Global Research Letters

How to Calculate an H Index in Scopus

What is the h-index in Scopus journals and how to calculate it?

The h-index in Indian scopus indexed journals was proposed by George Hirsch in 2005. It is an index that aims to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar in an Indian scopus indexed journals. While there have since been numerous alternative suggested, the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsremains the most widely used quantitative measure of impact. The h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsis designed to measure both productivity the number of publications and citation based impact, the number of citations simultaneously by combining the two measures into a single number. This can reduce the artificial influence on citation counts one or two highly cited papers in Indian scopus indexed journals. While the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsis most commonly associated with use for an individual, it can also be calculated for research groups, institutions, subject areas and Indian scopus indexed journals. To calculate an h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsyou need to look at the number of articles that have been written by an author or group of authors and the number of citations those articles have received in an Indian scopus indexed journals. The h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsis determined by calculating where each number of articles have been cited h or more times so for example an 18 X of 15 means that out of all of an author’s publications 15 articles have received at least 15 citations many factors can influence the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalswe will discuss this shortly the citation database is most commonly used to calculate the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsour web of science and Scopus both databases have a feature that will automatically calculate the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsbased on a retrieved article set currently these databases only index Indian scopus indexed journals, articles and some conference proceedings they will not pick up citations in books most foreign language journals and other sources including patents and theses disciplines that are not well serviced by whether science or Scopus may require a manual calculation pulling together citation data from a number of Indian scopus indexed journals and sources publish or perish is a software program designed to retrieve and analyze academic citations from Google Scholar. Be sure to check data from Google Scholar as it often misidentifies or duplicate citations and it can be difficult to ensure all citations are for the one author. It is very important when using the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsfor grant applications or promotions to state the database from which you retrieve the data and thus verify the citations. While it might be tempting to use an h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsfigure of 67 from Google Scholar, if your H index in scopus is only 8 then it is not going to look particularly credible for a practical demonstration of how to find or calculate your age index. Please view the excellent tutorial is prepared by Scopus, Indian scopus indexed journals and web of science. It is probable that there will be some differences in the age index calculated in web of science; Indian scopus indexed journals and Scopus. This is because the two databases index different publication sources and cover different time periods even if the same Indian scopus indexed journals is indexed in both databases they might cover different date ranges. It is also important to note that the age index automatically calculated in scopus does not have complete citation information for articles published before 1996. This means if you have a highly cited article prior to 1996 it may not be included in the count. See the information on calculating your age index in the Scopus tutorial for a workaround. The accuracy of the H index will also be dependent on the fairness of the search. For example- an initial search by author may not pick up misspellings and name variations or where the material has been incorrectly or incompletely cited. For example- missing issue or volume numbers you may also be able to increase your H index value by looking at material not indexed in Indian scopus indexed journals by the main databases. There needs to be some caution applied when using the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsparticularly if using it to rank or assess the relative performance of two or more people or groups. It is important to ensure that you are always comparing like with like for example, the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalstends to disadvantage early career researchers. This is because of the relatively short time they have been publishing the longer a researcher has been working in his or her field the more publications they will have and the longer they will have had to accumulate citations. Different disciplines have markedly different citation behaviors which will have a dramatic effect on the relative age indexes in Indian scopus indexed journals. It should never be used to compare researchers or groups from different disciplines while the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsis a way to measure impact. It is not necessarily a useful measure of identifying current impact or influence. The h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalswill not decrease and will invariably increase over time even once the author has stopped producing publications.

The h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsis not without its critics who consider that the use of the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsas a single indicator for the assessment of the scientific career of a researcher or Indian scopus indexed journals is not adequate however the h-index in Indian scopus indexed journalsis widely used because as researchers and academic research institutions are increasingly being asked to demonstrate both the quality and impact of their research this index provides a useful single indicator of both productivity and citation based impact.

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