Writing and Publishing Peer Reviewed Journal Articles, Karl Gustafsson

So um good day afternoon to all uh welcome to another seminar of maverick. Um a framework that is uh that it is helping uh research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal junior research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal uh uh students graduate students phd postdocs to increase and and advance their profession professional education and today with us. Um professor carl gustavo from the uh from the stockholm university and a call nicely and generously was you know answered positively to my request from him to present. Is this talk on writing and publishing in peer-reviewed journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal or journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal outcomes. He said the account goes the phone is from stockholm. University is their associate professor. For international relations. Here is also senior research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal fellow at the swedish institute for international affairs and he published. What what can i say you publish journal cleaner production, cleaner production journaleverywhere. I will not tire you with the details. But um will allow you and the long call just to start. Uh which is a short. Was my short introduction. Probably too long already. So thank you very much carl for uh joining us today and we are looking forward to have your talk flows yours right thank you very much. I’ll share my screen again. Then here we go. Let’s see okay right. Uh so thank you very much for having me. Uh i’m very happy to give this kind of talk. And i’m very happy to participate in this initiative which i find to be a very a great initiative that i think. It’s important to have these kinds of initiatives that support phd students and early career students scholars in in career development. And so on and the talk that i will give today on writing and publishing peer-reviewed journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal articles. It’s something that i’m personally very very uh passionate about i um i the talk is based on a course that i’m teaching that i’ve been teaching for three semesters now uh on this particular topic journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal so i because i think this is. It’s so important to have this kind of this kind of course and to discuss these issues. I uh took the initiative to uh propose to my department that we should establish such a course i designed the course and now now.

I’ve taught it in three three installments. As i mentioned um i i only have a few slides. Um but i think it’s useful to have a few slides just to give the talk some structure and to underline emphasize a few key concepts and and make some key points. So here’s a quick overview of the talk and i basically just have three main slides so the first slide focuses on. Why why i think it’s useful to have this kind of course on article and publishing and more generally why. I think it’s useful to discuss this topic. Then one of the points the second slide then deals with the emotional aspects of article writing something. That’s discussed a lot in recent research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal on uh on article writing and publishing. And then um there’s uh um uh one slide dealing with how we can use short texts to sort of pick apart uh abstracts and introductions and use that for planning articles. So that’s something that we do in class and i that i find quite quite useful and that um i think the the students taking this course they also find uh find to be quite useful so first of all. Why why have this kind of course. And why discuss this topic journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal so i think the background here is that i think that early career researchers they often have great ideas and they’re often taught quite advanced methods more advanced often than the ones that there’s that senior uh scholars are familiar with uh because they are taught the most recent methods and so so on but i think they rarely get the opportunity to take courses on the craft of writing and publishing uh journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal articles peer-reviewed journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal articles. And i think it really is a craft and i think it’s something that we need to learn. We need to learn how to package our ideas in a way that make them publishable that. Make them easy for readers to to to grasp and i think this is also something that you can get better at by practicing and by discussing in class. And i don’t think we should have to learn it.

Only through trial and error by writing and then submitting to journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalgetting rejected getting uh getting revised and resubmits and so on getting feedback that way. I think it’s something that we can. Uh that we we. We learn a lot from having a class on this and from discussing these issues and when i was my personal experience as a phd student i never took any such courses. I really had to learn it the hard way through trial and error and i don’t think we should have to learn it that way i it takes much longer then we can learn it much more quickly i think and we can learn it. Better become better at it if we have some kind of courses some kind of support system where we where we can discuss these issues and get feedback and so on and read about about about publishing and about writing and so on. There’s a lot of literature on it. Um so and also my experience from teaching this course and from um tweeting a bit about it also has showed me that uh there is a very strong demand for such courses. Uh many there are many phd students and early career researchers out there who want to take courses like this and want to develop these skills in that way um and finally. I think it’s also useful because it’s important in order to have a career as an academic if we want to stay in academia we basically need to publish journal cleaner production, cleaner production journaland we what what increasingly in many disciplines we’re expected to publish journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalpeer-reviewed journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal articles. Um so those are sort of the reasons why i think. Uh it’s important to have this kind of class and to discuss this topic journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal more. Generally um and i thought i’d say a few words about what we do during this course so we discuss all sorts of issues related to publishing and writing and so on so we discuss the emotional aspects of article writing and i will get into that in greater detail in the next slide. We also discuss developing writing habits. Which is another important issue related to writing. I think and we also discuss issues related to the the writer the one writing the article and the reader the person reading the the uh articles.

