Importance of Impact factor and Cite score in a publication ( SCIE journal Vs Scopus journal )

Hello friends welcome to my channel progress with professor mohammadi so first of all i thank all the viewers and subscribers for your warming response for my past three videos so those who missed my past three videos i given the link in description box so that you can access you can view the the vista videos and uh so far i uploaded three videos in youtube so i am unable to get feedback you give your feedback in terms of the like or dislike and you can use the comment box right if the video is good what is it what is the good aspect of my video and what to be covered what to be improved this kind of feedback if you are giving are discussing in the comment box so it will be helpful and at the same time you can give your future topic also so future video also so if any query or any clarification you need you can put you can ask in comment box so that i will upload video for that right uh friends one more thing i observed in the youtube analytics area so many of the viewers they are watching the videos without subscribing so please do subscribe and watch the video so that you will get the all the videos so uh here after i am going to upload a lot of video a lot of very very useful videos for you and for that uh this video it is not only for the mechanical engineering many people are thinking that it is only for mechanical engineering so uh this is for all the projects all the engineering branches management science and humanities also everybody you can you can follow right i am discussing common things and people what do you have in this video please share your other department friends also who were over there so that they will get benefited now i come to the current video so the present video i am going to talk about uh the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list and side score so impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list means so the this one of the important measure so uh so far i discussed many things going to give a demo a lecture or a demo lecture for the creation of google’s column page that i will give later i will give it in another video so now we will talk about the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list and size scope so what is mean by impact vector this impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list uh give very reputation very very good reputation to the researcher if a person who will publish the paper in uh impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list general more than two more than three that will give the uh more reputation so this where this impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list it will support us so impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list will support uh in uh two important area one is uh the writing project proposal uh while writing through the project proposal if you have one of the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal lists in this area of the project proposal so you have a very good opportunity to get uh to get selected you will get that chance for your proposal and similarly one more area the teachers utc they given apa academic performance index there they are giving weightage uh impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list up to one one two two two to three so more than three like that they are giving some categorization so based on the value of impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list uh they are giving more api marks so uh if you are replacing uh your paper with the high impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list definitely you have a credit you will get a more uh apa score so this will be always good so this impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list and the site score so i am going to give a one powerpoint slide presentation so let us go to the powerpoint presentation friends well welcome back to the powerpoint presentation so before going to powerpoint section so in between one of the subscriber he asked the question so the i i included the answer for that question also so the title is importance of impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list and site score in publication so the question is difference between hcie and his corpus so this is a new addition i added so first of all we need to understand that the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list and the size score both are reflecting the quality of the list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so how the universities and colleges they are looking for different accreditation accreditation like nba those who got mba they are going for knack then after that they are going for autonomous then they are going for a nar of ranking so they are narfing a near of ranking also they try to achieve better ranking so this is what they are in similarly the general publishers also they are doing same thing so initially uh they are go there they will go for scopus indexing so there they improve their quality and again they are going for web of science indexing so above science indexing also ah two stages one stage is esia esei emerging source citation index there there is no impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list then after uh maintaining some uh the quality maintaining quality for some years finally they are getting scie science citation index expanded so this is the process step by step they will go so you people will have a doubt so some of the research scholar they will cry cry sara is submitted on paper in scopus list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so they are immediately rejected something like that so the reason is the general management also they are having a lot of pressure in terms of quality and other things so if they are accepted a paper with a poor novelty and the result analysis area is very poor our language quality is very poor if that paper is accepted again the elsewhere scopus indexing that committee and again the web of science committee so these people again know what happened they will try to withdraw the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list are scopus indexing so that is a problem that is a reason why they are not accepting the poor quality papers so now i go to impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list and size score the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list and the side score first of all it’s a quality factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so an impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list value is very high so then that is that gives the reputation of the list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so they try to retain their reputation okay then only they will get more sales so this is the reason why they try to get a maximum impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list in every channel they used to try so let us go to the next representation the benefit of high impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list under site score publication high impact pattern of publication and high side score publication so what are the benefits first benefit is publication in high impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal listy list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list enhance the chance of getting research project funded research projects so that is the first benefit uh of course if you are after publication then what to do next stage is getting results funding okay then enhance the department and college reputation while nba nac and other receipts so an nba visit inacquisite in your your department if they are giving some good paper high impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list papers so that will get more marks so that the nba accreditation net accreditation it is very easy then the i impact publication will add the value while a value while in a rf ranking process so any of our ranking process they are look at the channel channel indexing impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list everything they are asking so that high impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list definitely it will boost the nerf value any error of score then i impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list publication holder will have more chance for getting research and teaching award and further young researcher will have more chance for getting postdoc questions so these are all the various benefits listed so let us go to next slide so another benefit for impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list is you look at the ap calculation so this is available in ugc website so faculty recruitment process for all the government universities they are following this ap score ap norms so look at the research papers published in refrigerant so non-refrigerate general conference all are there but our focus is only in refrigerant refrigerant 15 mah 15 points for publications so they are giving service the meaning for star mark is it is given here simply index the channel you will get only five points paper papers with impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list between one to two you will get ten points paper with impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list between two to five you have fifteen points paper with impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list five to ten you will have a twenty five points so this is the uh points allocation it is given in apa calculation this is available in ugc website you can get it ugc api calculation you put a keyword you will get it so here the equivalent is suppose if i am publishing paper with impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list of 6 so impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list of six i will get 25 master that is equal to five square percent next paper five into five twenty five so here by placing one paper with the six impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list you will get twenty five mars so this is the uh the power of the value of impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so i hope uh the subscribers and viewer can understand this so next i go to impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list the calgary this impact vector estimation it is doing clarity clarified analytics and web of science under jcr so here i want to show again i am going to above science page above science page i am going there the activities are poplar these are public activity it is monitoring the review process monitoring the reviewers whether they are doing right or not the web of signs you have a web of science core collection it is maintained by above science and the general citation report also one of the web of science activity above sites who are collaborate with clarity analytics so next impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list it is importance of general estimating number of times selected article and cited within the two year so here impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list calculation they are using the past two years here the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list the particular general getting huge in the high impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list that denotes the higher reputation so it is a tool for compare the channel within the subject category for example a publisher is having 10 channels one particular channel having more impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list that is the rank one so the for assessing with the particular channel it is under which ranking the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list calculation it is uh estimated by dividing number of citation divided by number of article published so here the text it is available so now i i don’t want to read it simply for calculating 2020 paper published in the year 2018 and 19 and i mean citation received 2018 and near 19 and the number of articles published 2018 and 19.

