Make More of Your Methods: How to Publish in JoVE

Okay hello everyone um thanks for attending our webinar. Um so today we’re going to be talking about kind of an overview of job and what um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know where um job’s origins and some of the uh the details of the publication process because it is you publisher journal, smouldering paper know being a video journal um the publication process is quite different than uh than a typical journal. So my name is ron myers. I’m the director of editorial department and we also have ben worth here he’s the associate director of the department. Um and so really what our department is responsible for is um speaking with potential authors and kind of walking them through the publication process helping them with any questions they may have um so. Let’s start here with the basic outline. Um so i’m gonna begin by talking about joe’s history um some of the reasons for founding jove um and some of the benefits of publishing joe and also the scope of the journal um and then ben is going to take over and talk about um the publication process itself. And then we’ll have a discussion and question and answer um time at the at the end. Okay so let me begin by talking um talking about our ceo marcia pritzker so when he was a grad student at princeton um so he he was a molecular bio uh graduate student so he was trying to replicate an experiment based on a description in the text manuscript as as people do. I mean that’s that’s the most common way to to replicate an experiment. Um he for many reasons was having um having difficulty replicating it you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. There weren’t enough details in the experiment. No one in his immediate area and his immediate lab knew how to you publisher journal, smouldering paper know conduct the experiments or he didn’t have anyone to ask so what what ended up happening is um so you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. He was at princeton university and he traveled to a college lab at uw university in edinburgh in scotland. Um and basically stayed there for two months and did extensive training on the technique with multiple lab members. And you publisher journal, smouldering paper know so. It was a major major project to learn this one experiment you publisher journal, smouldering paper know.

It costs approximately ten thousand dollars and he did. He did learn it. I mean it was it was a very fruitful experience um however it was a huge time and money uh investment so you publisher journal, smouldering paper know at that time mostly began to realize that there may um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know this is a major problem in science and there may be a better way to to do things to kind of circumvent this this issue. Um so you publisher journal, smouldering paper know this this happens on an individual scale as you publisher journal, smouldering paper can see here with mosha i i know myself when i was in grad school in um postdoc as well i had to similar experience. You publisher journal, smouldering paper know we um i was. You publisher journal, smouldering paper know. I didn’t travel to scotland but um i was constantly going to other labs locally training on things you publisher journal, smouldering paper know we also uh my lab is a postdoc. It’s a rather large lab so we you publisher journal, smouldering paper know pretty often we had almost every month. We had someone flying in to train and you publisher journal, smouldering paper know it takes a lot of time and resources to to kind of help them with that training so it’s happening on a individual um an individual scale um it’s also happening on more of a global scale throughout the scientific community. So here’s um here’s one paper that i pulled up there’s many many meta-analyses similar to this about the reproducibility science crisis. In science this one is in particular. In particular about radiation oncology so this is one of the most notorious areas for for poor replication. So there’s you publisher journal, smouldering paper know there’s many factors that go into the support replication. Um but the major um the major thing is poor or inadequate reporting of the method sections so in this in this case. You publisher journal, smouldering paper know radiation oncology the meta-analysis suggested that the majority of these papers the method sections just didn’t have adequate detail in order to replicate and you publisher journal, smouldering paper know that there’s detail lacking in many different areas. You publisher journal, smouldering paper know the dosages instrument settings um something with radiation oncology. That’s very important is. That is the geometry of the radiation delivery. Um this is something that was very ambiguous in the text so i think this contributed i think a big part to the to the inability to reproduce.

