LPC Webinar Series / OA Journal Publishing: DOAJ Indexing and Best Practice

And I’d like to just make sure Courtney are used that to start recording so we’re good okay. Wonderful well hello. Everyone welcome to the first library publishing coalition webinar of the fall 2016 season. The title of today’s session is open. Access journal publishing co aj indexing and best practice getting your open access journal indexed by the directory of open access journals is becoming increasingly important as many organizations and funding agencies are now mandating that research is published in a journal included in do. IJ so today we’re going to be discussing the requirements for inclusion in co aj and so the practice recommendations including the criteria for the do a JCL. I’m kate McCrady from the university of minnesota. And i’ll be moderating this session which is sponsored by the library publishing coalition’s professional development committee. I encourage all of you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal to use the chat feature on the screen to submit questions during the presentation. I’ll help moderate questions at the end up to this presentation and at the end you’re welcome to ask questions with your voice but during the session if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal please keep your microphone muted until you’re ready to ask a question that would that would help with the session logistics so I would like to introduce Judith. Barnes B Judith has over 12 experience in the scholarly publishing industry working for a range of nonprofit society publishers and service providers she has taken a keen interest in publishing standards and protocols and has served on the board of the clocks preservation service. She is one of the editorial team at DOI. Jay responsible for overseeing the review of journals for the index. She was going to be joined by dominic mitchell today as her co-presenter but he is unable to make it due to a flight issue so judith will be carrying the day thank you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal so much. Judith and done okay I’ll turn it over to you. Thank you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal very much so hello everybody that eyes. I’m going to be doing this on my own so hopefully you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal won’t get fed up of my voice before the end of it so I’ll just go straight in.

I’m going to quickly talk about the origin its mission. I’m sure most of you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal are aware of CEO AJ and what we do but I’ll just briefly talk about that and talk about why you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal should apply for indexing if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal haven’t already and then talk about the what a journal needs to be included in do AJ and some best practice recommendations moving on to the do AJ seal which we award two journals that operate best practice in open access publishing so a little bit of history do AJ has been going for 13 years if I can count correctly and started with 300. Titles we are as. I’m sure you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know community curated which means that we have a community of volunteers who work with a small number of staff to review journals for inclusion in the database. We’re a not-for-profit organization. We’re funded entirely by membership and subscription and we aim to include only high quality titles across the wide range of scholarly disciplines. We at the moment have over. 9,000 journals in the database which is slightly reduced from well quite a lot reduced from the height before we introduce new and criteria and invited journals to reapply soliciting. We had well over 10,000 and we actually removed more than 3000 journals earlier this year who had not reapplied for indexing and we have more than 2 million links to full-text open access articles so the most journals in do. AJ this is the top 10. Brazil is the country with the highest number and you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal might see worldwide Brazil but they have a very high percentage of their journals that are published in open access. I’m not sure of the exact number I looked online. I got varying figures between 70 and 97% of their journals being published in open access so it’s not surprising that they would be at the top of the list followed by the UK and the US and at the top of the screen. You journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can see the current number of the journals almost six and a half thousand a searchable article level which means that those tons have provided us with metadata for the articles that they’ve published and we have 128 countries in the database that have one or more journals that we have indexed and we have a project ongoing at the moment funded by the IDRC in Canada to increase inclusion from the so called global South so we’re working with people in China in India and South America and the Middle East and Africa to try and increase the numbers of journals with quality journals that included from those regions so our mission to develop a reliable directory of online open access journals to improve accessibility their attraction the discoverability and ideally we want to be the starting point for information services for quality open access journal content so in a nutshell helping readers to find quality material helping authors to identify a quality journal to publish in open libraries to highlight open access resources to your patrons helping funders to ensure compliance with open access mandates helping publishers to increase the visibility in usage of their general done to adopt best practice and ideally a better publishing system for everybody so this is a chart of the usage of the loj.