Uh the per the audience and so on so uh sort of what’s at stake for the author and there’s quite a lot of research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal recently on the development of academic identity through writing so that basically such research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal emphasizes that writing is central to strengthening our sense of academic identity our academic selves and to becoming more confident not just as academics but as writers so and that kind of confidence will then be reflected in the texts that we write and help us become more assertive in our writing. Um and then the second part there who we’re writing for our interlocutors to the debates that we wish to contribute to and the communities that we wish to engage with. Uh that’s one issue. We discuss a lot as well and related to this. Also the issue of identifying a suitable journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal that because papers are often rejected not because they’re bad in general but because they may be a bad fit for the particular journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal that it has been submitted to um so those are some issues then we also discussed the issue of how to deal with critique and especially then in relation to the peer review process which is also a very very sort of emotional aspect of article publishing and i have the students do interviews with experienced article writers and we discuss these interviews in class and that in that way we get insights into senior scholars experiences and knowledge about writing and publishing their experience their experiences. We also have some elements in the class. That are more workshop-like so i have. These students submit abstracts for journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal articles. And then we they receive feedback and they write. They write peer reviews and provide each other with comments on these abstracts. Then they then then they revise their abstracts and write response letters and then they receive comments again and we discuss these revised abstracts in class and eventually they write and submit draft papers and we do the same thing with those papers that they provide each other each others with comments and write peer reviews and then write response letters revise the papers and and so on so it sort of mirrors the process of of writing and and receiving feedback that we have at conferences at seminars and and also with the journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal publication process um and we also discuss uh writing groups so um because courses uh while courses are useful they uh they end after a couple of weeks so so my course the first time.

I thought that it was five weeks. Uh and the second time. It was also five weeks now this semester. It’s ten weeks so they get more time to to uh write and revise papers and so on but still courses end and i think it’s useful to be able to have to have some kind of support structure where you can provide each other’s with with feedback and and and get support from others and get comments from others and discuss issues related to writing so for that reason. I we discussed this issue of writing groups and we discussed literature on uh academic writing groups and how that can be useful. Uh and and and i sort of suggest to the students that they might want to establish uh such writing groups that it can be helpful for them uh in in the future as they continue. Uh thinking about these issues after the course has ended so these are some of the main issues that we discussed in class and of course i can only address some of these issues today in this talk. But if there’s something that you would like to discuss in greater detail we can do that during the q a um so to move on to the emotional aspects of of uh article writing and and also article publishing so uh there are these issues that are often identified in in the academic literature on these topics having to do with anxiety and pressure related to writing. Uh the difficulty of getting started that you know we procrastinate. We avoid getting started instead of starting to write we check emails or we check social media instead or we read another article and and tell ourselves that well.

I won’t start writing today. I’ll write and start writing after i’ve read this article and then we may read another article after that. Um so so this avoiding getting started in writing i think is uh quite common for for many many academics not just not just junior academics starting out but for more senior academics as well. It’s certainly something that i suffer from that i put off starting to write and instead i read another article. It’s quite common or i procrastinate in other ways um so um i do think there are a few ways of dealing with these problems. Not these are not solutions. Perhaps but ways of dealing with them to some extent so one i think is to try to reduce the pressure and part of that is i think to not be so hard on yourself so we often put much more pressure on ourselves than we would ever do towards other people we treat ourselves much more badly than we treat other people so i think we should cut ourselves on slack and think about how we treat ourselves what we tell ourselves that we that we have to do. Uh and another sort of more practical. Uh sort of trick that i use myself is i. I often tell myself that i’m not going to write today. I will just take down some notes in preparation for writing tomorrow so that i think reduces the pressure and and and i start writing some notes about what i will write about when i start writing the article but i tell myself that i’m not writing writing it and then all of a sudden i am writing it. Uh so so. So that way i reduce the pressure and all of a sudden i’ve written quite a lot and it becomes much easier to just keep going then if i put the pr that pressure on myself and tell myself that now i’m going to write. I’m going to start writing this this manuscript. And so on so by sort of reducing the pressure. It’s easier to get started. I i think um another way of of dealing with this pressure and and and this anxiety and so on the negative emotions related to to writing i think is to develop writing habits too so that the idea is that if we write regularly we turn it into a habit and then it becomes something that we just do.

