offer guidelines or on submits and then you get this 404 error secondly demonstrate that care has been taken to ensure high quality ethical and professional standards throughout the website but that a website must also not contain information but that might mislead readers or authors or attempts to mimic another directory of open access journals, carbon journals’s publisher or a publisher’s website um something that we um but an inves an example of this is for it’s a win um a publisher just copy and paste and all the directory of open access journals, carbon journalss look the same um it also i also have this question how can this be because each directory of open access journals, carbon journals is supposed to have have its unique identity and look different from one another so um yes it’s very um difficult to distinguish one general from another if they all look the same and the only issue have different titles and different isis isis ends um the the website should include the focus of over aims and the scope um what what is this um directory of open access journals, carbon journals trying to do what’s the signs about um published in this specific scholarly directory of open access journals, carbon journals and how how far does it reach is it limited to africa or to is does it apply to the whole world or does it apply to a specific region only um also clearly indicate what is the readership who is other people who would possibly be interested in reading articles in this directory of open access journals, carbon journals and also who would publish articles in this directory of open access journals, carbon journals best webshop site should also have a coverage or statement of what the directory of open access journals, carbon journals will consider for publication and whatnot authorship criteria should be included and also how the directory of open access journals, carbon journals deals with multiple submissions whether the directory of open access journals, carbon journals allows multiple submissions by the same author and redundant publications um there’s a number of options when it comes to directory of open access journals, carbon journals management software so you can choose to to host your directory of open access journals, carbon journals on a website we’re using website software like wordpress or you can opt for um custom-made um software specifically for the management of a directory of open access journals, carbon journals a scholarly directory of open access journals, carbon journals to accommodate all the editorial workflows involved when from the submission of the article to the review to the copy editing and the final stage of publishing so as a system which with which i’m very much familiar and um i believe it’s also quite popular um is a public knowledge project ptp open directory of open access journals, carbon journals systems um software you can download it um for free from its open source software it means the code is open you can download the software on a server and host one directory of open access journals, carbon journals or you can opt for a federated approach where you can host all publications or directory of open access journals, carbon journalss published by your organization if there’s more than one there’s also a demo site and also a test bed where you can try it out but at the on the right hand side you can see many more to choose from and it’s great to have a variety to choose from so um and yes open general systems also listed there this is just an example page of a landing page of one of our directory of open access journals, carbon journalss so that you can get a feel of what are the elements included in the website for a directory of open access journals, carbon journals so typically we would have a banner there’s an option where you can log in or register and navigation very simple home page about which will include the technical information about the directory of open access journals, carbon journals focus and scope etc button where you can submit either there or there guidelines and policies archives to access former issues and being contact information and um yeah and also an option to search across um this directory of open access journals, carbon journals and the home page being the most recent or current issue published just as an example um the nice thing about pkp oj is is that it’s well integrated with good integration between pws and the directory of open access directory of open access journals, carbon journalss once you’ve set up your directory of open access journals, carbon journals and started publishing articles it’s very simple to export um sorry if i let it light the wrong plugin and yeah at the bottom you would see the dij export plug-in it’s easy to export the metadata in other words the descriptive um descriptions about the article the title the author but joy etc and to do a directory of open access directory of open access journals, carbon journalss so that that would provide another access point for your directory of open access journals, carbon journals from where people can access your directory of open access journals, carbon journals in the end um another important best practice is to have a proper name for your directory of open access journals, carbon journals it should be unique distinct descriptive and consistent if you register it on the eyes it’s in um that name as you use it on your website should be just consistent with how it was registered on the iss in registry for example the name should be clearly distinguished distinguished and not to be easily confused with another directory of open access journals, carbon journals and you must not mislead potential users authors or readers about the directory of open access journals, carbon journals’s original association with other directory of open access journals, carbon journalss and an example of a very vague directory of open access journals, carbon journals title for me is example the international directory of open access journals, carbon journals of education it’s not very focused and it doesn’t say what um what about education well a more um a bitter um a better example to change that title would be um south african directory of open access journals, carbon journals of um child education something more specific so take great care when you decide on a name for your directory of open access journals, carbon journals something that you can use forever and ever been as i’ve said open access directory of open access journals, carbon journalss articles are all subjected to peer review and i’m going to share some examples with you now the directory of open access journals, carbon journals content must be clearly more as as to whether it was peer reviewed or not um if you peer review letters which you publish from from readers which you publish in your directory of open access journals, carbon journals they might not be proofread or edited or peer reviewed but a research article it’s a requirement meant that your research articles have to be peer reviewed by experts in the field and this peer