Writing the Discussion Section of a Research Paper

In this lecture. I’m going to talk a little bit. About how to approach writing a discussion section for a research iot research papers, research paper on iot paper so with your capstone. This is the last section of the paper and it provides a summary of your findings and it also relates them back to existing literature that you reviewed earlier in the semester. What exactly is a discussion section. The discussion section of a research iot research papers, research paper on iot paper. This is where you interpret the significance of your results in light of what’s already known about the topic and relate it back to the existing literature so we know what about a topic maybe from studies that we’ve reviewed earlier in the literature review. But this is where you actually relate that literature to your findings. You also explain any new insights after you’ve taken the findings into consideration. What exactly does a discussion section accomplish. It does a few things. It demonstrates your ability as a research iot research papers, research paper on ioter to think critically about an issue to develop a logical synthesis of your findings and to formulate a deeper more profound understanding of your research iot research papers, research paper on iot problem the discussion section of a paper it also presents the underlying meaning of your research iot research papers, research paper on iot it notes possible implications to other areas of sociology. And it also allows you to explore possible improvements that can be made in order to further. Develop your research iot research papers, research paper on iot. And that also provides some direction for future research iot research papers, research paper on ioters areas to further for future research iot research papers, research paper on iot to explore the discussion section also engages the reader and thinking critically about your findings and highlights the importance of your study and how it contributes to sociology in terms of how to organize the discussion section of a paper think about it in terms of an inverted pyramid. A pyramid that’s flipped upside down. You want to organize your discussion. From the general to the specific you want to provide first a general summary and then go into more detail with each of your specific findings relating them to literature and what it means.

You want to link your findings back to the literature in theory that you were viewed earlier in the paper. You’ll begin by restating your research iot research papers, research paper on iot problem and answering all the research iot research papers, research paper on iot questions underpinning the problem that you pose in the introduction. You’ll also provide an explanation about your findings and how they support broader knowledge or understanding of the research iot research papers, research paper on iot problem. And you really want to draw on literature to do this. You also want to identify limitations and weaknesses of your study and end with a concluding paragraph that provides a concise summary of the implications of the findings. I have a just a kind of a thought exercise to start thinking about your discussion. Think about what are some of the most notable findings from your project next think about how these findings relate back to the literature that you reviewed earlier in the semester. That do they support that literature. Do they provide new information. Do some of the findings conflict with the literature that you reviewed earlier. What are some of the limitations of your project if you have more time and resources to work on the project how could you improve upon it so. I want to give you an exercise also for getting started. Oftentimes it’s hard to begin writing the first few sections of the discussion. So just start by begin writing the first paragraph by restating your research iot research papers, research paper on iot problem and summarizing the data that you collected and the overall findings from your analysis next take the next three paragraphs or so of the discussion in these paragraphs you want to review each of your main findings one by one and draw on literature in sociology. So find other studies that help you to explain and interpret your own findings and what they mean and to do this. Just choose one finding choose one of your findings and go to Google Scholar and find one of more scientific articles that relate to that finding because you can find other research iot research papers, research paper on iot to help you in interpret and explain your own research iot research papers, research paper on iot findings and write one paragraph in which you summarize that finding drawing on other research iot research papers, research paper on iot to help with your interpretation after you’ve done that in the next paragraph review discussion you should identify some of the limitations and the weaknesses of your study comment on their relative importance to help with identifying the limitations.

Think about if you had additional time and resources how could you improve the pond the study and make it even stronger also after that. I want you to in the next partner to think about some of your ideas for future research iot research papers, research paper on iot. What additional research iot research papers, research paper on iot could you do on this topic to understand it more. Were there any unexpected findings that may be at give rise to new questions questions that you could. Further explore those would be ideas for future research iot research papers, research paper on iot in the final paragraph of the discussion section. You want to provide a conclusion in which you provide a concise summary of higher capstone findings contributes its literature and theory and sociology. What are the larger implications of your findings for society.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.


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