There’s less of a threshold to get started. Then if we if it’s something that we just do rather than something that we uh only do occasionally um and i think in order to do that. It’s important to schedule writing time in your calendar sort of so that every day you uh you do some writing. In order to to to develop these habits the uh habit of of writing regularly to make it really a habit something that you do more or less every day and this is something that some of the literature on these issues. It emphasizes a lot that even if it’s only 10 minutes you should schedule writing time every day. That may not work for everyone but it seems to be useful to to develop these habits to make writing something that you always do more or less every day and then another issue. That’s uh emphasized. A lot in this literature is um the issue of separating the creative and the critical phases of writing so um one mistake that many people make according to this literature is that when they write they. Strive for perfection from the beginning so they try to write perfect sentences when they’re writing even when they’re writing the first draft so the idea then is to not be a such a perfectionist. When you start writing the drafts to because it increases the pressure as well it and it stifles you when you try to put ideas down on paper so instead the idea is to allow yourself to start by just getting everything in to the manuscript that needs to be there and don’t care about spelling mistakes grammar and so on and then revise the text later on once everything that needs to be in the in. The paper is already in it. So that you separate these two these two processes of being creative and putting putting ideas on paper from the more critical phase when you try to make your prose.

Uh look nice and that reduces pressure as well and and makes it easier to to um get words on paper um and then another issue is the importance of talking about writing and talking about uh the review process and your experiences in the review process so writing in general is it’s a rather lonely activity and it’s easy to think that anxiety and pressure related to writing is something that only you feel. But that’s not the case. It’s you’re not alone. In experiencing such feelings related to writing most of us probably do at one point or another and several students taking my course they have described the experience of taking the course and discussing these issues as therapeutic that by talking about writing in in a supportive environment can go a long way in helping you to sort of to move forward with your writing. Uh and reducing the pressure a bit and also when it comes to the review process talking about it is also useful so many people experience co-authoring as less emotionally stressful and psychologically demanding. Because you don’t face the reviews alone the negative criticism or the feedback. That you get you you share the burden of and the pain of that with other people when you co-author with someone else and but even if a paper is single authored you can still talk about it with other people and get some support from them. So this is why. Why having some kind of support structure or some kind of academic writing group or something like that can be can be very very useful. Um to so that you can at least discuss these uh discuss for example negative reviews with other people get some support and so on uh and also. There is a lot of useful literature on writing on academic writing in general and on writing peer-reviewed journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal articles in particular. There are there are books on this and i have listed the books i use in my course in the final slide. So you will get to to see that and there are also um journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal articles related to issues having to do with this as well so i think um reading about it can help you a lot and provide lots of lots of useful useful information for related to to article writing and then one thing we do in class is we use a framework for analyzing in the sense of picking apart short texts such as abstracts and introductions that sort of summarize what the paper is about and we do this to see how well the paper hangs together whether it makes sense whether it’s logical in in terms of the structure and so on and we also use it to plan the rest of the text the rest of the paper so this framework comes from from this book.

Um thompson on camera. Writing for peer-reviewed journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalstrategies for getting published which is my personal favorite when it comes to the literature on on article writing. Uh and this this book um it lists five key elements so uh that we that we look for when we pick apart abstracts and introductions so there’s locate focus anchor report and argue and locate is basically what it sounds like locating or situating the paper within the context of an academic literature or academic community and the academic field more generally so it refers to it refers to and possibly also problematizes issues and debates and it motivates the paper and sort of clarifies its relevance and then there’s focus which focuses or specifies. Uh what the paper will do. Uh it lists the questions issues or problems that it will address. And then there’s anchor which is about theory method and material sort of uh it describes how the study has been conducted and then there’s a report which uh reports the findings or presents the findings or results or evidence that are supposed to persuade the reader and and support the argument. And then finally this argue which is about presenting an argument drawing out the implications of and presenting an argument based on defining findings. So this links back to the locate element it draws out the findings the relevance for uh the discussions uh in existing research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal that have been mentioned in the locate section and this the the argue.

