Write and Publish a Research Paper

Obligation talk today so i have uh write it down few topics that i would like to cover today that i would like to share with you. Some of my knowledge and experience in publishing papers journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india papers particularly in q1 and q2 journal publishing houses in india, publishers in indias so these are some of the topics that we i will be covering of course one fundamental question. That we’ve always asked is why we need to publish right and journal publishing houses in india, publishers in indias. The criteria of choosing a journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india you know and of course the queue. You know the quartile. The quartile is one one thing that the students need to know. Uh why we need to publish in the quartile one and two. We have quartile one to four right later. I’ll explain to this about this quartile so i i’ll talk more on the quartiles on the key. One and q2 journal publishing houses in india, publishers in indias and i also like to share with you and probably i need the students know what is general indexing services all about what type of general indexing is there and what makes a isi journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india. No what is isi and all that. Then after that we i’ll i’ll be discussing on the reasons for the unsuccessful publication in journal publishing houses in india, publishers in indias. Why our paper or your paper is being rejected or unsuccessful. Then i’ll explain to you about the identification how to identify the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in indias and also using the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india citation report jcr and of course the imperfector that is being widely spoken now. A lot of people are talking about impact factors so i will give some introduction about factor how to calculate the imperfecta then of course the more important thing is how to write from title to references the entire structure of the manuscript from the title of your paper until to the references and cover letter review process reasons for the rejection. So i’ll give you a lot of examples. Why your paper is why our paper is being rejected and how you how. We should revise a paper. So these are the some of the topics i thought is useful useful for you all and there’s a lot of things to cover you know when you talk about publication. There are a lot of things to cover but these are something that today.

I thought i would like to share with all of you. So if you have any questions or any comments you can give in the chat okay. Because i can’t see all i only can see my face here and the slides so if you have any questions or any comments you can highlight in the chat or you can straight away. Ask questions okay so let me start by giving you uh some analogy some analogy about why why you think that climbing a mountain is it’s a way. Yeah it’s one way of professional paper is it. Is it writing a journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india. Paper is like a climbing a mountain. Okay how do you know. How do you normally climb the mountain before you start climbing a mountain. You need to do a lot of preparations right. You need to do a lot of preparations. So what are the things that you do normally when you want to climb a mountain. I’m not i’m not talking about small mountain. You’re talking about no a reasonably high high mountain that you need a lot of training planning you know so similarly same thing goes to journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india publication when you want to publish your papers you need to have a proper training. The planning the planning is very important. Similarly you want to climb a mountain you need. You need to do a proper. Uh planning right because you need to know the train right. The path of climbing a mountain the way uh to the mountain peak and all that. So there’s always that piece is there and you need to have a skill and you need to scale to climb the mountain so publish to know how to publish a good paper particularly in q1 and q2 journal publishing houses in india, publishers in indiaism. So in order to do this you must have the basic things that you want to climb the mountain. You need the endurance. You know you need the preservations. No you must be persistent. You don’t give up so all. These are quite similar. Like how you want to climb a mountain so i thought of the technology for me to give you to show you that. Journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india pepper is like climbing a mountain. So one important thing that you need to do before you climb a mountain is practice right so practice is very important so similarly for journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india paper to publish a paper you need some practice so today.

I think it’s a part of the training and this part of the training. You attend publication. Talk you attend workshops how to publish the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india papers no so. These are the part of the training the practice the planning that you need to do the learning process or this a learning process and you need to have a very specific skills right now you need to have a very specific skills to climb the mountain at the same time a journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india paper also you need. You need a very specific skills how to write a journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india paper from the title until to the reference because a lot of things are there right. The structure of the manuscript from the title from the abstract introduction methodology results discussion and we have the acknowledgement conclusions references. So many things are there so you you need to have specific skills how to how to tackle or how to do one by one the things that i mentioned to you just now so i thought uh it is a good uh analogy for me to show the mountain so this is just the introduction for you all okay. Uh it’s a very unfortunate because we are doing online. Uh i’ll be happy if i can meet you face to face in the class or in any seminar so so that i can express and motivate you because motivate is very important before we start writing a journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india paper. Okay even the motivation itself normally. It took like half an hour for one hour to explain why you need to publish a journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india paper okay. But due to this kobe 19 pandemic i understand that all of us need to work from home even myself. I’m working from home so we have no other choice beating you all in this webinar in the online session. But this probably is good the next time when i meet you. Uh in the campus after the pending is over we can have a very uh very big scale or useful discussion direct direct contact with you all and you can express yourself in more meaningful way okay.

My next slide is why we need to publish. So this. Is the the motivation the motivation to publish. It’s very important because the motivation of publicity won’t come easily to everyone. You need to have have the passion to publish paper. You must like it. You must like it so when when i was started to write up journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india papers and all that know so my passion to write journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india started from my phd. You know when i did my phd in the university of newcastle upon time in the uk. So it started from there so i was very much interested in the joy. You know the joy remember the mountain. I i show you just now. What what is your feel when you reach the mountain. Deep at that at the highest level of the mountain you. You’ll feel very happy right. You will be excited right. You will be you will be full of joyful right joy happiness so similarly the happiness when you write the paper you must have the happiness in every stage of writing. You must feel the happiness so you you publish paper not for your own. No there are a lot of reasons why people are publishing papers right. Yeah so for me. What is important you want to improve the world around us we need to. We need to improve the world around us to improve because a lot of things that can be done around us right that you want to disseminate your knowledge you want to make your publication findings properly you know open to uh judgment by public people will will examine. There’s some examination of your of your paper uh by other scholars or any other knowledge users you want to see what what you have done as a phd student. Now i think most of you are graduates are doing masters and phd so one one important thing that you need is the publication. No so for students. Uh i will say even my students they said i need to publish because i is a part of the graduation requirement. It’s a part of the graduation week because in order for you to submit your thesis you need to publish at least one paper in wos web of signs or scopus just two days back just for your information for those who are in utm just for information just two days back.

