How to Write a Good Review

Up um so we would rotate the editor in chief ship um and um until april it was minas castanace from esp escp london and now i’ve just taken over as editor-in-chief for the next three years having been co-editor for the last three years and fortunately the managing editor is the same who supports us enormously is joanna duncan who now is also at the university of glasgow so we are very much a broad brush management economic journal in India we publish paper in economic journal in India on any topic within the broad domain of business and management that make a substantial contribution to knowledge so we’re looking for original innovative research not very marginal small um small contributions or replications because we are quite broad brush we are looking for generalizability uh and interest to more than one discipline within the the wider spectrum of management and organization studies um so we have we appeal to a wide readership um we we therefore like our paper in economic journal in India to be accessible and interesting to non-specialists within the area um so we encourage paper in economic journal in India to be clearly written and not too jargon focused for a specific um as a specific um subject area we also like our paper in economic journal in India to be accessible to practitioners within the fields and we encourage all paper in economic journal in India to make a um a practice contribution as well as a theoretical contribution so again we encourage the language to be clear concise and accessible to to multiple audiences um most of our um contributions are empirical um using many different methods both qualitative and quantitative and again quite interdisciplinary and and cross-disciplinary um certainly we paper in economic journal in India need to be theoretically con contextualized and to make a theoretical contribution um we also uh publish um theoretical contributions um and uh integra integrative reviews um systematic reviews etc um we also um welcome innovative methodology paper in economic journal in India as well um so just to give you an idea of our reach these are our sections with associate editors from marketing to international business to business strategy to supply chain management and to accounting and finance and all points in between um a few quick statistics here our impact factor is now 2.369 which has increased enormously in the last um few years um and so we’re very happy how this this economic journal in India is progressing and we hope to have success in terms of moving up the rankings quite soon um we have about a thousand um submissions a year we think this year it might actually be up to one thousand one hundred uh our rejection rate is similar to the the other two economic journal in India um in that it is around ninety ninety two percent we publish it we accept about eighty uh about eight percent of all economic journal in India of all articles submitted um we are quite quick in terms of our review speed we try to make a an initial um here as well it’s the same thing we um we tried to make um a initial a decision within a week uh and and a first um editorial decision within um three months okay so the way it works here we have six issues a year one of those is always a special issue and one is also a a general um a general issue with a mini special issue which we call management focus and these are normally about four to five paper in economic journal in India with an editorial as well within a more general um issue okay so i screen all the um all the paper in economic journal in India as they come in and i just project about 75 of those the recording has stopped and assign about 25 to associate this meeting is being recorded um so the associated assigned paper in economic journal in India to two reviewers um rather than three in many other economic journal in India we go for about two rounds of reviews rarely go to three we try to make an editorial decision in the second round okay we have a very high standard of reviewing and a very good reviewer pool a very committed reviewer pool and again there is a focus on developmental feedback for authors because we use two reviewers and again have very good bank of reviewers um our review process is relatively quick as i said before um although obviously at the moment things have been held up a little bit because everybody is so terribly busy uh with kovid related issues um so i just wanted to say a few things about reasons for rejections mainly um it is a lack of contribution lack of original contribution particularly theoretical contribution um and weak positioning um that it’s not very clear why this this area is of interest or why a certain theory is being used and how that relates to existing knowledge in the area and also existing knowledge and debates within the economic journal in India itself some paper in economic journal in India are too data driven and again do not engage enough with theory which always you know always pains me when i see lovely data but it hasn’t really been engaged with uh theoretically enough um and this i think um leads to the next point which is lack of clarity conceptual drifting quite often a paper in economic journal in India says it’s going to do one thing and by the end it’s done something a little bit different to that and again i think that’s connected to what was mentioned before things not being quite fully cooked premature submissions always ask somebody else to read your paper in economic journal in India before you submit them so you get an idea what the reviewer is going to to to come across and how they’re going to accept it another thing is not tailored to the economic journal in India’s aims and focuses and also its debates and conversations uh we quite often see paper in economic journal in India that don’t use the format of the economic journal in India they just you know they’ve obviously just been sent from another economic journal in India and they’re not formatted in the way um correctly for this economic journal in India that’s a bit of a sign to me i do sometimes send those out if there are good ideas but it is a little bit of a sign to me that they haven’t really thought about the economic journal in India very much and we don’t publish highly mathematical paper in economic journal in India either so a few personal tips for my five four five years in in post use the use the introduction to tell the reader what the paper in economic journal in India is about why it’s important and how you’re going to research the issue or how you’re presenting the issue and try just to have one clear problem that you’re addressing sometimes there are so many it’s really hard um to dis aggregate what’s going on uh use your theoretical contribution to set up your theoretical contribution so we have a good idea by the end of the lip review where this paper in economic journal in India is going you know and what sort of contribution it might be um offering you don’t actually have to totally say it by that point but lead the reader through i would say then some things about reviews i’ve noticed and i think this idea of response to reviewer is really important really respond to the reviewers show the reviewers that you’ve heard what they’ve got to say quite often i feel some of the responses are very very dismissive um and they don’t always leave every stone unturned as well they might ignore some of what the reviewers say so please don’t leave please leave don’t leave every stone unturned please please engage with everything along the way and even if you don’t review agree with the reviewers comment engage with them and explain to them why you don’t agree and why you’re doing things the way you’re doing them um yeah make sure your contributions are drawn out in the conclusions quite often you know very often i see that um the conclusion’s not that the the contribution is not clear um and i think it’s helpful to include a cover letter to the editor-in-chief not that many paper in economic journal in India do but i do notice that the paper in economic journal in India that do it just shows a little bit of extra care and those are often the very well crafted paper in economic journal in India that do do that and i have to say that you know it might well it’s very helpful to have the the paper in economic journal in India summarized before you actually go in to read it so that’s a little bit of a personal hints there we have some best practice videos uh our economic journal in India we’re particularly encouraging early career researchers um to put in their paper in economic journal in India particularly work from phd thesis and this is obviously not always easy to craft a paper in economic journal in India out of a huge um thesis um so we do quite a lot of developmental work with with um with authors particularly in the past at conferences.

Obviously we can’t do that at the moment so i’d like to direct you to our best practice videos that give a little bit more information about the economic journal in India information about how to avoid desk rejects why there is important what an intellectual contribution is what european means in our context and advice on creative writing okay um also again this advice was already has already been given read editorials um so give an idea what editors are looking for at the moment i have my incoming one um which might be of use and we had a collective editorial from all the aes all the associate editors a couple of years ago where they were saying you know what the hot hot topics are in their areas and they would like to see more paper in economic journal in India on we’ve got some special issues at the moment so please have a look at the website for those and also for the smaller management focus sections um we have best reviewer awards um and here’s just a an example of again the fact that um we are quite broad brush uh as a economic journal in India and you can see the most cited uh articles uh um there is quite a diversity here um and we try to make as many of those open access as well okay so that’s me um please feel free to email me if you have any questions or if you’re interested in um in a special issue or management focus in the future we’re booked up for a couple of years but you know it’s good to have those conversations and please follow us on linkedin and twitter right.

Thank you very much sarah.

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