So where do our users come from and about a third of those are from the US as you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can see but it’s a very widely used around the world so we have shared goals between dij and the library publishing coalition and library libraries in general lots of goals to improve impact metrics to ensure sustainability to work together and to ensure best practice in publishing and open access. So if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal haven’t got your journal and in the OHA already why would you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal bother to apply. So if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal want a higher visibility for your journal more discoverability of the content you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal will get that from DOJ because when you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal put your journal into DLJ an ideally your metadata there are many people around the world who are using that content on in their services so your journal content will be found in many more places if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal are except for DOJ you’re demonstrating some quality in your journal in your processes that have been reviewed they should enhance the reputation.

Hopefully attract more authors and meet the requirements of research vendors which is becoming more and more important these days so last year 50 research organization. Europe which includes research councils from the UK and many other countries put a set of rules together that meant that researchers who wanted to publish the results of their research that have been funded by those organizations would have to do that in a journal that’s been listed in a database that do a J or Scopus web of science or PubMed so in major databases so this is quite important in our you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know fight against the poor quality journals that are out there and when when research funding grant funding is not available. Many universities now have open access funds that will support the faculty to publish in open access. Many of these firms have rules that require publication in a journal. That’s lifted by DOJ and I found a number of examples of LPC members who’ve adopted a policy like this so it’s becoming more and more important they’re an open access journal is reviewed and has a certain level of quality before people will pay to be included. So before you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal start. There’s a number of basic requirements for inclusion in do AJ and the first of these is that we only include the full open access journals not hybrid journals so only journals where all full-text is immediately available to everybody with no embargo and there’s no subscription content we do allow publishers to produce a print issue for subscription. That’s especially common in places like India but the online content must all be available immediately we want all the content in DOJ to be peer-reviewed. It’s not something. I think that was part of the criteria right at the beginning so as part of our drive towards ensuring quality of the journals in the system we have a requirement now that a journal undergoes peer review.

I general should also publish original research or review papers in full-text so we don’t accept and abstracts only provocation. The primary audience of our content or the journals is researchers and will review and accept journals in many disciplines and any languages so there’s no limits there so you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can apply from the DOJ website very easily. There is a form that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can get to from any page and the process that is followed takes a number of steps so it takes some time to review. The first part is that one of our team will check us that there is a nice ascend for the journal and we don’t have set to any journal where there is no issn. Once past that phase the team will evaluate the journal according to our criteria and that will be our team of volunteers all of our staff or one of our ambassadors who are currently working for the IDRC project they will make a recommendation to approve or reject a journal and one of the editorial team will make the final decision and award the dij seal if appropriate and then we’ll provide feedback back to the publisher particularly in the case of bridge action to let them know why they failed to be included. So this shows how many countries have actually sent the most applications in to dirigen and last cut spears in here being at the top of the list and India also has a high number of credit tree or what we vertical. Question more publishes so we need to be very careful now when we review journals which is why we implemented stricter criteria fir-tree and require the applications. The generals are already in the system so I’m just going to quickly highlight some of the areas where we see the most problems particularly for fifth generals that we would expect to come form organizations like members of the LPC and the area where we reject the most content or the most journals is that there isn’t an Isis M that’s registered at the International is SM Center we check on on their database at Isis end org and it is not uncommon for a journal not to have been fully registered when they apply to do aj so that’s something to be aware of if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal are applying for entry into the system is to make sure that the journals fully registered.

Isis and org first and then there won’t be an excessive delay due to the general being rejected fast. And you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal might think it’s pretty obvious that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal would put a publisher name and address and contact details. But for some questionable journals information maybe obscure or unavailable and it’s an additional check that we would make and to ensure that the journals are reasonable and should be included in terms of content. We need the content to be available an article by article basis and in fact. I reviewed a general today that was only available as one PDF for the issue and said that couldn’t be accepted as it was and we like to have a minimum of five scholarly articles published per year to ensure that there’s a regular publishing flow. Not that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal need. Ten is published one year and then the next year and then three the next year we will. We will show some consideration for very nice journals that don’t publish very many so you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can always ask us. If you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal have any queries. On that school journal information you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal would expect always to have aims and scope and its instructions for authors but there’s a couple of areas that we need additional information for the sake of transparency. We like to have some information on the peer review process. That is undertaken by the journal. And for instance whether it’s blind or double-blind how many reviewers that kind of thing and also because some journals don’t include author information and there have been stories that people have sent in a paper and then being challenged unexpectedly by some orange cupula journals. We require that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal need to state that there are no author fees if there are no wasa fees and you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal must put all that information up so that it’s clear to perspective order what they’re going to be judged if anything you’d expect a journal is going to have an editor and an editorial board ideally with at least five members and who are experts in the field again.

