How to write a paper in a Ph.D

Welcome back everyone today we have a very interesting topic talking about Ph.D research paper how to write so uh as a Ph.D student Ph.D researcher as well as a researcher later on you will have to write quite a few good research paper how to write research publications as well as conference proceeding research paper how to write and the there is always quite a lot to learn of how to write this i must say that at the beginning the first couple of research paper how to write to write is a whole new experience and you spend quite a lot of time going back and forth and revising the research paper how to write uh even 10 20 times that’s quite common but as you get along later on you’ll manage to squeeze that time and you’ll produce better research paper how to write so there is a number of good things to actually know beforehand but practicing of writing a research paper how to write is the ultimate way of getting a research paper how to write done so there are mainly three things that matter when you write a research paper how to write the first one is what is the type of research that you’re doing the second is whether there is innovation in that research paper how to write the third is about impact so how impactful is that research paper how to write to the people right to the society not always and not only to the researchers working in that area but to the greater actual community so you need to make sure that you clarify what are these three things in your research before you write a research paper how to write in order to be able to write it in a good way now there is something that people are confusing quite often and that is the novelty with the utility of the research paper how to write i’ll give you an example if you invent something say in medicine usually that is novel because nobody has invented it before and it speaks to everyone it’s something that it will make a better word tomorrow however in other disciplines like in engineering that i belong writing something supposed to be novel doesn’t necessarily make it normal because people cannot really translate that it doesn’t really mean anything to their everyday life so what we need to do is to make it usable or better say reusable something that people can understand and they can use it or reuse it in a similar fashion and similar way for their research or for their applications now before we actually go about how a research paper how to write should be structured and how you can write a research paper how to write let’s talk a little bit about telling the idea what is first of all having an idea having a research idea it doesn’t necessarily mean that this is something novel and ultimately having an idea doesn’t mean that this is realistic if you don’t speak out the idea if you don’t put it on the research paper how to write you don’t publish the research paper how to write the research paper how to write is not distributed it’s not disseminated then certainly it’s not a research idea and it’s not something that people can get the benefit from think about mozart if mozart had actually just had everything in his mind or he was just writing some nice compositions and keep them in his shelf then we will know about water today so you need to make sure that everything you have as an idea you can convey it in a proper way you can put it in the research paper how to write you can publish the research paper how to write and then it becomes something useful and impactful for the community now something else that you should know about the research paper how to write you may have 10 ideas you may have 20 ideas it doesn’t matter i’d rather have each research paper how to write presenting one idea or maybe a couple of them if they can be combined rather than having 10 ideas in one research paper how to write you definitely do not want to confuse the readers you want to make a very clear impact there is need to be a scientifically sound research paper how to write certainly it doesn’t have to be a very small research paper how to write or something that is a very quick and it doesn’t have any impact itself but it doesn’t have to be bringing everything all together in one single document people that need time to chew and understand the information anyway so it’s good if you are actually presenting one idea in one research paper how to write i’m not talking about breaking down the research to publish more and more research paper how to write i’m actually talking about presenting something in a very clear and concise way and the main idea of the research paper how to write is the following so say that in the research paper how to write say what is the idea of the research paper how to write what you’re trying to achieve what you’re trying to solve what is the problem and what you will be doing in this research paper how to write at some point in the research paper how to write is better actually to write the idea is to sort out this another thing is that when students are working on the research paper how to write they start with the idea then they do the research and then they write the research paper how to write to me that is a bad way of organizing your structure you should start with having an idea then start writing the research paper how to write and then actually do the research because as you get along writing the research paper how to write you understand what you need to be doing for completing it for making clear arguments for presenting everything in the right order and then you know what needs to be done actually to complete that research so writing the research paper how to write structuring the research paper how to write writing everything down is extremely important to be done at the very early on stage you cannot leave that until the very end because you may have done a research that cannot actually be formulated in a research paper how to write or if it does the research paper how to write is lacking of certain information that is extremely useful for the readers of the research paper how to write so use the writing of the research paper how to write as a forcing function for actually doing the research doing the right research at the right stage in that way you will see what it requires to make a good research paper how to write it will become clearer to you what you don’t understand and you need to do more research and you will crystallize what needs to be done for actually completing that research paper how to write successfully during writing that research paper how to write open the dialogue open the communication and collaborate with others or communicate with others your research so the research paper how to write draft should be a live document that goes back and forth with your supervisor with other members of your team and make sure that everybody really understands what is written and is placed in the correct order of the research paper how to write it makes much more difference when we read a research paper how to write which is well organized and well written rather than a research paper how to write that is uh it may have very good research in it but it’s all over place another thing is that you don’t have to have the most brilliant idea in the world to write a research paper how to write at the end of the day writing a research paper how to write during a Ph.D is extremely useful exercise you need to do it you must learn how to convey the message correctly how to write an academic document like a research paper how to write and how to organize the methodology the actual doing of the research paper how to write and then make right conclusions at the end of the research paper how to write so the the whole experience about writing a research paper how to write is equally important as actually doing the reasons for that research paper how to write needless to say that we never know if some research paper how to write are impactful and it may not be the moment that the research paper how to write will be impactful but it will be later on in a few years time when their research will be more mature so it may be that the audience is quite amateur for the reasons that you’re doing at the very moment but in the future will be one of these research paper how to write that it will change something in your field and this is why i don’t really like the idea of measuring the success of the research paper how to write in a four or five year time frame because i believe that there are research paper how to write which can make a difference in the longer term where others there are very recent research paper how to write