Uh element also answers the so what question about why this paper why you should read this paper why it’s important and so on and also goes on to to discuss the now what question was just more forward-looking having to do with sort of implications for future research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal and so on. And so this framework i think. Uh and i’ve seen this in class when we’ve used this to pick apart abstracts and introductions and so on that is really useful in for picking apart an abstract or an introduction to a paper in order to see if all the elements are present. Uh all these five elements if they or if they’re all present or if something is missing so sometimes some of the important missings for example. The locate element may be missing and if the locate element is missing. Then the reader will not know which literature the paper seeks to contribute to and then it becomes also difficult to know what the contribution is when it when you know. Don’t know anything about the literature that it seeks to contribute to so uh it’s also useful for picking apart an abstract to see if it’s well balanced so sometimes papers are dominated or abstracts or introductions or really dominated by by one of these elements. So maybe there’s a very lengthy discussion on previous research. That takes up more or less half the abstract or half the introduction and we can also see how well the elements hang together so sometimes all the elements are present. But it’s not entirely clear how they are connected. They’re not well connected necessarily so in these ways we can sort of diagnose papers or diagnose abstracts and introductions and see what needs to be dealt with in terms of the paper’s structure so we don’t really comment much on content. When we do these exercises in fact i often have have students from different disciplines so they know very little about the content. But that’s that’s quite useful.

Actually because then the focus becomes on the form and the structure much more so how you make the argument it becomes about writing uh in in general much more than about the actual uh contents and the empirical uh uh issues that are discussed in the paper. So um for that purpose. I think it’s quite useful to have people from different disciplines present in these discussions um and so so the other thing that we can do with using this framework is to plan the rest of the paper so sections in a paper that follow after the introduction often can often correspond to these elements so the locate element often corresponds to a section uh on previous research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal which often follows the introduction and then the focus may be the focus element maybe may appear towards the end of that locate section or as early on in the in the anchor section which is a section on one’s theoretical and methodological approach perhaps and then we can have then we have the report section the report element which corresponds to the analysis section where where the findings are presented and so on and then finally the argue element even though of course like the other elements it appears in the introduction. It uh takes up a lot of space in the conclusion in a paper so once you have planned these sections you can then allocate a certain number of words to them based on the word count of the journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal that you have in mind and the sections then become sort of like boxes or vessels that need to be filled with the necessary content. And i think this kind of planning is quite useful. Because when you’re about to start writing an article and you know you need to write maybe 9 000 words or 10 000 words. It can feel a bit overwhelming. It can be a bit difficult to know where to start so for this reason planning the paper and dividing the big tasks of writing the paper into a number of smaller tasks can make it more manageable. So that’s something we’ve seen in class that has been has been quite useful for the participants so those are my three main slides.

So i’ve only uh i’ve only sort of uh covered some of all the things. Then that can be said about article writing and article publishing um so it’s only an introduction and i think uh these three books that i’ve listed here in the final slide. They uh provide much more information on uh article writing and publishing uh in in general so the first book uh by uh the belcher book uh writing your journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal article in 12 weeks that one i think is really useful for for uh its discussion of uh writing habits and how to develop writing habits and so on how to plan your article writing and so on. Uh then the nygard book the writing for scholars a practical guide to making sense and being heard that book i think is is a really useful book on academic writing more broadly and then finally my favorite book as i mentioned the thompson encampment book uh writing for peer review journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal strategies for getting published. That one i think is is is really useful for uh especially i think for this framework on on how to pick apart abstracts and plan articles and so on uh but it also has a lot more to offer so. It’s um a book that i i really recommend. Uh but anyway uh thank you very much for listening. I i look forward to any any questions that you may have to continue the discussion about these topics. Thank you thank you very much. Thank you very much for uh insightful. Uh presentation khan and i wonder uh if there are questions people want to ask questions uh in person um will give this uh possibility the advantage um there are also questions in the text that will take first question from the audience in person as they who wants to come in. I don’t see ends. Don’t be shy if not i will take questions from the from the text so leave is asking how to identify a relevant uh journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal um and i can end in which stage to identify the relevant journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal yes and and i think i mean there are different ways i think in in which people do this um but uh so so i think in general it’s useful to identify a suitable journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal as early as possible because then if if you’re familiar with the journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal and the kinds of debates that are going on in that journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal then it becomes easier to adapt what you’re doing to the questions that people reading that journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal are interested in uh so so that’s that’s part of it i think uh then um i think in general if if if if you it’s useful to look at your own reference list so what what journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journaldo you cite uh you probably your.

