What is Journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  Impact Factor and How it is calculated?

Hi everyone in this video i will talk about what is impact factor and how it is calculated impact factor is actually a frequently used as an indicator or measurement of the importance of a journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  to its field it is based on yearly average number of citations to articles published in a journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  from last two years it shows how many times on average each article published in a journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  is cited over the next two years after its publication that is why it is called impact factor which indicate that how many times the article published in the journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  have been cited journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  impact factor is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to article published in the in-text channel now index journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  means those journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor which are indexed in web of science indexing agency for example a journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  having impact factor 2 means that journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  receives on average two citations per article the impact factor of a particular journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  for 2019 is calculated as total citation 2019 divided by total paper published in 2017 and 2018 so if you see this formula it is impact factor is simply a ratio or average number of citations per article population two years here is one example how impact factor is calculated for example uh if you want to know the impact factor i want to calculate the impact factor or journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  of contemporary research in education for 2019 then we have to see see at the 2018 issues number of articles and 2017 so it’s let’s say in 2017 20 articles were published by the same journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  in 2018 30 articles were published by the same journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor so another things we which we need to require is the citations how many times 2017’s articles were probably were cited in 2019 for example these are the 80 citations which means that in 2019 80 times papers were cited by paper which are published in 2017. in 2018’s paper citation in 2019 is for example 40. so total articles published in 2017 and 2018 50. let’s see 20 articles published in 2017 30 article published in 2018 so total article published in last two years so 50 and total citations counted in the current year 120 80 plus 40 so in this way we can calculate the impact factor of this channel for 2019 which is simply a ratio or average of 120 divided by 50 50.

120 is actually the citations divided by 50 which is the number of paper published in last two years so the resulting number is called impact factor which is here 2.40 now 2.40 means is it is how we can interpret that this channel on average each paper is cited 2.4 times that’s why some of the editors want uh their potential authors in the manuscript that they should probably they should cite the paper of the same journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  so that the impact factor can be increased so if you see this formula the more citations you have the more impact factor would be for the journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  here is another example for example total citations 2019 total paper published in 2017-18 so here’s one other example in citation 2019 to paper published in 2018 world 58 citation 2019 to paper published in 2017 was 107 so total citations for previous two years paper were 165 and total paper published in 2017 was 25 total paper published in 2018 was 30 so total people published in last two years 55 so impact factor is simply 165 which is total number of citations in the current year divided by total number of paper published in last two years so the impact factor for general year 2019 would be 165 divided by 55 which is three so three means a general impact factor of three for 2019 means that on average article published in 2017 and 18 were cited three times in 2019 so that’s why this impact factor for that particular journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  can be calculated each year and each year it may be a different impact factor there are some certain limitations of impact factor impact factor as i is it is simply a mathematics uh the more number you have the more sight more citation you have the more impact factor would be so therefore the self citations may influence the impact factor calculation and many times editor insist that author site works in that journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  so that the impact factor would be increased some discipline tend to cite more than others so that is also one of the limitations and drawbacks in impact factor that’s why people criticize it too much and one of the other drawback or criticism on impact factor that it does not take into account the negative citation for example if you see the previous formula a number of citation divided by number of paper published so number for example if you look at this citation 2009 into a pair paper published in 2017 is 107.

Now we don’t know how many times paper were appreciated our knowledge were obtained or people cited in a positive way in out of 107 times because in during a literature review some authors may criticize particular paper saying that xyz also use the smaller sample size so that negative citations also count and contribute towards the impact factor that’s why that is one of the biggest criticism on impact factor that it does not account into account the negative citations so if this is the case then what’s next so there are some other general quality indicators like eigen factors article influence and sgr h index sites for dogs and snip so these six are most common imp is most common general quality indicator are measures or which can be replaced by general impact factor and two of the most common uh indexing agency web of science and scopus provide the quality indicators of each journals with impact factor, journals by impact factor  of these these all six indeed provide all these six indicators so in next video i’ll explain how this particular general quality indicator can be calculated and what exactly that mean is you.

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