there are very timely research paper how to write think about the coping situation so if you publish something about coffee today it may have like thousands of citations maybe in a few months time but if you had published it like 10 years ago you would have none and today we get the citations so it’s the same kind of story with all sorts of research it depends at what level of research you’re working on and how novel and niche is the area that you’re working on for that particular era also it is important to know that the type of writing it may flourish the idea of the research paper how to write itself meaning that if you write the research paper how to write in a good way you may even make it look much better than it is to begin with as a research publication so the writing style is extremely important and i’m not only talking about good english for those who are writing research paper how to write in english but i’m talking about the way you construct everything you wait and make the arguments in the research paper how to write you connect things from other research and then the way extremely important is the way that you write down your conclusions so to finalize that bit i believe that you should start writing a research paper how to write very early on in your research career so if you’re starting the Ph.D after a few months that you have done your literature review you know more or less what’s happening start writing your first research paper how to write you may not have done the actual research but you have the idea you know what is the gap in knowledge and what you want to contribute to so start working on writing the research paper how to write and you will see how that will be involved with the time and then you will be adding more and more stuff more and more research along the way so starting early is the number one tip now let’s talk a little bit about the title of the research paper how to write so it definitely needs to be a catchy title of course that’s sometimes is not very scientific and people may argue that a catchy title is not what you’re looking for however a very specific one using the keywords of what you’re doing i would say the truth is somewhere in the middle so if you need kind of a catchy title people more and more people will understand what you’re doing if it’s very focused in one particular niche area maybe you will not be able to attract more leaders so you need some keywords which will be more inclusive so more and more people in that research area will search for those keywords then of course you need to have something specific in that title otherwise it will look like you’re writing a book so keep the balance and definitely check whether others have published similar research paper how to write with that title see how well they are doing as research paper how to write which is not very much correlated obviously because it is dependent on the research that they have done but it does worth checking whether there is another research paper how to write with a very same title avoid that obviously and just pay a little bit of attention on the title is not the most significant part but it’s the first one that’s why i’m saying it now the second thing is the abstract i believe that the abstract should not be longer than 4-5 sentences to be honest anything longer than that it becomes part of the introduction of the research paper how to write and you definitely don’t want that you want more and more people reading a concise and very clear abstract so keep it clear full sentences four or five sentences and say what is the problem and what have you done actually to solve that problem another advice about the abstracts is that it’s good to start the research paper how to write with writing an abstract because that will reorganize yourself what you have in your mind what you’re trying to achieve do that at the very start but then you should know that at the end of the research paper how to write when you complete writing that research paper how to write most likely you will have to revisit the abstract go back and revise it accordingly so that is a common practice that most of us are doing most of the researchers are doing what when they’re writing the research paper how to write so you need to go back and make sure that abstract has indeed all these interesting information that will keep the interest of the leader high now the introduction bit the introduction bit is extremely important because again is in that first page of the research paper how to write and a lot of people tend to read it quite briefly so it should spark their interest immediately i don’t advise to include too much of a literature review unless it is a review research paper how to write definitely make some concise statements there and add as many references as possible for those are related to that statement but don’t really extend it too much you actually want to write more about what the problem is an example of the problem and how you solve that problem a common mistake that a lot of people are doing is that they sound very ambitious so you should not really sound too ambitious you should be more realistic rather than ambitious so after you’re presenting what the problem is and you make an example a good example a practical example perhaps then you should say what the contribution of that research paper how to write in particular is for solving that problem it may not have that you have solved all these the angles of that problem of the size of that problem but you have solved a particular part of that problem and you should list the number of contributions of this research paper how to write now it may be that you think you have contributed 10 15 things you should not include all these usually the contributions are between three and six another good comments about the introduction and then the beginning of the research paper how to write just before you actually present the actual research is that you need to be refutable for those who don’t understand that refutable means that make the reference and show that you have done it but it will maybe other cases that have not been investigated adequately in this research paper how to write and it’s a kind of a way saying that very early on what the limitations of this research paper how to write is but don’t present it as limitations at the beginning because then the reviewer will ask why don’t you actually do the work rather than presenting the limitations it’s a very good way of limiting the scope of your research paper how to write at the beginning to make it more focused more precise and solve a particular niche area now after you’ve done all these you go then to the main body of research paper how to write which that is the easiest part i would say because you present the methodology of how you’re going about approaching that problem that you just presented before and then you are presenting the actual work that is pretty easy is straight away what a lot of early students they do is that they’re only presenting the results of the analysis of the experimental work but they don’t get into discussing those results and making the links between these results and what’s already known from the literature review so make sure that you create those links as long as you write these in a very proper way very academic way then you have nothing to worry about very last thing about a research paper how to write is the conclusions a lot of students especially early students the right the title conclusions and then what they’re doing is they’re highlighting all these things that have been already said in the research paper how to write so i’d rather actually retitle that to concluding remarks because that means that you’re just highlighting again all the things that you have said in the research paper how to write uh and keep a conclusion at the very end which can be two three lines the main outcome of that research paper how to write so conclusions and concluding remarks are two different things just make sure that you understand the difference and use it properly in your research paper how to write last but not least is references make sure that a research paper how to write has a good number of references and has covered anything that should be covered in a research paper how to write is extremely useful it will help you also getting more attention in your research paper how to write and more people will be reading it of course people that you’re citing that may also cite you back and and that helps quite significantly.

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