Your paper will probably be more suitable for a journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal that you yourself read and you yourself cite a lot. Because you’re you’re expected to contribute to a discussion going on in that journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal or or that people interested in that journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal are uh are interested in um i also think that reading the aims and scopes about of a journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal can be can be useful because it specifies what uh kinds of papers. They’re interesting and interested in what kind of topics they’re interested in. And so on um and also maybe to to discuss with supervisors and so on um but but generally i think these are a few of uh a few of the um the the ways of of identifying a relevant journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal um to first of all look for for the ones that look at the ones that you yourself. Uh read a lot. Yeah i i. Yeah i’m also an editor of jonah like yourself and i’d like to say that most of the papers that we are seeing are not were not written to the journal. Uh so we just reject and it’s um it’s a pity now many of those papers is are are not good paper in the sense that they didn’t have the professionalization uh they don’t have community. Um those people do not understand the way. Scientists science is organizing communities of research. It’s of course the limits and problems of of science. Yes those communities of research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal but on the other end as uh as an editor we have to give uh priority to our audience. We will not uh publish journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalan excellent paper on on a topic journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal which doesn’t speak to our audience.

Uh for the moment. This is how it works for the moment so it takes it into account. Do you want to add something on that or um yes yes what you just said. I think reminded me that um i mean there are journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalthat are uh there are all sorts of genres some are very limited very narrow in their uh in their aims and scopes uh whereas others are sort of general journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalthat uh seek to publish journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalpapers that speak to the entire discipline um and and and i think this is really having the knowledge about which journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalare uh catered to what community. It’s something that it may take a while to build up that kind of knowledge but it’s certainly something that that that i think you you learn a lot by by talking to editors and by talking to more senior scholars you can learn about a lot about this and and i think i have learned some of it the hard way so you mentioned that. Uh you desk reject a lot of papers because they’re not a good fit for the journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal and that’s something that when i was earlier in my career i experienced that more frequently that i received a desk reject because they thought it but was not a good fit and then i learned that through that desk rejection. Sort of the motivation that the editors provided i learned what what they would like to publish. So of course. It’s better not to learn the hard way and better to to get that kind of information from from uh senior scholars. That you at your department or that you know in other ways supervisors and so on. Yeah one kind of uh eat ink for this uh aspect is do you. Do you really have a core journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal community you can see if you have the in your bibliography for the paper. You have two and or three papers from the same journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal for the say the last decade depends on your field. Um how how many papers are coming each year but or each decade. But you know you should be able to identify the core paper that you are building upon upon them and also don’t do it when the paper is finished.

Start to do it in there. You know very early. Maybe it’s a good idea. Um let’s take uh questions from the the audience for text and bettina and somebody else are asking about. Can they take your course but also would the the slides be available. Um so i i leave it for you to to answer but and we’ll read the other questions now. Yes i will be happy to share the slides so so i can send them. Send them after the talk. I can send the slides um about the course so far the course has been open. Uh both to our own students here at my department but also to external students. So um it’s it’s it has been open that way and it probably will be in the future as well. Uh but it’s it depends on how how strong the interest is so so this time around when when um the course is running now we have the final seminar next week. Uh this time um it wasn’t possible to accept all students who applied to the course because it was just too many the interest was too strong but if you email me uh i can put you on a list for the next time. The course will be offered which will most likely be next spring. I don’t think it will. It won’t be offered this this fall. Unfortunately and that’s because i’ve been overstaffed for a long time so i i have to do some research journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal as well like i’ve been doing too much teaching recently and had an admin post and so on but it will be offered in spring next year most likely from late march to early june. Something like this that for 10 weeks. Yeah and then soon we but let me move uh forward with the two questions that are related dafn asks. Can you give us tips to managing the navigating writing several papers at the same time. And then there is this question about all those kind of destructions of academic life. How do you move from you know from writing to all the other tasks that you have so please uh right um so um the first question uh what was the first question now again. Uh so the first story by daphna uh whether you could share tips for managing and navigating several projects at the same time right yes uh so um i think this is something.