So you publisher journal, smouldering paper know this is happening on large scale societal. Um scale um another experience that i had personally is something something like this. You publisher journal, smouldering paper know. You’re reading through a methods paper um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know so. Let’s say we want to in this case we’re interested in these confidence cell preparations. This text is a little small. You publisher journal, smouldering paper get there you publisher journal, smouldering paper take a look at it and all it is is a def you publisher journal, smouldering paper know a reference to another paper. So you’re you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you’re kind of on a wild goose chase. You’re looking trying to track down the original paper which you publisher journal, smouldering paper know in many cases it. I’ve had it not exist before you publisher journal, smouldering paper know i just go down the rabbit hole and then there’s nothing there or it’s a paper that’s from the 60s and not necessarily up to the standards of modern science. So this you publisher journal, smouldering paper know in my experience and my colleagues experience in grad school this is something that happened very uh you publisher journal, smouldering paper know very often. Okay so you publisher journal, smouldering paper know i think at this point moshe um after he realized that you publisher journal, smouldering paper know this is happening on multiple scales he realized that the the main culprit here was unclear written protocols that are you publisher journal, smouldering paper know time consuming difficult for people to to replicate and it’s happening on on multiple levels and so that’s you publisher journal, smouldering paper know this was the impetus for founding. Joe um so you publisher journal, smouldering paper know moshe uh believed that there was a better way to do this. And that is through making video publications of these methodologies and that can help with disability and also can help with just the transfer of knowledge in general make it much more efficient and make your lab much more productive okay. So here’s a brief example. Um so here we have on the left some some texts from a um uh neuroscience digestive tract um dissection um so that you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you publisher journal, smouldering paper can see here. The text is very short. Tease out the cns um disrupt the buffering barrier and go in and then do the transaction so i mean this.

This is not something that um someone without experience can can replicate in any way. Um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know this is. There’s so many more details that go into this. That are explained here so this is just some of the elements of the same experiment that can be shown in a video and you publisher journal, smouldering paper can you publisher journal, smouldering paper can see that there’s many many different perspectives here. That that you’re missing in the text manuscript so for instance you publisher journal, smouldering paper have you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you publisher journal, smouldering paper have a view here of of the c elegans before you publisher journal, smouldering paper can start. You’re positioning the forceps. You publisher journal, smouldering paper know. There’s a lot of spatial temporal information here you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. What are the angles of the forceps. What is the position of um the larvae you publisher journal, smouldering paper know is it horizontal. Is it vertical. Um and there’s also you publisher journal, smouldering paper know if you’re using a dissecting scope like this there’s a big component of you publisher journal, smouldering paper not looking through the ocular you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you’re dissecting the ocular but you’re oftentimes using the naked eye you publisher journal, smouldering paper know just checking out what’s going on from outside of the ocular and there’s there’s even further levels you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you’ve got yourself using a micro manipulator so you’re looking at um you’re looking at that on the outside changing the um changing the controls and then then you publisher journal, smouldering paper have of course the actual resection dissection. So there’s a lot going on here um and these are things that you publisher journal, smouldering paper would be able to learn um from seeing someone do it in person um but that may require travel so you publisher journal, smouldering paper know having having a video is an easy way to convey all this um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know high level spatial temporal information and have it easily transmitted you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you publisher journal, smouldering paper can send some on the video and they can you publisher journal, smouldering paper know hopefully very easily replicate it so just just to reiterate some of those benefits efficient knowledge transfer like i said and this can be for training your colleagues in your lab you publisher journal, smouldering paper know if you’ve if you’ve got a grad student who’s very proficient in a certain technique they’re they’re leaving um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know to move to another position you publisher journal, smouldering paper don’t want that knowledge to leave with them so you publisher journal, smouldering paper know them publishing a joe video and then having that available in the lab um can be um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know very very valuable um thing for keeping the lab going um and then as you publisher journal, smouldering paper mentioned before also outside collaborators this can help with you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you publisher journal, smouldering paper can publish the video.

