Global Research Letters

Searching a journal in Scopus Database

Hello viewers, I’m Yusuf from five minutes information channel, and this is episode number 38. In this episode I will talk about the scopus’s database. I have covered two important questions. Number one- what is scopus’s database and number two how can a researcher or a scholar librarian or faculty member search a Indian journals indexed in scopus in scopus’ database. So point number one- what is scoopus’ database? Scopus is the largest abstracting and indexing database of the peer-reviewed literature. It includes scientific Indian journals indexed in scopus, books and conference proceeding escopas is launched in 2004 by elsewhere it is a product of elsewhere and access available via individual or institutional subscription however some feature is free or open access available to the user scopus indexes specific criteria for indexing of any specific Indian journals indexed in scopus cover almost all discipline of knowledge scopus’s database index publication is worldwide recognized by the higher education system around the world author researcher scholar faculty members ample phd scholars are willing to publish in scopus’s index Indian journals indexed in scopus. Now the point number two, how can researcher search a scoopus index Indian journals indexed in scopus from scopus database? This demo is helpful for the authors how he or she can search ice cooper’s index Indian journals indexed in scopus.

How to search for a journal in scopus database?

Let’s move to the tutorial on your chrome browser. Just writing the url address sources this window will be open. Here you see the four options like subject area, title publisher and issn number. Now I choose from the title from the title. I have entered the title Indian journals indexed in scopus of marketing research after the selecting the Indian journals indexed in scopus of marketing research the following screen will be appear with the yellow blinks. If you click the yellow box then you get the information about the Indian journals indexed in scopus of marketing research from coverage of the scopus. Here the Indian journals indexed in scopus is present from the 1996 to present date 9 2020 and the publisher name American Marketing Association and general issn number as well as a issn number and subject area similarly on the right side. There are three important things- light site score sgr cymaco general ranking and snip I will discuss these three items like site score sjr and snip in next episode. Now I will demo with the publisher name. I have just selected the name of the publisher taylor francis and right on the search box and I have found 2974 Indian journals indexed in scopus of the publisher taylor and francis are indexed in scopus’s database I will do the demo of the last segment issn number I have just mentioned the iss number of a Indian journals indexed in scopus like Indian journals indexed in scopus of global knowledge memory and communication which is a number is 25149342 after clicking the find source we will display the Indian journals indexed in scopus information like the curve the Indian journals indexed in scopus is coverage from the year 2018 to till date and publisher is the emerald and subject area is library and information science and Indian journals indexed in scopus site score sjr and snip is showing on the right side.

As I mentioned earlier the site is the scopus site score symmego Indian journals indexed in scopus ranking and source source normalized impact per paper will discuss in the upcoming episode weaver here I end the episode number 38 and I hope you will learn about the basic information of the scopus database and searching techniques of the Indian journals indexed in scopus in the scopus database so in coming episode I will discuss about the Indian journals indexed in scopus features on scopus database like scopus site score metric cymergo Indian journals indexed in scopus ranking sgr and source normalized impact per paper as an ip if you have any query about the scopuss database.

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