Uh this is an issue where i made uh big mistakes when i had uh shortly after when i was a postdoc when i had uh had uh recently defended my uh my dissertation that i wanted i was asked to be involved in in different projects and i. I was working at on many papers at the same time and it took a long time for me to finish one paper sufficiently for to submit it but so i think i think it’s it’s important to uh to have one main paper that you’re that you’re writing on while maybe you’re um writing down the idea for another paper so so that once you you have one finished paper you can present it get some feedback then submit it and then once you’ve submitted it you will probably have to wait for a couple of months until you get the reviews and get the decision and during that time you can work on the next paper so that you’re not working on on uh several papers at the same time in the same way in the way of writing writing all the the um writing all the basic parts of the paper but so that you have. Uh you’re working on several papers but you focus on one and then once you’ve submitted it you can focus on the next one while you have ideas for for the new ones that you write down more as ideas um at least i think that’s it’s it’s important to because you will always have to wait for the decision for sometimes and then you can move on to the next paper. So that’s i think how how i try to try to deal with this issue but there there may be other other ways of doing this and this as well i think. But that’s how i deal with it. How do you deal with destruction like my requests for uh lectures and still keep writing. Did you write today yes right so so i yeah i think i think this is. This is an issue that is quite tricky for for everyone in academia and and uh increasingly the more senior you get because the more senior you get you. You’re you’re asked to to do all sorts of things like giving guest lectures and so on you may be asked to write things for uh for edited volumes and for special issues and and book reviews and to review manuscripts for journals.

And so on and then you may have teaching as well and admin tasks and so on so so there are lots of walls to juggle. Of course. That’s that’s uh tricky. Um and there may be other distractions as well. I have two children at home. And they’re quite they are quite distracting. Um so so so personal. Life can can provide distractions as well. Um but um well i i i think planning is probably key to it. I’m not. I’m not an expert on on dealing with this very well i i um i probably should spend more time of it on it but i think that this literature on article writing also provides uh quite a lot of good uh tips on this especially the belcher book about planning in in general and the importance of scheduling time in your calendar for writing and to treat that time as holy to not sort of chip away at it and and and when someone asks you for a meeting you won’t have take the meeting in that time when you’re when you have writing scheduled because uh because you should treat that time in the same way as you treat uh time that you have scheduled for teaching or or for departmental meetings and and so on so that you you really you you really get writing done um because you have it scheduled in that way so so that writing is not the last thing you do but it’s something that you do more or less every day even if it’s only for a couple of minutes yeah thank you very much. Carl and there is a new question coming from julia. Do you have any advice. Once one is received revise and resubmit. How much time should they spend revising the paper after all there is no guarantee guaranteed that the paper gets published in this particular journal. So what do what to do when you get a revised resubmit. Let’s ask it generally. Yeah i think that when you get to revise and resubmit. That’s then you have the chance to get something published.

Then then you should really take it seriously because if if it’s reject then you can just move on to to another journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal but if if you get to revise and resubmit then it’s it suggests that uh the journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal they’re considering uh publishing your paper they it’s it’s it’s not a done deal but you have the chance so i think i think one when you have the chance. Uh you should you should uh spend time on revising uh and to get it published because often it will get published then not necessarily it depends on the revisions. You make but you have the chance so so you have a much better chance then than if you don’t uh revise it and and if if you don’t put a real effort into it so i think i think it’s it’s you you have a good chance then so so you should take that chance um and and but revise and resubmit can mean a lot of things. So sometimes it’s sufficient to do some minor changes sometimes the revisions that you ask you’re asked to do will will require you to work for several months because it may be something in the paper. That’s not easy to solve. That will require you to read a lot and bring in maybe bring in new theory or do some some extra analysis or something so so if it differs a lot but but it’s in general. I think they’re giving you the chance so so then then you should take it. That’s that’s so my my uh my uh view of it and you should make sure to address all the comments that the reviewers provide you with then to to uh um to be very careful in in addressing everything in the response letter and to point out how you’ve made what kind of changes you’ve made and how you’ve made them and so on so i think that’s uh that’s really really it’s it’s it’s a chance and and you should take it but but make sure to do it. Uh properly excellent. Uh answer i have. If you don’t mind the or maybe three small points to add first when you read the review report um read it first get uh get yourself a calm down and get to the report a day or two later you you will see you really read it.