Send them a copy of it by email and you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you publisher journal, smouldering paper can certainly still communicate with them ask answer any questions uh but for the most part they they should be able to um begin replication of themselves um accelerate your resource. Uh your research. So you publisher journal, smouldering paper know there’s many failed experiments because um while you’re kind of ramping up learning um learning new techniques so you’re spending a lot of time doing that um you publisher journal, smouldering paper could be wasting animals as well which is obviously um not ideal you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. If you’re using mice you publisher journal, smouldering paper may have to sacrifice uh quite a few you publisher journal, smouldering paper know dozens of mice for not the actual experiment. Um but just for doing practice runs which is obviously something we want to want to avoid for for many reasons and another thing. Um another benefit to jove is sharing the video with the community. Um so in this in this case not just not just sharing with your colleagues um but also um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you’ll if you publisher journal, smouldering paper publish in job you’ll have a copy of the video you publisher journal, smouldering paper can use this. At research. Converse conferences presentations share it on social media. So it’s you publisher journal, smouldering paper know recently been a very popular way of sharing it and also many authors will put it on their academic web lab website. Okay so i’ll talk talk now a little bit about the scope of joe. So it’s it’s a very broad scope. Um we started off you publisher journal, smouldering paper know as since moshe was a biologist the you publisher journal, smouldering paper know the journal began as a pure purely life science. So you publisher journal, smouldering paper know we have biochemistry neuroscience immunology infectious disease you publisher journal, smouldering paper know all the primary life science topics um since then we moved on to physical sciences so we have a chemistry section and we also now have a medicine section which has a lot of different.

Um clinical modalities surgeries. We also have environmental science and engineering which is like applied applied physics so we really cover the gamut of of many different uh different fields and for each field we have uh in-house jove uh editor. Who you publisher journal, smouldering paper know kind of focuses on this area and can help help authors. Uh select a topic and go through the publication process which ben will describe in more detail. So you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. That’s that’s the that’s the sections um as far as more of a broad overview of what types of of things we publish so the most common thing i would say is novel methods so someone who develops a new method and wants to share it with the community um in order to spread the information so that that’s um in in most cases it is a novel method. Um but that being said you publisher journal, smouldering paper know there’s there’s a lot of adaptations of existing techniques things that have already been published you publisher journal, smouldering paper know many times scientists like to before they begin an experiment look at several uh slight variations of the protocol and jove. So you publisher journal, smouldering paper know we we may have five different versions of it that are slightly different. You publisher journal, smouldering paper know the scientists um we get feedback from scientists that they they like to watch multiple videos and kind of uh from those synthesized. Um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know kind of amalgam of that that they can use for them their own purposes um our papers are generally focused on the methods but in some occasions we have authors published novel results and the methods they also showcasing methods of how they obtain those novel results. Gold standard protocols is another thing um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you publisher journal, smouldering paper might not think it’s interesting to publish uh you publisher journal, smouldering paper know something on um sds page or um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know co-amino precipitations things that are very well established but actually these are some of our most popular videos. Um just because they are so fundamental to science um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know that you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. Many thousands of people are watching them to make sure that they’re because it’s a gold standard.

They want to make sure they’re doing it properly. Because it’s such an important technique so again. Most of our most of our publications are lab-based however we do have a medicine section which focuses on various clinical methods you publisher journal, smouldering paper know in in clinical settings including diagnostics therapeutics surgeries so that that’s one of our larger sections. Um also fieldwork. So we have fieldwork in particularly in the environment section. That’s that’s the one with the most. Um the most fieldwork articles um but you publisher journal, smouldering paper know also some other. Um zoology studies um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know studying native species naturalness studying animal behavior environmental chemistry. You publisher journal, smouldering paper know quite quite uh quite a few different varieties of field work and also this is. This is more of a newer development. Um we are able to publish computational and selco methods um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know this is the direction that science is taking in in many fields um so we are. Um we are able to. Publish computational um computational things like mathematical modeling um and in this case you publisher journal, smouldering paper can see we you publisher journal, smouldering paper know you publisher journal, smouldering paper you publisher journal, smouldering paper would imagine it would be a somewhat not very dynamic video because it’s someone sitting on the computer screen however uh for someone in this field it can be extremely useful to them um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know to have this video produced which is a series of interviews and um the majority of it is screen sharing and kind of going um author going step by step through the through the various um steps okay so that is it for me. Um let me stop my screen share and if ben would like to begin and we’ll get going all right okay. So um i’m benjamin worth associate director of editorial at jove um and today i’m just going to give a a practical overview of what’s involved in publishing a video article in the journal um it is a you publisher journal, smouldering paper know a unique type of publication. Um but i want to kind of emphasize that it the process for publishing in video. It’s pretty straightforward very doable. And you publisher journal, smouldering paper get a lot of support um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know from job so i’m going to quickly walk through the process for publishing um then i want to you publisher journal, smouldering paper know.

