What is a Peer Reviewed Journal Article? | What They are & How to Find Them |

What’s up guys. Welcome back to the smart student. My name is chelsea seaburn. What i want to do today is introduce you guys to peer-reviewed journal article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths and so the reason being is that as a college student. It’s really important to know what a peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health is and how to find peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths and that’s exactly how i’m going to structure this video first. We’re going to cover exactly what it means to be a peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health and then i’m going to teach you how to find them. So what qualities to look for and different places to actually find them in alright. So let’s start with the first thing. What is a peer-reviewed journal article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health. Well simply put peer-reviewed refers to the process that the writer took to publish that article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health. So the way i like to describe it is that a peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health is an article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health written by an expert that is then reviewed by other experts in that same field and in that same field is very important because essentially these researchers are determining the credibility of that article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health and if it fits into that discipline of information so some of the things we’re looking for is is the information accurate does it make sense are reasonable conclusions drawn how about the validity of the research and the different experiments and the list goes on and on so the reason peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths are so important to college. Students is because well they’re going to be the most credible of all sources so when you see the phrase reviewed on an article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health or a source think of that as a stamp of approval that that source is credible that their research is valid and widely accepted. And so just to make a quick note. General editing does not go towards peer-reviewed peer-reviewed is a review of the content the substance of the literature whereas general editing goes from a grammatical standpoint. So just keep that in mind but now let’s move on to some of the qualities to look for in other words. What are the components of a peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health so you can start to recognize them and it’s very important that i know that as i list these qualities out.

Please know that. Just because an article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health has a few of them doesn’t automatically make them peer-reviewed however it’s important you know what the qualities are because this is going to help your process of being able to spot them and weed out the non-credible sources sooner than later. The first thing you should look for is the author’s credentials. Where do they work. Do they have a ph. You know what. Let’s do this on my computer so you can see what i’m talking about. Come with me and here we are welcome to your tutorial. Okay so the first thing we’re going to talk about are those qualities the things that you should look for to determine is this a peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health or no and i should move on so i will point out first and foremost that this does say. It’s a peer-reviewed journal. So if you see that well that’s a pretty good indicator that that’s a peer-reviewed journal but we’re going to pretend that that is not there. We’re reading through this article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health. There’s a lot of good information in here. We want to use it in our paper but our professor specifically wants peer-reviewed sources. So it’s really important that this is a peer-reviewed source so a few things that you can look for to determine number one. Go ahead and start with the author’s credentials. Can you see. Do they have a pdh. Is there any any indication of where they work where they’re going to school anything to signify that they are in upper level education. Just to make sure that you’re not reading say an undergraduate student’s paper or you know an unpublished master’s paper something like that here. We see that the authors do have phds so right away. That’s a good indicator that they’re writing at a higher level potentially a published peer-reviewed level. The next thing that you can look for are well check to see the different sections within this article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health. Do you see all the traditional sections of a full-blown research paper in other words.

Is there an abstract. Do you see an introduction. Is that introduction and adequate length moving down. What other sections do you see. Do you see a problem statement. How about a literature review literature reviews are really good signs that this might be a peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health because essentially this author. They’re going the full the full mile if you will with writing about this topic because the literature review is to determine what knowledge was already out there and so that’s there so that’s a good sign. Now you want to take a look. Is there a method section. Yes how about a results also known as a finding such section and yes we see that and so we do see all of the different sections of a research paper. That’s a good sign that this would be a peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health because it’s written in a formal manner now since we’re down here at the conclusion go ahead and browse through the references. Is there an adequate reference list area with references. That look like they’re formatted correctly. They’re nice and neat and organized. Is there enough references to support the length of the paper. Yes i’m going to say. There is so zooming back out. You just want to look through the literature. Do you see in-text citations to go with it. And yes i do. You can see them in the literature review where there should absolutely be citations present. Going up the line. There are citations all throughout the document. So that’s a good sign because it’s following the standardized procedures of a research paper now the last couple things you might want to look for is go ahead and check their methods section do you see tables charts. Graphs numerical representations of their studies. And yes i see a lot of that. So that’s a good sign and then the last thing is well. How long is this paper. And now length alone doesn’t determine if it’s a peer-reviewed source or not but simply put if the if the source you’re looking at is two pages long three pages long.

That’s probably a good sign that it’s not a peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health and one more time it’s not that these qualities make this article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health peer-reviewed what it does is it gives you a better eye for spotting credible sources but now let’s go ahead and change directions. Let’s talk about the different options you have for specifically finding peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths. The first option that i want to offer to you is well. Go ahead and use your online university library because i want to say that all university libraries are going to give you an option to search via peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths or or something along those lines and so i don’t. I’m not enrolled in a college right now so i don’t have an online university so i can’t show you that so if you’re not familiar with how to do that you might want to ask a professor or a librarian but what i can show. You is an awesome trick that goes along with your university’s library and that is linking your university to google scholar. So the way you want to do this is you want to come over to the drop down menu on the left. Go into your settings. See this link right here library links go ahead and click that and it’s going to bring you to this page and essentially you’re going to search for your university. We’re going to say i went to harvard because you know i’m going to search for that and there. We go harvard university by taking this box. And it’s very important you hit save. What you just did was link your university’s online library with google scholar. So that’s going to give you access to a wider range of article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths but for the importance of this video. It’s going to help you find those peer-reviewed sources but now let’s go ahead and move on to the second option at your disposal and that is to set the database you’re searching in to search for peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths or to return peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths and we’re going to start with google scholar the method. I’m going to show.