Uh the text is different. Something happened in between you know and the text is different take it to a colleague with your mentor. Share discuss the main point. Not your your mentor. Doesn’t have all the time in the world discuss with the mentor. The the main point. Uh two one that you need um learn how to write those uh response letters if you are not sure what to do. And you don’t agree with their reviewer. You may contact the editor and take ease or her advice. This is a manipulative sometimes. Manipulative way to deal with the editor. Because now he’s committed or she is committed to what you are you know to you and to her response. Uh and they are very very busy. Uh but also assume that the editor doesn’t expect you to air to to get the uh to agree with the reviewers on all points if there is a you know points or two points that you think that you you don’t agree. Write a response carefully if you can coordinate it with the editor and then just then submit again. Okay do you agree. Uh does it make sense. Khan yes definitely and and what you just said made me think about something. Uh uh i forgot to mention now. Uh the importance of when when reading the the reviews sometimes reviews can be quite long and and uh all the text can be quite overwhelming. Uh so so. It’s important to to read in a way that uh sort of identifies the actionable points. So even though even though a review is really really long sometimes. It only raises a couple of issues that you really need to deal with. So it’s important to to identify those points. That are actionable. The the points that mention something that you really need to to deal with and and to pick out those parts because some people are very lengthy and worthy in in how they write and and and sometimes it may that be that reviewers are not particularly diplomatic or nice in the way they express themselves and it can be seeing that in writing can be very it can be difficult and sometimes you may focus too much on on that rather than what uh rather than the points that you can actually deal with them.

The points that that that you need to deal with so i think that’s something that that’s important to to think about as well. Yeah and shira is a question as well so sharon i wonder i i just want i. I am um i am interested in your opinion about academic publishing in general like there are so many articles in so many peer-reviewed journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journaland uh the the the discourses keep growing and growing and growing and i know people who have done their dissertation and publish journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalabout seven and eight. Uh articles just about this uh issue and uh and it is nearly the sole criterion for academic promotion. And i wonder if if it benefits with the academic word. If it’s right if it’s correct in your opinion of course we’re not here to to correct the word but um but i wonder about this point as as i see journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journaland and articles i see a lot of them. Yes uh so. I think that’s that’s a very important issue. And and and so so we’re we we. Are we find ourselves in these academic structures that uh that provide us with certain. Uh certain um incentives so we’re supposed to publish journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalin in particular journals. We’re supposed to publish journal cleaner production, cleaner production journaluh a lot and so on and and sometimes we’re told to avoid certain journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalbecause they’re well some journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalyou have predatory journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalthat that basically just seem to make money off of academics and and the journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalare not um are not highly ranked or even ranked at all. Um so so it’s important to i think to identify journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalthat actually count and to avoid journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalthat few people read and and so on so so um looking for example at the social sciences citations index for uh journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalin your field that i was listed. Uh is a good way of identifying uh journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalthat to see the the higher the ranking in general the the the um the more likely that that uh it will be appreciated by uh community promotion committees and by by those involved in search committees.

And so on when you apply for positions. Um but there’s also this broader issue of of of uh whether this perhaps whether this is a healthy system to begin with and and and this is exactly the point. I’m uh and uh well um i mean um yeah of course of course this idea of publish journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalor perish and all that is not very healthy. Probably um and and we probably should. I mean these are sort of external um external rewards uh in a sense that getting published in a highly ranked journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal may be considered um external recognition sort of rather than something internal to your passion about the topic journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal for example. Um even though i think that they can overlap you can have both in in uh you can. You can both have um allow your passion passion for the topic journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal to flourish and at the same time published publishing in highly ranked journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journaland and so on. But um i mean in one aspect of it is of course that these academic publishers. They make a lot of money off of our labor and they don’t pay us for it instead. It may be that we we pay for our university libraries they pay for subscriptions for these journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalwhere we find the work that we have done or we pay open access fees um to to um to uh to to have our uh our publications published open access and so on so they make a lot of money off of this of course and this system is not really healthy and it seems to be a growing movement among university libraries against this so probably something will i expect something to change uh eventually but um of course the kind of pressure we’re under to publish journal cleaner production, cleaner production journala lot is not necessarily healthy for uh for thank you very much for that. I’d like to move forward with more questions because the time is running but i i must say to shira there are no not too many uh papers not too many journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalthere is fresh. This is very good that there are many journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journalthe very papers. The the problem is the pressure. The the pressure that creates uh negative externalities. You want to say.