review process and policy must be clearly described on your directory of open access journals, carbon journals website including the method of peer review so take time and um write it out and and so that your website provides an extensive explanation and doesn’t transparent explanation of how you do the conductive peer review before the directory of open access journals, carbon journals um yes i’ve already said directory of open access journals, carbon journalss must apply a rigorous review process similar to subscription directory of open access journals, carbon journalss and the peer review should be done by at least two independent reviewers or experts in the field um when it comes to doij um and apply applications to be included for the ij the editorial and editorial reviews only allowed if directory of open access journals, carbon journalss are from the arts and humanities and another doi requirement is that faculty oversight is required for student directory of open access journals, carbon journalss published by students so this is an example of a peer review process so you can see it’s quite an extensive description of what is being peer reviewed and how what process are being followed and um when are when are the articles subjected to to pleasure plagiarism checks what’s the role of associated editors and how long reviewers get to do the reviews etc so it will be different for each and every directory of open access journals, carbon journals and you can sit with your tutorial advisory board to to decide how you want to approach this peer review processes process um drij recommends plagiarism checking but it’s not required for inclusion and should you have a plagiarism checking um tool um to check your articles but or submit it um we require that you state the name of a checking service or parental use and this is an example of a plagiarism policy from the south african directory of open access journals, carbon journals of science and i want to mention because of using pkp ojs and because of us having a subscription with crossreef we um qualify for using authenticate as part of a crossroads subscription which is not much and there is also a plugin of order of pkp ojs which integrates with ipk so if you activate this tool it will check each and every paper for plagiarism before it goes through the editorial workflow ownership and management should be clear on the website also who is the publisher who is the organization or the owner of his directory of open access journals, carbon journals um if it’s a scholars scholarly society acknowledgement scholarly society if it’s for university knowledge about university and the publisher um should also not use organizational or directory of open access journals, carbon journals names that would most lead potential authors and editors about the nature of the directory of open access journals, carbon journals’s owner and this is an example of a directory of open access journals, carbon journals that clearly indicates the title is clear and it indicates the society with which it is officially um affiliated the national directory of open access journals, carbon journals of the national association with a logo of that association so an example or you can have it on the right hand side or anywhere it depends on what software you use the editorial board and governing bodies members should be clearly listed on on your website and the full names and affiliations of the editorial board or the governing board should be available on the website as in this example and what we do we also integrate um book ids um so should somebody want to publish in this directory of open access journals, carbon journals and they want to see whoever’s if this editor-in-chief is they can click on his book id and it will take into a list of his publications his brief biography and so forth and this specific directory of open access journals, carbon journals has different sections editors for different um themes for the emails available as when you click on the little envelope and and of course for all ids um and we also require the full names and affiliations of a other contact person um part of the editorial office and their full address as in this example so website but register with advertising inquiries postal address etc so copyright and licensing was discussed during last week’s webinar um but the copyright policy should preferably also form part of the author guidelines so that all potential authors do not miss um but important part of information and the copyright holder should be specified on all published articles and later in the presentation i will show you how how it can be done and the licensing terms how our users can use and share um the articles published in your directory of open access journals, carbon journals um should also be indicated and so you can have a copyright policy preferred you should have a copyright policy and a licensing policy and whether the articles are made available as pdf html or xml um bother copyright and licensing should be indicated on those papers and with some examples of what a copyright and license terms looks like it doesn’t have it to be a long um essay and you can just indicate copyright remains over all those other articles or articles published by this directory of open access journals, carbon journals can be reused and with the following license and then have a link fee so that people can see what what is this license about how what what’s what other specifics and um oj is what it does it’s also very nice it embeds a machine readable um license as part of the article record um it’s also good to have a self self-archiving policy in other words should an author want to archive a copy of an article published in this directory of open access journals, carbon journals on his or her own website or in an institutional repository what is your policy um about that will you allow will you as a directory of open access journals, carbon journals allow that and um according to the best practice list of big practices we should also be a link to her author agreement it should be visible so that authors can see what what agreement do they enter into when they publish in this article and can read it beforehand this is an example of a self policy where it says authors may not deposit any version of manuscripts into a subject or institutional repository until the manuscript has been published authors may be in the part of the final published version in a subject or institution repository etc and this is an example of an author declaration and agreement um and this framework which is stream electronic law directory of open access journals, carbon journals where it specifies um what rights do you have what um what what’s the requirements when submitting an article also be very transparent about your offer fees even if you do not um have charge author fees um for offers indicate as such as i’ve listed mentioned here also indicate if no fees are in charge or whether waivers apply apply or not apply so be straightforward and think of the possible questions your