Save plenty of time for discussion and and questions from the audience. So i’ll get started on that so um the process for publishing joe is kind of divided into two halves. Um the first one very similar to any other journal you publisher journal, smouldering paper write a manuscript goes through peer review it’s hopefully accepted and then published and then afterwards uh there’s the whole video production process. Um joe writes a script um we do the filming at your lab. Um and then you publisher journal, smouldering paper know the voiceovers and video editing to create the the finished video product. Um so the first step in all that if you’d like to move forward with publishing is just to write a traditional text manuscript in joe’s format um we obviously have templates that you publisher journal, smouldering paper can use to write this and it’s very similar to any other journal article in terms of its format. There are only two major you publisher journal, smouldering paper know differences that are unique for the jove manuscript format the first being in the protocol section. Joe is a methods focused journal so the protocol section is comparatively detailed and in depth. It’s also written in numbered steps. It’s broken down into you publisher journal, smouldering paper know discrete actions that the researcher takes to accomplish the protocol written in numbered steps rather than paragraphs. So it’s very tutorial style and and very you publisher journal, smouldering paper know detailed um then also uh for a job article. The results section is representative. So what that means is we don’t require novel results. Um just uh representative example data to give the reader an idea of you publisher journal, smouldering paper know the type of outcomes that your protocol can generate um and you publisher journal, smouldering paper know what to expect if they successfully perform the protocol. Um so since it doesn’t need to be novel you publisher journal, smouldering paper can use example figures and data from previous publications um as example data for your job article um so then after you publisher journal, smouldering paper write that manuscript um it will go through peer review um and um again the peer review process for job. It’s structurally very similar.

Um to the peer review process at any other uh academic journal um differences have to do with the criteria that the peer reviewers will evaluate um so what they will do is evaluate for evaluate for scientific rigor reproducibility and detail. Um and what they won’t look at is the novelty of of the method or the novelty of the results. Results are representative. So you publisher journal, smouldering paper know those don’t have to be new. They can be examples from previous work. And the method like ron said earlier it can be a gold standard protocol that people have been using in your field for 20 years. And as long as it’s you publisher journal, smouldering paper know useful for people to have it documented. In video that would still fit the scope and the reviewers won’t you publisher journal, smouldering paper know ding you publisher journal, smouldering paper for that. Um so yeah and as an author you publisher journal, smouldering paper can suggest reviewers um you publisher journal, smouldering paper can also oppose you publisher journal, smouldering paper know potential peer reviewers. If you publisher journal, smouldering paper have some reason you publisher journal, smouldering paper don’t want a particular person to to serve as a referee. Um after peer review the article is accepted and as soon as it’s accepted even before we make the video it will be published and indexed in web of science pubmed scopus etc. So it’s up online incitable you publisher journal, smouldering paper know usually within about two months of publication. Um so even though you publisher journal, smouldering paper know it’s a video journal and there’s a whole you publisher journal, smouldering paper know video production process the timeline to uh indexing. Um is pretty you publisher journal, smouldering paper know on the fast end for for publishers. Um what it looks like at that point you publisher journal, smouldering paper can see on the screen here. It says video coming soon but the full manuscript that you publisher journal, smouldering paper submitted and that made it through peer review that will be available um already within about you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. Generally two two months of submission and then that’s the first half the manuscript’s accepted it’s published and then we would start on the video production so um the first step in terms of the making the video is just writing the script. We have a team of phd science writers and you publisher journal, smouldering paper know based very closely off the text manuscript. They’ll put together a video script you publisher journal, smouldering paper know planning out the scenes of the video and the storyboard and all that you’ll approve the script and then we’ll schedule a date.