This seems entirely self-evident but again is a check against the journals that may be somewhat less scrupulous and they may include people on their boards without their knowledge so again. We have to be careful when we’re reviewing to make sure that the editorial boards are genuine and up-to-date and active so we asked for filiation to be shown for members so that we can do a chat if needed and also so that anyone using the journal is aware of who the editorial board are the editorial process. I said we only accept peer-reviewed journals now so obviously to demonstrate that you’ve got rigorous quality-control your journal should be peer reviewed by external reviewers not journal staff before publication as said the type of review should be stated although there is an exception of course in that arts and humanities journals we will allow editorial review by two editors and their editorial board so that was really about new general journal policies and we move on to specifics for open access so as I said before the full-text of all content must be available as open access with no delay or embargo. This must be clearly stated on the website for transparency so everybody is aware of what your policy is and ideally would like that to be on the journal homepage or certainly linked from there so we go by the Budapest Open Access Initiative definition and an example open access. Statement might be something like this so it’s clear to anybody coming to the journal website that look all the content is freely available and it will tell your statements should tell the users what they are allowed to do with the content. I’ve underlined other lawful purpose because that leads into the next session on licensing because one of the things people are worried about is that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal put a statement like this and and you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal think that perhaps users can use the content for anything at all but what’s lawful is dependent on how you’ve licensed that content so that the terms of the use and the reuse of the journal content is clear both to the author’s who will be publishing with the journal and the readers who are using it so we recommend.

Creative Commons licenses and from their range of licenses you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can choose how open your content can be so funding agencies commonly Monday use of the most open license which is CC BY the attribution license but you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal could restrict to allow only non-commercial use for instance and there are six licenses with a range of openness and the most restrictive at the bottom of the screen here is essentially doesn’t allow any remix Inge or creation of derivative products which is what the MD part means and doesn’t allow any commercial use. So as you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can see from this you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can. You journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can actually be quite restrictive within the. Creative Commons palette copyright is always complicated issue as we find often when we’re reviewing journals copyright may be retained by the author’s and that is the preferred situation in in open access but it may be transferred to the publisher as happened in traditional subscription publishing. And certainly many commercial publishers still require the transfer copyright and may require transfer of other publishing rights such as commercial rights. So this is obviously we stopped and made by a commercial a publishing agreement. And so it’s it’s very important for an author to be aware of what they’re signing over in any publishing agreement and this is something that again we check when we’re reviewing journals for inclusion in dij so moving on to best practice there are guidelines available at cope o asper and there’s the principles of transparency and best practice and scholarly publishing that CEO AJ co-authored with cope asper and the World Association of medical editors.

So those are all good resources to see what best practice is for open access publishing and how you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal might adopt some of those best practice guidelines in your journals so we award some people video. AJ Steele full best practice and that’s based on seven criteria that we have relating to various aspects of publishing like accessibility and open open Ness discoverability authors rights and all of those seven criteria must be met in order to be awarded to seal. But it’s important to note that still doesn’t reflect in any way the academic quality of the journal we’re not looking at the the content per se we’re looking at the processes and procedures that surround the journal publishing so we list these criteria for the seal on the application form and you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can see that at any point and I’m just going to go through each one individually. There’s a there’s quite a common misconception that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal need to meet all these criteria in order to be in depth in dij and that’s not the case obviously there are basic criteria to be included. This is an extra that we would hope that generals would aspire to but are not required to be in DOJ. There’s many journals that adhere to some of these points but for some reason cannot meet all the requirements. They don’t get the the seal so the first one and one of the ones that. I’m particularly in favor of given that in my previous jobs. I worked very closely with locks clocks and portico if digital archiving when you’re publishing online it it’s very easy for that content to be lost we found it in on many occasions with journals that were in DHA and have disappeared completely. Which is disappointing for someone who wanted to read that journal and for people who published in that journal so we obviously recommend that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal use one of the key archiving services or the digital preservation service of the National Library or if your journal fits the subject matter. PubMed Central is also a service that would qualify for the sale and unfortunately an institutional several repository doesn’t qualify at the moment because mostly those don’t have the very long term preservation arrangements permanent identifier is the second of the criteria to ensure the articles remain discoverable even when content moves and obviously they the most common of those if the DOI although others may be used like handle and arc we encourage metadata supply to DOJ as you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal saw earlier there’s about 6 and 1/2 thousand journals who have supplied us with metadata for their articles.

