Writing a Journal in English – English Conversational Phrases

Do you feel like you don’t speak enough english that you need to know more words then stick around with these lessons you’ll pick up some of the most common words in just a few minutes now. This video is a small portion of our learning program to get the full lessons translations and fluency fast study tools. Click the link in the description and sign up for your free lifetime account. Hi everyone i’m alicia. Welcome to conversational phrases. In this lesson you’ll learn conversational phrases to answer the question. What are you doing after watching this video. You’ll be able to answer this question and tell someone something about what you’re writing now. Let’s take a look at some conversational phrases. Listen to the dialogue. What are you doing. I’m writing my journals english, journal in english. Listen to it again. What are you doing what are you doing. I’m writing my journals english, journal in english. I’m writing my journals english, journal in english. First of all you’ll need to learn how to say what are you doing. That’s what are you doing. Listen to it again what are you doing what are you doing now. How do you answer this question. The pattern is i’m writing object. I’m writing object for example. I’m writing my journals english, journal in english. I’m writing my journals english, journal in english. I’m writing my journals english, journal in english. Here are a few more phrases you can use with the same pattern. My journals english, journal in english my journals english, journal in english my journals english, journal in english my journals english, journal in english my journals english, journal in english my goals my goals my goals my goals my goals my dreams my dreams my dreams my dreams my dreams a to-do list a to-do list a to-do list a to-do list a to-do list. Let’s look at some examples. Listen and repeat or speak along with the native speakers what are you doing. I’m writing my goals. What are you doing what are you doing. I’m writing my goals. I’m writing my goals. What are you doing. I’m writing my dreams. What are you doing what are you doing. I’m writing my dreams. I’m writing my dreams. What are you doing. I’m writing a to-do list. What are you doing what are you doing. I’m writing a to-do list. I’m writing a to-do list. Okay now it’s your turn. Do you remember how to say what are you doing.

What are you doing. Imagine you’re writing your goals. Do you remember how to say my goals my goals my goals say i’m writing my goals. I’m writing my goals now. Answer the questions saying you’re writing your goals. What are you doing. I’m writing my goals. Now imagine you’re writing your dreams. Do you remember how to say my dreams my dreams my dreams say i’m writing my dreams. I’m writing my dreams now. Answer the question saying you’re writing your dreams. What are you doing. I’m writing my dreams now. Imagine you’re writing a to-do list. Do you remember how to say a to-do list a to-do list a to-do list say i’m writing a to-do list. I’m writing a to-do list. Now answer the question saying you’re writing a to-do list. What are you doing. I’m writing a to-do list. In this lesson. You learned new vocabulary and phrases you can use to talk about what you’re writing about. You’re now able to talk about your writing like a native speaker start by practicing in the comments below. Tell me and your fellow learners what you did today. Lastly don’t forget to click the link in the description and download your pdf cheat sheets. You’ll get useful phrases you need for everyday life for free. See you in the next lesson. Bye remember here’s what you can do to learn all of these words by heart drill these words with our spaced repetition flashcards which will help cement these words into your long-term memory. Save them to the word bank your personal vocabulary collection where you can print out your own study sheets or review the words with our looped vocabulary slideshow and play it until you know all of the words so click the link in the description right now and sign up for your free lifetime account to get these lessons and study tools.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.


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