How to Handle Rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals From Research Journals?

Hello everyone myself diksha from biotechtica and today. I am here to talk about how to handle rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals from research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals journals so basically. Have you been in a situation where you attempted to write and write your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals to give your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals paper or review article to the journal that it was specified to you and your journey your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals article or your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals paper got rejected so. I’m here to help you giving you some tips and tricks how to get your paper accepted by the research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals Journal. Thank you so first we shall discuss about what is detection. What does rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals actually means. So basically uh rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals is something that means that you tried doing your work. You try doing your uh achieving your target your trial. You tried something but it doesn’t work in a point of time so basically something that doesn’t work in a specific point of time is termed as Rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals. It doesn’t mean that you failed in something. You failed in achieving the target. You wanted and you are incapable of doing it simply. It was just the time it was just the matter of time where you got rejected and basically it’s temporary it’s never permanent. So rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals is a sense of temporariness and it is never permanent so if you are thinking rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals is permanent and once you have been rejected it means you are incapable that it is something that which is completely wrong so basically now. I am giving you some tips and tricks how to restart how to restart if you have found a rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals if you have got a rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals from one of the reputed research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals Journal where you tried your paper to get accepted. So the first point is reader learn from the reviewers. So what exactly does this mean. So when you write uh mail when you write a mail to the specific research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals journal or you write uh that you want this is your paper and you uh these are the uh clarifications about the paper and your paper got rejected so basically they will give you some comments about the paper why it got rejected so basically you have to analyze those comments analyzing those comments are really necessary because they are a committee of reviewer who is purely reviewing your article your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals paper so basically they are giving you an idea how to improve yourself how to improve the paper that you wanted to get published so if you got the idea if you got the comments it is really helpful for you because you have to implement those comments and you have to step forward so in that situation you have to revise.

What does this revision mean. Means so revision means that you have to make appropriate Corrections from the comments that you have been given so the comments that are really been given to you it was really helpful for you to make Corrections make certain Corrections from those comments and come out with an idea come out with an improvement that will help you in getting your uh your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals. Paper accepted the third point is appeal for the rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals so sometime what it happens is in a similar situation when you are communicating with a person. Sometimes people misunderstood misunderstands in that situation. When somebody misunderstood you you are trying to uh speak again. You are trying to make that person understand about your uh your your mindset about what you intend to speak about so in that situation. It’s a similar thing happens when you uh apply for Revenue so any submission in a for a research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals proposal in a research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals journal or research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals paper so in that situation you should be have a logical explanations. You shouldn’t go emotional. Emotional explanation shouldn’t be there. You should be logical towards your perspective. Why the paper should be accepted. And why why uh the reviewers didn’t take it in a right way so you should have a logical explanation for it so basically. It’s because of the misunderstanding. So sometimes what you have written. Uh can’t you know uh can’t be understood by the reviewers in that situation. You should sit. You should make them understand by writing a note that why uh this paper means a lot to you and why it is uh why it got rejected in the comments which are actually been given is something that you have mentioned but they are unable to perceive it so in that situation you should clear the misunderstanding and you should perceive the errors that has been pointed so if you can do it in a logical way it would be helpful.

But don’t try to overpower them. Don’t try to surpass them. Don’t try to be argumentative in the case you are trying to be. You are trying to give an argument in that situation. It will give a false image of yourself to them. They will feel that you are not good in research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals. That’s why you are just trying to defend your work so in that situation. Just don’t try to be argumentative. Just stop yourself. Don’t proceed forward. Make an explanation. And and respect their decision the fourth thing is reconsider the journal so reconsidering. Journal is something important why I’m telling this is because sometimes there are certain journals. That won’t accept those research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals papers that they find not not capable enough to be published because their acceptance rate of acceptance acceptance rate is really low. The amount of paper that they accept is really low compared to certain other research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals journals so making a right choice of a research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals. Journal is really important. Sometimes what people do they try to hand it over to some research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals. Journal that are entirely different from their domain of Interest domain of a subject so the subject and the domain in which they have made their research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work they are trying to publish it some another research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals Journal so ultimately it will be rejected. The second point is in that situation also uh second thing what happens that the acceptance rate is low and you are trying really hard to get accepted in that research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals. Journal so in that situation also you will face failure so you should rethink for the choice of your Journal so you should rethink the choice of the journal.