We believe this is good thing because it provides greater visibility and discoverability for the journals and we ask for that metadata delivery to start within three months of acceptance of a journal and you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can supply that by XML and using a file or on new API although if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal did have quite a small journal. There is a forum where you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal could. You journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can upload data into the forum individually for each article obviously that only writes if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal have a very small journal going back to Creative Commons because we believe it’s a right to allow generous reuse and remix thing of open access content only four of the six Creative Commons license is quite qualified for the seal and the two most restrictive the non de nom de rivet iv licenses don’t qualify because they don’t allow the mixing and the creation of derivative products. Ideally that license information should be available in machine readable format and embedded in the article level metadata. So that someone can find an article and know instantly what they’re permitted to do with that content it’s also a a safeguard for the author or the publisher that when someone finds an article may be held elsewhere not on their website that the license information would be with it and visible to any user at that point so again that’s any of those for Creative Commons licenses and here’s an example of what it might look like so there’s the CC BY logo and the description and then link at the bottom of that page so ideally you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal always want to link back to the original license text as well so I talked earlier about copyright and that our preferred position was would be that authors would hold the copyright of the articles that they publish so to meet the DOJ seal a journal must allow authors to hold waives the copyright and the publishing rights without restriction which means the copyright is retained by the author and not transferred to the journal and they do not assign exclusive publishing rights to the publisher or transfer commercial lives to the publisher a publisher can have non-exclusive publishing rights and that is absolutely fine but if exclusive publishing rights are transferred then the author doesn’t then hold these rights without restriction and effectively their copyright is a meaningless if all the rights have been transferred to the publisher as I said that commonly happens with with the commercial publishers particular moving from a traditional subscription base into open access publishing and finally to get the DOJ seal.

We ask that. A general provides information on the self archiving rights for an author so what the author can do with their paper before acceptance after acceptance and where they can where they can archive that on their institutional repository or perhaps a subject or positive feet like archive and the most common place for that policy information to be held is sherpa/romeo service which is run out of the UK and the next slide just shows an example of what a record would look like on chirper showing where your second archive their preprint and their post print whether they can use the publishers version and any other conditions that surround what they’re allowed to do so if you’re looking at the. I J I need and perhaps looking at a list of journals you’ll see a couple of logos the do a JCL logo will appear where that’s been awarded and there’s also a little green check or tip as we called in the UK and that shows that the journal has been evaluated against the stripped of criteria that we introduced a couple of years ago in this example the journal in the middle doesn’t have either if it doesn’t have a green tick it means it hasn’t been evaluated against the more stringent criteria.

So that is something to be aware of when you’re looking at the eurozone but until we have fully reviewed all of the journals that reapplied for listing some of those journals that are in the system may not meet those criteria. And when we have finished that reevaluation everything in the system would have the green tick against that but we have a little way to go before that point. So there’s information on do aj available various places on our website and there’s a help email address at feedback at the oij org which you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can contact any time if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal have any questions so all that remains for me to say is – thank you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal thank all the members whose footwork DHA because without them we couldn’t do the work that we do and our members included over 60 libraries in the US and Canada and three consortium and that does include many members of the RPC so for that we thank you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal very very much we also have a number of sponsors and you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know we really couldn’t do it without all of you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal so that is the end of my presentation and I’m ready to answer any questions that you’ve got and I hope that there have been some while I’ve been talking so over to you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal Kate. If there’s any questions yes thank you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal so much student this is really super helpful to me and I’m sure to everybody else who’s listening. Does anyone have a question that they either want to type in or that they would like to unmute and ask well while others are thinking. I will ask my question so we have a journal sir at the University of Minnesota that we’ve been working with that one of the editorial board members is strongly opposed to a blanket CC license because he wants to know who was using his work he wants to say yes to everyone but he wants them to contact him and you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know that of course they’re complete that idea against wanting to be included in do AJ and so I wonder if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal have any suggestions for how to approach a situation like that oh yes that’s correct Ricky well I guess I guess the best thing I could suggest is given that the principles of open access are really that people can use the content without having to ask permission that if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal applied one of the more restrictive CC licenses at least somebody would have to contact the author if they wanted to reuse that content in another article or in a derivative product.