authors potential authors might have and the information should be easy to find prior to submission authors should not be surprised to have been charged with this enormous amount after the paper has been approved for publication it should be openly accessible on your website and there’s some examples once again just one or two sentences but be clear about what you will charge for um with regard to misconduct of course this should never be allowed plagiarism citation manipulation data falsification fabrication um etc and um although editors and reviewers do their best to um to prevent that from happening they um there can be um occurrences where it might slip through but you don’t want that to happen so try your best when the publisher or editor is made aware of any allegation of research conduct um related to an article after it’s it has been published there are some code guidelines in dealing with the allegations so we strongly recommend that you visit or google guidelines for misconduct and and make it your own there should also be clear policies on the publication ethics have policies on authorship and contributorship of course i’ve mentioned openshift already how will the directory of open access journals, carbon journals handle complaints and appeals um what’s the directory of open access journals, carbon journals’s policies on conflicts of interest um what’s the directory of open access journals, carbon journals’s policies on data sharing and reproducibility um what’s the directory of open access journals, carbon journals’s policy on ethical oversight and intellectual property and the directory of open access journals, carbon journals’s options for post-publication discussions and corrections so i’ve extracted a few examples from directory of open access journals, carbon journalss that we publish um just so that you can get an idea different directory of open access journals, carbon journalss um calls it different names but you should have a misconduct um policy which address many of these things like conflicts of influence um interest retraction if it’s a male practice etc where website should also give a clear indication of how frequently it publishes an issue or individual articles and directory of open access journals, carbon journalss with interrupted publishing will not um be considered for inclusion in the iij so um at least you have to publish at least five researcher articles per year in your in your directory of open access journals, carbon journals it excludes um it excludes all other forms of um materials such as book reviews or letters from readers etc if your directory of open access journals, carbon journals flipped from subscription access to open access then you need to publish at least 10 open access articles before applying according to the doa criteria and here’s an example of how directory of open access journals, carbon journalss display the publication frequency so it can be a simple sentence six sounds a year one volume per annum and each volume consists of four issues and um this directory of open access journals, carbon journals for example um operates under a continuous publication model so they publish articles one by one and then assign a digital object identifier to each article so eventually they only have one volume per annum um very important since this is an open access directory of open access journals, carbon journals you have to indicate by open access policy for this directory of open access journals, carbon journals and one that we recommend is the following um this directory of open access journals, carbon journals is a peer-reviewed open access directory of open access journals, carbon journals supporting the verification open access initiative principles which sense um what open access means so um important that you have this policy because it distinguishes you from a subscription directory of open access journals, carbon journals um archiving also very important in the case of a disaster um i cannot help to think of the war going on but um you know should something happen to the server hosting your directory of open access journals, carbon journals um you have to have a digital backup and in place and um a preservation plan for your directory of open access journals, carbon journals um at the academy of science of south africa we have an agreement with portica so um you can also google portico but there’s other options um the locks option where universities come together or organizations come together and they back up one another’s or keep copies of one another’s directory of open access journals, carbon journalss and articles log stands for lots of copies keep stuff safe i think clock stands for the consortium of lots lots of copy skips that i said not sure about that one and then of course pubmed central can also um be used to preserve your your um general over unforeseeable future um should your directory of open access journals, carbon journals comes to an end and that you decide to no longer continue publishing it must be clearly indicated and please also notify the director of open access directory of open access journals, carbon journalss once again i just want to demonstrate the alignment with ijspeak and the integration between third parties tools and oj spkp so once you’ve published an issue you can simply click on pubmed export plugin and it will send um that issue with its articles to pubmed without you having to do anything else except for picking a few ticking a few boxes and being the portico export plugin the same um you just indicate which articles you want to export and and there you go um of course it has to be set up and you have to have agreements in place with the third parties then there’s also a pkp preservation network which you can make use of should you use pkpojs they provide free preservation services for any ojs directory of open access journals, carbon journals that meets a few basic criteria um and then again logs and clocks also the logs and clocks process also item and automated and well integrated with the bkb ojs software so you can just stick those boxes should be you be part of a logs or class blocks initiative and this is an example of a digital preservation policy for one of our directory of open access journals, carbon journalss um it says the south african directory of open access journals, carbon journals of agricultural extension utilizes both the portico and the pkp and preservation network systems to create permanent archives of a directory of open access journals, carbon journals for purposes of preservation and restoration and click here to see the directory of open access journals, carbon journals on this portico registry um when people um visit your directory of open access journals, carbon journals whether it’s as a reader or an author they want to see that but um this directory of open access journals, carbon journals is managed in a responsible way and all these things i’ve been mentioning or demonstrates but demonstrate but uh but directory of open access journals, carbon journalss at year-to-best practices