Uh to go out on site and do the actual filming for the article so um the filming is done on site at the author’s lab um we’ll send a videographer out on location. They do all the filming within about six hours on average. What they are filming is largely a step-by-step demonstration of the protocol from the text manuscript so that’s often like an over the shoulder view close up on the hands performing some fine manipulation shots through a microscope just a you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. A step-by-step very detailed demonstration. So that someone can see you publisher journal, smouldering paper know what they need to do to successfully carry out the the procedure um in addition to that procedural you publisher journal, smouldering paper know step-by-step part of the video there are also interviews with the authors. Um these are scripted interviews. Um so it’s just at the beginning and end of the video. The author is giving a bit of background on the project and the methods. Um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know advice for uh people who are trying to implement the protocol. Um you publisher journal, smouldering paper don’t have to speak off-the-cuff as an author that’s scripted and again it’s based pretty closely off of um the text manuscript um and then yeah after the one day of filming all that’s left is polishing up the video getting it ready for publication. It’s called post production. Um and jove will take care of all that we have um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know a very good experienced team of video editors who will put together the raw footage from the day of filming into the finals final version of the video. We also do um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know we have professional voice over actors put together the um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know the audio track for the the video um once we have a draft we’ll send that to you publisher journal, smouldering paper the author um the author uh approves the final version maybe go back and forth with some edits and improvements um and then the video is added to the already published text manuscript on joe’s website.

Um so it’s available there um as an author you publisher journal, smouldering paper also have a um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know your own copy of the video and a lot of authors will put that up on their own website or their institution website. Um and use it you publisher journal, smouldering paper know for things like training new students. Um training collaborators showing at conferences. Uh that sort of thing um and yeah that that’s the whole process start to finish um one other little endnote that i wanted to to give is um in regards to joe’s videographer network. Um it’s like i said earlier we send a videographer out on site to the author’s lab to do the filming and we can do that as long as the author is within like 300 kilometers of one of joe’s video teams. Um and we have maybe a hundred video teams scattered all over the world. Um they’re on six continents in the covered. I would say it’s it’s pretty good. We can film in most parts of north america and uh europe east asia australia. Um so in all likelihood um we have someone close by local to your area who could film but if that’s not the case you publisher journal, smouldering paper can still contribute a video article to joke. We just have to work around that. In one of two ways um one option is uh called the author provided footage video production workflow and in that one in that workflow you publisher journal, smouldering paper first just submit. Your text. Manuscript goes through peer review it’s published after peer review. Joe’s science writers will write a video script for you. Then we’ll guide you publisher journal, smouldering paper through the process of taking and sending raw footage from your own lab. Um and then we’ll take care of all the joe will take care of all the voice overs and video editing. So it’s very similar to you publisher journal, smouldering paper know the joe produce process i described but instead of having a joe videographer come out out on site um you publisher journal, smouldering paper would send the raw footage yourself. This can also be a good option if you publisher journal, smouldering paper happen to be at an institution or region where there are logistical or policy uh barriers to having an external videographer come on site like a military research lab where they won’t give permission for the job videographer to come out in those cases this is another also a good option.

The other option of course is just to make the video yourself. It’s called an author submitted video. In that case you publisher journal, smouldering paper write the manuscript also put together the video submit them together and they both go through peer review. Um so um yeah um most places we can film. Even if we don’t have a video team near you publisher journal, smouldering paper we will be able to um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know help with the video production. Um other thing i’ll mention um just that there is a publication fee for the journal to help offset some of the costs of the filming and video production um it’s 1400 for a standard access article and there is a 50 waiver for people in lower lower middle income countries that qualify for that waiver. And um yeah. That’s pretty much all the practical information you publisher journal, smouldering paper need to know about what’s involved in publishing a video article and we’ll open it up now for questions and hopefully answers as well all right. Thank you publisher journal, smouldering paper ben okay. I am um so. I’m seeing a question i don’t know if this is brand new. Um but it’s can i have a record of this. Webinar sent by email. The answer to that is yes. We will send a um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. The recording of this webinar to all the attendees um should be pretty shortly after the end of the webinar. Okay i see a question here about the videographers. Um so it says does does the author have to provide housing food for the videographers to come. Um no that’s that’s not necessary. Um so the you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. The videographers travel a relatively short distance. Uh you publisher journal, smouldering paper know it’s under under 200 miles so they um it’s usually a day trip for them so they um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know. In most cases they’ll film within six hours turn back and and go along. Uh but you’re welcome more than welcome to provide them with some food if you’d like to. That’s uh that’s your call though. Okay is it. Here’s another one. Uh can you publisher journal, smouldering paper show a best practice example and explain why it is best practice. Uh thanks um i’ll ask you publisher journal, smouldering paper to clarify the question.