So if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal used one of the nd licenses they wouldn’t be allowed to reuse that content to create something new and in that case they would have to go back to thee also and ask for his permission so. I think that would probably be my best suggestion because you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can’t really ask for everyone who may download that article and read it to ask his permission first. Yeah and that’s what he really wants because he wants to know who else is working in the field he wants to make those connections you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know. He had a compelling argument for himself personally as a scholar of why he wanted it but I like that idea of trying to make it as restrictive as possible to that that would encourage encourage it. So thank you. That’s a good little help. There is a question that came in through the chat that said how often or as from Purdue how often or at what point do journals need to reapply to the oaj. Well we’ve we’ve gone through this process of asking journals to reapply against our more restrictive criteria. We don’t have any plans to set up a regular reapplication process. But it’s only something that we’ll be looking at kind of re evaluating journals in you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know on a regular basis. Maybe a couple of years. But we don’t expect to be asking journals to formally reapply. Hopefully it’s something that we’ll be able to manage on an ongoing basis without having to go through this whole reapplication process again in future so it’s a bit of a vague answer but essentially if the purdue journals have reapplied and have been accepted into DOJ there is nothing else for them to do at this stage Oh or anytime soon okay we also had a question from Lisa Palmer she wrote we first submitted our journal for reapplication back in December 2015 when can we expect to hear from the DOJ editorial team.

Well that is an excellent question we have about 3,000 journals who have reapplied that we still have to review so it is fairly difficult to to give an accurate statement we are. I mean we have a very very small team because we have a limited budget and we are working through as fast as possible but I think if I’m honest the time taken to review all of the replications with underestimated initially so we will get to it as quickly as we can. And if there is a pressing reason why you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal need the reapplication to be done quickly then obviously we can look at doing that other thing. We have 3000 – Tata – so it’s um it’s kind of massive list so we’re trying to to be very fair and do a mixture of reapplications from different countries different sizes of publishers etc etc so. I would hope it won’t be too long before we get to 2:30 and I think actually you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know I think it’s a good point for me too to say that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know given that I’m talking to you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal and you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal Know Who I am now. You journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know if if any of the members have any questions about realizations that they have in the system then please feel free to contact me either by the feedback email address or you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal can need from each mere juditha the OHA org and I’ll be happy to to look at specific journal queries. If if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal want me to thank you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal and a quick follow-up on that how does that the reapplication how does that how are you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal mission. Those in with the new applications for the same queue or is does one take priority over the other. No they are the same the same to you. I mean what we what we try. We’ve always tried to say that we will review new applications within six months.

I mean ideally would like it to be quicker and you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know in future when we finish the reapplications. I’m sure it can be quicker. So we have. We have a target to try and meet for the new applications so we are trying to do a mixture of both and it’s it’s a challenge. Can we say but we are. We are trying to make sure that we are not doing one set of journals at the expense of the other. Okay thank you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal and then it looks like Emma. Mol has a question that she was going to ask. Yeah hi Judith um I have a question specifically related to library publishing coalition and related to sort of the backlog of reapplications and new applications I was wondering if there was anywhere any way as a coalition we could sort of help out or expedite some of some of those processes I mean I you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal have a list of members you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know I’m guessing Elsevier does quite a bit of work before they send stuff to you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know. Is there any kind of collaborative thing that we could do as an organized group of people and publishers that that would make more sense as far as time goes. Um that’s a really good question. I mean I suppose I mean there’s a couple of things that come to mind I mean obviously if any of you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal want to volunteer with us that will be very welcome and that will help to move things on but I think you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know perhaps using this session as a start you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know we we could have a almost like a template for how to apply for your journals to do AJ and then obviously the reviews for those journals would be quicker for instance if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal new before you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal applied that we’re not then tax after journal if it doesn’t stay what the peer-review process is or it doesn’t state whether there are any author fees then obviously you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal could ensure that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal have all the correct information before you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal apply it’s it’s you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know extremely common and in fact it’s more more the case than not and that we do have to go back to our publisher and ask them questions before we can accept a journal even the big publishers you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know elsewhere.

