How to Write a APA Paper

It’s 8:00 PM. Your paper in correct research paper formats is due in the morning. And it has to be in APA format. Who remembers this stuff?? I didn’t memorize all the details. What are you going to do? Well, simple. You’re going to watch this video and follow the steps one-by-one. Then you’re going to download the template of research paper formats in the description box below so that you’ll never have to watch this video again. Okay, the first thing we’re going to do is to format our page. We’re going to go to the Layout tab for research paper formats, and then over to the margins tab on the left, click that drop down arrow and select normal to put a one-inch margin on all sides of your paper in correct research  paper formats. And once you’re done with that, you have set all the margins for your paper in correct research paper formats. Okay, the next thing we’re going to do is to set up our font and type size. Go up to Home, and then after Home click on the font dialog box launcher arrow. In this box you want to select your default font for research paper formats. As you know, Calibri is the default font for Word and Calibri is fine. APA says you can also select other accessible fonts. And those include Arial 11- or 12-point and also Times New Roman at 12-point only. Then once you’ve selected your font, be sure to click on Regular in addition to your font and type size. Now go down to Default in the bottom left and clicking in that radio button will mean that these settings will be saved for all of your paper in correct research  paper formats whenever you open up a Word document. Okay, time to put in some page numbers in research paper formats. Go to the Insert tab and all the way over to the Page Number drop down arrow and select Top of Page and pull down on your options there and select Plain Number Three. And that will put a page number in the top right hand portion of your page up in the header area. Now that page number is going to be in Calibri because that’s Word’s default font. You have to make sure that whatever font that page number is in agrees with any other font that you selected. Everything in your paper in correct research  paper formats should be one font. To exit the header area, click on the word Header or anywhere in the body of the document.

Now it’s time to fill out the rest of your title page in your research paper formats. First thing you want to do is to move your cursor down to the bottom top third, that’s about the one-inch marker on that ruler on the left. Once you’ve got your cursor down there, next thing you want to do is to go up to the Home tab and then over to Center Alignment. Once you’ve got Center Alignment set for research paper formats, don’t leave, you’re going to go over to the line spacing tool and select 2.0 for double spacing. Now your spacing is set. But don’t leave yet; go back up to the line spacing tool. And this time, select Remove Space after Paragraph, if it is not grayed out. If it is grayed out, you’re good to go. Now, type in your title of research paper formats. Be sure to use title capitalization. That means you capitalize all words except prepositions and articles that are fewer than four letters. But also, be sure to capitalize any first or last word of a title no matter what they are. Okay, next, let’s highlight that title. Go up to Home and then click on B for boldfacing. All titles in APA are boldfaced. Hit enter one time to get double spacing. Go back up to Home click on B again to turn off boldfacing. Type in your full name including a middle initial if you want, then the name of the course and number of the course followed by a colon, one space and then the full title of the course: Introduction to Criminal Justice. Hit enter one time to get double spacing for correct research paper formats. And this time you’re going to put in the name of your teacher. You can use honorifics if you want: Dr., Instructor, Professor, whatever. Then underneath that hit enter one time and put in the due date for the paper in correct research  paper formats. Okay, that’s it for the title page. Now what we want to do is to go up to Insert tab, click and then in the pages grouping, select Page Break. And that puts us on the first body page of our paper in correct research  paper formats. You will note that Word in the upper right corner is now numbering our pages automatically. Next, let’s go to the Home tab, then over to Center Alignment, because now we’re going to retype our main title.

Then we’re going to highlight it and boldface it. Back down at the title, hit enter one time to add double spacing. Go back up to be to turn off boldface. And this time, we’re going to go to left alignment to begin typing our paper in correct research paper formats. Paragraphs in APA are indented one half inch. So, all you need to do is to tap the tab key one time, and that takes it out a half inch for the indentation. Time to type in your first body paragraph of research paper formats. Go ahead and type it in and, as you do, be sure not to hit enter at the end of the line. The only place you want to use enter is at the end of a paragraph to begin a new paragraph. APA really wants you to use subtitles, or subheadings, to divide the major sections of your paper in correct research paper formats. So, to enter a Level One subheading, go down below your first paragraph, hit Center Alignment, and then type in the next title, subtitle, or subheading, whatever you want to call it. But it follows the same rules as your main title in research paper formats. In other words, you use title capitalization, you also highlight it, you also go up to B for boldfacing. Hit enter to get your double spacing, then be sure to turn off boldfacing in research paper formats. And now we can hit left align and continue with the second paragraph or second section of our paper in correct research  paper formats being sure to indent it one half inch. Okay, our next topic is the block quotation. Any quotation longer than 40 words must use the blockquote format. Here’s how you do it. First you place a colon at the end of the sentence introducing the quotation in research paper formats. Then you simply type in your quotation for research paper formats, but then you highlight that entire quotation, go up to the Home menu, and then over to increase indent, and tap that increase indent one time, and that gives you the hanging indention that you need. Now note that, for block quotations, there are no quote marks. And as a result, there is no period after that parentheses that contains the in-text citation.

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