Are you publisher journal, smouldering paper asking um like an example of a video article where the the subject matter is a very good fit for video or um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know or something else besides that so if you publisher journal, smouldering paper can clarify i’ll try to answer it. Not not sure what it means at this point um do you publisher journal, smouldering paper have a different publication fee. In case the author sends his own video clips without using joe’s videographer. The answer is no. There’s no additional cost to have job do the filming and or video production it’s the same publication fee um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know regardless of the publication type. Um it’s not more. Uh if you publisher journal, smouldering paper have joe film it’s not less if you publisher journal, smouldering paper make your own video does material science uh exist. In the jove categories it does so material science. Um we publish a lot of that. In the chemistry section of joe’s also a lot in the engineering slash applied physics section of jove so absolutely if if it’s like uh synthesis or preparation of materials or methods for advanced chemical characterization of materials that would fit very well in joe’s chemistry section if it’s more like assessing the physical properties of materials indentation tests that sort of thing fabricating um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know composite materials that would be a great fit for the engineering section. And if it’s something else probably definitely one or the other or if it’s green materials that that sometimes goes into the environment section um basically joe scope covers pretty much all areas of the physical biomedical and life sciences. Um so as long as you’re doing something that’s you publisher journal, smouldering paper know within the scope of what can be called scientific or clinical medical uh work um it probably does fit joe joe’s scope um if you’re not sure always feel free to send send a publication inquiry into the editorial staff okay and uh it looks like thomas or tomas replied about the best practices example. Um and he said that he is referring to a video article. Um so yes we. Can you publisher journal, smouldering paper know part of the process when we’re when we’re working with potential authors.

Is we send them quite a few example manuscripts and also a template to write the manuscript and some example videos. Um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know these. These are videos that we hand selected for each for each of the different topics and they they represent um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know a high quality video that kind of follows. All the instructions is uh very easily translated to video. So yes this. This is something um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know we. We will follow up with people after the webinar and for those of you publisher journal, smouldering paper uh interested in publishing we can we can discuss. Uh you publisher journal, smouldering paper know further details and and provide you publisher journal, smouldering paper with some a couple examples. Uh one other question here is about um open access uh so jove we do have an uh open access option um so the publication free for standard access is 1 400 us dollars and standard access still receives a lot of publicity and exposure because all of our 1000 plus subscribing institutions can can view the video um so that would be standard access and then we also offer open access which obviously everyone can view and that would be um the publication fee would be 3900. Us dollars thing. I’ll mention on that. Is that for those of you publisher journal, smouldering paper in europe or the uk. The standard access option usually does qualify as green open access. Um uh you publisher journal, smouldering paper know the self-depositing route to open access so even if you publisher journal, smouldering paper don’t publish the open access open access option which is like gold open access. The standard access will often satisfy any funding mandates that you publisher journal, smouldering paper have for open access publishing. We have a few in the q a so ron. I’ll read one of these. Um it’s from jan von wick um how sophisticated is the video equipment required for the video production if one is far away from job’s teams. That’s a very good question. Um so nowadays a modern smartphone plus a tripod um could produce video of the quality that you publisher journal, smouldering paper would need to do a joke. Uh a um author provided footage video article um and um there is like good um uh free access video editing um software available that you publisher journal, smouldering paper could use if um you publisher journal, smouldering paper do.