Not not the the growth of the academic community and general general and academic academia more specifically. Now we have a question. The second question from julia she started with the the question is julia. Uh she asked how time. How long should i spend on the paper and alexander asked what to do when you get completely opposite reviews on the same paper. How would the journal cleaner production, cleaner production journal cleaner production, cleaner production journaltreat those kind of situation so julia as well as alexander. I can help you if you forget for the question. Please wait i. I think this issue about getting opposite reviews uh for the same paper from different reviewers. I think that’s quite common. Actually that you often have one and one you may have three reviewers one is quite negative. One is quite positive the third one is somewhere in between uh so. That’s that’s quite common common. I think uh and you but you still need to address. The comments by the negative reviewer typically uh but one thing to do i think is to ask the the editors and you often if i think often editors will provide in the decision letter they will guide you to some extent to which comments to focus more on. But if it’s if it’s unclear from the decision that it might be useful to to contact the editor to ask them what they think are the most important issues to deal with. Uh yes and julia asked. How long should i spend on revising the paper. Yeah i think i think that depends on on on the reviews and how how difficult the issues are to deal with. I think you should spend enough time. In general to deal with the issues to to improve the paper and in a way that addresses the reviewers comments and concerns and that may differ a lot. So sometimes you can have a revise and resubmit and and you can deal with it in a couple of days because it’s not so such a tricky issue to deal with but sometimes it really requires you to read a lot to bring in new theory or new do some kind of extra analysis and so on and then it can take a long time uh it may be that you need to revise it.

Get some feedback from others and show them the reviews and see if they think that you have addressed the issue but so i think it’s difficult to give a give a standard answer in terms of how long you will need to spend on it. Uh so i think the the answer will be um a sufficient amount of time in order to to deal with with the issues that have been raised. I think yeah i think i think that’s probably the the answer i would get given. Yeah thank you uh one one addition to that. Uh if you allow me is um i’m starting first with the with the response letter. I’m not revising the paper. So and this is kind of plain. Um a guide for me. A mapping of the revision. I have to do or should do so. Write the the response letter and then go to the um go to the paper itself and always take advice from colleagues always from the mentors from colleagues. Don’t work on your own. That’s uh yeah. Yeah i do that too. I i also write the response letter first and and in the past. I didn’t do that but increasingly i’ve come to do that because i i think. Uh if if you read the if you read the reviews and the decision letter and then you start to write responses to that you can sort of figure out how to deal with these issues and then once you’ve written the response letter you can. Uh you can actually sort of take those actions uh in the the actual paper and then you already have the response that let the so that the response let us sort of becomes a road map or an instruction for when when you uh deal deal with uh when you do the actual revisions in the paper. So yeah i i also do that and i think that’s uh that works really well. Yeah thank you. I’ll i’ll just add the for uh kind of the exchange of ideas. It’s what i see for the last few years that students are organizing in groups and sitting together and writing together. They are quiet. They have strict codes of how to do it and sometimes organized by the department or the faculty or even by commercial social uh business and they put the student together to write for writing and kind of.

I don’t know if you have it. In sweden i would so would be curious to to know if you noticed such a development. Well um they have it in some departments and and quite often. It’s uh these are initiatives taken by the students themselves. Uh so that they may sit together for an hour and and and all of them will be writing and so on and and if you have this sort of regularly uh it’s easier to get uh writing done. Uh but i thought i think also this um this idea of having a writing group where you’re not necessarily right. Uh while you meet but you sit down and discuss your writing and so on and and if you meet once a week then you can ask you you can. Everyone can mention how how much they have written during the last week if they have encountered any difficulties and so on and sort of support each other and so on. I think that’s having that kind of support group can be quite useful. I think as well yeah so support group and we’ll stop here support group and don’t work on your own. Have a buddies mentors colleagues that work with you on the writing give and take from them so thank you very much professor gustafsson and i didn’t ask you about sweden joining natto or the war in ukraine. But uh maybe next time maybe next time yes yes thank you very much. Thank you for having me. It’s uh it’s these are issues. That are so so interesting to talk about that. Uh i really enjoy it and and it’s great to see that so many people are interested in in these sorts of issues. Thank you very much. I will just say that my name is david levy and i’m here for um for your service. We had them really a collection of uh videos. Some of them in english. Uh on the issue of uh writing so if you don’t uh subscribe to our networks and so on uh just write to me and they’ll give you the link thank you very much all and have a wonderful day. Thank you very much carl again. Thank you very much. See you soon see you all.


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