In other words we can go to the equation if y is the current year impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list for the current year is citation current year publication y minus one current year minus one publication number of publication released uh current year minus two so final impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list for 2020 is citation 2020 publication 20 to 2019 and that means number of article release publication released so the bracket close i missed bracket close i missed publication in 2018. if you are doing this calculation you will get impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list calculation the citation received in 20 year 2020 item 2020 i mean impact for uh back factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list for 20 2019 they received one 155 citation 2018 225 citation so total citation is 380. so number of paper published in 2019 is 40 and 2080 is 40. so totally 2018 19 put together you will get 80 80 papers so total citation in 1819 you got a 380 citations so total citation impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list equal to total citation divided by number of article total citation is 380 total paper published is 80. so 380 by 80 you will get 4.75 so this is the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list next i go to the site score so site score is also equivalent to impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so but this one it’s not getting that much recognition when compared to impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so site score also one of the the articles uh general list of journals in scopus, scopus journal lists which are not having impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list the site score is used to assess the quality of the channel so this is also same criteria higher side score have a reported channel so this is the way this is a site score it is uh done by scopus scopus group they are doing scopus i think you know it’s a elsewhere so elsewhere committee they are assessing site score the metric used to track the channel performance so this side score it is used to track the channel performance site score metric for scopus indexed general metrics that compresses uh the side score they are they are doing with some component one is snip source normalized impact per paper then simaco s a simaco general rank then citation and count counts percentage cited so uh so they are compiling all the data from the data they are estimating the site score so this details available in the this particular link so further if you need further details just you type this particular link and you can get it so the eight contemplat the contemporary indicators also there so this also used to calculate help us to calculate the size score so site score is the one indicator so that is uh that indicator that value is assessed by using these are all the trackers side score attack rates there side score percentage side score quarterly side score rank citation council document council then percentage cited so these are all the various indicators so these indicators are used to calculate the size scores then coming to the site score calculation so already i said impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list calculation only two year but the site score calculation it is for three years for four side score for 2019.