You is not a perfect solution but it’s pretty close so what we’re going to do is we’re going to use the advanced search feature to tell google scholar that we want to return article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths that are associated with the exact phrase peer reviewed. So it’s very important that you also put in the keywords associated with the article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths you want to pull up but basically by putting in these keywords. What i’m telling google scholar is that i’m looking for article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths that are associated with time management and college students and they must contain the exact phrase peer reviewed. So if i hit search as you can see. We do have our time management and college students but we also have peer-reviewed peer-reviewed peer-reviewed now. I do want to point out that my harvard university note how some of these article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths i did not have a pdf version option to me available. Well i could access them through my university. And that is the importance of linking your library but as you can see. Google scholar is returning these article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths that are associated with peer-reviewed. I do have to disclaim right now that it’s very important that when you’re using this that when you read through each article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health you have to determine if the article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health itself is peer reviewed and peer reviewed isn’t coming up in that article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health because it’s a word written throughout the article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health. I’m going to make that clear in just a second. I do want to show one more journal database using the same advanced search feature most journal. Databases have this feature. Which is why. I’m showing it to you so now. Let’s say we’re searching on pub med. We’re going to go to their advanced search feature option as well which is right here and we’re going to type in peer-reviewed click add and again what we’re telling pubmed now is that we want to return article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths that have the exact phrase peer reviewed. But now let’s go back to what i meant by. It’s not a perfect solution and that you always want to inquire why peer reviewed is on that article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health.

And i’m actually going to tie this in with my next option for you and that is when you’re reading an article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health. Well it’s kind of common sense but go ahead and determine if it is peer-reviewed and i’m going to show you two specific ways to do this and the first one is to simply check the publication to see if peer review is listed next to it and so the reason i say this is because publications they tend to they love to announce that they’re peer-reviewed because it gives them that status of credibility and so more often than not if they are a peer-reviewed journal they’re going to say that they are and you can typically find the publication either in the header or the footer of a document. So we see right here that that is peer-reviewed. We’re good now. Let’s say this is the article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health that we returned that came up on our advanced search using peer-reviewed i don’t see peer-reviewed listed in the journal. Instead peer review is listed in the title of this source so after reading the title in its entirety pharmacies students intrinsic motivation to participate in electronic peer review of journal journal article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths critique assignments. So what this tells me is that this source itself is not a peer-reviewed source instead. It’s an article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health that’s analyzing sources that were peer-reviewed. That was a little confusing. But i hope that made sense into what i was saying by using the advanced search features sometimes are going to pull sources that are simply talking about peer-reviewed and that’s why they returned in that query. So it’s always important just to go that extra mile and determine if it is indeed peer-reviewed or not but let’s go ahead and move on to the final thing you can do to determine if a source is peer-reviewed and that is to simply search the publication source and what i mean by that is. Let’s look at another example. I’m reading through this. It looks like a peer-reviewed source. I like it i want to use it in my paper but nowhere on here is peer-reviewed listed so i simply don’t know if it is or not and so what you’re going to do is simply search for the publication say in google and the publication source here is sciencedirect and so i would quite literally go to google.

And that’s what i’m going to search for is sciencedirect to see. Is this a peer-reviewed journal or not. So if i click on this right here peer-reviewed journal article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental healths great now. I’m confident that this source is indeed peer-reviewed even though it doesn’t say it. That may seem like the most simple basic tip ever honestly. I feel like a lot of the tips i showed you in. This video are pretty simple. However what i’m teaching you is. How to spot credible sources faster so you can become a better researcher because you know that saying if it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck well if it looks like a peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health and it talks like a peer-reviewed article international research journal of engineering and technology, international research journal of public and environmental health that doesn’t make sense but you get what i’m saying here is it just makes you a better researcher. When you have an eye for credible sources it stops you from wasting time reading sources that aren’t credible and so i hope you found that helpful all right. I hope you enjoyed that. I know i did. I thoroughly did. I always do and by the way if you really really enjoyed it and you’re looking for a way to support the smart student channel. Youtube has the awesome feature called youtube. Thanks it’s the button right next to the like button. I believe where you’re welcome to donate to the channel by the channel coffee. All of it goes into creating more videos like this for you guys as always. I’m appreciative. But with that i believe we’re done and i will see you guys in next week’s video you.

Where to find great research papers?

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