Is it’s really important. If you feel. Your genre is getting uh rejected in that situation you should rethink of the journals other journals and you should try applying to other journals. The second thing is choose journals with a good acceptance rate so basically don’t switch to a journal which again has a low acceptance rate. You should choose a journal that that is having a good acceptance rate because having a good acceptance rate will increase your chance of your paper to be selected the fifth one is resubmit. So what does resubmission mean. So the first thing is you are making a correction you are looking upon the comments that has been provided to you. You are trying to uh solve those uh queries. You are trying to uh correct those mistakes and then you are putting the same corrected version of your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals paper to the same Journal so you can submit it to the same Journal but sometimes submitting to the same Journal they sometimes it happens that they will say that they will divide you from giving their journals. They saw it giving your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work to their journal for the lifetime or for some span of time in that situation you should also respect their decision because if they feel something about you and your paperwork and you feel that uh no. I have done this work so they should basically respect. It’s uh it shouldn’t be one-sided it should be two-sided so if they are not willing to accept your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work they’re not willing to accept the the research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals paper then you shouldn’t. Step Ahead you should step yourself back. You should make the correction and you should submit to a different. Journal so submitting to a different Journal can either be in two ways either you can make Corrections and submit to a different journal or you can’t make a correction so you can just submit to a different. Journal the correction without so you shouldn’t so basically the two ways what I have said you can make the correction or you cannot make the correction so making the correction and then providing it to a different Journal is the best option because you are reviewing your uh paper again you are reviewing the comments again.

You are coming with a better idea better version of your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals paper and then you are submitting it to a different. Journal it will increase your chance of acceptance. It will increase the chance of acceptance of the research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals paper that you want to submit so always go for reviewing making correction and then submitting to a different Journal rather than just submitting a different Journal because it in some cases only it works sometimes when there is again the misunderstanding. Then only you will get your work published or is most of the cases your work will be discarded so in that situation submit to a different journal and clearly and precisely look over the comments that has been provided to you by the pre previous. Journal that where your paperwork got rejected the next one is rethink the publication option. So basically sometimes what happens when you don’t publish it to an open. Journal like your institution won’t have an open access or you are your accessor for that. Journal is very limited in that situation. Also the chances of your paperwork. Your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals paper being rejected is high so you should you know always go for an Open Access research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals Journal so that easily or you can have a better access to the surgeon in that situation. The chance of your paper being accepted would be high so publication option is also really necessary. So you should. You know haven’t consult with your institution how their publication strategy works and how they uh how the they manage their access to the different research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals journals so knowing this making a note of it and then trying to apply to a resource. Journal is really effective. The next one is hold your manuscript. So what does it mean so basically sometimes when you are really demotivated because your paperwork didn’t get published it uh it was rejected in that situation.

You are demotivated and you will feel that you should discard your work in that situation. You shouldn’t feel to discard because your paper is really important. Not for everyone at least for you because you have put a lot of effort in preparing the paper you have put a lot of effort. In designing those experiments troubleshooting them coming up with an idea with a result and then giving a conclusion so basically each and every point of your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work is really necessary especially during this time when anything can be pirated anything can be stolen from your work so basically even one line of uh one line of your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work will. Aid someone else. Who is doing the same research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work so they will get the puzzle done and they will publish the paper. So you are aiding someone else to get the result by getting the idea from your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals paper so basically. You shouldn’t do that. Your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work even if it got rejected. It’s really important for you. It really has some clue for a better research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals for a better result in future regarding some of the great experiments some of the great conclusions some of the great invention so it’s really important so you shouldn’t discard it either. You can hold it you can improve it and you can come up with an idea or you can simply share it to an Open Access Journal where they will. There would be a higher acceptance and they that can be you know shared to the public so that they can access your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work. They can cite it and they can refer it for their own research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals publication so it is really important. So your work shouldn’t go in. When you should have a clear limitation of your work and you should design yourself and your work to portray to the world so that they should also know what work and what effort do you made to learn the topic and to implement those topic. Those research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work in in the field of science so you should know they should know your contribution in the field of science so you should never discard your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work.

This is the worst idea one can do. So you should never discard your research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work and you should always always contribute towards and then you should always appreciate all yourself for your contribution for the research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals that you have done so you should not underestimate yourself so avoiding. Journal rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals so there were certain points that I talked so avoiding a general Rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals. It seemed very easy from the points. But it’s really uh it does. It requires a lot of hard work. It requires a lot of effort to go stand and make yourself better version so that you can step forward and you can get. Your paper accepted so in that situation. You should be patient so you should hold patience because holding patience is very important especially when you are dealing with a failure so holding your patience becoming persistent because persistency will lead you to a better side because you are sticking to your values you are sticking to your work you are not letting the storms around you. Shuffle your mindset. Just because you faced a rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals so you should. You should build your patience. You should be persistent and you should put effort because without any effort if you are trying you. Uh you’re trying your paper to get accepted. It will never be accepted so you should put effort. You should become. You should build patience and you should become persistent if three things you are building yourself. Then your paper won’t get rejected by any research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals. Journal maybe the maybe initially you will face the rejection indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals but slowly when you will be in the league you will realize that your paper are really getting accepted and you are improving yourself so that you you are getting more approachable. You are being more approached for the paper that you have for the research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals work you have done and for the research indian journals of psychology, electrical engineering journals owner that you want to apply so you should be really. Enthusiast about your work you should believe in yourself and you should always make effort always improve yourself build patience and you should be persistent.

Thank you so much for watching this video. I hope you have liked this video.

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