I was dealing with some queries from Wiley today. So you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know. They’re not the big publishers not necessarily any better and including all the information that they need so as an initial thought. I would you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know I would think that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know perhaps as members have you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal know. Have a checklist and say well if you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal if you’re going to apply to do. AJ make sure that you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal have all these things before you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal do it then the review should be a lot more straightforward. And hopefully you’d get a decision more quickly great thanks and I actually have one more question. That’s not related a little bit more technical of a question does do. AJ add any open access indicators into its metadata that it’s been pushing out by way of API or open URL and I’m also wondering about the the green check and the seal that’s included is that at a data field that’s included or are you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal using nice open access indicators at all that is a really good question and if don’t miss a hit fields once that straightaway but I’m not as familiar with the metadata format as I’d like to be so I will ask him. Oh to get back to you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal on that one. I’m writing it long as you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal speak. And there was another question that came in online that said if a journals application is rejected is there a required waiting period before re application yes. Generally the waiting period is six months it may be longer if we find any indicators of poor editorial practices shall we say but generally at six months although I would say that particularly if if the reason for rejection is an ISSN issue which is just incredibly common. Because in a lot of instances a publisher doesn’t even know that their journal isn’t fully registered it could be an issue between the local issn center that they’ve used to register it and the International Center so if it if that’s the any reason for rejection then we will quite often just reopen that application and then work on it if the publisher has come to us and said we believe that the ISSN issues and a fixed.

We’ll check it again and we can reopen it at that point but yeah the issn thing is is a problem. I I had a journal not long ago that I wrote and told them that if the eye system wasn’t registered on me we couldn’t take the journal and they hadn’t realized that it wasn’t fully registered for two years. I think so and some it can be it can be a big problem. Another question came in online from Allegra spit and she said i’m resubmitting our journals. We do have one in the metadata record in diag. She said we do have one but the metadata record in. DHA is incorrect. How do we amend it. It depends whether she means to match state for the journal or for the individual articles. If it’s artful metadata that’s wrong then you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal would need to resupply that correct metadata ask us to delete the incorrect metadata and then re-upload the article data if it’s that some of the details about the journal are wrong then. There’s two ways that we can deal with that one is if your reactivation is still in progress. Then that information will be corrected once the reapplication is completed and your journals are accepted for continued listing or if the journal has already been assessed and the reactivation has been successful if there’s some content or there’s some information that’s wrong simply send us an email to feedback at the oaj to org and we’ll get that corrected great. She did ad it was for the journal. Okay keep to that answer so that’s perfect. Does anybody else have a question that they’d like addressed today all right. I’m not seeing anything. Come across the chat so once again. I’d like to thank you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal Judith. For your time and really great presentation super super helpful to all of us succession and and look forward to more webinars coming out of the library publishing coalition professional development committee. We have a couple more teed up for this winter that we’ll be sending out to the list.

We always approach your ideas for other sessions that are of interest to you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal that we can research speakers or ideas for speakers. Please reach out to any members of the committee. Me or anyone we’re listed on both website for the library publishing coalition but thanks again. Judith and this session is recorded and that will be posted and I believe that Courtney from a Jacobian will be posting that and sending out a message. I don’t know we got a question about will we receive a copy of the slides do would you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal plan on. Judith or did would you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal want to share those with us because leave we normally we normally put all slides onto SlideShare so if I can arrange to do that and then provide a link if that would suit yeah that would be great and then I can send it out to our membership. Okay excellent wonderful so. I plan on doing that. Well thanks again and have a good rest of your day everyone and Judith you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal get to leave work now thank you journals to publish papers, ugc care listed journal for staying safe in order to be able to talk to us over CSS all right let me yeah thanks bye.

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