so um revenue sources indicate how do you generate income um what’s your office fees do you generate income from subscriptions advertising reprints institutions do you get institutional support or organizational support mention it acknowledge your funder as part of the about section for your directory of open access journals, carbon journals just a very important also directory of open access journals, carbon journalss should not allow like the publishing fees or revivers weber status influence editorial decision making advertising also have an advertising policy or tell your users do you allow um do you like allow advertising or don’t you allow advertising um if you have allow advertising indicate what types of adverts do you allow um who who takes a decision on who allows certain adverts and what content must the adverts have when when allowed and also keep advertisements separate from published content over editorial decision making and you will see how it was done in this example the advertising policy for dna directory of open access journals, carbon journals states that it publishes advertisements and announcements relevant to quality and its impact in africa these include advertisements of companies and organizations working in this field announcements of conferences and workshops and relevant job listings nauka the publisher of his directory of open access journals, carbon journals approves the advertisements so it’s not the editor it’s separate separated from the editor’s role noca appreciates the advertisements that are published and this process is separate from the editorial process of the directory of open access journals, carbon journals and here you can see an example on the right hand side they have a couple of advertisements neatly stacked on top of one another and it’s hyperlinked so um and this is one way of generating an income for for a directory of open access journals, carbon journals um direct marketing um refers to versus precipitation of manuscripts. I’m sure all of you have experience of those emails ending up in your inbox telling you and inviting you to to publish in a specific directory of open access journals, carbon journals but it can become very obtrusive so um be careful when you do direct marketing um rather invite a potential author directly um addressing him or her behind his or her name and title and um this kind of marketing should be appropriate well targeted and obtrusive um and once again um the information shared about the directory of open access journals, carbon journals should be truthful and not misleading. I think you’ve heard this a couple of times throughout this presentation um open access directory of open access journals, carbon journalss should be transparent um a high quality open access directory of open access journals, carbon journals um trusted open access directory of open access journals, carbon journals also has an isis in number so um if your directory of open access journals, carbon journals doesn’t have an isis in number you can both request an isis in at this web address and also display your eyes is in in this example initially this directory of open access journals, carbon journals was published in print only but then it went open access and although the title remained the same they had to apply for an online isis in so please note that the two iss ends are different because it’s in different formats and if you’re not sure where the directory of open access journals, carbon journals’s eyes in is or whether you’re in doubt whether you can trust the directory of open access journals, carbon journals um and whether it really exists and whether the ice is in is valid you can also search um for an isis in on this portal um orc id integration is also recommended um so there’s many checks in place to make sure that an open access directory of open access journals, carbon journals can be trusted um before being included in the isis in the isis in will do some kind of evaluation and checks um with aug id this is more about the offers a unique identifier or unique id for each and every author so that there’s no confusion when authors share the same names and once again you can see how we’ve integrated it here um there’s the awk id um the open researcher and contributor id is the um full name for org id um it’s added to the metadata for the article even before you it’s also added to the pdf for full text but in our case we also add it to the metadata and this metadata is being exported to crossref and orc id then harvests the metadata from crossroads and we automatically add this title to the profile for each of these researchers so um and um i preferably also have the names their research name for this person is of her affiliation country and yes this is also hyperlink so a reader can anytime just click and go and see what this author publishes and does um so if you want to search for somebody’s book idea you can do it survey or if you do not have and if your authors do not have an book id yet they can register for free ad or register another important persistent identifier is the directory of the digital object identifier or joy in short so weaver is in is the unique id for a specific directory of open access journals, carbon journals and for orc id is a specific as a unique id for a person where doi digital object identifier is the unique id for a specific article so as i’ve indicated we have an agreement with crossfit reef they um we register when a door is assigned by an article also automatically assigned um by pkp ijs um and included in the metadata but also on the full text pdf um we export the metadata to crosstree and um and then this becomes the valid um identifier for this article and it will never change even if we decide to move this directory of open access journals, carbon journals the south african directory of open access journals, carbon journals of science from one server to another server but doi will never never change because we will manage it in the back end we will notify crossroads um accordingly that the whip at least now has changed for a specific particle um so crosstalk read more about crosstrip and this address and you can become a member also should you want to um start assigning doors um the initiative for open citations or i4oc promotes the unrestricted availability of scholarly citation data. And why do i do this because citations are primary data but provide both provenance and an explanation for how we know facts um citations um used for articles of a most important vehicle for the discovery designation and evaluation of all scholarly knowledge so what this initiative encourage is a linked whip so when an article is published and the references or citations are listed um they and when they are validated by crossrief and hyperlinked um it makes it easier for users to also access the references used as for references used to compile or write an article and um i’ve just gone into the academy of science of south africa profile we support this initiative and it gives a summary of how many references have been registered