I received an email from i. Think from kpt commentary and panajantingi starting from this year’s september intake a new intake. Those who wish to submit their thesis for wi-fi you must have you must have at least one wos paper wrap of science paper. No more scopus. They are going for wos. Uh web of science paper. Yeah later on i. I’ll explain to you. What is wors coppers and all that for those who don’t understand. Maybe you’re quite new to this. Uh scopus wis all that later. I’ll explain to you. Don’t worry about that okay. And number two is a recognition as excellent student right. You will publish maybe one or two papers. Your supervisor will be happy like my students. One of my students who just published one paper in d1. I was very much excited. And i congratulate him that he can able to produce a key one paper without much out from me so he was doing alone so i just give him some advice and all that so it really helps him. And it motivates him to publish in a key one paper so it’s really a great recognition for it and of course it helped in career development. You know after you complete your phd you want to work in in the uh as academician or people are looking into how many papers you have published in q1 or q2 or scopus. No so all this will help you in your career development and of of course you need to be helping in another way the advancement of knowledge and its application and research knowledge generation. All that. So it’s all it’s all about knowledge you see. It’s all about knowledge are you. How do you disseminate the knowledge to the public especially to the scholars and to the knowledge users. So this is why we need to publish and i already specifically mentioned as a graduate what you should do what is the what is the purpose of application for you. What is the benefit of application for you.

Okay so i hope you understand on this part so let me move on to the types of journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india papers. There are basically four types. Generally there are four types of journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india papers. One is the original research the full paper we always use a full uh full-length research paper. Okay and number two is the short. Communications generally uh will be like five to six pages. Short communications are not that much less than 20 references. Or even even some are some are communicating three pages of communications. Okay so not that much. Uh uh in-depth knowledge that you can get from there but you want to immediately you want to communicate to the to the to the scholars that you have found something new and you want to uh immediately inform them in three to five pages so we call it as a short communications. Then we have the review articles. This is a very lengthy. Okay review articles that very in-depth literature review uh. The references can go up to like 300 references. Now i’ve seen a few articles and review articles that go to 300 references. Are there so it’s very detailed. Very uh uh what he called. Uh consume sort of time to write and generally. This review article is is written by experts. Those who are those those who are experts in this area for a long period of time who are well worse in that particular field of expert then we have the case studies. Now if there’s any case studies for example now we have pandemic kovid nineteen pandemic so specifically you can talk about malaysian case studies. Maybe in clan valley for example the pandemic in clang valley. You know like uh the clan valley. We’re having a very much difficulties right. The cases are going up in slang for example. So there’s a case study that you can come out so these are the types of papers that are there for publication and criteria for choosing a journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india. Okay there are many criteria. Okay the first. The first and foremost criteria that you need to see is the scope of a journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india. It’s very very vital very very important that you need into the scope if because a lot of my papers even my students papers because without inform informing me they they like to send straight away towards to a journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india and being rejected by the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india by by some uh simple reason a simple reason is that they say the score of the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india is not according to the vertical scope of that particular journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india.

So your your research is not covered in our journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india for example okay. So that’s number. One scope is very important before if you are. Let’s say if you are doing water research or you are doing environmental engineering or in chemical engineering. So you must make sure that you send to chemical engineering. You don’t send to for example education like management of education because you’re creating engineering research right but you’re sending to uh for example in management of education so it’s so entirely different. The scope is entirely different right so we need to see the scope of the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india so you can go to the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india website so always there in a general website. There’s a scope of that particular journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india. Then you must read that scope of the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india whether your area of research or your paper is covered by the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india. School number two is the indexing. It’s another important thing that you need to consider which i will explain to you. There are many uh services. Uh indexing services are there uh for example w of w simago remember there are many there are many uh general citation or journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india. Indexing services. Are there so later on. I’ll explain about this because this is one of the topic that i want to cover. And of course the impact factor. Okay we will go into perfector i will explain to you. What is imperfect why the what is the importance of impact factor and the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india ranking as well no publication frequency. Another very important very important. I i let me give you one. Uh one example of my students. Uh or what you call uh publication you want to submit for theses and you need to publish one general paper recently because it happened recently the of april or may just two months ago so this student want to publish a paper for that he can.

He can summon his thesis so unfortunately he sent to one journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india that took he didn’t look into the frequency he didn’t look into the time of review time of obligation. He didn’t look into all that he just sent no to the journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india to the particular journal publishing houses in india, publishers in india. And you know what happened. It took six months for them to review six months just to review what to say about publication publication. Take another six months if you want to see the published paper so you must be very careful with the time of rio and also the publication of course the publication frequency are they publishing. Uh how many issues per year is it one issues. Some generals are publishing 12 issues per year. So all these are very important and of course the rejection rate so the rejection rate. Also you must look into that because some journal publishing houses in india, publishers in indias you look into q1 and q2 papers okay journal publishing houses in india, publishers in indias. Generally the rejection rate is very very low 20 15. Some are some are some are very cruel can go to up to ten percent of rejection now. So the the sorry the upset the acceptance the rejection rate can be like seventy percent seventy percent seventy five percent rejection rate. I mean the acceptance is. That’s how i mentioned to you about 15. 20 is the acceptance rate so the rejection rate can go to like 70 or 75 percent rejection rate. So you need to see because some of the generals they mentioned at their website so our general rejection rate is what seventy percent or sixty percent fifty percent. So you must look into all this okay you.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.


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