It is for three years 16 17 18 19 sorry four years so site score for 2019 is citation from 2016 to 19 2016 to 19 how many citations received the paper published within the 2016-19 so impact has high score for 19 is 2016 to 19 year 16 17 eighteen nineteen four years uh four year citation divided by within that four year how many papers are published so this is the calculation for site score so next uh this is the question asked by atul gautham so so i thank the for your commands the difference between empire scopus and impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list it is discussed i mean scopus and scie so this is a question asked by one of the subscriber uh this corpus and web of science we are discussing in two categories scopus it is governed by elsewhere web of science it is governed by clarified analytics scopus here the quality index is called the site score here quality index is impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list scopus it is considered for four years and web of science is for only two years so this is the reason why we have a difference for the same channel we have a different site score different impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list both value will not be equal so scopus indexing they are doing indexing for all checking quality if it is up to the mark they are giving scopus indexing if they did any quality violation immediately scopus indexing will be withdrawn whereas whip-up signs they are not indexing all the papers all the categories so only se category and the social sci social science citation index these two have impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list on the other hand emerging source citation index and arts and humanities citation index these two categories you will not have any impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so i hope i answered for this question so next i go to the website so i am selecting one list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list what this channel international list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list of surface engineering and science so i go to surface science and engineering so here this particular place they are giving impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list 0.

607 is there so here you look at that one more indexing five-year impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list also there generally it is calculated for two years general calculation five year impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list also they are maintaining so look at the site score site score is 2.0 so 0.6 is impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list 2 2.0 is the size score so you have some difference so difference it is coming from the the years so side score you are calculating for four years impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list is only two years so this is the difference let us go to uh this corpus window we will confirm the site score so here you go to scopus scopus window go to source and here subject area is there i am selecting title here i am pasting surface international channel of surface science and engineering so i am clicking so here they are giving site score is two right here also site score is two same thing and i am going to uh the web of signs i mean ac list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list list impact pattern jcr list so i am doing control find i am copying international list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list of software science and engineering so look at that international list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list of surface science and engineering the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list is 0.

6 so this point six is available 0.607 is given so this is the way you can confirm the side score and the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so the important thing is both spots are not same right and here i want to clarify one more thing also the ah xca channel does not have impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so let us select the web of science list that is the ach list so here is a hc list you have um here your let us take one general acta uh korina so type actor karina i am going to this channel so here you look at the indexing part so humanities citation index arts and humanities index it is given but still this channel they are maintaining thomson router now the samsung router it is changed as a clarivetic analytics friends next we will go to another list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list i am selecting a channel materials design so this is one of the general popular list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list for composite material so i am selecting channel this is elsewhere so here let us check the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list and the site score so i am going to the list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list home page here site score is 13.0 impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list is 6.2 so again i am going to materials and design your title is there so i am copying paste the material and design materials and design find sources you have a material design so site score is 13 so site score same 13 is there here they are given so citation 2016 to 19 54 245 number of document released in this duration is 4159 so that the this citation divided by document you have 13.0 so let us go to the jcr report control find so material design so material design 6.289 so 6.289 they are putting into six oh yeah same six point two eight nine so this is the way you can check it so here uh from this i am clarifying one thing suppose if you have a aca index the channel impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list is there you look at the impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list for assessing the quality for comparing for quality suppose impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list is not there you can look at the site score i am selecting one channel without sa indexing right iranian list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list of material science and engineering so this particular channel you have web of science indexing this is under emerging source citation index so look at that right emerging source citation index already i said that emerging source citation index does not have any impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list so this is a they are in starting stage of scie indexing it will take one or two years time to get the aci so for this so this particular channel it’s a very good channel but there is no impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list how to assess the quality of this particular channel so this can be assessed by by using quality is assessed based on the site score so i am copying the general name i am going to check the citation score so here it is not mentioned right general it is not mentioned but if you want to assess the quality you type the general name you give find sources so that you here you will get here you will get the site score is 0.

8 so this is the way you can suppose impact factor list of journals in scopus, scopus journal list is not there uh scie is indexing is not there so you can check the quality based on the site score so this is the this is the important thing i want to address and for motivating you i am i want to just share one more thing so this is one of my paper i published in the year 2017. so i this is my name mohammadi so this guy is my m tech student at the 2017 he is working as a faculty in one college so both are published a paper so while publishing that paper at 2017 we got 1.4 citation now it become three so m tech project itself uh we published the paper so just a little effort is required little planning is required if you are carefully planned the getting publication in high impact tractor channel it is possible with that i conclude this video thanks for watching please subscribe my channel so that whenever a new video i uploaded you will get a notification so it will be advantageous for you thank you.

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