book ids etc so we are doing our best to improve on this and support with a global initiative and now i’m just going to quickly draw down to article before i’m going to wrap up um both from the the directory of open access journals, carbon journals itself and how what the website and the content it contains um it’s also important that your article contains certain information so in the example which i got from the south african directory of open access journals, carbon journals of science it has a crosswalk button where users readers can check for updates of this article should there be any updates for example if this article was retracted or replaced with another article um the authors are listed here on the left hand side with links to my oak ids the affiliations once again and then the corresponding author and the contact email for readers want to get in touch and also important to demonstrate um how long has um how long it took for the review to take place how long did it take from submission to to being published so i would say um from 22 june to 27 january um was were approximately six months so this is a good time for for this to to happen so um and how decides we have a recommendation how i want you to decide this article um remember earlier on i said you should indicate whether your articles were peer-reviewed or not you can indicate it as part of the article metadata or and on indicated on the pdf full text article itself um also have an option we suggest recommendations so it’s not requirements you can also indicate whether um data underlying this article have been made available and whether it is available who’s the editor the section editor who was responsible for this article our words um who was a thunder sdgs with which this specific article aligns um who the copyright belongs to and which license applies and then also the dory accompanying this article for for its lifetime um why is this important because people um email full text articles between one another and then you wouldn’t know where what the bibliographical details of this article details of this article um is when when you do not have all this info available so um this is an extreme example i think a very complete and comprehensive um article um with a technical detail to believe so i want to enable this note and please get in that should you need um any should i have any questions or need any assistance from outside and we are well versed in his speak at b and also in open access but first of all we are doij ambassadors um i work in southern africa but kamal bahamal also on the school works in north africa thomas in western central africa and solomon in eastern africa so thank you and over to you um are you gonna order questions so there has been not many questions and i think we don’t have much time because uh well it’s well over the 45 minutes already but anyway the first question that came in it’s a good question for you to answer is it better to have the directory of open access journals, carbon journals website different from the website of the society that owns a directory of open access journals, carbon journals even when the directory of open access journals, carbon journals has a direct online link to the website it’s a question from the audience from uh mikhail maddow yes i think if you want to benefit if you want your directory of open access journals, carbon journals to benefit from the the um workflow the editorial workflow within the um general management system it would be good not to confuse the two so uh my recommendation and from experience what i’ve seen is that usually the society of organization has its website its membership information other information because the society is about more than just the directory of open access journals, carbon journals so um usually the society website would have a link to the publication or to the directory of open access journals, carbon journals title which will take you to another website and it depends on the design you can have the same design but just just use a proper directory of open access journals, carbon journals management system um for your directory of open access journals, carbon journals so i would try to make a look and feel in the branding similar as close possible yes okay thanks and i think just the correction or perhaps a possible misinterpretation of what you have talked about about the embedded licenses so that all articles need to have the copyright and license with the article it’s not a requirement for doj but of course it’s best practice because if an article is just there and and there is nothing on the informational license nobody knows what to do with it but we don’t have the policy that you need to do that so if you tell in your website you use this license and this is the copyright policy then the articles can be published without that notice that the people know that the website says it of course it’s less than optimal but it’s not the requirement and perhaps people thought from your talk that it is a requirement sorry and thank you for clarifying now and that is very important i think and perhaps also for the archiving policy we receive lots of lots of applications where people think that an archiving is just have your stuff in the university library site or even with some vague indexing services so it really has to be a long-term preservation and one of the things that is possible for the doj is if you use the internet archive which is something that everybody can just do even if you don’t use the pkp method so perhaps that is interesting additional information yeah so i think we don’t have really time at this stage for the other questions but we can make these questions also at the end of the french presentation i would say so i would go over to camel as the motivator for the french park. Global research letters can be very helpful in promoting open access journal best practises. Unrestricted, cost-free internet access to research publications is made possible via open access journals, a particular kind of publication. Peer review procedures, editorial standards, and funding models are just a few of the many variables that might affect the effectiveness and impact of open access publications. Where to get your work published in open access journals? By giving researchers a place to publish their work and network with other subject-matter experts, global research letters can support the best practices for open access journals. These letters are a great source for finding top-notch articles because many of them are published in renowned open access journals. Moreover, peer review and critical comments from subject-matter specialists are frequently provided in global research letters, which can help guarantee the calibre and rigour of research published in open access journals. Researchers can support the spread of best practises and raise the calibre and effect of open access papers by incorporating global research letters into their work and publishing in reputable open access journals.

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