Do the video editing yourself. Um but yeah i think a modern iphone or android um plus the guidance of joe’s video production team when you’re doing an author provided footage article um is really all you publisher journal, smouldering paper would need. Uh you publisher journal, smouldering paper can make a a good video with that. You publisher journal, smouldering paper can make a bad video with very expensive equipment as well. Yeah and to answer a very closely related question here. Someone someone’s asking um if the author is producing the video clips does jove um provide them with the video quality requirements and. Yes we do so we provide um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know a list of their criteria of you publisher journal, smouldering paper know various factors. What kind of camera what the refresh rate is um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know what the resolutions are etc. Um so we can provide you publisher journal, smouldering paper with that and then answer any questions. You publisher journal, smouldering paper may have and kind of guide you publisher journal, smouldering paper guide you publisher journal, smouldering paper through. The process. Does a manuscript need to be already published in a journal before job can accept a script also a very good question so a lot of job articles are expanded descriptions of methods that were reported first in a traditional paper. Um so it is okay to publish you publisher journal, smouldering paper know video article based on techniques from um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know previous work it’s not a requirement though um you publisher journal, smouldering paper can absolutely publish on a new method um you publisher journal, smouldering paper can include novel data in your job article it goes through its own independent peer review so we’re not in any way limited to only publishing you publisher journal, smouldering paper know methods that have been peer reviewed and published before so thanks for that question. Okay uh we can take this one. Um so someone someone’s asking if you publisher journal, smouldering paper have if the author has three different methods on the same topic in one manuscript would they pay a fee for each method described and that somewhat depends on what exactly the methods are so if they are very closely related methods for instance. Let’s say you’re doing ihc um and you’re doing a variation of the of the ihc on mice rats and rabbits um but it’s otherwise it’s essentially the same thing you publisher journal, smouldering paper may be using different reagents in a case like that it would just be one publication.

We can kind of compare and contrast the different the different species and in that case there would be just a single publication single publication fee. Um that that’s very closely related methodologies if it was more you publisher journal, smouldering paper know more disparate um it would likely be multiple publications but it would it would really depend on how different they are and you publisher journal, smouldering paper know that that’s something we could really talk to you publisher journal, smouldering paper in more detail. Um once you publisher journal, smouldering paper know once we have some more info about about the specific research field that you’re working on so there’s there’s one here saying from a little earlier um with the total time of publication from the beginning to end right. Did we already answer that one or should i take no you publisher journal, smouldering paper can you publisher journal, smouldering paper can go ahead. Okay yeah so uh another good question. Um obviously there’s some variation because it goes through an independent peer review. Um but i believe the average time from submitting the first draft to the text manuscript to publication of the text manuscript. Last time i saw it was like 59 days. It’s definitely in that range of around around two months that said then we’ll do the video production for a joke produced video at least um so. Um the text article is published and it’s indexed within about two months but then um the video you publisher journal, smouldering paper know takes another couple months to produce but the um the literal publication and time when your article becomes citable uh it’s right in the range of 60 days um another good question um is there a possibility to receive novelty from jove and email new videos and publication alerts. We do have that. I think we have subject specific mailing list that you publisher journal, smouldering paper can sign up for and you’ll get emails uh with like recently published articles from jove um and uh so that yeah that exists. If you publisher journal, smouldering paper want to sign up for that um please do and social media is another option. If you’d like to you publisher journal, smouldering paper know subscribe to our facebook linkedin twitter. Um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know we.

We’re constantly updating that posting new content new new special issues um new blogs new new publications so i encourage you publisher journal, smouldering paper to to follow those as well all right. I think we’ve answered all of them. Um does anyone have any other additional questions and again. We’ll we’ll go ahead and sorry. I think i see one more. We might have touched on this before but if we describe for example three different methods on the same topic in one manuscript do we pay the fee per method describe. Um did we answer that or i think we answered that. Yeah never mind that i think i think we got it. Um and yeah we’ll we’ll follow up after this. You publisher journal, smouldering paper know so if you publisher journal, smouldering paper if you publisher journal, smouldering paper do have any more detailed questions um you publisher journal, smouldering paper know we can. We can set up an editor to to have a conversation with you publisher journal, smouldering paper and explore that in some more detail we also will have a survey popping up here on the window very soon to to kind of assess uh you publisher journal, smouldering paper know assess how the how the webinar was helpful so we would greatly appreciate if you publisher journal, smouldering paper could help us fill that out um all right i think i think that’s about it. I don’t see any other questions so again. We’ll we’ll keep in touch. We’ll shoot you publisher journal, smouldering paper an email after this and all right well thank you publisher journal, smouldering paper thank you publisher journal, smouldering paper everyone for joining greatly. Appreciate it and have a good rest of your day bye.

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