How To Write A Conclusion For A Research Paper?

How do you write a conclusion for a research paper z com research india, base paper for project. I’m going to be talking about that in this video. So if you don’t know me i am professor dave massock. I’m associate professor of innovation strategy and entrepreneurship and i created this whole reciprocity project to give back as much as i possibly can. There’s so many people to help me out that i want to pay the favor for to help you out as much as i possibly can. So every research paper z com research india, base paper for project that has ever been written um generally has very similar conclusion. And there’s a lot of patterns that you see with conclusions i’ve read thousands and thousands and thousands of research paper z com research india, base paper for projects at this moment. You know i’m on a review for research paper z com research india, base paper for projects. I’ve you know looked at graduate student research. Paper z com research india, base paper for projects my own research paper z com research india, base paper for projects. They all have a basic pattern in terms of what they’re doing so you really have to think about what that actually looks like when you write a research paper z com research india, base paper for project and how you actually do it. So here is the basic structure in terms of writing a research paper z com research india, base paper for project. And so what you’re trying to do is basically give a synopsis for the entire paper z com research india, base paper for project that you’ve done right so um generally it begins very simply with the you’re restating the research question that you actually have so whatever that question is and then you basically state whether it was solved or answered or some sort of way like that and you know you don’t have to explicitly write that research question but you might if you want to um and then alls you have to do is state whether it’s answered you. Can you can write it in such a way that you’re talking about you know in this paper z com research india, base paper for project. We did this and we found this right. So that’s what you’re really thinking about. And then the second thing that’s important right after that you might state or maybe before that um you might state what the theory or idea of why you actually thought about this. Why you’re actually looking at this right. So what is the theory that you’re using so it might be that you’re using agency theory for example or you might be using uh you know ideal gas law for example.

Whatever it is that you’re looking at you state. You know we use this theory to investigate this research question and then from there. Um you’re going to describe the findings that you actually have and generally you might only have one or two findings that just the major findings whatever that thing is and the major findings are the thing that you find interesting or you think somebody else is going to find interesting. So that’s only going to be one sentence really it’s very short very succinct. And then what you want to talk about. Is you know in one sentence. Another sentence after that is. What is the big picture that researchers are going to take away from this paper z com research india, base paper for project. So how can other people find it helpful that they actually read this paper z com research india, base paper for project right so you’re really talking about the the basics of what you’re you’re looking at and why you think it’s actually interesting. Why is it. Is it interesting right. Like that’s going to be the really key thing in terms of selling your paper z com research india, base paper for project and then the last thing is kind of like what is the big idea in terms of you know what you’re gonna do and where how is it gonna sort of tie up different loose ends for future research or you know another thing. That’s interesting that you tend to do is leave kind of like a puzzle at the end so that other people go and take that research paper z com research india, base paper for project and say hey you know. I’m going to try to solve this puzzle right or they’re going to say that you know that this is kind of you basically want it to be like endless research right like other people are going to pick this thing up and say i’m going to keep working on it and keep working on it. You want to keep it kind of big enough so then it becomes. It’s like endless puzzle that everybody can work on it and then it becomes kind of like a centerpiece for everybody else’s research paper z com research india, base paper for project to work on or to sort of um you know build on and that’s that’s the basic thing right like that.

That is the basic structure of a conclusion. It’s usually really structured and it really gives you um you know synopsis of the of a research paper z com research india, base paper for project. So that’s what you’re looking for throughout a research paper z com research india, base paper for project if you didn’t know there’s always is coming back is lots of redundancy that happens in a research paper z com research india, base paper for project where you’re kind of restating stating restating over and over and over again and so don’t be afraid to restate things that is actually good and that sort of is impactful often and it allows you to come back to what you’re actually studying and it keeps it nice and concise and everybody understands what you are talking about. So that’s it really simple and it’s going to work every single time so that’s how you actually write a conclusion for a research paper z com research india, base paper for project that’s going to be you know impactful. It’s going to be it’s going to help you out and hopefully this. This is this works for high school students to professors so with that. Give me a thumbs up to subscribe to youtube channel. Take care and have a wonderful day.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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